Wolf RPG
Sunbeam Lair All I want to do is move on [joining] - Printable Version

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All I want to do is move on [joining] - Xio Inksca - March 11, 2016

Perhaps it was something in the air, or something in the water. Whatever it was, it had Xio swallowing his pride and accepting that, to get through this year without nearly dying, he would have to accept that 'strength in numbers' really was a thing that existed, and wasn't just something that weak-willed wolves made up to stop themselves from looking like cowards. The long-legged wolf hated to accept help from other's, even if it was something as simple as some uttered good intentions. However, last winter, he had barely made it out alive - the lack of food, even though expected, was shocking all the same, and it was enough for Xio to consider joining a pack. Consider. Well, upon days after days of consideration, he made an agreement with himself: f he wanted to survive, he would have to bite the bullet and join a pack. An agreement that had leg him here.

The strong breeze remained constant as he approached the border, after catching scent of the scent-markers, being thankful for his long legs for covering more ground as he got closer and closer. Despite being a loner wolf for most of his life, only engaging with others in times of dire need, he was still aware of some of the customs, and didn't want to appear rude upon his first meeting with those who belonged to this pack. That would prolong the process, and he most certainly didn't want that. So, here he stood, triangular head pointed down towards his paws, waiting for wolves who would have the power to change everything he'd ever known. The Mexican wolf stood still, not knowing what to think about that. Eventually, he chose not to think about it at all. Why worry about it, it won't change anything.

Silvery fur blowing in the breeze, Xio briefly wondered if it would take long for someone to arrive, he wondered if they would greet him with hostility, or curiousity.  He wouldn't blame them, whatever way they chose to greet him. Technically, he was trespassing until he stated his reason, which he wasn't about to do at the moment, for the sheer chance that someone was hiding nearby. So, until someone came out to meet him, he would remain silent, but prepared.

RE: All I want to do is move on [joining] - Ezimette - March 11, 2016

The tall sleek she-wolf lifted her head. A new scent caught her attention. Her bright green eyes narrowed, who was this wolf? She was the omega as punishment for not telling any wolf before she left, but that didn't mean she wouldn't stick up to any wolves threatening there borders. She darted through the trees, her sleek body and long, long legs carried her quickly. 

 Once she reached the border, she found a silvery male standing a short distance from her. Her ears shot up and she looked him directly in the eye. she had a fierceness that wasn't out of anger or hatred, but simply the desire to protect her pack. She took in a deep breath, a cooling calm surrounding her, for she wanted to attack him for trespassing."Why are you within the territory of Ryujin? Can you smell? Please state your reasoning. We do not take kindly to trespassers." She spoke, her smooth,deep voice rolling out. She offered him no smile , for he had defied there borders.
Her white fur flickered in the breeze, giving her a powerful aura, despite her rank. Her green gaze traveled over him, searching his face for emotion. In this situation, he should've stayed outside of the borders if he did not want to be met in a dominant way by a sleek omega female. Her ears flicked and she howled, calling for Asterr. This was a job for the alpha.

RE: All I want to do is move on [joining] - Xio Inksca - March 11, 2016

All at once, the sound of rapid movement had his ears pricking up, and he was met by a calm but stern voice. Xio lifted his head and his intense ice blue eyes were met with sharp green ones. He took a moment to asses the situation, and decide what was the best way to handle it. He saw no danger - he wasn't going to do something stupid or reckless, that simply wasn't in his character. The female in front of him didn't look threatening or intimidating, but the aura that radiated off her told him many things that couldn't be spoken in words alone.

Xio knew about omegas, however, he did not know that this particular female happened to be so, not that he would treat her any different if he had. Not until he had his own position in the pack. He had no standing of his own, so, in theory, he had worse standing than hers! "My sincerest apologies, miss. I just wanted to make sure someone would find me as fast as possible." He started, bowing his head as a quick gesture of respect, but lifted up his head when he continued to speak, after a brief pause to allow his words to sink in. "I am here to ask your alpha for the chance of a membership in your pack." Upon hearing the femme's sharp remark, the corners of his mouth started to twitch upwards, but quickly forced them downwards in case she might think he was mocking her. He could not, however, resist the opportunity to place a remark as well, he just hoped she wouldn't take it too personally. "Well, I did just passed the most foul smelling place in all of this world. I wouldn't be too surprised if my sense of smell was affected."

