Wolf RPG
Little Goat Mountain Traveling of the ghost - Printable Version

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Traveling of the ghost - Whisper - March 11, 2016

The white ghost ran so fast over the craggy mountain range, she looked like she was floating. Whisper had been running for hours, and had only stopped momentarily. She was still sprinting at full speed, and it would be dangerous to run into a rock or trip over shrubs, she had to be extremely careful. Luckily, whisper was an extremely nimble she-wolf with a knack for leaping. She panted and smiled as she ran, excited to be heading to another pack. She had caught their scent when she was traveling to Rosings and was happy to have a back up. She had contemplated if she would rather go to the closer pack, but she needed to learn the terrain anyways. She let out an exhilarated growl, playful despite the fact that there was no wolf with her.

 Her legs kept moving, but her thoughts were tiring. Although she seemed to be enjoying herself, the warrior couldn't help but wonder if this pack would accept her. She knew that if she proved herself, she could gain respect and friends within the pack, which she would. She skidded to a halt where the ground grew smoother and took a small break. She slowed her breathing a bit, She wanted to be a smudge rested before meeting her new pack. After sometime, she began running again and was 3/ through the spire in an hour or two. This was going to be good.