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Larksong Grotto the world looks down and frowns - Printable Version

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the world looks down and frowns - RIP Tavi - March 18, 2016

Another pledge thread for LSG (or maybe just territory discovery idk!).

It took a lot longer than it should have for Tavi to reach the center of the territory. Not the dead center of course, or she'd be under water. But once she'd conquered the various ledges and ridges and awful rocky terrain which she was not at all accustomed to hiking across, she came upon the crisp blue water of the grotto's heart. The feeling that spanned Tavi's entire being was similar to the one she felt upon finding the glacier - she was awed, to a degree. The water was still and a stark robins-egg blue; the lake itself seemed to go on forever, with more ridges and hills at the very edge of her vision. It was breathtaking. And for a brief handful of moments, Tavi was happy - invigorated by her discovery - before a bird abruptly flit out of the underbrush around her and spooked her. She turned her head to follow it, and was swiftly reminded as to why she was here. The woman deflated then, and settled in upon the lake's edge for a somber little rest.

RE: the world looks down and frowns - Reek - March 18, 2016

When Reek wasn't marking the borders or tending to Tavi's healing wounds, he typically found himself outside of the territory he intended to claim in search of recruits. It was a slow process, but things were beginning to come together. Something about building this pack brought Reek a semblance of ease— most importantly, it kept his mind off the family he had left behind in the Maplewood. It was his blind ambition that kept him afloat; a necessary distraction from the pain that welled in his heart.

Having not spent so much time within the territory, Reek took the day off from recruiting and took it upon himself to explore and spend some quality time within the heart of what would become his new home. The rocky terrain the closed the grotto in, providing a level of security the Maplewood did not have, soon gave way and Reek found himself in an oasis of crystal blue.

There, he found Tavi. Like her, Reek was just as breath-taken. He settled in beside her at the lakeside and spoke, "Isn't it beautiful?" Of course, it had been awe inspiring the first time he had passed though, but the effect did not diminish with time. He looked to Tavi and hoped she felt the same.

RE: the world looks down and frowns - RIP Tavi - March 18, 2016

From her vantage point along the hillside, Tavi could look out across the water and down in to the gully that was the grotto's heart. She felt content enough to stretch out, heralded by birdsong that sprouted from every which way. For a calm and empty place, it sure was loud. What if the sound of the birds drove her nuts? Would she ever adapt to it? The Maplewood hadn't been this noisy - but then, there were trees to insulate the sounds, and the pack itself hadn't been a rowdy place or anything. Stop it Tavi, she thought, adjusting herself upon the ridge again, Comparing the old with the new isn't how you get over shit.

But she couldn't help it. With a huff, Tavi turned away from the view of the lake and prepared to - carefully - tuck her nose in to her tail. As she turned, she spotted the approaching figure of Reek. The sight of him made her spirit lift somewhat, and so she deigned not to nap quite yet. He looked out at the water too, and Tavi watched him - until he spoke, and she merely grunted a response, plunking her head down upon her paws. Maybe it was pretty, but it wasn't home. Not yet.

RE: the world looks down and frowns - Reek - March 18, 2016

He settled in close, allowing the side his face to rest on Tavi's uninjured flank. There, his teeth began to preen at her fur, gently raking through where she bore no mark or laceration. Briefly, he considered redressing her wounds (now that he had started a small herb cache), but instead went along with simply grooming as he waited for her response. He took her grunt as a wordless agreement.

"It's what sold me on settling here," he continued between slight tugs. "Well— that and the hunting ground north of here." It was a land of plenty; despite the difficult and rocky terrain, Reek knew his wolves would never starve here.

RE: the world looks down and frowns - RIP Tavi - March 18, 2016

His words sparked something in Tavi. Maybe a realization that things were actually settling in to place, or... Something. She wasn't sure. His attention was soothing to say the least, and that prompted her to be less reserved, even if she was tired and worn from the previous few days. Reek must have been exploring this place when she had gone off to talk to Saena. 

I guess we can't hunt to the south, she murmured, thinking again of the Maplewood. Doing that would surely doom the pack if it ever got off the ground. Having Saena mad at the two of them was one thing, but causing a war between packs - for something so Shakespearean as an angry ex-wife - was not worth it. But do you think it's safe? With the wolves of the mountain so close? Maybe they'd have to talk to them. Form some kind of agreement all over again. Worry set itself back in to Tavi's stomach and twisted it in to more knots. She sighed, feeling heavy all over. What if we get chased away? Maybe this is too close - but where else could they go?

RE: the world looks down and frowns - Reek - March 18, 2016

The concerns she raised were all valid, in fact, Reek had previously wondered if settling so close to the Maplewood was a good idea. Most answers pointed to no, it's not, but Reek wanted to remain within howling range. For one, with Saena so close to her due date, wherever Reek settled, he wanted it to be within close range. Though he could not be the father to his pups he planned to be, he would be there for them as much as he could. Reek was a lot of things; a terrible husband, a stumbling leader, but a deadbeat dad was something he refused to add to his list.

