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Moonspear i'll show you how to win - Printable Version

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i'll show you how to win - Charon - March 18, 2016

After returning home Charon had doubled his patrols; perhaps the assault hadn't happened within his borders, but he would not be able to rest fully until he had this Goober within his grasp. There was something possessive and dark inside of Charon and even he himself could not tell whether it was the strength of his friendship for Dhole or if it was something darker than that. It didn't really matter to him, anyway, 'cause regardless of the exact reasons, he wanted to see this Goober dead once and for all.

Not long after he'd returned home from Neverwinter Forest Charon was patrolling and he howled for @Floki , deciding to ask his brother to join him on a patrol while he could tell him about what he'd found out about what was going on. Maybe the pair of them could even set out together to look for Goober, but the best tactic would probably be to just sit this one out and wait for Eshe to come up with the guy so that could rip him to shreds and give him no chance of getting away. Charon halted and rubbed his shedding fur along a couple of trees before he lifted his leg to pee on another bit of shrubbery.

RE: i'll show you how to win - Floki - March 18, 2016

Floki's emotions had been in turmoil the last few days. He was angry at Goober, worried about Wildfire, and hopeful that Charon would track down her assailant. Simultaneously, he was altogether unsure of his future with Wildfire and was walking on eggshells around her. He kept an eye on her, checking in every few hours between patrols, but still refrained from getting too close -- physically or emotionally. It was a lot for the two youths to handle, considering their age and immaturity.

When Charon called for him, Floki veritably flew down the mountainside. He had been eagerly anticipating his brother's return. Normally, he would approach the Alpha with a friendly countenance, but his expression was dark and his brow was furrowed as he closed the gap. His ears were pressed forward, his blue eyes bright with the need for information. "Did you find him?" he asked, cutting to the chase and knowing that Charon would appreciate his direct line of questioning.

RE: i'll show you how to win - Charon - March 19, 2016

Flóki's posture showed that he was right on the money, not caring for extra clutter revolving around the center question: Goober. Their devotion to this cause was great, as was their devotion to Dhole; for Flóki his mate, for Charon a good friend that he loved in his own manners. To see her so destroyed lit a fire in Charon's heart and it seemed the same counted for his brother. The question was quickly met with an answer: "Sort of. Eshe knows where he's gone, due east some place. Some maplewood or something. She is going to go there to find him and bring him to us on neutral territory under false pretense." Yeah, so Eshe was a Frostfur, but she was also a pretty amazing friend in the short time that Charon had known her. The only downside to Eshe was, truthfully, her Frostfur-ness — the fact that she was mated to that sourpuss of a Scimitar.

Yet the task at hand was more important than Charon's hatred for Scimitar, and so Charon decided to stick to the topic at hand. "Man, that Scimitar's a real dick, though. He just keeps staring at me like I'm up to something." Charon was happy he could finally talk to someone about this without any consequences; Flóki was the one wolf he trusted wouldn't tell anyone else. "Eshe's super nice though, and I trust her with this." Charon smiled confidently as he said with a murderous sparkle in his eyes: "We'll get this asshole." And present his balls to Dhole on a silver platter. Attached, of course, so that she could do the honours. "Patrol with me?" Charon asked and he started to continue his patrol along the borders, deciding they might as well combine their duties.

RE: i'll show you how to win - Floki - March 20, 2016

Eshe. What a coincidence that the she-wolf from Neverwinter Forest knew of Goober. Floki bristled at the first mention of her name, wondering if Tevinter was hiding within her ranks. But Charon did not mention their wayward brother, and although he had spoken with Eshe about a different topic entirely, Floki thought that knowledge might have been shared if it were true.

As Charon continued, elaborating on the plan that he had hashed out with Eshe, Floki nodded and refocused his thoughts. They were lucky that someone knew who Goober was and where to find him. Charon's comments about Scimitar did not faze Floki; as long as Eshe was willing to help, it didn't matter what her mate was like. "We'll get this asshole," the young Alpha concluded, and Floki smiled grimly in agreement.

He fell into step alongside his brother as they continued on their way. He was quiet for a long pause, obviously lost in thought. "How does Eshe know him?" he finally asked.

RE: i'll show you how to win - Charon - March 20, 2016

Wordlessly they fell into step with one another, resuming the patrol that Charon had started when he had called for his brother. Flóki didn't respond to everything, but he did have a return question about Eshe. Charon didn't really know if Eshe had mentioned it, but it had sounded like they were just sort of loose acquiantances. She'd helped show him the way to some Maplewood, or something, from what he remembered. That was good, because it meant that she had one up on him and it might make him more eager to follow her.

