Wolf RPG
Firefly Ravine Identify Yoursmelf! - Printable Version

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Identify Yoursmelf! - Lyric Willow - March 12, 2016

Lyric led the wolf over and through firefly ravine, explaining each nook and cranny as well as making small talk to make her feel welcome. 
'About my daughter, Rain. She's not the most normal wolf, besides the fact that's also a hybrid. I think something might of gone wrong when she was born, with her brain I think, she seems to act as if she's still a puppy and she gets confused easily, so just go along with her silly antics. '
As if on cue, the pair spotted Rain in the distance, who was hunched down, tracking a butterfly across a grass patch. 
'See what I mean?'

RE: Identify Yoursmelf! - Rain Willow - March 12, 2016

Watching the butterfly dances across the air gracefully, Rain pounced on it excitedly, Rain, clumsy as usual, she missed and thumped into a tree trunk. Giggling sillily, Rain spotted her mother along with a new wolf approaching her. 
'Mom!' She bumbled forward, but the scent of the other wolf took her off guard. She smelt like HERSELF? 
Rain pressed her noise against the new one's snout, giving her a test lick on her face. 
Giving her a confused expression, head tilted in confusion, Rain spoke. 
' You smell, like me? What? I don't understand, why? What? Who are you? 
Identify yoursmelf! '  

Get that reference and I'll love you forever!

RE: Identify Yoursmelf! - Teci - March 12, 2016

undertale I think.  Correct me if I'm wrong :P

Teci traveled through the woods With Lyric as they maneuevered over and through the ravine. She listened intently to the young mother's description of her pup. Concern wrinkled her brow but she didn't speak. She would never have judged her child. 

She smiled at the pup as she approached but didn't have a chance to speak before the pup was sniffing her and asking curiously about her scent. She chuckled lightly,"I'm like you. I'm a wolfdog too."

RE: Identify Yoursmelf! - Rain Willow - March 13, 2016

Yes correct! 
Anyway, the admins are telling me that Rain cannot be a pup, so you don't need to treat her so, She's basically a teenager who is very immature and  playful due to her brain damage at birth. 

Rain stood frozen still for a few seconds, which was a rare sight for her. Her new found information raced through her mind. Another Wolfdog, like herself? Slowly the youth circled around the newcomer, her eyes squinting suspiciously. 
'So? You're just like me?'
Suddenly the wolf pounced on Teci, licking her face happily, she couldn't believe it!
She finally had someone who was like her, she wouldn't be such an outsider to the rest of her pack. 
'This is so cool! We can be friends, can hangout together, go hunting, play, WHEEE!' 
Rain then bounced back and ran in a circle, squealing in delight until she froze in her stance, Rain stared into the distance unblinking. 
'Wait! I forgot about something! WAIT RIGHT HERE! '
Turning around, she scattered towards the stream in the distance. The stream was probably Rain's favourite place in Firefly as it was calm and very pretty, and also home to fish, them being her favourite snack. Next to the river sat a patch of budding morning glories. She grabbed a mouth-full and skipped back to the pair, dropping the bunch of mangle flowers in front of Teci,

RE: Identify Yoursmelf! - Lyric Willow - March 13, 2016

As her foolish young ran away in excitement, Lyric edged toward Teci giggling. 
'You'll get used her in a while, she's very forward. ' 
She then saw Rain return seconds later with a bunch of morning Glories in her jaws.
Nudging Teci, She let out a snort of endearment. 
'Looks like you have a gift' 
She hoped the wolf-dog wasn't too put out by her daughter's actions, she didn't want to overwhelm the poor dear after all.

RE: Identify Yoursmelf! - Teci - March 13, 2016

Teci's ears flattened briefly in shock when the teen promptly jumped on her in glee. It lasted only for a moment before she happily wiggled as well and licked the other female back. "Not just like. I'm half husky, and you don't look like a husky." Her head cocked to the side in thought.

She was looking forward to being the other girl's friend as they were quite alike. Both were teens and half wolf. While Teci wasn't brain damaged she could appreciate the unique girl before her. She murmured a soft thanks when given the flowers, deciding to take them to her den when she found one.

RE: Identify Yoursmelf! - Rain Willow - March 14, 2016

Watching the wolf gently pick up the flowers, an idea came to her mind. 
'Wait!' She then knelt down picking up one of the smaller glories before deftly placing it behind her ear. 
'There we go, it matches your fur too' Rain smiled as looked at the new wolf before her, the white flower contrasting beautifully against her black and white fur. An obvious question then came to mind, 
'If you're in our pack now, where will you stay? There's plenty to choose from. I personally like the fallen tree near our den, very cosy.' Rain was trying act nonchalant, but wasn't very good at dropping subtle hints.