RE: All I want to do is move on [joining] - Ezimette - March 11, 2016

Ezimette chuckled, he was a funny boy. "I see...I remember joining Ryujin..." She trailed off, but returned to the real world with a grin. She liked him. She saw something in him that could be useful to the pack. He obviously had a sense of humor, she saw the corners of his mouth twitch with her hawk-sharp eyes. She wagged her tail a bit. "I have summoned my alpha smart-maw. Treat her with respect, oh and no jokes." She grinned, giving him some advice. "Name's Ezimette. I just happen to be the omega of Ryujin because of a misunderstanding." She said it without hesitance, she wasn't afraid to reveal her place to him, after all, a loner should respect any rank.

She studied him, he was finely sized, tall and sleek like herself. He would be a good running partner if he happened to join. She also studied his eyes, trying to figure out more of his personality. He seemed like a good wolf with a quick tongue. She sat down and waited for the alpha, her long legs sprawling out.

RE: All I want to do is move on [joining] - Asterr - March 11, 2016

It was common for those harbouring in interest in joining the tribe to announce their presence immediately. Whether it be with a howl or some other sort of commotion, they scarcely got by unheard. This time around, however, it was not an outsider that had requested her presence, but another inhabitant of her home. Of course, Asterr had decided to respond to the calling, tilting her own muzzle back and singing her tune to assure the other girl that she had heard and was on her way. As she'd walked, her mind had been drowned in various possibilities for why her presence was needed. She'd been too far off from the borders and wandering with the wind, rather than against it, which hadn't allowed for her to pick up on the foreign scent right away. With her steady approach, though, the chieftess had eventually caught wind of the fine traces of an outsider's scent, encouraging her legs to move quicker as her speed was increased.

Asterr had not slowed until she'd been near enough to come to a complete stop near to her fellow tribe mate. Her posture was a clear symbol of her rank, ears pressed forward and tail dangling loosely above her dorsal. Demonstrations of dominance had always felt odd to her, but it was necessary in the current situation, just as it'd been with Sorrel. The male was a trespasser and, though seemingly uninterested in bringing with him harm, that meant he could not be trusted right off the bat. Her silvery gaze had slipped to the side in order to glance at her omega, silently examining her and ensuring no wounds had been inflicted upon her body. Satisfied with her findings—or rather, her lack thereof—the girl was able to return her attention to the stranger, observing him for a moment before speaking.

"I assume you are not here to cause us trouble, considering you have not attacked Ezimette," she began, situating herself ahead of the pallid female, but still maintaining a decent distance between herself and the man. "Explain to me why you are here, why you thought it wise to cross into my tribe's land." While her voice itself was soft, naturally so, her tone was stern and demanding.

RE: All I want to do is move on [joining] - Xio Inksca - March 11, 2016

The wistful tone that the sleek female's voice had taken on surprised him for a moment- it was much different from the firm voice she had used before, but instead of shocking him, it reassured him. At least, he wouldn't be confronted with such a stern figure every day, if he was accepted. However, he was abruptly drawn out his thoughts when the green-eyed wolf began to speak again, bringing a small smile to his face at the insult she threw his way. Ah, he supposed he deserved it, and it wasn't in a malevolent manner. "Understood." He replied simply, a tiny prickle of irritation sparking inside him, as his pride raised its ugly head, before Xio shut him down, reminding himself sternly that this female had offered his some valuable advice. "Xio," He returned. "Pardon my rudeness." The face that she had revealed herself as an omega took him by surprise. She certainly didn't seem like it, from her personality to the feel of her presence. Hmm, he wouldn't linger on it too much, she seemed like a good enough wolf, and if it was just a misunderstanding, it couldn't be too serious.

For the second time since he had set foot on Ryujin territory, he ears pricked up as the sound of a strong answering howl rippled through the air. At the approach of the other female, Xio instantly knew that this female demanded respect. Even if Ezimette hadn't of clued him in on who would be the next to arrive, he would have been able to guess. "I wish you no ill-will," He confirmed the black-furred femme assumption, before pausing so he could decided how to answer the questions asked of him.  "The winters are harsh alone, I have no wish to go through another. I have come to ask, if I may, for a place in your pack." Perhaps, it would have been wiser to wait outside the borders, but what was done was done. He maintained eye contact while he spoke to her, but allowed his body language to become submissive and less-threatening, to show that he really did mean no harm.

