Wolf RPG
Firefly Ravine Introductions, meetings, greetings, etc. - Printable Version

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Introductions, meetings, greetings, etc. - Teci - March 18, 2016

@Zepyhr Maverick sorry if I spelt this wrong

She had not been miffed by meeting other wolves, even those who looked down upon her for her lineage. How could she when she looked down upon herself as an individual? She was a mistake, a halfblooded freak. She had become to socialize herself with her father's side of her biology and had found some who she cared for deeply. Lyric was slowly becoming the mother figure she so had wanted as a child. If her own mother had shown half the initiative that Lyric did perhaps she wouldn't be the way she was. Rain too was becoming a sister to her. 

Despite this she had no other friends as far. She was cautious of the others in her pack and often became a submissive stuttering mess in their presence. When she smelt the male nearby she was nervous. She shuffled on her feet indecisevly about meeting him. Should she flee or approach?

In her deep thought she failed to notice his scent becoming stronger, he was getting closer. Nor did she notice the wind shifting and bringing him her scent, alerting him to her presence.

RE: Introductions, meetings, greetings, etc. - Zephyr Maverick - March 19, 2016

As Zephyr pulled himself out of the river after his swim, pausing to shake the water droplets from his crow black and snow-splashed fur, the slight scent of a female reached him. Nobody he knew, and it had an odd twist to it. Wolf, definitely, but with a familiar tang that Zephyr felt he should know. Curiosity getting the best of the large gentleman, he wagged his tail and trotted towards it. He hadn't yet made any friends here, and now was his chance; he wasn't letting the chance go. The wind brought her scent right to him, and he figured he wouldn't be quiet: nobody wanted a big male just showing up out of nowhere, even if this one was nothing but a teddy bear unless otherwise needed. 
Eventually, Zephyr saw the females silver and black coat. He'd made sure to step on twigs and rustle rocks as to announce his presence, and smiled as he caught sight of the husky wolf. The halfblood explained the oddness to her scent, but it didn't bother Zephyr much. He'd met other halfbloods before, and he knew they were capable of just as much if not more than a full wolf like himself. He stayed a good distance from her, just in case, but kept his tone and posture kind and unthreatening. "Hello, my name is Zephyr. I'm new here." He introduced himself immediately, hoping to make friends.

RE: Introductions, meetings, greetings, etc. - Teci - March 19, 2016

He was larger than she which was not uncommon with fullblooded wolves. He surprisingly had a multicolored coat, black with splashes of white on it. She hadn't thought that possible for a regular wolf but apparently so.

"Hello, I-I'm new t-too." She managed not to stutter too much, a small victory. She wagged her tail a bit, happy to meet someone who didn't protest her existence. Perhaps they could be friends.

RE: Introductions, meetings, greetings, etc. - Zephyr Maverick - March 19, 2016

Completely, and purposely, ignoring her nervous stutter, Zephyr wagged his tail and let his goofy grin spread across his face. The black and white male had no reason to care if she was half domestic, he thought she was perfect the way she was. "Not that you have a reason to trust me, but I promise I won't do anything that makes you uncomfortable. I would never attack an innocent packmate, especially a female." He kept his tone happy and friendly, not wanting to scare the female. "You dont look like you're from around here."

RE: Introductions, meetings, greetings, etc. - Teci - March 19, 2016

She blinked at the sudden influx of information. What an odd thing to say. She cleared her throat slightly, "Uhh I-I would h-hope not-t." He seemed to have no problems with her unlike Sen had, so she relaxed some. 

She sat, albeit a few feet away from him, in a relaxed manner. "I'm not. I come from outside Teekon." She eyed his form, definetly just a wolf. "You look as if you are."

RE: Introductions, meetings, greetings, etc. - Zephyr Maverick - March 19, 2016

Zephyr wagged his tail, thrilled with himself for seemingly making himself seem a bit less threatening; at least she was comfortable enough to look relaxed. He didn't realize that his words had confused her, so we went on. "I, actually, am not either. I stumbled across the Teekon Wilds just days ago, and this was the first place I found." He wanted to keep the conversation going, to make a friend,  but he didnt want to overwhelm her.

RE: Introductions, meetings, greetings, etc. - Teci - March 19, 2016

She nodded in response to his words, deciding to share some about herself. "I'm from a small farm. I have only been here for a few days as well." Her stutter had vanished as she realized he was friendly. 

"Do you have a trade?" It wasn't an invasive question rather a curious one. Perhaps he was healer as well.

RE: Introductions, meetings, greetings, etc. - Zephyr Maverick - March 19, 2016

The big male smiled, wagging his tail and sitting down before speaking kindly.
        "I was raised a warrior, became an alpha. But once my pack disbanded, I learned to heal and it's by far what I prefer."
He was glad this female trusted him, and he inched a little closer but stayed sitting. His grassy eyes gleamed with pleasure.
               "What about you, miss.... Well, I don't know your name. You never told me."
Zephyr smiled shyly, but he was positive she hadn't said her name; he was focused on her words. The male hadn't had a friend in around a year. though he couldn't be sure due to losing track.

RE: Introductions, meetings, greetings, etc. - Teci - March 19, 2016

She shook her head a bit. "I'm sorry. My name's Teci." She had forgotten to mention her name after being told his, Zephyr. Quite an odd name but unique as well.

She smiled cheerfully, ignoring the discomfort she felt at him moving closer. "I am a healer as well, and a hunter." They were what she was best at, though her smaller frame made it easier to hunt small game than ungulates.