Picture of a cute den I found that you might like. <3 

RE: Identify Yoursmelf! - Lyric Willow - March 14, 2016

The mother couldn't help but bite her cheeks in laughter at Rain's attempt at dropping hints.
But she would like it if Teci decided to settle there, it was a nice spot too, the only reason she didn't choose it herself was the fact that it wan't big enough for her and Rain. She was starting to like Teci a lot, she seemed a kind wolf and her similar interest in herbology excited her. In her last pack, healing and herbology was dismissed and seen as foolish, they preferred to lick there wounds clean rather than disinfect them. It was great to have someone who also shared her passion.
'I won't lie, it's a lovely spot.' She said, supporting Rain's proposal.

RE: Identify Yoursmelf! - Teci - March 15, 2016

She smiled, glancing down at the flower. It smelled sweet and was a lovely shade of blue. It would no doubt fall out later but she thanked the girl for her kind actions quietly anyways. 

Her ears perked in interest at the mention of the den. She had yet to find one and if she didn't that would require making one. "Sure. I'll live there," she replied happily. She would get to be near her newfound friends and she had a place to live.

RE: Identify Yoursmelf! - Rain Willow - March 15, 2016

"Great!" Rain replied, she turned away from the two and darted through the forest. 
When both didn't react immediately she called over,
"Follow me! I'll take you there." squirming through a bush, Rain disappeared into the foliage. It was slightly cold that day, the grass was frosted over, the ice prickling her paw pads. She didn't like it, Rain much preferred soft sleek grass instead. She was looking forward to snuggling up in her cosy den tonight. Hopefully with fish for dinner.

RE: Identify Yoursmelf! - Lyric Willow - March 15, 2016

As her child ran through the bushes and into the forest calling for them, Lyric smiled at Teci, laughing softly.
"Well, we best not keep her waiting." 
And skipped off to catch up with Rain. 
"Race you there" She smirked and dashed off.

RE: Identify Yoursmelf! - Teci - March 16, 2016

She smiled at the orange she wolf and padded after Rain, following the excitable teen towards her new home. 

sorry for the short post, fade out?

RE: Identify Yoursmelf! - Rain Willow - March 17, 2016

Panting from the run, Rain stared at the open fallen tree before her. Moss and ivy had engulfed the structure, giving it a cosy enchanted look, Rain scuttled in side the entrance examining the interior. Sensing both Teci and her mother nearby, she hunched down before ambushing them both with a loud bark while leaping out from the trunk.

I don't see a reason for Lyric to respond to this one, so you can post ahead!

RE: Identify Yoursmelf! - Teci - March 17, 2016

The den was large enough for herself and maybe another if she wished. It was quaint looking and engulfed in ivy and vines. It was perfect. She could hear Rain snuffling around inside and approached it cautiously. She was still startled by the loud bark and jerked noticeably in surprise. [size=x-large]She nosed her way inside, poking her new friend playfully in the side with her nose.[/size]

RE: Identify Yoursmelf! - Rain Willow - March 17, 2016

Gently, Rain pressed her nose against Teci's, giggling. 
Padding around the inside of the cosy feathery den, she nodded triumphantly. 
'And it just needs one last thing, ' Rain then picked up the bunch of flowers from Teci and threaded them through the vines above the entrance, creating a bunting of flowers. Staring upon her fellow wolf-dog, Rain felt delighted and nuzzled into her neck, even though she had  known her mere minutes.
'I'm glad you're here.' 

RE: Identify Yoursmelf! - Lyric Willow - March 17, 2016

Poking her head through the entrance, Lyric thought it was a lovely cosy den, perfect for the sweet Teci, she smiled as her child nuzzled into her new friend. 
'Well Teci, we should give you time to settle in, C'mon Rain, I need you to collect some berries for dinner tonight' 
As Rain gave her a sour look as the idea of leaving her new friend for even more than a second, Lyric laughed, rolling her jade eyes.
 'You'll see her again darling, she'll need some time to herself.' Respecting her personal space.
Scuttling out of the den, Rain glanced back smiling, saying that she'd be back soon.
'Feel free to stop by for dinner if you'd like Teci. '
Lyric told her.
'It was a pleasure meeting you,' 

You can finish this post now! :D

RE: Identify Yoursmelf! - Teci - March 18, 2016

She was quiet but content as Rain made an arch of flowers for her den. When the other wolfdog nuzzled into her she was surprised. She felt a warm glow of friendship for the other wolf and smiled happily. "I'm glad to be here."

She nodded in their direction as she left, never one for many words. Truth be told she probably wouldn't eat with them for she didn't want to bother them. She was your classic socially anxious wolfdog. Instead she settled down for a nap after her travels, happy to have made two friends so quickly.