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Larksong Grotto Imma just wander in 'ere - Printable Version

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Imma just wander in 'ere - Skeet - March 20, 2016

@Reek or @Tavi or anyone from LSG! Skeet is ready to have some fun!

Skeet was already liking the new land 'round him. The place was pretty nice, not as eerie was the echoing woods. His large paws crushed the ground underneath his immense weight, long legs covering ground at an even pace. His steps fell into rhythm of some sort, medium-paced. While he walked around the area, he noted how beautiful it was. He hadn't seen other wolves yet, and was quite eager to do so.

He couldn't wait to find somewhere to crash, or find food, or even find some women. Damn, now that sounded nice.

However, his survival priorities were first. He pushed on, hoping to find someone needing a recruit.

RE: Imma just wander in 'ere - RIP Tavi - March 20, 2016

While the wanderer was searching for others of their kind, Tavi was doing the exact opposite. Her own wandering had been completed the day before, and there wasn't much to see around the grotto — there were ridge lines, exposed shale beds, and various clusters of trees across the entirety of the Larksong area; but that wasn't so special. She soon diverted her attention towards more worthwhile pursuits - namely, hunting. Reek was out patrolling the area and the surrounding territories for additional souls to add to their posse, and Tavi was intent on being useful.

It was a bit ironic that her desire to fill some caches with bird meat led her towards a wolf, since that was not her goal at all. Upon finding a quiet hillside to roost herself, watchful and hungry, Tavi noticed the lack of movement around her quickly enough. And when she spotted a figure roaming about the lower crevices of the grotto, she decided to be bold, and worked her way towards it.

But it wasn't something edible — she realized this after tracking the figure for a solid twenty minutes across the rocky terrain — it was a wolf. If Tavi couldn't find something to eat, she may as well help the recruitment effort. Reek couldn't have all the fun with that. The soon-to-be leader let out a sharp bark as she approached from behind the burly stranger, raising her tail across her back. Hey -- she called out awkwardly as she paced across an exposed patch of granite, Your nose broken?

Okay, it wasn't the best way to introduce herself (as it wasn't an introduction at all) but Tavi was a blunt instrument at best; at the very least, she should have the stranger's attention.

RE: Imma just wander in 'ere - Skeet - March 20, 2016

It hadn't occurred to Skeet that he had another wolf in his presence, his nose was still trying to pick up some scents that showed signs of food. His burly body continued its path, however a feminine voice calling out to him brought his attention up.

"Hey" he said back to her, however his ears flattened the tiniest bit at her words. She questioned his nose, but he could only grin at her. "If you consider being mauled damaged, then yeah" he said lightly.

"What makes ya ask?"

RE: Imma just wander in 'ere - RIP Tavi - March 20, 2016

She was taking a good look at him when he responded, and she was stopped for a heartbeat. His arrogance was apparent, but rather than turn her off and make her snap as it might have days ago, Tavi was.. amused. She snorted,turning a sardonic tongue upon him. Well, that explains why you missed the markers. He did seem spirited though; and anyone willing to suffer for those scars was a worthy ally in her books. Maybe they'd have need of a beast like this. You're tresspassing. Well... almost. But I can show you the way out. Save you from getting lost with that broken schnozz.

RE: Imma just wander in 'ere - Skeet - March 20, 2016

Why he missed the markers? Well yeah, his nose was all jacked up and there weren't any big signs that explained their was a territory here. Besides, he didn't even call for a pack wolf. So, what gives? He's being told he's crossing an invisible line? Skeet really needed to get his nose fixed and soon. Trespassing meant he was completely open to attack from territorial alphas, the last thing he needed. Skeet could defend himself one way or another, though having more scars was not his favorite.

"Excuse my- trespassing than miss" he replied, almost cackling but smuggling it down with his grin. Now that the woman brought up trespassing and everything, it was Skeet's brain pulling thoughts about joining a pack. Although the prey was returning, his lust for his own place and women was overpowering.

"Lead the way then, though I was wonderin' if ya needed another- pack mate" he said, his head tilted towards the other. "If ya don't, lead me out then". Skeet would play a game with this one, but what game?

RE: Imma just wander in 'ere - RIP Tavi - March 20, 2016

He was sassing her - her, the little sister to every dude, bro, and potential boyfriend in the Teekon Wilds; the girl whose blood had long ago been replaced with sass and snappy charm. Tavi would've been attracted to him if he hadn't reminded her very blatantly of her own brother. Maybe that was why his comments didn't exactly work their way under her skin, but rather, made her smirk and return to her old self. The bratty, self-possessed girl that she had left behind in the Orchard.

And then the stranger mentioned potentially joining her — and Tavi's mind halted, a brief hiccup, which reminded her of why she was here in the first place. Whatever inkling of playfullness she had begun to feel was swiftly squashed, and she resumed her role as the head bitch of the grotto (even if it wasn't quite cohesive yet).

