Wolf RPG
Wheeling Gull Isle Not sure who I am - Printable Version

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Not sure who I am - Maude - March 16, 2016

Maude was disappointed by the size of the crew. A frown, unnatural on her always smiling or sneering or snarling face, held fast as she sniffed the air. Nothing but wenches. It disgusted her that Ferahgo, the greatest captain in Tortuga, was left with this pittance of a crew. Maude kicked a stone on the sandy shores of the ship, combing the seaside for food or booty. She was still frustrated, but what else could she do? She was no recruiter or scout or anything. She was simply a lackey. A confused one at that.

The rugged brown creature, seeing movement in an isolated pool near her, darted forward, fangs bared in a lunge. Her impromptu attack proved a failure, however, as her jaws clicked together and she tasted salt water and sand. Spitting in disgust, Maude sat on her haunches, staring down at her paws, frustrated.

RE: Not sure who I am - Sadie - March 19, 2016

It was quite a lovely day for the rugged Sea Salt Sadie. She had happily eaten her share of the galley, consisting of a few crabs and a small bird. With her stomach (somewhat) filled, she had returned to the shore line. Her biggest quest for the day was to find a skull, yes a BIG skull. There weren't any coyotes around, so that was the problem. Perhaps if she scavenged around, maybe she would find something to please her liking.

It didn't take her long to find other small trinkets, shells and such. However, none truly interested her at the moment. She decided to dig, burying them and quickly covering them with sand. She would come back for those later. However, what caught her attention was another wolf nearby. The wolf was  nearly as large as the white one! Her crooked smile widened, deciding to head on over and give a good 'hello'.

"Ahoy matey!" she called out, walking over with her long legs. "Ye be new to the Bonechewers?" She asked aloud, coming closer.

RE: Not sure who I am - Maude - March 19, 2016

Maude found herself lacking. No longer was she driven by her need and desire to see Ferahgo and now, now she was feeling a lack of love towards him. He didn't even remember her. Maude choked back something that felt like a sob. No. She was a pirate. If she was going to cry, it would be tears of blood.

Luckily for her her moping would be interrupted by the welcoming call of a wench with a crooked smile that mirrored her own. Maude returned the smile, hers more mad than crooked, though it was only a mask for the small void that was threatening to eat her up from the inside. Aye, mate. Though I was part o' the Cap'n's crew back in Tortuga. She turned towards the rusty wolf, her mad yellow eyes calm and almost sad. Who be ye?

RE: Not sure who I am - Sadie - March 19, 2016

The agouti/mud mixed wolf concurred that she was in fact new, but not new to the captain. She was with the captain to begin with, from the pack of Tortuga. That probably made the captain pleased, having such a loyal crew member to stay with him. Sadie would have rewarded the crew member with praise and showers of trinkets. Sadie's happy mode put her mind a bit adrift.

"The old pack ye say? Ye be a loyal crew member than mate" she complemented. Soon, her own name was asked for, her throat gave of a cackle. "Sadie Sea Salt" she replied, deciding to sit next to the behemoth wolf.

RE: Not sure who I am - Maude - March 20, 2016

Maude flinched at the praise, her eyes widening slightly with fear as the female sat next to her. Memories of another captain from long ago filled her mind, breaking her concentration for just a moment. Maude moved over, furthering herself from the golden female. Me name's Maude. Somes call me Mad Maudie. She smirked, her mind replacing the traumatizing thought with a burst of madness that reflected in her eyes. She was mad for a reason and that man was one of them. His name was long forgotten but his actions weren't. Maude would have cursed herself for her show of weakness had she not felt a pit of uncomfortableness in her stomach, riling her up and putting him on edge.

Wait, him?

This wasn't good. Not at all.

RE: Not sure who I am - Sadie - March 22, 2016

It seemed "Maude" didn't care too much for closeness, his body moved a little away from the sea salt wench. But Maude's nickname was Mad Maudie? Her smirk gave Sadie a bit feeling of eeriness, was this wolf insane or just batshit crazy? Either or, both sounded a bit frightening. However, the wench just cackled more. "Nice 'ring to et" she said, her crooked grin growing larger.

"How long were ye with ferahgo Maude?"

RE: Not sure who I am - Maude - March 28, 2016

Gender confusion aside, Maude couldn't remember how long she ran with Ferahgo's crew. Could have been days, weeks or months! She hardly remembered how old she was sometimes. It never mattered to her. Age only mattered when you were very young or very old. So in response, Maude shrugged her shoulders. Prob'ly two months or three 'fores 'e came up north. It seemed the most accurate to her, but what did she know? How many o' ye are there on t'ship?

RE: Not sure who I am - Sadie - April 01, 2016

The muddy one answered with a shrug. Around a few months, not too bad in time. Sadie was around for a few weeks, maybe a month now. Maude soon questioned her, and Sadie gave her paws a thoughtful look. She let out a long hmm before looking up once more.

"Four or five now lass, a few scallywags left while another get herself kilt." Sadie replied. Wednesday wasn't her favorite that was for sure, and sure as hell she was already dead. Though Sadie didn't know how or why, but she hadn't returned and her spot was taken up.

RE: Not sure who I am - Maude - April 04, 2016

Maude frowned at the numbers of Ferahgo's crew. Only four or five now? She remembered that there were at least a score or so that followed Ferahgo back in Tortuga. Hundreds of wolves lived in the pirate cove at least. Here, they were all scattered. Alone. Stranded. Slim pickins' 'ere, eh? She said, recalling her trek to follow Ferahgo north. Not many packs on the shore — most of them were inland, she would think. The boy—wench shuddered at the thought of solid, brown ground. Disgusting.