RE: Introductions, meetings, greetings, etc. - Zephyr Maverick - March 19, 2016

Zephyr's smile only grew, tail sweeping across the ground behind him. 
        "It is nice, knowing another healer was around. Perhaps we could be more than packmates. Friends?"
The black and white male hoped she said yes. She would be his first friend since his old pack, and he needed his incessant loneliness to end.

RE: Introductions, meetings, greetings, etc. - Teci - March 19, 2016

She nodded eagerly, "I would like to be friends." She had Rain who was a bit childish what with her brain damage and all, as well as Lyric who was more of a mother figure or a colleague than a friend. She hadn't met the other two members of the pack. 

She looked forward to having Zephyr as a friend and perhaps the other two males she smelt about. She had unfortunately met Sen the wolf woman who hadn't like halfbreeds very much.

RE: Introductions, meetings, greetings, etc. - Zephyr Maverick - March 19, 2016

Adrenaline surged through Zephyr's innards as he just contained a puppyish wiggle. Grinning goofily, he play bowed and wagged his rump in the air, initiating play and hoping the much smaller husky half breed would join.

RE: Introductions, meetings, greetings, etc. - Teci - March 19, 2016

Growing up as she had Teci had no idea how to play. She startled when he suddenly jerked into the playful bow. Eyeing him curiously she approached warily. One paw lifted as if to wheel and run if he attacked, She leant forward and sniffed him delicately. Nothing seemed wrong with him.

Taking a bit of initiative she bopped his nose gently with her paw as Rain had done her before. "Boop," she used the same word the girl had as well.

RE: Introductions, meetings, greetings, etc. - Zephyr Maverick - March 19, 2016

Zephyr quickly picked up that the half breed had no idea what he was doing, but was glad that she tried. He let her come close, only watching her playfully as she got close and eventually "booped" him on the nose. Yipping happily, Zephyr swung his big white paw at her tiny one, hoping not to scare her.

RE: Introductions, meetings, greetings, etc. - Teci - March 20, 2016

Teci was beginning to get the idea and she grinned happily as a high pitched string of giggles escaped her mouth. It was the first time she had really laughed in a long time. Curling her body she swatted his paw gently with her own. 

She pranced away a few paces before dropping into the same play bow he had. Albeit it wasn't exactly like a play bow as she had never been in the position before. But the waving tail and lolling tongue gave it away. She let out a soft bark that sounded more doglike than wolflike. It was an invitation to play and she wiggled happily, hoping he would accept.

RE: Introductions, meetings, greetings, etc. - Zephyr Maverick - March 21, 2016

Zephyr was absolutely thrilled, the big male prancing after her like a massive puppy with his tongue flopping out of his grinning jaws. He batted at her haunches gently with his big white paws before taking off to the right, running a couple yards before play bowing in her direction yet again. The crow black male hadnt played in months, and it was nice to stretch his muscles out. He let out a flurry of excited yips and barks, tail wagging in the air.

RE: Introductions, meetings, greetings, etc. - Teci - March 21, 2016

She jogged over to him happily, tail waving so much her lower body was wiggling with it. She placed her paws on his broad ebony side and gave a play shove. Being much smaller than he it barely moved him instead toppling her over. With a soft oomph she fell on her back next to him. She began to laugh at her predicament, giddy at having a new friend to play with.

RE: Introductions, meetings, greetings, etc. - Zephyr Maverick - March 21, 2016

Zephyr laughed and flopped to his back beside her, exaggerating at her shove and dramatically toppling over. He wiggled around, scratching his back at the same time as being goofy and pawing at the little husky mix with all four feet. 
     "Its been such a long time since I played!" 
Though they hadn't played much, Zephyr sounded breathless. More so from the exhilaration of new friends and long forgotten habits than being actually tired. The black and white male could play forever!

RE: Introductions, meetings, greetings, etc. - Teci - March 21, 2016

Teci was not winded as Zephyr seemed to be, she was muscular and had a high endurance after Taking care of herself all these years. She had shaped up at a young age to keep up with the demands of hunting dinner for herself and some of the other pups.

She smiled fondly, she hadn't ever played before today. Too much responsibility as a kid. "I have never played until I met you. Thank you for being my friend," she said rather shyly as she kicked his cheek in a friendly manner before standing.

RE: Introductions, meetings, greetings, etc. - Zephyr Maverick - March 23, 2016

The black and white male was ecstatic, barely able to keep from wiggling in pride at her words. 
        "I'm more than happy to play whenever you want to Teci, you are my first real friend outside of my old pack mates."
Zephyr stayed on his back, watching up at the sky fondly and thinking of Twilight as he usually did. He imagined his mother watching down on him and being glad he'd found a new place to call home and new wolves to make friends with.
               "I think we will be good friends, you seem like someone worth keeping close and befriending."
The big male looked over to the she-dog and smiled, his grassy eyes relaxed and kind with a deep satisfaction dancing in their depths.

RE: Introductions, meetings, greetings, etc. - Teci - March 23, 2016

She smiled happily, tail wagging eagerly. She was like a kicked dog, one mean look could send her back into cowering and stuttering. A kind touch or word however had her wriggling like a pup. 

Had she been able to she would be blushing. No one ever complimented the half breed. In truth most wolves found her unattractive if not ugly or repulsive. In the human world she would have been found adorable but this was not the human world. 

"Thank you," she told him quietly as she lay beside him, happy to finally have a friend.

fade out?