Wolf RPG
Sequoia Coast Purple - Printable Version

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Purple - Lotus FlickerWings - March 17, 2016

This is for anyone looking for an interesting, fiery character who would make a good traveling partner and a greater friend. She's pretty insane, yes, but she's also a medical genius. Her words are very colorful...very.Anyways, I just want to get this character started. I have no "Main Account" Even though I have 8, so shoot me a pm or reply to this if you're interested in threading!

 Purple. The dancing girl felt purple. Red: frustration,betrayal, anger, blood. Blue: Sadness, hurt, lost love, broken wishes. Purple. Yes, the girl felt very purple. Inside, that was. She danced on the outside, gracefully waltzing across the coastline. She sang to the waves her stories, stories of life and death. Every drop of song spilled out of her like Cricket Creek in her old meadow home. Yes, she enjoyed dancing and singing to the waves, but she still felt purple.

About ten minutes later, after roaming up and down the coast, the girl dropped in the middle of her song to the ground, and began a low hum. A hum that rose and receded with the waves. When her hums stopped, she turned her blue and white body over so that her toes were touching the water. She could taste the salty sea air, fresh on her tongue. She flipped over and sang to the sky then, a loud, drawn out, haunting howl that accompanied the clouds above her.

Her howl was purple. It told a tale that could only be seen as purple or green. Ah yes, she remembered feeling green. It was nice, really. There was at least some joy then. Some little fragment of love that she could keep nestled in her chest-fur. No, not anymore. Green was gone, and purple had replaced it.

RE: Purple - Caiaphas - March 17, 2016

it was not the song that drew caiaphas to the coywolf, but rather, her color. in some ways, lotus reminded caiaphas of her dam laika - strikingly pale -- lean -- possessing a quality to her voice that was unmistakable. mostly what drew her was the fact it was not a wolf on the coast before her, but something else. this alone fueled caiaphas into embarking towards lotus, though she certainly could have done without the serenade. she did not extend a greeting -- instead, the coywolf drew silently to a halt and studied the little song-lark.

RE: Purple - Lotus FlickerWings - March 17, 2016

The girl smelled a wolf coming long before she saw it, but did not get up until it stopped. She looked at it. The female had a black face and dark fur, pretty and seemingly intelligent. She attentively lifted her ears, seeing if the female wanting something from her. She wondered where it had come from, as it smelled of many wolves. Lotus was guessing she was a pack wolf, of course, but did she live here.

"Wolf." She greeted the female with a simple nod, waiting for a spark of interaction from the female, even a grunt would do. Her gaze lingered on the female's black mask, as it was rather intriguing. She nodded once more after carefully studying the female. She looked powerful, confident, and wary, yet she traveled straight up to the girl. A spark of turquoise ignited in her belly. Curiosity.

RE: Purple - Caiaphas - March 17, 2016

i like the color profile idea

her staring was met with a greeting -- obliged to return the favor caiaphas stirred, her mule length ears cast forth with temerity. she had been called many things in her life, but to be greeted as a wolf was strange -- a smile, somewhat inhospitable, pursed her lips. she was anything but.

"you are?" she did not care to return the banter -- instead, she sat before lotus not unlike a housecat, her tail curling around her haunches as she plaintively awaited an answer.

RE: Purple - Lotus FlickerWings - March 17, 2016


The girl watched as the female sat, a strange smile on her lips, only then did she reply. "I am Lotus." She stated, the rich tones in her voice brought out. She liked this female, though she was a bit wry. Something told Locus that she had the authority to be such though, so she didn't linger on it. "Do you come from these waves?" She tilted her head very slightly, asking if the woman was from the area, though the answer was clear.

  There was something about the woman that transfixed Locus, something deeper than her coat. Her powerful aura led her to the final conclusion that she was an alpha. Most likely an alpha of these parts. The pale coywolf lowered herself down, her long legs folding underneath her body. She silently speculated of the hushed female's profile. Hmph, she'd find out eventually...

RE: Purple - Caiaphas - March 18, 2016

caiaphas considered the question. you come from these waves? a wisp-thin smile threaded silently on her sharp muzzle as she weighed the strange inflection in those words. in some ways, maybe she had sprung forth from the salt-licked strand -- it would certainly explain her affinity for it.

her gaze returned to stark female, her eyes somewhat narrowed as she assessed the coywolf's health. she did not look as if she was starving -- and certainly she did not sport the disheveled look of an outcast. "i did." the salt witch confirmed, unmoved from her cat-like crouch. "yourself?"

RE: Purple - Lotus FlickerWings - March 19, 2016

The pallid girl shook her head. "No, I am from a mountainous region. A valley. I have traveled to find my sea-legs though." She replied, her indigo orbs focusing on that of the sea-witch. Her ears flicked, waiting for a response from the woman. Lotus was interested in her, curiosity sprung up at her like fresh shoots of grass on a warm spring day. She expected something out of the ordinary from this woman, and she wasn't going to leave until she found what it was.