RE: All I want to do is move on [joining] - Ezimette - March 11, 2016

Ezimette flicked her ears at the sound of her alpha's howl and bowed her head as the female trotted in. She then gave a smile to the male and trotted behind her alpha, ears back and tail low. As they conversed, she wondered about him. He seemed kind enough, though she knew he had a bit of a tongue, which she liked. Her thoughts wandered to where he had come from. She shuffled her legs a bit behind her alpha, wishing well for the male. She knew that Asterr wasn't fond of those who showed disrespect, and she hoped he kept negative thoughts to himself. She nodded to him from behind her alpha, acknowledge that he was doing well, though she hoped he wouldn't be confused by her behavior.

RE: All I want to do is move on [joining] - Asterr - March 11, 2016

The reasoning for his being there was stated, but that did not alter how she felt in regards to the situation. Whether he sought a place to settle or not did not excuse him from paying the necessary respect to the tribe's domain. "You seek a home here, and yet you have already disrespected the land and those who inhabit it by crossing over our borders," she'd stated, her own gaze unwavering. To maintain eye contact was a blatant sign of disrespect, on his part, which did not help his case. Normally, she cared little over whether or not such a gesture was made, sometimes even preferring it, but the man was an unwanted guest within her home. An intruder, if you will, and one simply didn't honour a burglar who'd broken into their home.

"What can you provide for the tribe?" the yearling had questioned, pushing past the initial issue she held with the silvery being. "Have you any skills that might make it possible to look past your indiscretions?" It bothered her in various ways, the fact that they'd had not one, but two trespassers within such a short span of time. Were wolves going mad? No, the first had possessed a valid reason for entering uninvited, a condition that had made it impossible for her to realize the crime she'd committed prior to being confronted about it. The man before her presently, however, did not appear to be in the same boat as the young girl had been. He appeared capable, his assumed age being a clear example of his ability to manage things well on his own. There was no way his nose could be broken, he had to have smelled the borders. Yet, in spite of that, he'd crossed them with ease. Asterr could not allow such behavior to continue, she needed to ensure outsiders became aware that they could not just do as they very well pleased.

RE: All I want to do is move on [joining] - Xio Inksca - March 11, 2016

Disrespected was a harsh word to use in Xio's opinion, but he knew that wolves in a pack tended to be much more territorial than lone wolves, who Xio had a lot more experience with. So, he brushed off his unease, and noted down to wait outside the borders the next time he had to enter another pack's territory. It's a live and learn process, a process he was very new to but was required to learn quickly. He dipped his head at the first words spoken after his explanation - as a gesture of apology. "A misunderstanding. Being a lone wolf for most of my life, I'm new to such customs that exist in packs. Forgive me." After his apology was finished he lifted his head again, hoping that the superior wolf would accept it, or at least understand what he was trying to say.

The next question was a little more easy to answer, something he much preferred to the earlier questions asked, as necessary as they were. "I lack brute strength but I can bring my agility and speed to aid in hunts. I also consider myself a decent fighter, not the best, but I have bested a few enemies in my time, and I can share a few tactics with your tribe for when they get in difficult situations." Stamina wasn't so much of a skill, in his eyes, but more something that had to be acquired. He hadn't acquired it just yet, but life in a pack meant hunting larger animals than he was used too, so he would have to build it up. "I also pride myself on my memory, though I'm not sure how it would serve you and your pack just yet." He believed it was worth mentioning, just in case. "Overall, my best attributes are my speed and agility, my quick-mindedness and one-on-one battle experience." It wasn't much, but he was still rather young and hadn't the chance to learn much. He finshed by closing his eyes and giving a shallow bow of the head. "I hope to learn more and develop new skills, but I haven't had a chance yet." Survival trumps education anytime, in his opinion.

