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Whitebark Stream Rushing Waters - Printable Version

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Rushing Waters - Spring - March 13, 2016

Spring woke up around dawn and felt the urge to go explore outside of the Maplewood.  Although she did not want to go too far away from the Maplewood she decided that a small little outing would be nice for a few hours.  Then she would return home just as always.

Today she decided to go to Whitebark Stream where she had met Magnus that one time.  She found herself hoping she would not find Magnus there, thinking about him made her uneasy.  There was simply something about him when she though of him that made her feel insecure, so she pushed his image away and continued on at a sprint.

After about thirty minutes she finally reached the rushing waters of Whitebark Stream.  As she laid her eyes on it, she examined it’s beauty though the rushing, swirling currents.  She enjoyed visiting this place, it made her relax to hear the consistent sound of the rushing water of Whitebark Stream.  Spring laid down with a content sigh, watching the water rush by.

RE: Rushing Waters - Laika - March 22, 2016

Thought I might jump in because no one has replied to you yet! <3

Laika swiftly padded though the thicket of underbrush, her white fur snagging on the branches once in a while. She hated traveling through the thickest part of the wood, but it was necessary if she wanted to get to this part of it. 

Finally, the footage seized and she was walked on clear ground again. She picked up her speed, her head shaking and turned to look around. She would head to Whitebark Stream, for that was her best bet of catching prey.  She turned towards the stream, paws pounding as she increased her speed to a gallop. 

Once she reached Whitebark, she skidded to a stop in surprise. It was Spring! They seemed to always find each other didn't they? She fought the urge to call out her name and instead, dropped into a stealthy crouch. Once she was close enough she jump and landed on her back, bowling her over and into the stream. 

They created a large splash as the two fell in, but the cold water felt better against the warmer air. They'd been having pretty nice days since spring began.

RE: Rushing Waters - Spring - March 22, 2016

Luckily the two friends didn’t fall into the riverlike part...

Spring yelped as she saw a white furry flash out of the corner of her eye.  Get out of the way!  She mind flashed in her brain. Little did that do, as within seconds she was spiraling through the air and then fell with a crash into Whitebark Stream.  Her expression was priceless...  A once peaceful moment had become a horrific one... ice cold water surged and seeped into her pelt and her body began to instinctively shiver.  She just knew that she needed to get out of her.  Her face head a look a look a disbelief and an epic startle look.

Spring took a leap of faith and leapt out of the water, shaking her pelt wildly, which now was all getting all fluffy as it startled to stick out waywardly from all sides.  It was almost like she’d had a bad fur day.  Suddenly she remembered the attacker, and her eyes darted back to the water searching for the foul one who had pushed her in... but when you noticed it was Laika she just began to laugh.  “Seriously?”  Spring yipped to her friend in a playful tone.  “I have yet to get you back, but when I do it’ll be epic.”  Spring continued.  Trying to imagine her epic comeback.  Literally nothing came to mind.

RE: Rushing Waters - Laika - March 25, 2016

Laika felt the water embrace her, soaking into her pelt and cooling her bones. Her paws began to work as she made her way back to the surface. She had planned it perfectly! They both landed in the pond-like bend in the stream where the currents weren't large. 

Once her white head broke the surface, her blue eyes searched around for Spring. She saw her friend's terrified face and couldn't help but laugh. Spring dashed out of the water, shaking her pelt which was already sticking out in odd angles. 

"Yeah right," she replied teasingly. "You say that every time and it never happens! Instead, I just get you again!" 

Laika stayed in the water for a few more moments, swimming around and letting her paws move around the liquid, propelling her forward. Finally, she got out and shook her pelt, water droplets flying this way and that.

RE: Rushing Waters - Spring - March 25, 2016

Spring sniffed and yelped surprise as droplets of water sprayed her pelt.  Then she began to speak.  “Because my revenge is something big.  It’s so huge that you could never dream of it!”  Spring yipped, playfully.  Then added silently to herself in her mind:  So huge, it’s absolutely nothing!  “So you just wait.”  She continued, in a friendly, mocking tone.  “Cause you’ll never see it coming Laika.  Never.”

Her tail began to wag playfully.  Then she dashed forward fast towards Laika and the stream.  In attempts to pummel her white furred and blue eyed friend straight into Whitebark Stream.  Hopefully it didn’t backfire... because then she’d be the one to pummel face first into the stream.  

Revenge part one!

RE: Rushing Waters - Laika - March 28, 2016

Laika yelped as she felt her body being engulfed by the water. She gasped as her head broke the surface again, laughing with delight. She spun in the water and grabbed at Spring's scruff, dragging her under again. Bubbles floated to the surface as she and Spring tussled in the stream for a couple moments before Laika popped her head up again, laughing. But, her laugh was cut short. There, on Phoenix's side of the river, was a doe. Her head was down by the water, drinking from it. Her tail swished back and forth, unaware of the potential danger.

