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Blackfoot Forest It's Her Thing, Not Mine - Printable Version

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It's Her Thing, Not Mine - Samuel - March 16, 2016

Therapy time for @Liri!

Therapy for the white girl had been going pretty okay the past few days, Samuel was pleased with her progress. Seeing that she needed her treatment today, he decided to call for her and only her. Any packmates were allowed to drop by, but his main focus was calling for Liri. "Liri, meet me at Lover's Grove" was his message, his large body plopped near the roses.

He hoped she would arrive soon, he wanted to help her as soon as possible. So, his tail thumped in a quiet rhythm, patiently waiting for her.

RE: It's Her Thing, Not Mine - Síff - March 17, 2016

Liri's ears perked from her spot at the stream. It was a favorite place of hers and at the moment she was basking in the sun. Hearing the call she got to her feet and stretched before loping off in its direction.

It had been Samuel who called her to meet him at the Lover's Grove and she had a pretty good idea of what for. Moving amongst the brambles of roses she soon spotted him.

She plopped down across from him and sent him a wolfy grin. "Hey, Sam." He hadn't ever expressed permission to call him Sam but she had anyways seeing as he never stopped her from doing so. She didn't think anyone else called him Sam and she liked that, like it was her own personal nickname for him.

RE: It's Her Thing, Not Mine - Samuel - March 17, 2016

His call was soon returned with action rather than noise, Liri's white fur stuck out to his grey eyes as she came closer to him. She sat down next to him, greeting him warmly with a short name of Sam. His smile was gentle towards her, he dipped his head towards her. "Hello Liri" he replied cheerfully, eyes closing for the smile before opening again.

"I called you over so we could do another therapy lesson, it has been going pretty good the past days" he said, quite proud of the young lady. She had endured the touch phobia since he was able to lean on him for a little, he was happy with her progress. "Today, if you think you're ready, we could try to increase your tolerance."

Sooner or later he would need to push the boundary, he just would have to make sure not to go too far. He had faith in Liri though, she was a nice little lady who could endure it. Or at least, what he thought. If she couldn't do it, he wouldn't judge her whatsoever.

RE: It's Her Thing, Not Mine - Síff - March 17, 2016

Liri had liked to think she was strong in all ways, physically and mentally. But how strong could you be if you couldn't protect yourself? Sure she could fight but she had been too afraid and too outnumbered to fight back against Remo or that wicked woman he called his wife. Her mentality had made up for her fear though, making her push herself to be independent and stronger. To act unaffected by what he had done and that was part of the reason she now went to Sam for therapy, you couldn't be strong all the time.

It was that same mentality that made her nod now. She knew she was ready and even if she hadn't have been she would have pushed herself to do it either way. She glanced up at him, not afraid to look him in the eyes as she was higher in rank. It wasn't aggressive just searching, trying to find out what was in store for her today.

She squared her slender shoulders in determination and asked him,"What are we going to do?"

RE: It's Her Thing, Not Mine - Samuel - March 17, 2016

Liri seemed quite ready, she stared into Samuel's grey eyes, in a non-aggressive way. Her shoulders were square, she replied with a question about what they were going to do to increase her strength against the touch phobia. Samuel's smile widened at her words, he was quite proud of her. He gave her a thoughtful look before his eyes shifted to his paws, trying to think of a way to increase her mental power.

He came up with an idea, hoping she would be down for it. He soon laid down, motioning Liri to lay down next to him. "We just have to touch shoulders is all" he replied simply, looking off towards the grove of roses. "If you want, we could bump it up more" he offered. Hopefully she would choose what felt comfortable.

RE: It's Her Thing, Not Mine - Síff - March 17, 2016

She lay beside him as he indicated, laying the side of her body alongside his. It felt different but not so much more so than just touching his shoulder. She assumed that was what he had meant when he asked her to lay down, but when she processed his words she scooched over some so only their shoulders were touching.

She was still nervous around him but that may have been just because she had feelings for him. It would do no good to dwell on them though as tomorrow marked the day she had been a member for one entire month. She would be elligible for marriage and hoping to mate with Sam could be setting herself up for heartbreak. 

