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Silvertip Mountain round trip - Printable Version

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round trip - Cicero - March 08, 2016

set at borders, AW :)

After his visitation to Neverwinter Forest, Cicero decided to also drop by Silvertip Mountain for a visit. He remembered knowing of its borders before, but had never extensively visited it or met anyone from the Mountain that he could remember. His explorations had, in the past, often driven him east rather than west so he knew less of this area. Time to change that.

Along Silvertip's western borders, close to Neverwinter Forest's territories, Cicero trailed along the borders, making sure not to trespass. He held his small, ragged-looking body low to make sure that everyone knew he was no threat and observed the inside of pack territories as he more often did, waiting to gather more information alongside the pack's borders or, so he hoped, for someone to greet him here.

RE: round trip - Atari Silver - March 09, 2016

Hope you don't mind me jumping in here! :)

Atari was walking the borders, something she wasn't ordered to do but she wanted to do on her own. The girl had nothing else to do at the moment, so she figured a walk or a border patrol would suffice. This was more of a walk though, despite it being close to the borders. Yes, just a peaceful walk. Atari was queen of peaceful walks, she took a walk almost everyday. Probably not wise if someone is looking for her, though that's just an if. Besides they would howl for her and no one could miss hearing a howl. Especially since she was a hunter, with keen hearing.

As the girl traveled on she caught the scent of an unknown. Faint as it was the Atari tracked it. As she followed the scent grew stronger, eventually she saw a wolf. Close to the border. A wolf wanting to join perhaps? It was walking though along side the border, the wolf didn't look like it was going to howl either. Its posture was rather submissive in a way. Atari became very curious and couldn't help but confront the wolf. Her hackles and tail were raised before confronting this unknown. "Who are you?" Atari said this with some aggression, she wanted the wolf to know there would be no foolery around this border.

RE: round trip - Cicero - March 10, 2016

thanks for joining! ^^

Another wolf approached before long, and Cicero looked at her, sizing her up briefly while he retained his submissive posture. She asked who he was, and though she sounded aggressive he did not feel threatened by this female. "Cicero, of Blackfeather Woods," he answered. Maybe he could lay some ties to this pack, if there were no previously injured ones like with some of the other wolves he'd met upon his travels.

"Cicero was looking for where the wolves of Blacktail Deer Plateau had moved to, and meanwhile he decided to visit Silvertip, to see how it is faring." His eyes drifted along the territories of Silvertip, making sure not to look into her eyes. he took her guarded posture to heart, playing along with the game of dominant wolf and submissive visitor.

RE: round trip - Atari Silver - March 11, 2016

Cicero was the wolves name and he was from Blackfeather. "Atari, of Silvertip Mountain." Atari wasn't as hostile as she was before but the girl was a little on edge. If this wolf were to attack her, he'd most likely win. Despite him being smaller than her. "What is your business here?" She knew it would sound mean but she was to on edge for it not. Then a thought popped into her head, he cant attack or do anything stupid. Unless they want to start a war. So she sat, not worried at all, and gestured to Cicero to sit as well.

Atari was dying to know what this Cicero was doing here, instead of being with his pack. Spying perhaps. or maybe visiting someone in the other packs above. Spying made more since to Atari, if he was going to see someone why would he care to look into Silvertip? Questions filled her head but she wasn't going to ask any, her business was what Cicero was doing here.

RE: round trip - Cicero - March 12, 2016

A grin danced upon Cicero's face when she asked for his business here, since he had already told her what he was doing here. He wondered if it was the new neighbours that put her so on edge, but he had already shared that he was from Blackfeather, so it made little sense to him.

"Why is the Silvertip wolf so on edge that she forgets Cicero already shared his business moments ago? Is there trouble?" he asked, deciding not to repeat what he had already shared. He remained submissive, deciding it best for the moment, but if he would continue running into a concrete wall upon his question he would likely just leave, and report about Silvertip's defensiveness at home since there'd be little other information to share.

RE: round trip - Atari Silver - March 12, 2016

I didn't realize that Cicero was talking in third person XD I probably should have read about his personality lol my bad

The dark wolf grinned, it seemed sly in Atari's eyes. She questioned the grin in her mind and it was soon answered, as if the wolf read her mind. "How was I supposed to know that wasn't the babblings of a crazy wolf?" Calling Cicero crazy was very bold. Atari didn't trust this wolf one bit. He talks in third person, as if this was some sort of story to him. This thought made her more edge and made her a little angry. She didn't want to deal with crazy today, nor any other day. "And no there's no trouble, just confusion." Atari huffed, not wanting to feel confused it made her feel like easy pray, scrambling around for safety.

The female still remembered what he said while in his little third person mode and decided to question a few things. "Back to the thing you said in third person. I understand you wanting to go to see where the wolves went but it doesn't explain why you just lurked by  Silvertips border, instead of howling for a pack member to come meet you. Anyone of us here would have answered your call and I would have seemed nicer." The more she thought about this mysterious wolf the more wary and angry she became. What does this wolf thing he doing? Prowling around the border seemed very skeptical. Atari might ask the wolf to leave if this chat becomes worse.

RE: round trip - Cicero - March 12, 2016

Nah, don't apologise, you don't have to read OC backstory to roleplay -- after all if you don't know the backstory your character reactions more natural to the weirdness so 's all fine (;

Cicero wondered if it was fear that was driving the woman's ego and therefore behaviour, particularly when she started to talk about confusion. Cicero could not help but smirk a little in amusement when she called his words 'the babblings of a crazy wolf'. Cicero was used to critique on his speech, though he had suffered surprisingly little of it throughout his youth, and so he did not think much of it. He did not think it strange to 'lurk' around the borders, rather than howling. He did not wish to bother busy leaders with his chat chat and it was not like he had official business. He just wanted to meet whoever was around.

