Wolf RPG
Wheeling Gull Isle shipshape - Printable Version

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shipshape - Ferahgo - March 18, 2016

No sooner had he crossed the plank and set his paws upon his own ship did the Captain pause, the head of his old crew member dropped into the sands. He was a selfish beast, always thinking first of himself, and he had thought no further than to see his own coffers made richer when he laid eyes on the severed head. But no longer was he the sole Captain of this ship, having exchanged that in order that he might acquire the wife he sought after. He picked up the head again. He would gift it to her.

Two further steps and once more he stopped, allowing the battered face to smash without honor into the shore as it was dropped for the second time. No. He could not gift this head, for he recalled suddenly that Erz had tried to save the wench from the jaws of the other beast, the one he had chased out. Certain that the presence of the head alone would upset her, he would not even be able to keep it for himself.

But the Captain coveted his treasure, and was loathe to part with the fine skull he was certain was hiding beneath the ugly flesh. His eyes darted around, and came to stare at the ocean herself. Quickly, and for the final time, he yanked the head aloft, and moving to the shore, he found a sort of drop off point and cast the head into the sea. Here it settled among the rocks and kelp, and appeared no different than all that was around it. He could retrieve it later.

The tide was rising, and soon even the blood and scent of her in the sand would be swallowed, so the Captain moved inland, toward the dark woods at its heart, and here he howled for his partner in crime.

RE: shipshape - Erzsébet - March 18, 2016

the countess did not understand why she had accepted ferahgo's proposal, only that it had felt correct within her mind. aside from him, however, her tastes ran to women -- the captain held her attention and intrigued her as no man had before. the thought of more feminine things, however, brought to mind the thought of the pale handmaiden, and erzsébet feared she would never see the creature again. this sundered her cold little heart -- she had spent many nights alone in their cold den, searching for the quickly fading scent of her one-time lover.

she moved among the trees, a flicker of pale ribbon against the fading light, and smiled coolly as the captain's summons rose for her. erzsébet straightened whatever pallid fur was reachable, allowing herself a comfortable amount of time before she sashayed into his presence, gilding his cheek with a lick, not his chin, as she was his equal.

"what need do you have of me, ferahgo?" the countess purled gently.

RE: shipshape - Ferahgo - March 19, 2016

Slight pp just let me know if you had other plans lol

She took her time in coming, or at least was not prompt enough for the impatient corsair, her drummed a paw against the ground as he waited. Her tongue touched his cheek and his fangs flashed forward against her own in a nip, an impish grin on dark lips. "Have ye been to me quarters?" He asked, stepping aside to lead her toward the northern slope of the boulder-strewn hill.

If she was to be his equal, and eventual wife (he felt this was a matter of time indeed), the Captain's quarters were no longer his alone. "They be yer quarters now too," he explained as the pair moved along. Though he was not keen to share his space, she was a bewitching creature and he would not argue too much with having her nearby for the entertainment of his gaze. That was assuming she was interested in sleeping in the quaint cave. Either way, his real purpose was to distract her from the shore until the tides could destroy the evidence that her companion was dead.

RE: shipshape - Erzsébet - March 28, 2016

"our quarters," erzsébet murmured softly, moving alongside ferahgo with gentle steps. she had not been to them, not yet -- her days even since their bonding had been spent gathering her pretty things into a permanent location and searching for her brutish handmaiden. 

it occurred to erzsébet that ferahgo knew what had become of the she-wolf, but the countess dismissed the idea quickly. there was no need for him to lie, or to keep such from her -- she trusted he would not, for what benefit could it be to the captain? presently she slid her muzzle below his; her lips she pressed to his cheek. he was hers to touch, and erzsébet took each opportunity to do so.