Wolf RPG
Redhawk Caldera Firefly’s - Printable Version

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Firefly’s - Mazi - March 18, 2016

For @Nadie if you have time!  :)  Otherwise anyone can join.

Mazi patrolled the north border of Redhawk Caldera.  So far she had seen no intruder, no nothing besides a few flapping, soaring birds over her head.  Letting out a content sigh, she padded back towards the center of the Caldera.  Today she felt in the mode to work on her Mercenary trade.  Maybe Nadie would be up for a spar if she could find the girl.  Otherwise maybe she could find another wolf interested.  As she padded deeper into the Caldera she found herself enjoying the lands nice feel of security.  The Caldera was almost like a rocky castle in a way, with the stoney guard surrounding it.

RE: Firefly’s - Nadie - March 18, 2016

Nadie followed along the border, patrolling with vigilance. She took her tasks very seriously and someone had to guard the Caldera especially now that the pups had been born. She had yet to meet the youngsters and didn't plan to do so until their mother okayed it. She didn't have a deathwish after all and provoking new parents by getting too close was just that.

When she smelt Mazi she sped up eagerly to hang out with the girl who had become her closest friend. "Hey, Mazi." She slowed as she padded alongside the agouti female, similar in color to herself.

RE: Firefly’s - Mazi - March 18, 2016

Mazi’s expressions almost instantly brightened up at the sight of her friend.  “Nadie!  Hey nice to see you.”  She yipped excitedly.  Then her eyes narrowed with a playful, mock aggression hinted to them.  “I was wondering if you were up for a nice spar.  Help get our Mercenary trade faster.”  The agouti female let her question hang in the air for a few moments, before continuing.  “Unless you’re too scared.”

RE: Firefly’s - Nadie - March 18, 2016

Had Nadie been a more aggressive wolf she might have taken the bait and truly tried to hurt Mazi. Had some stranger said it to her she would have been on them like fleas on a dirty wolf. Instead she joked along with her.

She cocked an eyebrow. "Me? Scared? Never." She growled playfully, " I bet you're the one who's scared." She swatted Mazi on the side lightly with her paw and jogged forward laughing, invoking a game of play that would no doubt lead to a friendly spar.

RE: Firefly’s - Mazi - March 18, 2016

“Who says you can call me scared when you’re the one fleeing from my epicness, I can see you jogging ahead Nadie don’t think I won’t be able to tell that you’re so fleeing right now.”  Mazi returned in a tease to her best friend.  Her tail gave a playful wag.

“Deep down I think we both know who’s the scared one here Nadie.”  She continued, in a playful teasing manner.  Waiting for the spar/play fight to take place.  Until then Mazi needed some revenge/satisfaction for Nadie’s playful blow on her side.  She sprinted forwarded at full speed, and lightly swatted her friend on the shoulder.  


RE: Firefly’s - Nadie - March 19, 2016

Nadie was unfortuantely very slow. Her muscle mass was her flaw and strength. She moved more like a bear than a wolf, lumbering more than running. This made it quite easy for Mazi to catch up.

"Ah, no fair. You only caught me cause I'm slow." She stuck her tongue out playfully but it was obvious there was no harsh feelings between the two competitive girls.

RE: Firefly’s - Mazi - March 19, 2016

“Nah.  I think that’s just your coverup story Nadie.”  Mazi shot back in a playful tone and stuck out her own pale pink tongue back at Nadie.    “Wanna spar Nadie?  See who’s really the strongest here?”  Mazi asked her friend in a playful and teasing, yet competitive voice.  “It’ll help us get the Mercenary trade.”  Mazi once again reminded her friend.

RE: Firefly’s - Nadie - March 19, 2016

are we making another thread or nah? :P

Nadie nodded eagerly,"Sure. Are we going to the same place or here?" Her tail wagged wildly in her excitement. She liked to be involved in anything, just liked to have friends and be included. 

She laughed at herself good naturedly. "I'd offer to race you there but we both know I'd lose." It was true though she wasn't like to win any races anytime soon.

RE: Firefly’s - Mazi - March 19, 2016

How about a new thread.

Mazi smirked.  Then nodded her head in agreement.  “Okay.  Race you to the that tall bush over there!”  Mazi told her friend.  Then the agouti female took off in a strong bound using her powerful, yet lithe frame to help her dash across the terrain of Redhawk Caldera towards the bush, which was about 36 feet away, just barley in her line of view.

RE: Firefly’s - Nadie - March 20, 2016

okay, could you start?

Nadie nodded and took off after her friend, albeit much slower. Lumbering along she followed after several paces behind to the bush.