Wolf RPG
Blackfoot Forest Hunting - Printable Version

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Hunting - Síff - March 06, 2016

anyone who wants to do a hunting thread. Trying to get some trade threads in lol

Liri loped through the woods, paws silent on the pale green ground. Now that spring had come the ground was covered in fresh growth that would be particularly delectable to ungulates in the area. It was with that idea in mind that she decided to look for some prey to put in the pack's cache. She was sure it would be appreciated as they had mostly been eating foxes.

It was then that she caught scent of a doe, one who had recently birthed a fawn too. Her mouth practically watered at the thought of a tender young fawn. It was no hidden secret that wolves preyed on the young and aging alike. Besides if she killed the mother and left the fawn it would die anyways of its own accord. The doe could always have more children while the fawn would not have another mother.

She wouldn't have minded help on the hunt as she would need someone to chase the mother while she seprated her fawn from her. For now though she crept along, following the scent. If she found no one she could always chase down the fawn herself and hope for the best.

RE: Hunting - Maja - March 07, 2016

I dunno what I'll do about her trades...

   Maja liked all the seasons alike, but now that colour had returned, she could blend easily with her fur. She had hunted some deer, not long ago (also an encounter with her sister), was again on the prowl. Maja, who had grown up one of the best hunters, had spotted Liri. Her eyes followed the white wolf's gaze onto the prey. She took her stance, waiting for the she wolf.

Also sorry for my short posts :/

RE: Hunting - Síff - March 08, 2016

That's fine, thanks for joining.

She hadn't noticed Maja, mainly because she was well hidden and the wind wasn't blowing her scent to Liri. She was focused on the task at hand and had tuned into the deer ahead.

It was indeed a doe and her fawn. The mother was grazing while her spindly legged child stood next to her, curiously gazing about the small meadow.

The doe was obviously a new mother for she began to distance herself from the fawn quite a bit, moving off to graze while her child was distracted. 
Liri crept forward, beginning to edge closer to the meadow so that she could chase down the fawn.

RE: Hunting - Maja - March 11, 2016

She patiently awaited for the she wolf to strike first, staying hidden between the foliage. The only thing visible were her eyes, the silver glinting in the light. 

 The delta wolf focused on the prey, almost about to attack.

RE: Hunting - Síff - March 12, 2016

Liri angled into a spot where she could easily move between the doe and her fawn. It would still be close, she would have to get in between the two so that she could separate them. Once in position she waited for her chance.

The doe moved off a bit to graze a particularly tender clump of grass. Now. Liri launched from her crouched position, taking off after the spindly legged fawn. With a terrified bleat it galloped in the other direction. 

The mother struck at Liri with her hooves but the quick she wolf managed not to be struck by the offending appendages. The doe didn't pursuit after them, knowing she could very well be a meal for the wolf.

Liri chased after the fawn, waiting for it to tire or to stumble. Then she would make the kill.