"Dunno, she showed him to this maplewood place she mentioned, I think, but I don't think she's known him for very long or anything. She sure didn't take long to rat him out when finding out he'd attacked Dhole, anyway." Well, he hadn't mentioned that it was Dhole, but still; as soon as she had found out that one of Charon's wolves had gotten hurt, she had immediately wanted to help forge a plan to bring Goober to justice. They sure weren't friends, unless she was hiding it very well (but if that was the case then she would likely not've mentioned knowing him at all). Charon asked, "Did you tell Ame about things? How's Dhole doing?"

RE: i'll show you how to win - Floki - March 22, 2016

@Amekaze just tagging you for visibility; I assume Floki would've filled her in with the basics!

Floki bobbed his head thoughtfully, satisfied with Charon's response. It sounded as though they could really trust Eshe; he had liked her from the start, but her willingness to help them out only further cemented her reputation as a good wolf. "Well, I'm glad that she knew where to find him," he replied. Charon's search had provided results, and quickly; they couldn't ask for anything more at this point.

His ear flicked at the mention of Ame. He hadn't spoken with her in depth, but he had given her a brief update in passing. "Yeah, Ame knows," he said. He was sure that Charon would have a more detailed conversation with his mate regarding the matter, especially now that he had some news to share. As for Wildfire...

He exhaled heavily. "I guess Wifi's doing as good as can be expected. I've just kind of let her rest. We haven't really talked much," he replied. He didn't want to push her or invade her space while she was trying to heal, both physically and mentally.

RE: i'll show you how to win - Charon - March 23, 2016

"Yeah, we were lucky," Charon admitted in regards to Eshe's knowing of Goober. He would've chased to the ends of the earth if it meant finding Goober, but this was a lot easier, luckily. The third wolf he'd run into had already known of the culprit, and even had an outstanding favour. It was almost too perfect, and though Charon did not completely rule out a trap, he didn't expect it. It would surprise him to find Eshe was that good an actor.

It was good that Ame was filled in; he'd update her on the details soon. Dhole was doing less good, which was to be expected; Charon didn't realise he had just asked the same question that he scolded Scimitar for asking about her well-being. "As is to be expected, I guess..." he said, looking thoughtful while he tried to think what was best for Dhole's well-being; except for revenge, of course.

RE: i'll show you how to win - Floki - March 28, 2016

Moody Floki is moody! Wrap up?

He was lost in thought even as Charon replied. His brother's responses sounded far away and he barely nodded his head to acknowledge them. Floki's gaze strayed out over the landscape, taking in the neutral territories beyond Moonspear. Wildfire felt so passionate about traveling and outriding -- how could something so horrible have happened while she was doing what she loved?

Life wasn't fair. He had learned this long ago, but this situation only cemented it. He felt bitter anger rising in his chest, the same that he had endured when Tevinter had left the pack on less than pleasant terms. Every time Floki dared to think that something was okay, there was an unexpected twist. He didn't like it, and it hardened his heart.

He huffed through his nostrils, then came to a halt and gave Charon an apologetic glance. "Sorry. I think I just need...to go be alone for a little while," he said. He knew Charon would understand, but still felt a pang of guilt.

RE: i'll show you how to win - Charon - March 29, 2016

Though Charon's first reaction was anger to the manner Flóki brushed him off and decided to be alone, he swallowed it. Wasn't any use in calling him out on his rudeness, anyway, so Charon decided to just give him the space he asked for. "Take care," Charon said with little interest in his voice — he didn't want to let on that he was feeling rejected and angry at his brother — and allowed Flóki to depart from his presence.

After his brother was gone Charon continued his patrol along the borders in solitude to make sure that no Goober-alikes would get anywhere close to his turf or his wolves.

you can post once more or archive as is :)

RE: i'll show you how to win - Floki - March 29, 2016

Had Floki been less wrapped up in his own thoughts -- a bit selfishly, perhaps -- he might have noticed the dark cloud that passed briefly across Charon's face. Normally, he would have avoided doing anything to bring about his brother's ire, and would have quickly made amends. But he simply wasn't present, and just appreciated it when Charon released him from his company.

"You too," he murmured quietly, before turning and wandering aimlessly into the trees.