Wolf RPG
Whitebark Stream Loose Canon - Printable Version

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Loose Canon - Pilman - March 06, 2016

This morning Pilman had caught himself a small, lanky pheasant, it wasn't an impressive kill, and the mess was more than manageable, but it'd give him energy for the day. The only remaining remnants of his meal were a blood splotch on the once darkened soil and a few feathers, he liked eating the bones. 

After 'wolfing' (;p hahaha) down the pheasant's last remaining limb, Pillman trotted along Whitebark stream gingerly and nonchalantly, he had met his first wolf of this area a few days ago, which went... Better than he thought, if she was that much fun there were bound to be others. This morning Pilman had a great feeling about his travels, he went to sleep by the stream, dove in, got dirty, dove in again, stretched, shook himself, and dove in one last time before ambushing an unlucky bird. Ah, what a day to be alive. 

The darkened wolf took in a deep breath of the crisp morning air, beautiful day! Pilman began whistling a random off-key tune he had in his head. "Oooooh what a mornin' to be me." He paced along, making his way to no real specific location; he had one mission find a pack soon!