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I'll take care of the rest - Printable Version

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I'll take care of the rest - Hecarim - March 03, 2014


The day was of gloom; cloudy and cool, with wind that was as dead as the day. Crystal eyes rested forward as Hecarim sat his uncanny, statue-like manner. The weather seemed to project the male's inner feelings for secretly, of course, today the male had been feeling rather low. It was strange... upon arriving at the Creek, he felt nothing. And for a few weeks afterward, he felt nothing as well. For whatever reason, today was the day he felt everything. A flood of memories assaulted him, and he found himself re-envisioning the events that made him abandon his birth pack. Nothing would ever be the same again. Momentarily, he thought of all the wolves he had come to know in his short time at Swiftcurrent Creek and he wondered if they would truly become his family. His blood pack was turned to ashes and now, all he had left was this.

Hecarim was at the pack borders after having decided that of the co-ranks available, warden would best suit him. He was built to protect, and sane of mind enough to do it properly-or at least he thought he was. Hecarim was sturdy, well fed, protective by nature and could prove to be a force if necessary. He decided to stay in position for a few minutes longer before switching posts and guarding the other end of the land. x

RE: I'll take care of the rest - RIP Fox - March 03, 2014

thanks for starting! and don't mind suspicious/grumpy fox.

A barely-familiar scent licked at Fox's nose, and she licked her lips in response to it. She could not place it, though she knew that she knew it. She became curious, especially considering she was quite familiar with all of her followers (or so she thought). The yearling followed the trail diligently to its source, nose stuck to the ground and feet taking her at a swift trot. A single fiery red pelt continued toward the outskirts of the creek until she found what she had been looking for.

She did know of him. The near-black creature had approached her shortly after her first spar with Jinx and had been concerned for her head-wound. His name escaped her, but his appearance coupled with scent brought the memory back. But why had she not seen him since then? He had clearly been one with the creek when Lethe had been around, but he did not carry the mingled scents of his packmates as strongly now. Fox could only assume one thing: “Did you abandon us?” she asked, her tone on the edge of being stern. The last thing she needed was a deserter among their ranks.

RE: I'll take care of the rest - Hecarim - March 04, 2014


Her scent rode the wind, traveling towards him and exposing her presence long before she did so herself. Fox, the female he met not that long ago, and the newly crowned alpha, approached him. Immediately he turned to face her and lowered his body in respect and honor of their ranks. As quickly as she had appeared, she spoke and her words surprised him. The chocolate male frowned softly, shaking his head as he did so. No... I've been here since I joined. I went out of the territory for a day or so... to get to know the Teekon Wilds. Coincidentally, it was the day the pack meeting was called, and probably another reason he seemed to be a ghost to her. Truth be told he wasn't sure what was worse; her thinking he'd abandoned them or her not even noticing that he'd been there (almost) the entire time. It wasn't her fault, though. Truth be told, Hecarim was having a hard time adjusting.But I haven't left the Creek. I've just been a hermit, I guess. His eyes fell to the ground and he sighed softly, feeling like a puppy getting reprimanded.

I'm sorry I haven't been very present. It's just... I have a confession to make, his voice silvery, despite the somber topic. I've only ever known one pack. With the same wolves, same faces and personalities. There was a fire and, well, I lost everything. This is my first time on my own. I know this is my home now-I've just been having trouble adjusting. Lately, Hecarim had been wearing a mask and seeking out the comfort of his den to help him cope. With his alpha standing in front of him, he could no longer ignore the truth. I'm ready now. I want to prove my loyalty to you, to the pack.

RE: I'll take care of the rest - RIP Fox - March 04, 2014

Fox found it strange that he had not sought her out sooner, but as he continued to speak and revealed his reasons for being a shut-in, she figured it was worth giving him a chance. She could not deny that there were plenty of wolves giving her a chance right now. At the green age of one year, Fox had a whole lot to prove to them. She was determined to make them realize that she was fit for the job... a realization she was not even sure she had made yet.

“Good,” she replied, “How do you want to contribute?” Normally, Fox would just dole out a task for him to complete, but since his stature made him a natural border patrol prospect, and she already had plenty of those, she figured it would not hurt to ask him. Perhaps he had some strange skill that she had never even heard of.

RE: I'll take care of the rest - Hecarim - March 10, 2014


The petite Fox seemed accepting of Hecarim's excuses, which relieved him. Furthermore, she asked him what he would like to contribute. For a moment he was quiet, again mentally browsing the ranks co-ranks. Warden, warrior or outrider would suit me best. I'll do which ever you feel the pack needs most. Hecarim looked at her, his crystal eyes eager to please her. What do you think?