"We better not risthk it," he lisped through a mouthful of fur. There was plenty enough land to hunt on to the north to keep them sustained and satisfied. While he didn't think hunting in the plains south of the Grotto would cause any trouble with the Maplewood, he refused to start any more needless drama.

Their safety, however, was something Reek did not fear. "It's as safe a claim as any," continued Reek as he began to groom higher on Tavi's neck. "I've made deals with the leader of the mountain before... I'm sure I can do it again." His communications with Thuringwethil so far hadn't suggested that claim at this distance would cause any trouble. If there was a problem however, Reek thought the territory easily defensible. Protected by rocky terrain and few viable entrances to the territory's heart, he felt it his own personal castle.

RE: the world looks down and frowns - RIP Tavi - March 19, 2016

He was very optimistic, whereas Tavi was unusually reserved about the entire thing. Then again, she had gotten her ass handed to her by someone she respected - and still respected - so, there was that. At least they could try and make friends with other packs; and this time, there would be no Esaro to screw things up. If Tavi were to accept the role of Alpha, she'd make sure that only the best of the best could stand at her side. No more fools, or children, or anyone that couldn't handle it. Their new home would be a fortress indeed, but it would need defending, and so she'd make sure they had proper warriors and guardians to do just that.

You're probably right, she finally conceded, although her tone had not changed. And I'm sure we can befriend others if that doesn't work. I guess I'm just... Not over it. 'It' being.. All of the chaos that had led to their expulsion from the Maplewood. Reek and Tavi would make a new life here in time, but the wounds were still so fresh. Perhaps it would go down in history as the beginning of a feud, or something equally poetic.

RE: the world looks down and frowns - Reek - March 19, 2016

How Reek's broken soul had clung to a shred of optimistic thought— even he didn't know himself. In a way, he was just as unsure as Tavi -- perhaps even more-so -- knowing that it was his own poor choices that had led them to this outcome. His mask of confidence hid him well and he remained strong, not for himself, but for the wolves who would follow him... and for Tavi, whom Reek thought needed an emotional rock.

Her worries did not fully relent, but Reek took some small comfort from her words. "I don't think we'll ever be over it," he replied; his ministrations coming to a slow halt. The lingering effects of his infidelity and being cast away from home would always linger about. A sad quality had set in to Reek's voice. "All we can do is move forward."

Sitting still would do nothing but perpetuate ill feelings and regret. Reek's head slumped, eventually coming to rest on his forepaws. "Are you feeling any better today?" he asked, casting a glance to Tavi's side; eyes settling on her wounds. "I can redress them if you want." After finding a few herbs and stowing them away, Reek felt confident enough in his abilities as a healer to bring Tavi back to full steam— at least physically.

RE: the world looks down and frowns - RIP Tavi - March 19, 2016

Move forward. Supposing that they rebuilt here, made their pack and survived, then she'd have something to focus on. They'd move forward together, and maybe even forget about this entire mess. Tavi knew it would be difficult since they were still so close to Saena's lands — perhaps they'd be confronted about it, the way the woman had charged in to the Emberwood so many days ago. Back when things were right. Tavi sighed at the memory, shifting a bit next to Reek, and then chose to focus on his question rather than the ghosts of days ago.

I'm okay, she commented quietly, and moved her head as if to test her neck. It hurt, but she managed to do it without visibly wincing; the pain shot up the side of her neck and planted in the base of her skull, where it would later become a nagging ache, and maybe even a migraine. But for now, she was fine. Rest helped. To be truthful, Tavi's wound could use some attention — but she didn't want to use up whatever limited collection of things Reek had found, presuming he had already made a cache of some kind. Maybe some food? Have you and -- what's his name -- Ditty, had time to hunt anything?

RE: the world looks down and frowns - Warbone - March 19, 2016

*parachutes in*

Though his place lie in Sleeping Dragon, Warbone was not keen on staying within the keep for too long. His volatile nature built when he began stagnant, when he settled. In some slight effort to avoid his culminating sense of dominance (that would rain down hard on the unsuspecting subordinates of his new home), Warbone picked up hie weight and made a snail-trail to the north. He remembered the lone peak— Nova Peak— and traveled in that direction as he sought solitude and the expenditure of his virulent energy.

