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Larksong Grotto blame it on the time - Printable Version

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blame it on the time - RIP Tavi - March 18, 2016

Open to anyone needing a LSG pledge thread! No guarantees though, Tavi can be a jerk.

It did not sit well with Tavi to have Reek out there on his own, while she was stuck in one place to recover. So whenever he was gone, she was up and moving. Thus far she only had the energy to drag her sorry ass around the grotto, poking her head in to the cave openings that dotted the glacier and the mountainside; it took work to do much else, and Tavi was tired by midday. The wound on her neck needed to be redressed, and without someone to aid her in that, the woman would just have to sit and suffer. It serves me right — she thought bitterly — but I guess this is home now. And it was sensible she would want to know everything about her new home. With a sigh, Tavi hoisted herself up the adjacent ridge and plotted a course towards another dark edge, thinking there might be something interesting that way.

RE: blame it on the time - Gavriel - March 18, 2016

Even though Gavriel designated himself to be Seregrýn’s guard, keeping up with her hadn’t been the easiest job. Controlling Vercingetorix on the trip here had been tough enough but the young girl had eluded him for the time being and his search started to feel useless. They had a common goal to find their heda and he’d been able to doubt her entire purpose of losing him. She couldn’t be far or without somewhere he could easily find with an urgent call to the heavens. He could only hope her training had given her enough logic to not completely avoid his intentions.

Getting to where he stands had been tough, his paws sore from the steep decline of a mountainous terrain, but he doesn’t show up empty handed when he gets to the base. A scent draws his attention. It’s not the elusive Fos Goufa as he hoped but perhaps someone that could lead him in the right direction. Or an easier way out of this place. He won’t find the incline of his escape any easier and approaching someone made him a little uneasy, even if he tried to remain optimistic. 

The scent doesn’t lead anywhere in particular and he quickly glances upward, catching a glimpse of silver as she hovers over a ledge Gavriel isn’t sure he can get to. He offers a chuff, hoping to draw enough attention to himself.

RE: blame it on the time - RIP Tavi - March 18, 2016

While she should have been recovering after the encounter with Saena, Tavi was antsy. She hated to sit still - especially now - and was focused upon exploring her would-be home to the fullest extent. This task would be difficult, at least until she had recovered, but it kept her mind occupied. In her pursuit of a safe route along the ridge she thought she spotted a glimmer of movement - something gray and bulky crossing from the shadows, to the light, and back again. The woman paused, half expecting to see the lanky figure of Reek somewhere below, but was greeted instead by a complete stranger. The thought that she'd encounter lone wolves in this area had eluded her; but at the same time, the entity could perhaps be wooed to stick around.

Tavi bayed lowly, her ears twisting when she hears the sound of her own voice bouncing around the stonework of the hillside. From this distance she is safe, but she cannot get a very good look at him — in moving closer, she puts herself in greater danger. What if this was a hungry beast? Someone that didn't deserve her attention, or someone who wished to take the grotto for their own purpose? Tavi had to remain optomistic, so she let those thoughts slide.

Hello, she called down to him, feeling secure from her higher vantage point for the time being. You look a little... murderous, she thought, Lost. or at the very least, curious.

RE: blame it on the time - Gavriel - March 18, 2016

When he gained her attention, a satisfied grin speads across his muzzle but he doubted at their distance, she’d notice. Either way, she turns to address him and he admires her decision to remain where she stands. He would have done the same if he didn’t have the back up should he have chosen to advance. Her remaining remaining where she stood would be the safest option for her, even if he held no ill-intent for crossing her path.

“Yes,” he confessed with a slight swish of his tail. He’d been trying to explore a territory he hadn’t grown up around, a place he hadn’t spent three years mapping for the good of his home, and instead everything slowed down painfully. Trying to absorb what he could in his travels while keeping two adolescents in tow hadn’t been the easiest thing in the world and adding on the search for someone he doesn’t even know wants to be found. He shook out his fur, then taking a step or two further so he didn’t have to shout nearly as loud. “What can you tell me about this place?”

RE: blame it on the time - RIP Tavi - March 18, 2016

He changes before her, or at least his expression does. It flickers between different emotions, but is muddy in her view. She is unsure of him. Still, he could pose to be an ally — so Tavi, inexperienced as she was at the helm of a pack, gives him what he asks. This is the Larksong Grotto. My grotto. Adding that little tidbit on the end felt false. Her tone didn't weaken though, intent on behaving as lordly as she could given her injury and lack of faith in the situation. Maybe she could impress this fellow wolf and add to their ranks. Or, and she felt this more strongly, she could scare off a potential enemy.