RE: All I want to do is move on [joining] - Ezimette - March 11, 2016

Ezimette became worried,of course Asterr was not happy. In fact, she was quite displeased. When he said agility and speed, Ezimette lowered her eyes, she had already brought that to the table. His next thing was one-on-one battles, but how much would that help? Almost always the wolves fought in a pack system, not one-on-one. Plus, they already had Nocturra. She looked over at Asterr, she was obviously alarmed to have two intruding wolves in the span of around 2-3 days. Ezimette had met the large yet young she-wolf earlier that day. She was quite cute really, and Ezimette favored her. The little one had gone on and on about how much she loved basil.

Ezimette was alarmed when she noticed that he was making direct eye contact with her and she focused her bright orbs on his, what was he doing? She let out a small breath, oh boy... She licked her chest fur and sat down next to her alpha. Even if the male did make it in, he was not on good terms with the alpha.

Ezimette flashed back to when she had left the tribe for a week, trying to find herself. She remembered how she had not told anyone, not even Jolon! She remembered returning and seeing the disappointment, the disappointment that haunted her to this day... At least she was on good terms with the alpha now...

RE: All I want to do is move on [joining] - Asterr - March 11, 2016

It was a good thing, perhaps, that Asterr was the forgiving sort. Sometimes it took a bit more effort to regain her favour after having lost it, but never could she hold a long-standing grudge. Such negativity was something she could not afford, for it only ever served as fuel for the dragon within. Consequently, she was already on the path to forgiving him, offering a slight nod of her head to show acknowledgement of his apology. Even if she had wanted to do so, holding it against him would have been quite irrational. If his words were true, if he'd really been a loner for the majority of his life, then it would be foolish to expect him to be aware of every little custom. Still, she knew she would need to stay on it and ensure the lesson was truly learned, lest he end up wandering onto someone else's land.

Whether the male's abilities were similar to others' within the tribe or not mattered little, given exactly what they were. Having another hunter amongst them would never have a downside, especially considering the fact that her most recent recruit was incapable of such. The rest of his words were taken into account just as well, being filed away for consideration. "It would be most unwise to turn away such a capable hunter, if your words are as true as you make them out to be," she began, easing up every so slightly while still maintaining her dominant stance. "However, you must know that, in regards to your other skills, we are not a tribe that seeks battle. We are a peaceful claim, mostly keeping to ourselves and out of the line of fire." Now, anyways. Back at the dome, they'd been right on the field of a battle, but such was no longer the case. They were alone within their lair, able to keep to themselves and retain internal peace and serenity.

"I would like to accept you, but do understand that given your disregard of our borders, I cannot do so as easily as I would like to." No, something had to be done prior to his acceptance, prior to her request for his loyalty. "Are you currently well enough to prove to me your skills as a hunter?" she questioned, revealing to him a test. Of course, Asterr would not force him to do so if he was not currently in the right state of body. Such would lead only to disaster, as well as be a terrible representation of what he could offer them.

RE: All I want to do is move on [joining] - Ezimette - March 16, 2016

He's not posted for three days, so I'm allowed to step in.

 The white she-wolf looked on in the conversation. Ezimette was intrigued, for she too wanted to see his hunting habits, his stance, direction, strategy, quietness, and preciseness. She wondered what rank he would have in the pack if he happened to join, for he had crossed the borders. She was sure he would have a fine status though, he was, after all, a good wolf.

 Her green eyes sharpened on him, looking him up and down. He seemed finely capable to hunt, unlike the little girl sorrel she had met earlier. She thumped her tail once with anticipation. She sought out a jay, for if she found one, she would make a wish for him. A wish of fruitfulness in his hopefully new pack.

RE: All I want to do is move on [joining] - Asterr - March 29, 2016

Due to Xio having gone inactive, I went ahead and wrapped this up. Minor PP.

While things had seemed as if they were taking a turn for the best, the proposition given was not accepted. Rather than giving to the young leader an example of his skills, he'd chosen instead to take his leave. Asterr could not figure out for why he'd gone without giving word of acceptance towards her idea, nor did she bother to ask him. He had made his decision, and she would respect that. Thus, the girl remained within the tribe's territory as she watched the other's form fade off into the horizon. Even for several moments after, she'd not made a single move to leave. She had remained there and looked onward, ensuring the man had not had a change of heart, as well as to ensure he'd not trespass onto her land.

Only when she was certain that he'd truly gone did the chieftess turn her back to the outside world. With a silent nod of her head, she motioned for the other female to follow her and then returned to the heart of the lair.