RE: I'll take care of the rest - RIP Fox - March 11, 2014

Fox pondered his response for a moment. Swiftcurrent seemed to attract big burly types who were all about physicality. It was not a bad problem to have, but a part of Fox hoped that they could gain a little bit of diversity. Their healer department, while not terrible, was lacking in comparison. So far they had not needed a healer, but Fox loathed the day when they would. She would not trust Lecter with a ten foot pole, and Clarice had been a bit scarce lately.

But since Hecarim had not mentioned healing in his list of potential usefulnesses, Fox went with the one that he had mentioned which they lacked: an explorer. Perhaps a messenger as well. There was one message in particular that she was hoping to get to the plateau (for that new joiner seemed to have vanished as quickly as he had arrived). “Can you take a message to the plateau for me?” she asked. She could have gone there herself, but there were important matters at home to take care of. “Let Peregrine know that I am now the Alpha here. He doesn’t need to know why, but I think it will amuse him,” she said with a grin. “You should know that he doesn’t take kindly to disrespect, so be on your very best behavior.”

“You don’t have to depart right now, of course. I know you’ve only just come back.” It was not as if Fox was going to make him leave so soon. She waved her tail back and forth for a moment, shifting on her feet as she did so. “Did you find anything interesting while you were away?”

RE: I'll take care of the rest - Hecarim - March 12, 2014


Hecarim was, of course, thrilled to receive a job from Fox. He gave her a soft smile, something he'd not once received back from any of the pack mates he'd met thus far. His ears perked as she began to give detail of his mission and he retained eye contact up until the point when she smiled. His eyes moved down to her mouth, if just for a second, before they found themselves back on her own. This hint of a smile which she revealed was not meant for him, but was more so out of amusement of what she, herself, was saying. Non the less, it was the first genuine smile he'd since before the disaster that killed off his pack. He wasn't sure if he liked her smile because it belonged to her, or because it was the first he'd seen in a long time. Regardless, the weight of its significance took Hecarim off guard.

Fox finished the details of his mission and he smirked mischievously. Okay, I'll make sure to cross the border without permission and steal a hare or two from his personal cache, he joked with her. Hec chuckled for a moment, revealing two perfectly aligned row of white teeth, before he grew serious and gave her a firm nod. I understand. Fox was kind enough to allow him time to rest before heading out and completing his task, but he was eager and desired no such thing. I'm going to try my paw at a small hunt and then depart as soon as I can.

Fox was proving her leadership position was well deserved, at least to Hecarim. She was calm, firm, but understanding and interested. He thought these qualities would do her well. She extended her interest by asking him about his journey and all he could think was: 'wow, she cares'. Most of the pack members he'd met seemed distant, unfriendly, cold and/or uninterested. I saw the meadow. It was nice but I know it's nothing like it will be in the spring. Then I found my way to some forest. Have you been there? Hecarim's striking crystal eyes grew large and curious. 'This place is so nice' I thought, he quoted himself, his usual silvery voice was instead mocking and high pitched, AND THEN night fell and- I hightailed out of there the next morning. I love spooky places, but the noises wouldn't even let me sleep. I swear it's haunted. REALLY haunted, not just haunted. If you ever want to have a little fun, we could go to the spooky ol' woods, he invited, wondering if she was brave enough to take the trip and spend a night. I made it to a little creek past the forest and returned home. I didn't stop at the forest this time... but I still had to travel through it. Really freaky.

RE: I'll take care of the rest - RIP Fox - March 13, 2014

For a moment, Fox thought that Hecarim was serious about his plans to go to the plateau and shit all over them. Thankfully, his chuckle revealed that this was a mere joke, and the Alpha relaxed. She was glad that he seemed to have widespread interests, as hunting was also on his agenda. Considering she had not seen Sol around too much lately, it would be nice to keep the caches filled. Then again, she'd asked Haunter to help out with that, so perhaps they would be fine after all.

Listening with her ears upright, Fox heard the story of how he had crossed into what she assumed was Wapun Meadow. Her assumption proved to be correct when he went on to talk about Blackfoot Forest. She had only just found it the other day (along with Haunter, who had disliked the woods for other reasons). When he finished his story, Fox felt it only proper to let him know what the noises had been. "Foxes," she said, "That's what the noise was. Not my clones, but actual foxes." While others found the noise unnerving, Fox actually enjoyed their silly little songs. "I can assure you they're nothing to be afraid of... They're just extremely noisy bastards."

Whether or not Hecarim believed her or not was his prerogative. "Get some rest, Hecarim." With that, the young Alpha exited the scene, leaving the man to his own devices.