An entire day ambled by, watching as the male fed and relieved himself n a northward spread across the terrain. He lacked a decent amount of sleep, but tiredness could not overcome him. He'd have plenty of time to be tired back in the fortress of Sleeping Dragon. A grotto, hidden for the most part and treacherous to some, distracted him from his actual destination. He began to descend interestedly, carefully, into the place he had missed on his trip through the area before. A couple of starkly recent scents reached him, letting him know that someone(s) was just beginning to spend a great deal of time there, but if he had crossed any border they were not yet fully established to warn him sufficiently. He gave the scents as much mind as he would the scent of any other predator's— cautious, but unafraid.

Mostly following the scent of water, he actually came across both wolves, standing lakeside. He approached slowly in the dim light, keeping his distance. "Afternoon," he drawled casually, ears erect and tail hanging neutrally.

RE: the world looks down and frowns - Reek - March 19, 2016

"Good," he replied, voice laden with relief. Truthfully, Reek felt guilty for leaving Tavi behind to heal alone while he set out to recruit. In the Maplewood, when Reek had a patient, he devoted all of his time and his entire being to the wolves in his care. Here at the grotto however, while juggling multiple duties, Reek had no such opportunity to provide this level of care.  

He had done little hunting— only enough for himself (and sometimes Tavi). There simply wasn't enough time in the day to establish a proper cache. If Ditty had already begun to create one, it was unknown to Reek as of yet. He sighed, "Not much. Ditty might'av, but we're a little, uh, short— cache wise." Across the still waters, he could see several waterfowl. He knew Tavi was partial to bird and would perhaps try to snag one later when he had the chance.

But, before he could suggest embarrassing himself in front of the best bird hunter of all time, they were joined by a stranger. Reek whipped his head back at the sound of the stranger's voice. The scent of his claim was weak... It obviously needed work. Instead of treating the stranger as a threat however, Reek saw an opportunity. His head lifted, Reek spoke a nonchalant, "Hey."

RE: the world looks down and frowns - RIP Tavi - March 19, 2016

Right - there were only two of them out and about, so it was silly to expect any sort of structure right now. The conversation went a little stale, maybe because Tavi didn't want to really talk - but then she heard Reek greet someone. A scent drifted her way, and she lifted her head from her paws, alert and sharp; her ears twisted back for a moment either because of the pain in her neck, or the appearance of a stranger. The scent was layered — and vaguely familiar, but not familiar enough for her to recognize a Dragon off the bat.

While Reek did not seem affected by the appearance of a stranger in their midst, Tavi was the opposite. Her fur spiked and she tried to slip away from the shadow alongside her; getting up so she could face the trespasser. Even if their claim was weak, there was only one way to enforce it. What are you doing here? she leveled her gaze at the other wolf, and loomed above her one ally, wondering if Reek would stand alongside her or continue laying about.

It was entire possible that Tavi was on edge because of her injury and the stress of the days before — or maybe she was finally coming to terms with this new position she was soon to acquire.

RE: the world looks down and frowns - Warbone - March 19, 2016

The coal male responded lightly to Warbone's presence, but the female, slate and mildly injured, was immediately put on edge. He didn't move at first, surveying both of them in turn with an apathetic gaze. He wasn't threatened, if only because the female was the only one who seemed to take affront to him being here, but he automatically respected her more— even if he was more impressed by her companion's casualty. "As I please," he answered her immediately, and though his words were puerile by context, there was nothing about his tone or body language to suggest he meant either of them any particular harm.

"Actually," he amended, slowly, knowing very well his tongue could be provocative of a fight; "no. I am investigating the signs of an early claim here. It was not strong or certain— only recent, as far as I could tell— so I fell victim to my interest." A mild admittance, if it could be called as such. "If you wish me gone, that is fine, but if you attack me, I will defend myself." He thought to warn them, the female in particular.

RE: the world looks down and frowns - Reek - March 19, 2016

The stranger spoke and a nervous flutter settled in to Reek's gut. Had he the numbers of a full pack, perhaps Reek would have reacted the same as Tavi; defensive. Reek, however, knew he could not afford a fight at the moment, especially with one as large as the stranger before them. Perhaps together with Ditty, Reek could wrangle him to the ground, but his chipper subordinate was nowhere in sight, so Reek proceeded with caution.

He rose to his feet and tuned his body to face the stranger. Inhaling his scent Reek could discern the mark of Sleeping Dragon. He was one of Thuringwethil's.  Obviously, there was no use trying to recruit him as he was already claimed. In no way did Reek wish to spur a fight, but a wolf without intention of joining was not welcome within the grotto. "This will be our claim," Reek answered, motioning with his muzzle toward Tavi. "But, if it's not your intention to stay here and join us, it would probably be best to take your information and go." Reek would sate his Warbone's curiosity for sake of the safety of his newborn claim.

Before offering a silent dismissal, however, Reek continued. "You're from the mountain," he stated, matter-of-fact and calm. "When you see Thuringwethil next, tell her I would like to speak with her." Perhaps he could kill two birds with one stone by speaking to the leader he had once established a firm report with.