'Course I could, she drawled with a roll of her shoulder, but was noncommittal. This guy seemed interested, which was all that she wanted of him right now, but he couldn't just waltz on in here and expect an instantaneous welcome. Tavi began to lead him through the territory at a good pace, making sure to keep her senses peeled for any strangeness, and spoke over her shoulder to him: But I don't accept everyone who comes by. You'll have to impress me. The smirk returned to her features, and she cast him a curious look, and kept on walking.

RE: Imma just wander in 'ere - Skeet - March 21, 2016

It seemed that his Samsung was somewhat paying off, the woman had acknowledged Skeet. So, the two traveled together, and for once, Skeet wasn't leading. Although he hated it, he would have to suck it up.

What caught his attention was the female's words. She didn't accept everyone. Oh, he could tell that already, that was for sure, her aura was sort of.... A bitchy one to say the least.

Skeet chuckled at her words, she wanted a show. What could he bring to the table? Was he just all bark and no bite? His grin widened, she had a little devil in her.

"Well miss, whaddya wanna see?" He asked. "My hunting skills or amazing flirting tactics?" He joked to her, laughing a bit.

RE: Imma just wander in 'ere - RIP Tavi - March 21, 2016

His response was quick, but before his laughter could flood the stoneway Tavi was giving a prompt response.

I doubt your hunting ability with that bum nose of yours, and your flirting tactics, well, here she stopped, turning sharply so that she could roundabout at him and give him a good, hard look. Those won't be helpful at all. Except if he used them to woo wolves in to their ranks; but then Tavi would have more problems than anything. She was not a fan of other women in the slightest — but this man was interesting.

The tone of her voice lightened, light and sweet, and utterly unsuitable for her. Anything else?

RE: Imma just wander in 'ere - Skeet - March 21, 2016

It seemed that the woman in front didn't like his answer, nor believed him. What was a guy like Skeet to do? Kiss her ass and beg to join? Yeah no, he had too much pride to do so. Her doubt for his skills in hunting irked him, his nose wasn't too jacked up. He vould smell, it was just really weak.

"Not all hunting depends on smell" he replied to her. "It also depends on hearing and sight" he spoke to her. Nose strength was good and really necessity to a wolf. But when one sense is taken away, the others become stronger to make up for it.

"At least I'm not blind" he said. When she asks for anything else, Skeet had to really think on what he was going to say. He gave her s thoughtful look before replying. "I work on defending" he said.

It was his own job when he was a yearling. He had to watch over the young ones and protect them from danger. Some of his scars wage from his defending, coyotes could be vicious at times.

RE: Imma just wander in 'ere - RIP Tavi - March 22, 2016

Tavi might have sounded a bit bitchy, but she wanted to get things right. She wanted her new family to be perfect - well defended against the many potential dangers, well provided for, and thoroughly connected to one another. When the stranger mentions his skills at defense, her mood perks up somewhat. Yes, any wolf can hunt - it is a prerequisite, otherwise they'd never survive - but defending something, fighting, was what she needed right now. Just in case.

You mean you're a guardian? That was believable. With his size he'd be a formidable opponent indeed. If that's true, then I'd have a place for you among my wolves. It still felt strange to say such things; the pack was more like Reek's baby more than anything, but she would soon be a leader alongside him. May as well start acting like it. After a moment of thought, her smirk returned. But what do I call you? The Nose?

RE: Imma just wander in 'ere - Skeet - March 22, 2016

It seemed that Skeet had played his cards right, for the woman in front had questioned him about his tactics, but also approved. A guardian, sure you could call it that. He also could do offense, but defending was a good trade.

"Yeah, I'm a guardian. I work on offense though as well. Think of it was an all around. However my strength is defending." He replied.

Her smirk seemed to have plastered itself into her lips, she asked for a name to call him. The nose? Was this chick serious? Skeet gave a chuckle towards her and shook his head.

"My name is Nathan, but I prefer Skeet" he said.

RE: Imma just wander in 'ere - RIP Tavi - March 22, 2016

OK! I'm gonna archive this and title you up ---- but if I don't get to it, maybe poke Reek. I'm running all over the place today, lmao.

Nathan. What kind of name was that? It didn't suit this burly hunk of meat any more than her own name suited her - so she'd go with the nickname. Although that made her brow raise just as much, and she had to resist making an asinine comment. Okay, Skeet. If you can protect my lands and my wolves, I'll make sure you're kept fed, watered, and whatever else you need to function. To a point, of course. I'll show you around -- but I suggest you meet up with my partner, Reek, and get an assignment from him.

With that said, Tavi would lead Skeet through the territory to its heart - or at least to the edge of the lake, - and leave him there to rest and collect his wits. It looked as if their pack would flourish here, and she would make sure it was well defended from the potential threats the other packs posed for them.