If you head east you'll find the glacier lands, and there is a pack there upon the Sleeping Dragon mountain. Tavi swallowed, thinking of the dragon wolves and the dangers they posed for the grotto — at least until someone confronted them about this new claim. The woman was worried about how everything would work out, but she couldn't show weakness at the moment, not if she wanted to be successful. And to the south is the Maplewood, which is controlled by another group. It didn't occur to Tavi until now that maybe these established packs would sound more appealing to the wanderer.

Believing she might have shared too much, it was time for Tavi to seek answers of her own. She shifted her weight, but kept her eyes upon the stranger. Are you looking for something? A home? She wanted to add, but her throat hurt from so much speaking already.

RE: blame it on the time - Ditty - March 18, 2016

Ditty had noticed that someone else was near, and he eagerly wanted to defend his soon to be Alpha female when he noticed this. Besides, if she was doing recruiting, that was no fair — he wanted to do all the recruiting, 'cause it'd make him look pretty good if he came home with another wolf in tow to add onto their pack! This wolf she was talking to looked pretty good, strong and all that, and big too! He sure looked liked he could protect the territory well! Or, you know, rip them all to shreds if he wanted to. Probably a good thing Ditty was here in case things would go awry. Maybe.

With his heart thrumming in his chest, Ditty approached just as Tavi finished asking the stranger what he was looking for and Ditty found the perfect entrance! Well, at the time it seemed like the perfect entrance, anyway — "A ditty, perhaps?" Gosh, that was lame. Ahhh. " 'cause, y'know, I'm Ditty. I mean, my name is Ditty. I'm a Ditty." He might not even know that a ditty was a song. Hopefully he wouldn't be deterred from joining because of this awkwardness. He probably thought Ditty was terrible. Yet somehow his mouth kept on rambling. "Are you looking for a home? 'cause this here's a great one." Please say yes, please say yes, please say yes. Well, at least his overwhelming optimism was still going strong.

RE: blame it on the time - Gavriel - March 20, 2016

I didn't know if Ditty was on the ground with Gavriel or on the ledge with Tavi so I didn't mention it.

The woman gave him a few details, mostly stuff not quite beneficial to him. Thuringwethil wouldn't remain somewhere so... crowded. Seageda had their space between themselves and the next pack over, with plenty of mileage separating them. And now, it seems another pack was settling near the others. Unless, of course, his perception of her words are wrong but through his travels south, he's seen a strange influx of wolves. Their proximity unsettled him enough before he's suddenly distracted by another wolf.

Gavriel bit his tongue with the sudden onslaught of words he has a hard time comprehending. While the common tongue is well know to him, and he'd been using it with the female, the speed behind the new male confused him.

"I don't... know what a ditty is," he managed, glancing quickly toward the female. "I didn't mean to disrupt anything, my apologies," he offered with a slight flick of his ear, glancing at the overgrown-fox, ignoring his question. The quick to produce hospitality made his stomach churn into knots. "Is there an easier way out of here?"

RE: blame it on the time - RIP Tavi - March 20, 2016

It was her belief that things were going well. That she could do this - be a leader, collect some followers and maybe even survive in the grotto. Yes, she had doubts, but she and Reek were getting closer to their goal. And here was this stranger, a potential recruit -- being scared off by the arrival of the hybrid. As soon as the golden-coated Ditty appeared, Tavi shot him a sharp look; not knowing what to expect was one thing, but as soon as he opened his mouth, she felt her fur bristle. Her first thoughts on this encounter (I got this!) quickly dissolved. And the more Ditty spoke, his voice hasty and obnoxious, the less control Tavi felt over herself.

Ditty -- she tried to quiet him with a word, but couldn't get her voice through his thick wave of conversation. Ditty, this time louder, she hoped it garnered his attention. Tavi didn't want to be too overbearing here, or it would make her look weak. Out of control. But, well, she was. The stranger in their company did not need to be barraged by either of their voices.

When there was some quiet, Tavi replied to the interloper's question: Nothing is very easy here. But, if you head south along the ridge you'll find your way. With that said, she looked at Ditty, her expression hardly friendly; hopefully he'd stay quiet.

RE: blame it on the time - Ditty - March 21, 2016

he's with Tav!

Tavi calling out his name did get through to Ditty, but somehow he just couldn't stop himself from rambling on and on. Large ears flattened in apology towards his to-be Alpha as he realised that he'd mucked up, and it seemed the dude wasn't even looking for a home (or, well, at the very least not their home). "It's a —" He glanced guiltily at Tavi as he spoke again and swallowed before he looked at the male and hastily explained: "A ditty's a song."

Then he decided to be quiet and allow Tavi to continue the conversation. It sounded like the guy wasn't looking for a home, or, well, not their home, at least. Ditty waited quietly, though he more felt like leaving the scene 'cause his help was obviously not appreciated.