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Phoenix Maplewood I've had time, and I've had change. - Printable Version

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I've had time, and I've had change. - Lunar Eclipse - March 21, 2016

@Esaro. @Spring it says your inbox is full but if you want to do a farewell thread with Lunar I can set one up

She paced anxiously in the clearing trying to make up her mind. He deserved to know, he was her closest friend even if she wanted him to be so much more than that. That would never happen though so she would never tell him. Hell, maybe she could convince him to come. 

With a heavy sigh she sat. She wouldn't be here much longer, she needed to get it over with. Raising her head she howled, calling for Esaro. She lay down, head on her outstretched paws as her ears flattened sadly. She felt the need to do this, for whatever reason she was compelled to follow after Reek and Tavi.

She had never really gotten to know Saena and now the pack was being torn apart due to the affair between Tavi and Reek. With her former Beta and Alpha male gone she had no reason to follow Saena. She didn't even know the Alpha female, why would she stay? Esaro was the only thing holding her here and even that wasn't enough. She couldn't just stare after him wistfully the rest of her days.

RE: I've had time, and I've had change. - Esaro - March 22, 2016

Esaro managed to get so close to this bird, just a few more steps and then he could jump at it! He was ready and prepared but the moment he tried to jump someone called him and the bird had decided to fly off before he could catch it. "Aww.." That was a little frustrating but he wasn't going to hold it against Luna. He should have been faster, maybe then he would have caught it and he would be able to share it later.

Not today though, he started heading to the direction he was called from. It didn't take too long, he saw Luna and approached her. "Hey Luna." He was obviously happy to her, she was basically his most treasured friend. His tail wagged happily at first thinking she had something fun planned but that idea slowly faded. Luna didn't look so happy, what got her down? He stepped closer and laid down right in front of her. Thinking on how to cheer her up.

There wasn't much distance between each others heads. In a slightly cheerful tone he asked "Is there something wrong?" He was concerned. He thought maybe she missed Reek and Tavi. If he wanted to make her happy he needed to show that he was. He gave her a small grin and his tail continue to wag happily.

RE: I've had time, and I've had change. - Lunar Eclipse - March 22, 2016

He was so happy to see her, how happy would he be when he heard her news? She didn't bother sitting up as he had laid down in from of her. "Hi Esaro," she greeted rather quietly, not sure what else to say now that he had appeared.

Getting up she began to pace in agitation. Taking a deep breath she just spit it out. "Look, Esaro, I'm leaving. I'm going to join Larksong Grotto." She stopped, waiting to see what he would say.

RE: I've had time, and I've had change. - Esaro - March 22, 2016

Luna got up and started pacing around. It's for sure that something was bothering her but what? Esaro stayed laid down and watched, he was already trying to figure out what he could do. But his happy expressions completely faded away when Luna told him she was going to leave to another pack. "W-what?" He was surprised, well maybe he shouldn't be because Ukko, Reek, and Tavi had all left. Although Ukko seems to be the only one he could say abandoned everyone. As for Reek and Tavi, it was hard to explain it but he didn't feel at all betrayed by them.

But now Luna was leaving, she was really going to leave him behind? She wasn't being kicked out like the others so why? He spoke softly "Why do you want to leave Luna? Did I do something wrong?" The first thing in mind was blaming himself out of all the possible choices. Was it his fault she wanted to leave?

RE: I've had time, and I've had change. - Lunar Eclipse - March 22, 2016

"No, Esaro you haven't done anything that's not why I'm leaving." She shook her head, how could he think that? It wasn't his fault she was going it was her own. She chose this. 

"You're the only reason I even considered staying behind, but I have to go. It's already been decided." Her ears flattened sadly as she stared at her friend. She didn't regret her decision but she hated having to say goodbye to him.

RE: I've had time, and I've had change. - Esaro - March 22, 2016

In a way he was glad it wasn't his fault but it was still sad to know that he wasn't enough to keep her here. He sat up, realizing Luna was really just going to leave. In fact by putting the pieces of the puzzle together he found another possible reason for her to leave. But before saying anything he looked down at the ground, sad that she was going to go. He really will miss her. Then he looked back into her eyes. "You're going to where Reek and Tavi might have gone right?" He asked. He really couldn't think of any other reason after that.

"I kind of miss them too, I really do wish they were allowed to stay here." He wasn't going to cry or anything like that but he did feel quite sad. It felt like his heart was getting pulled into pieces. It seems like Luna was pulling on a larger piece.

RE: I've had time, and I've had change. - Lunar Eclipse - March 22, 2016

She nodded sadly. "Yeah, I'm heading after them." Lunar stared at him, memorizing him in case she never got to see him again. Who knew with Esaro, maybe she could get him to come join as well, it all depended on his loyalties. Whether he felt the same sense of duty to Saena that she did to Reek.

"I'm going to join them. You're welcome to come with me if you want, but that's up to you." She offered it, she wouldn't force it. If he didn't ever feel the same for her the way she did for him then maybe it was time to move on.

RE: I've had time, and I've had change. - Esaro - March 22, 2016

He was right on the mark this time. Luna really was going to go to Reek and Tavi. He really did want to know how everyone was doing but he can't just leave because of that. The real problem was that Esaro never goes back on his promises and on what he owes. He owed to Saena, Shreya, and Spring nearly as much as he does with Reek, Tavi, and Luna. He didn't want to pick sides but he felt a little forced to make a decision.

"I don't want to have to choose Luna. If it was possible I would want everyone to come back together." He paused for a moment. "I really want to come with you. I do owe you, Reek, and Tavi something for taking care of me. But I owe Phoenix just as much." He got up and stepped forward, getting closer to Luna. "I want to be there for you when you need it but Saena Spring and everyone else might need me too."

He look at her almost desperately. "I really want to be with you but I don't really know what is the right thing to do. I can't be in two places at a time."

RE: I've had time, and I've had change. - Lunar Eclipse - March 22, 2016

She nodded, shoulders sagging in defeat. "That's okay, Esaro. I understand your dilemma," she did. He had loyalties to both groups, he shouldn't have to choose. That's what it had come to though, whether or not he stayed or followed could only be determined by himself.

"I'm going to miss you," she told him as she rubbed her head against him one last time. She laughed humorlessly,"I was in love with you, you know? I think everyone knew but you." 

Before he could respond she pressed her muzzle against his, the equivalent of a wolfy kiss. "I had to do that at least once before I left," she said as she retreated. She'd come to do what she meant to. Now it was time for her to go, she had overstayed her welcome. "Bye Esaro," she muttered as she turned tail and ran before she did something really stupid and girly, like cry.

RE: I've had time, and I've had change. - Esaro - March 22, 2016

It looked like Luna understood the problem he was faced with. Having to make a decision on the spot was too difficult. He wanted to say yes but he wanted to take everyone with him and not leave them behind. Maybe Luna would reconsider and stay instead. The idea was thrown away the moment she said she was going to miss him. She moved up to rub her head against him. It only tugged on his heart even more. But what stopped him from really doing anything was learning that she loved him.

Was that why she felt more important than everyone else. he was going to say what he thought but she stopped him again with a wolf like kiss. If only he had known how she really felt, maybe then he could have returned the feeling to her with his own. He got to look into her eyes one last time before she turned and left. Esaro still wanted to say something but she was already leaving. He yelled "W-wait!" He stepped forward quickly wanting to stop her but it was too late. She already gone but Esaro couldn't help but speak out loud. "I think, maybe, I loved you too!" But his words wouldn't be heard by anyone. Esaro would later stand there for long time watching the direction Luna left to before finally deciding to turn around and head back. It's only been a few minutes but he was already starting to miss her.