Her mouth closed and her eyes narrow in concentration. Slowly but surely, she slunk out of the water and made her way over, tail still. She waited for Spring before whispering, "Should we go for it?" It was pretty much a rhetorical question for any wolf would say yes! She was pretty sure that Spring knew what to do, so she bunched her muscles, paws tingling with adrenaline.

She leaped, claws scraping at the does side and teeth sinking into the bottom of her shoulder. The deer thrashed and jumped, struggling to get away, but Laika held her to the ground, hind paws scraping the earth with the effort. The doe's head was closer to the ground now as she got all her strength to get away from the two wolves. Laika took advantage of the moment and sprang from her shoulder to the doe's head. She latched her teeth onto her nose and mouth, her claws sinking into the flesh. She had now cut off all air supply and the prey would go down soon. The blood that squirted from the wounds made her mouth water, but Laika held fast, scraping at the deer's chest as she went.

RE: Rushing Waters - Spring - March 28, 2016

Spring went after Laika, after giving a silent bob other head.  Although she was unsure if the nod had been detected or not, it did not matter.  She was sure her friend and fellow Phoenix already knew that she would accept.  They had known each other for such a long time anyways.  Swiftly the female trudged through the water at a quick swim, as her body struggled to keep up with Laika in the rapid, almost riverlike waters of Whitebark Stream.

Her white furred friend beat her to the deer, but Spring quickly followed.  The brown female leapt and sunk her fangs into the deer’s left side, after narrowly missing a hoof, that could have easily ended her life had she been a bit slower in her leap, as it almost hit an artery.  The scent of blood poured from the deer and flooded into her nostrils.  The deer would die soon.  Spring knew it, as she continued to hold her position.

RE: Rushing Waters - Laika - March 30, 2016

Laika growled in frustration as a hoof snagged her fur, burning for just a split second. Her jaws locked down on the deers's face harder, squeezing shut with all her might. Finally, after minutes more of struggling and blood, the deer collapsed to the ground. 

With a huff of triumph, Laika let the deer slide from her jaws and raised her head, glancing over at Spring with a smile. Her tail wagged as she glanced back down at their kill, her stomach rumbling. She forced her stomach to quiet down, telling herself she could eat once the food cache was full. 

She turned to Spring. "That was awesome!" She exclaimed, enlightened but he fact they had caught a deer. The deer population had been scarce during winter, but now that spring was around, there were and abundance of them.

RE: Rushing Waters - Spring - April 02, 2016

Spring took a step back as the deer dropped dead to the ground.  As she watched the life fade from the creature’s eyes, she almost felt bad that she had taken the remaining bits of life that the deer had once held.  How strange it would be to be taking a peaceful drink at the stream and then about five minutes later end up dead?  She did her best to push those thoughts away, knowing that they would only hold her down.  Although in her head she silently thought, thank you for the energy and life that you feed us.

She smiled brightly at her friend, hiding the slightly depressed thoughts away.  “Yes!  That was excellent.  We really need to get out and do this more often.”  The brown furred female yipped in a excited sounding tone.  Why should she feel bad anyways?  What was done was done, it was simply the circle of life.

RE: Rushing Waters - Laika - April 03, 2016

Laika nodded in agreement. Her tail wagged with excitement as her eyes danced with laughter. "Now we need to figure out how to bring this back." She said, her eyes trailing over the carcass. The wheels in her head turned as the pondered on it. 

"We could each take an end. It'll still be heavy, but it will be manageable." She suggested. 

Nice avatar! <3 Sorry for a short post too, writer's block! :| haha

RE: Rushing Waters - Spring - April 03, 2016

Thanks!  :)  Java made it for me.  http://wolf-rpg.com/showthread.php?tid=13845

Spring nodded in agreement.  "Sounds good.  Where do you want to pick the deer up?"  The three year old asked, with a cock of her head to add to the question.  She found that her brief flash of guilt was gone now.  It was still strange for Spring to think that she had even felt guilty.

Her eyes surveyed the deer.  She decided that she would probably either want to carry the deer to the nearest cache from the neck or its rump.  Although it all depended on how Laika answered her question.  Spring's eyes flickered to her friend, as she waited for Laika to make up her mind.

RE: Rushing Waters - Laika - April 04, 2016

Omg, so getting Laika one! ^-^

Laika gazed at the faded eyes for a moment before looking back to Spring. She smiled as Spring asked her which end she would take.

"I'll take the rear!" She exclaimed. "You take the lead and I'll make sure no one attacks us from behind," she joked. 