And so he explained calmly, "Atari's leaders must be busy, no? Cicero is not here with official pack business or in need of answers to questions. Cicero thought it more interesting to meet whoever would come, or would not come, rather than howl for a leader who might not have time for idle friendly banter." That was all he was looking for, after all. Well, and, of course... "And Cicero was curious if maybe Atari knows where the wolves of Blacktail Deer Plateau have moved. They used to live close to Blackfeather Woods, and Cicero knew one of them. He wonders where she is now." He smiled a little sheepishly — not because he felt sheepish, but because he figured it would encourage his case in getting the information more easily — as though it was perhaps a girl he fancied or someone else close to his heart that he missed now. He hoped that Atari knew the information, or if this pack was even the Plateau wolves' pack now, but waited patiently to see if she would tell him, if she even knew at all. He did realise that his quest was one of searching a needle in a haystack, after all.

RE: round trip - Atari Silver - March 14, 2016

Alrighty thanks :)

Cicero's answers made since, to a certain point. At least to Atari, the third person talking made it difficult to understand what the male was saying but she managed to get most of it. "I suppose that makes since but in my eyes lurking around the border is a no go. Just seems suspicious." This was twice now she mentioned lurking but she wanted to get this through that thick head of his. If anything were to happen, Atari would be the one to blame. She wasn't just about to get in trouble because of some random wolf.

"Anyways about the Black tail deer pack, I don't know were they went and even if I did I wouldn't tell you. I'm not about to start a war between two packs. Even if you just want to talk to some female." Atari has never even heard of such a pack, so there was no lie in what she told him. Though she would make it seem as if she did, as to tease him. Quite mean of her but this wolf was getting on her nerves, and she had a bad feeling about this Cicero. A nagging feeling that wouldn't go away despite all efforts of pushing it away.

RE: round trip - Cicero - March 15, 2016

Cicero wondered what had happened to make her so defensive, if she had been hurt in the past. He had never been that defensive even at Blackfeather Woods, but then, other wolves intrigued him rather than made him fearful. He assumed that she was fearful, at least, because that was the only situation in which Cicero himself would react in such a way.

A small smile twitched at his lips as she even mentioned war. "What makes Atari think that Cicero would start a war?" Cicero himself was not fit for fighting, and truthfully he preferred to avoid it altogether. Even his poisons were reserved for a few who deserved it. "It is clear that Atari does not want this conversation. A shame, Cicero would have liked to have carried back more positive word about Silvertip Mountain home." It was not a threat, although Cicero did hope it might make her a bit more open. He saw that there was little use to continue talking if she would simply turn him away around every corner both verbally and physically. And so Cicero turned around and started to walk off, assuming that she would not care enough to stop him. Well, he supposed not all of his ambassadorly efforts could work out.

RE: round trip - Atari Silver - March 18, 2016

Sorry for the wait, and sorry about Atari's mood lol

"Anything can start a spark of war, it just takes someone to ignite it all." Cicero didn't seem like his intentions were to start war but you can never be to careful. The male wolf made a rather strange comment, an unnecessary one. Atari felt offended. "Quite the overreaction there." Atari spoke as calmly as possible. The female had felt anger surge through her when Cicero spoke of reporting back to BlackFeather Woods. Is he going to report that Silvertip is hostile?! As in the entire pack is on red alert!? Atari wanted to growl but it wouldn't help her. "Are you really going to report that one wolf was suspicious of you because you were just lurking around my home? It was lurking, no matter what you say. So don't pull that card again" Atari laughs. This laugh was only to hide the anger swelling up inside her. There were no words to express how annoyed and angry she was. This Cicero comes along with his little smug grin and his third person talking, then decides to report my packs on alert! Atari practically screamed this in though. This wolf managed to get under her skin, somehow. This was trickery, it felt like she was running into trap after trap. She was stuck.

RE: round trip - Cicero - March 19, 2016

haha, no problem, it just amuses Cicero, mostly :-) thanks for the thread!

As aspiring ambassador, Cicero wished that he could have brought back anything on this pack, but with Atari's closed mood, it seemed he would have very little to report on. She did snap for the bait he had laid out with his comment, though. He looked over his shoulder, halting as she spoke, an ear turned towards her. A smile tugged at Cicero's lips at her seemingly sudden rage and when she once more accused him of 'lurking'. She laughed, but Cicero knew that she wasn't really laughing; her angry words were a testament of that.

"It was nice meeting Atari," said Cicero with a playful smile on his face as he looked at her, before he decided to leave. "Perhaps one day we will meet again." We. Cicero shivered — he hoped that Atari would never meet Sheogorath, truthfully, for he would not be amused in the same way as Cicero was by her guardedness — as he continued to wander away from Silvertip Mountain's borders, assuming she would not stop him. However amusing it would have been to have continued their encounter, Cicero did not think that it would really make much of a difference. He would just tell Burke about how guarded the one wolf he had met was, and that was all he could unfortunately report. He wished he could've done more as ambassador.

RE: round trip - Atari Silver - March 20, 2016

Awesome thread :) I think another one in the future would be cool, maybe Atari wouldn't be so hostile lol

The conversation was done and over with. Atari didn't wish to reply back to the wolf, in fear that it would just start another conversation. Atari questioned herself if she handled all that correctly, if not what did she do wrong. All her questions will be answered in a couple of days, maybe. Depending if Cicero was being serious about 'tattling on her', as she would have put it but there was no point in just standing around. So Atari flipped around and started walking, no even caring to look back.