RE: Purple - Caiaphas - March 20, 2016

the mountains. caiaphas shared an affinity that went beyond their mutual blood then, for she too had been born in the cusps of a mountainous hedge. she recalled distantly charnel's keep, the serrated promontories that rose from the blasted earth far beyond vision. it seemed strange that a coywolf would find herself then upon the strand -- but after all, caiaphas was here too -- perhaps it was not so strange after all. "and how does one lotus find herself so close to my beach?" she inquired slowly, a sly look descending across her snipey muzzle.

RE: Purple - Lotus FlickerWings - March 20, 2016

Aha, the female was very Lime: Witty. Yes, this was a good wolf to have around. "I was born in the mountains,but birthed from the waves. I thought I would visit my mother." A sly grin crept across her face, matching that of the female across from her. "You may have a claim on territory here, but no creature claims the Earth. She claims us, as she makes us in the beginning. We only borrow her uses, so she borrows ours in the end." She looked  into the eyes of her coywolf brethren and she could almost sense something special about her. The smirk left her maw and a new emotion painted it, Yellow. Finally, there was some happiness in her life. Finally.

RE: Purple - Caiaphas - April 04, 2016

caiaphas eyed this thing curiously, though the side-eye in itself was lacking in any sort of politeness. lotus' reply was met with a scoff - while caiaphas was unfamiliar with the term 'tree hugger', she was no stranger to the feeling of resentment such a hippy-esque mindset caused. her ears pulled backwards as she considered the fruitiness of the female's words. the earth in itself was insensate -- or at least, that is what caiaphas believed -- there were no gods, there were no prophets -- only death and suffering. despite this belief, she was not entirely scornful of lotus -- for her (strange) view of the world was a refreshing change. "the beach is mine." she reaffirmed stiffly, curious to see how the coyote would respond.

RE: Purple - Lotus FlickerWings - April 07, 2016

The coyote nodded with a smirk on her face. "I see...You are a pack wolf by blood then, yes?" She was playfully teasing her brethren, as she new the masked woman was not. The smile grew even larger as she thought about it. "Because I have only met the wolf who has said such things. Us hybrids, we're different, right? Or are we not? We are both equal, but have different instinct, different behavior. We are better than to snarl like mutts over beaches that are not truly ours, yes friend? Not that you are snarling, no you're not a wolf. Not at all. You are a witch. A witch of the sea,yes." Her thoughts were clear, along with her words. they were not spoken wryly, but rather in a curious way, as she was truly curious on the matter.

RE: Purple - Caiaphas - April 10, 2016

the siren stiffened as the female replied, a singular ear pressed forward to capture the other canines words. lotus striked caiaphas as particular -- and inwardly, she wondered what catastrophic event had lead to her existence and mindset. her teasing was met with silence, though the quietude was anything but hostile. caiaphas often had encountered wolves who thought themselves superior -- but in many ways, caiaphas found her heritage lent her unique (and usually sinister) advantages. "and you are crazy." she rejoined as the female finished, leveling her cold gaze to the sprightly canine.

RE: Purple - Lotus FlickerWings - April 10, 2016

The woman looked over at the sea-witch. "Ah, but am I? Or am I not? I must be, but there is always a possibility I am not." She shrugged, as whether or not she was crazy was no big deal. She enjoyed time with this female, and hoped that they would become...something. Not truly a friend was lotus, more like that interesting person in the back of the class that bitch-slaps anyone who thinks they can fuck around with you. Yah, like a genius, insane guardian. A small, genius, absolutely insane guardian, yah. "But does this witch have a name? Is she named after the sea, or no?" She skipped over truly asking for the woman's name, but instead asked for traits of the name.

RE: Purple - Caiaphas - April 16, 2016

the ashborn thing issued an equally strange rejoinder; one that caused caiaphas' ears to prop forward in slight incredulity. it was not much of a denial, and it served to only further cement caiaphas' opinion of the coywolf. though as unhinged as lotus seemed, caiaphas did not sense any semblance of aggression. for that reason alone, the sylph did not immediately stray from lotus' company. "caiaphas." she supplied readily enough, her gaze trailing along lotus' features plaintively, studying her. "not named for the sea. or a flower, for that matter."

RE: Purple - Lotus FlickerWings - April 16, 2016

"My true name is not lotus!" She snorted with laughter. "What a pitiful name indeed, hah! I am not fond of giving my name out to randoms though, but you are brethren, and company. My true name is Hai Kara, from the ashes."(Google translate screwed that up). she gave a wispy smile. "Caiaphas, on 'your' territory, do you command wolves?" She asked with a tilt of her head.

RE: Purple - Caiaphas - April 18, 2016

she laughed at the question --  in her world, she would have it no other way. "i command all things." she replied darkly, a wave of her pale plume given in solemn afterthought. it was the way of the wild -- and in the wild, you did not own something unless you could swallow it. 

in her own way, she viewed the world as a savage fruit ripe for the taking -- and the coywolf before her seemed barren of any promise. with a final gaze given to her by-the-road comrade she rose, departing lotus' company in silence.