She stretched her short forelegs out before her, resting her head on them. Her ear tipped back to listen to him, aware of how dwarfed she seemed next to him and how warm he was. "How do we 'bump it up'?" She turned her head some to look at him, waiting for him to speak.

RE: It's Her Thing, Not Mine - Samuel - March 18, 2016

Can I just say I love Sam x Liri threads?

Liri soon rested against the mass of grey fur, her shoulder brushed against his calmly. The two stayed there for a little bit, sharing warmth before Liri asked a question. How would Samuel increase their therapy? He had to contemplate on what to do, somewhat thinking of his next move.

He swayed his neck over to her. "I will lay my head atop your shoulder, only for a few seconds though" he replied, wondering what she would say. "If you feel okay with it, of coarse" he added in, hoping he was not crossing the line.

"Would you... feel okay if I did that Liri?" He asked, hoping she would give permission.

RE: It's Her Thing, Not Mine - Síff - March 18, 2016

same. I ship. #Sari :P

She pondered it for a moment but it was only for show. She would have said yes if she were ready or not. She nodded shyly and moved over closer to him once more. 

She lay her forelegs alongside his only a few centimeters apart and rested her head down on them once more. She was aware of just how small she was next to him and how she would practically be swallowed by his body when he did lay his head on her. She didn't think he would crush her though, he was too gentle.

She rested her own head against the side of his shoulder, noting mentally that he smelled of forests and rain. It was a vulnerable position, one where he could potentially grab her by the scruff and sling her about. She was tense but not afraid. She trusted this giant with every fiber of her being.

RE: It's Her Thing, Not Mine - Samuel - March 19, 2016

#Sari shall live on

It was shown that she trusted the boy with a shy nod of the head, he was given permission to work his magic. She moved her small body closer to his large one, her paws fairly close to his. Samuel was proud of her, she was doing so well. Yet he wondered if it was just because she and him connected and just liked each other enough. Maybe she would be comfortable to be like this with others?

Well, that was another step, but that would happen later! Her head rested against his shoulder, her body was tense. However, her face told otherwise. She didn't seem scared, rather... jumpy as one could say.

Samuel smiled once more, then gently placed his head on top of her shoulders fairly slowly, making sure the contact was held for a few mere seconds. He let his head rest and let Liri's shoulders hold the weight the tiniest bit before taking back his head and neck. "All done" he said cheerfully, his tail thumping.

"I'm very proud of you Liri, you have improved so much from so little time" he complemented her, surprised how quick she advanced with the therapy.

RE: It's Her Thing, Not Mine - Síff - March 19, 2016

He rested his weight just barely on her shoulder as he leaned over her. The feel of him over her made her skin crawl for a moment as she recalled times when she had been forced into submission with similar positions. Her lips pulled back slightly in a silent snarl which he could not see from where her head was placed. It's just Sam.

This all happened rather quickly, a heartbeat or two, before she processed that it was only her friend. She calmed rather quickly and relaxed against him briefly before he moved away. She smiled, tail thumping in happiness at his praise. Perhaps it was because of the attraction between them, perhaps not. She would have to see how she reacted with her mate whoever he might be.

RE: It's Her Thing, Not Mine - Samuel - March 19, 2016

The boy hadn't seen Liri snarl as his contact with her grew, if he did he would've freaked out. However, Liri was quick at smuggling it and calming herself down. Her body was quite relaxed with his, her tail was thumping happily as his mouth spilled praises to him. Samuel hoped that when Liri was married and mate, she would be ready for that kind of contact.

If need be, he would be happy explaining the whole situation to one of the males whom she was married to. Samuel didn't mind that, at least he would be helping her out.

"From now on, we will just be doing this for a few seconds every day" he spoke to her, hoping this little jump in their therapy would really assist Liri with her phobia.

Fade after your post?

RE: It's Her Thing, Not Mine - Síff - March 19, 2016

yeah I'll archive

She nodded, she had been frightened for a moment but she wasn't worried that she would've hurt him. It had been more of a flashback than anything but she was okay with this version of contact now.

She moved away some, stretching out in the grove. Now that the therapy session was over she could just hang out with her friend, not her therapist.