Wolf RPG
Stavanger Bay you haven't felt my wrath until you've felt my hands on your chest - Printable Version

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you haven't felt my wrath until you've felt my hands on your chest - Caiaphas - March 14, 2016

@Erzsébet - set after 'phas visits donnelaith? or something.

she had spent the night in stavanger bay's fold, nosing the abandoned cache that had once fed her. it was a strange and foreboding feeling that flooded her -- here she stood in a ghost town's footprints, the sole survivor. the sea strummed besides her as it always had, but ragnar's fold was long disappeared.

she trailed along the coast and a remorseful and bitter feeling suddenly seized her as she came upon the spot where she had first met kevlyn. her slender muzzle and wet nose ran along the ground as she traced the ghost-memory physically, her eyes stopping fearfully where the piteous form of kevlyn had once been. with a shriek of anger she struck the spot and started digging furiously -- for what, she didn't know.

RE: you haven't felt my wrath until you've felt my hands on your chest - Erzsébet - March 14, 2016

erzsébet moved along the strand in her neverending search for blood. there had been a dark dearth of maidens as of yet, of any wolf to be truthful; ferahgo's ranks had dwindled to an exposed skeleton crew, and the pale woman had ranged from the isle for the scene saddened her.  

a feminine cry razed the calm of the moment; pale ears cupped toward the echo, and erzsébet moved in that direction at a slow clip. there came the form of a woman, darkened and sea-brined, digging frantically in the cold sand. the countess drew close but offered no word nor succor; she merely watched.

RE: you haven't felt my wrath until you've felt my hands on your chest - Caiaphas - March 16, 2016

she struck and struck, the sand flying and long, flaying gouges appearing in high ridges between her flailing limbs. exhaustion was quick to seize her, and panting like a mad-woman she looked up in time to see the studiously cold eyes of another. instantly her hackles rifled, as if outraged any wolf had dared behold her display of madness. she lifted her slim muzzle upwards and tasted the air with parted jaws, her expression insolent as she returned erzsebet's gaze.

RE: you haven't felt my wrath until you've felt my hands on your chest - Erzsébet - March 17, 2016

the woman turned; the pierce of her yellow eyes scorned erzsébet's soul, and the countess gazed coldly at the wretched creature, unperturbed by the other's glare. rage and frustration with ferahgo's handling of her mounted; it coupled with her despair o'er  wednesday's disappearance, and the countess was wrung undone.

"you are pathetic!" she snarled, leaping through the fading sound of her own words to rip at the other wolf, if only to feel the rush of blood against her teeth.

RE: you haven't felt my wrath until you've felt my hands on your chest - Caiaphas - March 17, 2016

as always pp is ok

erzsebet returned sevenfold caiaphas' indolent stare -- caiaphas could not help but notice the hyperborean glance of the pale female's gaze. this incensed her -- she felt a raw flare of something ugly stir in her gut and she stiffened, standing upright with a silent snarl splitting across her features.

with rage the stranger flew at caiaphas -- the coywolf had not expected such a gesture of violence and in surprise she sprung back with a snarl, flinching as erzsebet's teeth clinched her cheekskin -- she felt a snap and dampness as blood welled along her muzzle. incredulous, she shrieked as loudly as she could, the sharp report aimed directly at the other's ear as she lunged forward with her own snapping jaws. it was a defensive maneuver and erzsebet could easily step out of range -- and if she did, caiaphas would not give chase.

RE: you haven't felt my wrath until you've felt my hands on your chest - Erzsébet - March 28, 2016


a mad little laugh caught hold of the countess -- she dug her claws into the dirt as the other shrieked, and allowed teeth to fray the ear already abused by ferahgo. blood weltered along her cheek; erzsébet paused only a moment before soaring forth to strike her shoulder bodily against that of the black-muzzled woman, expecting that her opponent would have tucked chin unto chest to protect her tender throat.

as their bodies collided, the pallid she-wolf struck to dig her fangs into the flesh along the side of the brine-wife's neck, not deeply enough to slash a mortal blow, but with enough intention to wrest firm hold of her enemy.

RE: you haven't felt my wrath until you've felt my hands on your chest - Caiaphas - April 06, 2016

the siren was thrown off by the wolf's shoulder -- the counter staggered her and she braced her limbs, unsteady in her balance. before she could retort the pale countess' teeth found the thick of her trapezius, and caiaphas was pulled nearly under by the weight behind the blow. with a snarl she pressed her chest to the ground and sprung upwards with the best of her ability, the pain causing her to detract from the counter's original power. she hoped to shoulder the female in kind and shove her backwards enough to beat a shameful and hasty retreat.

RE: you haven't felt my wrath until you've felt my hands on your chest - Erzsébet - April 11, 2016

suddenly, the countess discovered a distinct and shocking lack of interest in their scuffle -- she was shoved aside and could not will her limbs to follow, gripped as she had been by a vicious and temporary madness. eyes flashed and she snarled, but ears cupped back against her skull. the woman held her ground, however -- she would give no quarter, and she lunged again to rout the seawolf, teeth clicking in hateful malice.

RE: you haven't felt my wrath until you've felt my hands on your chest - Caiaphas - April 18, 2016

it had worked -- if only briefly -- caiaphas' fumbling counter had yielded a brief pause in their scuffle as erzsebet was momentarily shoved aside. caiaphas would not wait for an invitation -- with a diving, near porpoise-like lunge she attempted to free herself entirely from the madwoman, though she felt a thick and hot pain flush the side of her neck as she did so. the exertion caused a grunt and a gasp with each frenzied stride, but caiaphas would not and could not falter -- she would make it home, bloodied if need be -- but she would make it.

RE: you haven't felt my wrath until you've felt my hands on your chest - Erzsébet - April 26, 2016

last for me!

the seawolf came away with her neck bloodied, and fled; the countess licked crimson from her jaws and watched her go, muzzy with a mixture of irritation and shock before she turned and ran along the sands to ferahgo's ship, shaken by her own hatred.