RE: the world looks down and frowns - RIP Tavi - March 19, 2016

The grotto might have been loosely claimed by the two of them, but it was their's nonetheless. She would not allow herself to show weakness before this stranger, knowing he was indeed a Dragon - confirmed by Reek's nose - and she had an inkling that the mountain would be a good ally, if they were lenient with this stranger. But her instincts told her to drive him off. Especially now, in her wounded state. He was a threat to her - to them, and what they hoped to start here. But Tavi said nothing when the wolf spoke, only stood there and watched him, eyes locked in challenge against him.

Reek spoke, sounding more level-headed than herself. She turned an ear to his voice, but did not stop watching the interloper. Hopefully an audience with the leader of the Dragon's would lead to something of value; they couldn't count on the Maplewood at all, and so any friends in high places - or low places, who cared at this point - would be valuable.

RE: the world looks down and frowns - Warbone - March 19, 2016

Last post from me, guys!

The female was challenging him, but Warbone felt more amused by it than disrespected. They might be friends one day, when he wasn't trespassing, and she wasn't in a shape she felt she needed to defend. His eyes rolled to the dark male as he spoke for the pair of them, and he nodded in curt affirmation that he would leave. He knew better than to start trouble here— no longer representing just himself and the wills of the wild. He wore Sleeping Dragon like a banner, and it had not gone unnoticed by present company.

"I am," he answered needlessly, ears perking as the other male addressed his alpha by name. "I will." Another nod. "Who is it that is wanting to speak with her?" he asked, introducing himself with a gruff "Warbone," after he had been answered. "I will follow my own trail back, and will not stray from that," he said, leaving little room to doubt the honor behind his liquid tone, but he did not expect them to trust him. Especially not the female. "Until we meet again," he said, meeting her eye evenly and barely hiding the foxish gleam in his gaze. "Farewell." He turned in one fluid movement and oozed slowly back the way he had come.

RE: the world looks down and frowns - Reek - March 20, 2016

Before Warbone finally took his leave, he posed a single question to which Reek responded with his own name and nothing more. "Reek." Thuringwethil he was sure would get the message and find the grotto in due time, then they could discuss proper arrangements. With settling so close to the Maplewood, and seeing they had handled other packs forming in the area, Reek needed to know his new claim could be secure. This added muscle was something Thuringwethil and her pack could provide.

Reek bid Warbone a terse farewell and did not slacken until he saw the stranger pass over the invisible borderline and slink away from the territory. Reek breathed a sigh of relief, shook his head, and turned to Tavi... "Well, that happened," he mumbled in near disbelief, both shoulders hitching upwards in a shrug.

With their intruder handled, Reek finally allowed his body to relax. His attention turned back to the waterfowl and his stomach began to rumble with hunger. "Whaddaya say about watching me embarrass myself trying to catch one of those fuckers?" He asked, smiling as he tried to lighten the mood. "Maybe I can drum up a little food for the both of us."

RE: the world looks down and frowns - RIP Tavi - March 20, 2016

The stranger - Warbone - was quickly dismissed, or so it felt. He did not seem eager to linger once Reek had begun speaking. Tavi watched him leave with an unwavering gaze, and couldn't quite shake the feeling that something sinister might happen if she were to even move an inch. Reek seemed to relax easily enough, and maybe it was because of his experience with matters like this — but Tavi had prided herself in her outriding skills, not her people skills. Even during her brief stay as the Beta of the Maplewood, she'd never brought anyone new in to the pack. Perhaps she was no equipped for this.

The woman sighs softly while she listens to Reek talk, flicking an ear. The mention of food seemed to interest her stomach somewhat, making it bubble and growl, but then it twisted in to a knot. She shakes her head and returns to her comfortable spot upon the ridge, walking in a crescent while her legs buckled. I'm.. Not hungry. Or rather, she didn't have much of an appetite despite the hunger. I'm going to have a nap.

RE: the world looks down and frowns - Reek - March 20, 2016

I'll probably post another one for these two either tonight or tomorrow!

With his offer to procure some food for the both of them shot down, Reek couldn't help but feel a bit dejected. The spirits he had tried to lift sagged like a limp balloon. Watching as Tavi went on to resettle herself on the ridge looking outward, Reek shot back a dispassionate, "Suit yourself." However, after some consideration, a nap sounded alright. Reek had worked himself to the bone lately and his growling stomach could wait for a few more hours.

Assuming Tavi wouldn't mind him taking his place beside her, Reek settled in against her and rested his head on his forepaws. For a while, he kept his gaze trained on the territory he and Tavi would soon hold dominion over. A slight smile played across his face as his eyes began to droop until fully closed. Then, the only sound to pass Reek's lips was a subtle and quiet snore.