Laika padded over to the deer's rump, sinking her fangs into one of the hind legs. She lifted up the lower half and glanced over at Spring, waiting for her friend to take the other end so they could begin their journey.

RE: Rushing Waters - Spring - April 04, 2016

Spring smiled at Laika when the white furred girl told the joke.  Then she moved over to the neck of the deer and picked it up with her teeth and fangs.  Getting a pretty good grip on the animal.  The brown furred female felt a surge of pride for both Laika and her to have helped Phoenix Maplewood on yet another addition to a prey cache. 

Spring then began to make the journey back home with her friend, the deer was quite heavy though and she was most certainly not superman, so she would probably have take a nice long rest after this good heavy workout of carrying the deer back to the Maplewood.

RE: Rushing Waters - Laika - April 04, 2016

Laika's neck ached from the weight of the deer. The strenuous pull of dragging the deer to the cache was definitely the cause. Her tail trembled with the effort. Still, the two padded along the worn down path leading back to the Maplewood and the nearest cache. 

Finally, the two wolves arrived at the cache and Laika set the deer down, stretching her soar neck before padding over to the small pile of dirt which served as a "cover". She pawed at it, uncovering the few peices of meat left. 

"Well, this one definitely needed filling," she commented with a smile.

RE: Rushing Waters - Spring - April 04, 2016

Spring felt beyond relieved as the deer was put down.  The achy pain in her neck, was partially vanquish for the moment, and she felt so much lighter than just a few seconds ago.  She nodded in agreement at Laika’s comment, this cache most certainly did need some prey to help get it all stocked up.

“Your right.”  Spring remarked to her friend, now also verbally putting in her input.  “This cache really does need some filling, good thing that we got the deer to help stock it back up.”  The brown furred female added to her statement.  It was Spring now though, so hopefully this cache and all the others would get all nice and stocked up soon.

RE: Rushing Waters - Laika - April 05, 2016

Laika began to walk over to the deer and grabbed ahold of it again. She tugged and pulled and yanked with all her might to pull it over to the cache. "Can you help me put it in?" She asked through huffs and puffs. 

She laughed at herself as her stomach heaved. This deer was heavy! She shook her neck again, the muscles aching from hauling the deer all the way back here. After they were done, Laika knew she would be taking a long rest - if not a nap.

RE: Rushing Waters - Spring - April 06, 2016

Spring nodded, as Laika asked for help.  The brown furred female grabbed the neck of the deer, then began tugging, yanking and pulling too alongside her friend.  Wow this was backbreaking!  She could not wait to take a nice long nap or rest after this was over.

Once the deer was secured in the cache, Spring sat down with a pant.  “Tough work, right?”  She huffed between breaths.  As her breathing finally began to steady, the tired female puled herself to her paws.  “I don’t know about you, but I think I’m gonna take a nice long rest."

RE: Rushing Waters - Laika - April 07, 2016

Laika's tongue lolled in exhaustion as she sat down upon her tired paws. Beads of sweat trickled from her paw pads. Her panting remained hard and continuous as she listened to Spring's comments. 

"Oh yes," she replied between breaths. Her head lowered as she lowered her whole lower half to the ground, laying down as her muscles were finally able to relax. As Spring mentioned the idea of finding a place to rest, she let out a huff. "I'm staying right here."  She protested playfully. Her tail thumped upon the ground as she watched Spring, then she lowered her head to rest on her forelegs.

RE: Rushing Waters - Spring - April 08, 2016

Fade with your next post?

Spring nodded with a small grin.  “Okay then enjoy yourself, but I am so going back to my nice comfortable den.”  Spring informed her friend matter of factually.  Then the brown furred female turned around and started to pad back to her den.  She paused for a brief moment though, as she was a few feet away.  “See you in maybe a few days time.”  The female offered to her friend, before finally making her leave.

As the female padded through the Maplewood, she wondered what she would do tomorrow.  Maybe she could finally take into priority of teaching Esaro how to work with herbs.  Suddenly a thought occurred to her.  She would have to check up on Esaro’s shoulder soon!  It seemed to be healing nicely, since the last time she had seen him, he had seemed to be doing pretty well.  She could always focus on that priority another time.  At the moment she decided to reflect on her and Laika’s hunting adventure.  They would have to do that again sometime soon.

RE: Rushing Waters - Laika - April 09, 2016

Laika smirked with amusement as Spring shot back at her. "Fine, be that way." She joked. "I'll be here if you need me."

Her stomach rose a fell with a large breath as a smile danced upon her lips. Her paws tingled and her muscles were soar, but the white girl was happy about their accomplishment. Another long breath escaped her mouth before darkness flooded her senses and lulled her to sleep. 

That was fun! Sorry for the short post, I'm pad at fading!