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Silvertip Mountain Even nice wolves have their limits - Printable Version

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Even nice wolves have their limits - Steady - March 21, 2016

Steady had been moping around the territory since Gracious had left. He had been so excited that she had come, and decided to stay. Unfortunately, her mind had changed, and she had gone back to their parents' pack. Steady almost wanted to blame Fitz. After all, his brother hadn't seemed pleased at all to find Gracious at their borders. Had he said something to her to make her not feel welcomed? Or, had he simply given her the vibe that she wasn't?

Ears slicked back on his head, Steady paced, almost angrily, along the border they now shared with the Neverwinter Forest pack. He was almost hoping one would try and step paw over the border so that he could let out a little frustration. He growled, knowing they probably weren't that stupid. Then again, they weren't smart enough to put a little distance between themselves and an established pack. He growled, his jaws snapping on a small twig that dared to reach across his path, breaking it in half. Steady was certainly in a mood today.

RE: Even nice wolves have their limits - RIP Krypton - March 21, 2016

Ooc: *tumbles in*

It had occurred very well to Krypton that the new pack was far too close for comfort. She had already discussed it with Zaria, Krypton wanted to meet the other pack and see where they stood for peace. Moonlit Hills was already somewhat aggressive and stubborn, but would the new pack be better?

That was the real question, and Krypton intended to find out. It was to her luck that Steady was already near the borders, Zaria wanted Steady or FitzDutiful to travel with her to go meet the new pack. It was mostly because of the two's mercenary skills and their greetings, something like that.

She approached the beta wolf, seeing how he was a bit fired up. Her stature was lowered as she went closer.

"Beta Steady?" She asked to him aloud, staying a good distance away from him. She didn't want to get her muzzle nipped at. "Are you feeling okay?" She asked, concerned for him.

RE: Even nice wolves have their limits - Steady - March 21, 2016

Thanks for joining! <3

He spit the branch out of his mouth, huffing at it in distaste before moving on. He let another growl out of his throat, his anger most likely evident to whoever laid eyes on him. His head, and then body, whipped around at the sound of a voice, a snarl upon his muzzle. It was an instant reaction, given without thought. However, as soon as he saw Krypton, a safe distance away and submissive, he smoothed his facial features and lifted his ears a bit. She was not his enemy, and he would not treat her as such.

He frowned, instead. I'm sorry, he said, trying to let go of his anger. I'm so...! He trailed off, growling in frustration as his eyes searched the forest canopy, as if it would give him the answer. Not happy, he settled on, looking back to Krypton. He approached her, flopping back on his haunches rather abruptly. Gracious went back to our family's pack, and these... these...IDIOTS, he decided, yelling the words toward Neverwinter forest, then looking back to his pack mate, have decided it'd be a great idea to share a border. Who in their right mind would happily want to move in next to a neighboring pack that should just... just... He stood, stalking towards the offending pack, stopping before he left their own territory. SHOULD BITE THEM ON THEIR ASSES AS WE SHOW THEM JUST HOW WELCOMED THEY ARE! He really hoped they could hear him. They should not live in a dream world, thinking that Steady would be nice and calm as they settled in next door. No, he would yell and shout his displeasure.

RE: Even nice wolves have their limits - RIP Krypton - March 21, 2016

His aggressiveness was very evident, Krypton was happy she had stayed back. His snarl and body language made Krypton skip back even more, fear evident in her swirly eyes. Her body lowered itself into submission, her belly scrapping the ground.

However, he was quick to apologize to her. Krypton's body raised itself from the ground, though a bit frightened. Her ears flicked forward after being flat against her skull. Steady vented out, his voice raising as each second passed by. He was obviously angered about the new pack sharing the border.

"You aren't alone, I hate this new pack too" she started off. "However, they might be peaceful to us, Zaria actually wanted a few of us to meet them" she said, seeing how the beta plopped down near her. 

She sat up, looking towards the beta, wondering how he would take her answer.

RE: Even nice wolves have their limits - Steady - March 22, 2016

He huffed at the absent offenders before turning to Krypton once more. She explained that she wasn't happy about them being there, either, but that Zaria thought it would be a good idea for a few Silvertip wolves to go on a meet-and-greet. Steady's ears swiveled as he took a moment to calm himself, thinking about the suggestion. Of course, he did not want any of his pack mates going without him- it was just his protective nature. But, he wondered if he could be diplomatic and calm enough to ensure he didn't blow the meeting to bits and ruin any chance of peace. Whether he liked them there or not, peace was, as it should be, the goal.

He walked to Krypton, still thinking as he plopped down on his haunches in front of her. I will go, if it is Zaria's wish that we do so, he said finally. Has anyone else mentioned that they want to go? he asked, wondering who the group might be. He liked Krypton, for sure, and she had proven herself an adept pack mate. He thought @Mason should go, too. The two Beta's could make a strong showing, if the other pack was thinking of getting aggressive.

RE: Even nice wolves have their limits - RIP Krypton - March 24, 2016

His attitude seemed to simmer, but it lowered no doubt. He seated himself in front of her, Krypton did the same. Her stature was low though, her eyes watching Steady curiously. He agreed to what Zaria said no doubt, that was one step. He then asked if anyone else mentioned their wish to go. She gave a firm shake of the head towards him.

"She wanted both you and Fitz to come, considering both of you are diplomatic. Though, I doubt he would come, he's probably dealing with Zaria right now" she said, looking off towards the border. "If Mason could come too, that'd be great. I just need to tell Fitz when I can."

Her attention stayed on the border before looking towards Steady, watching to see his reaction. An alpha present would be great, Fitz had a way with creating a peaceful atmosphere. But was this pack peaceful or blood thirsty villains? That was the real question, and Krypton had worried about it. Ever since she saw the new wolves around the land, she hadn't been sleeping. Although, it wasn't very evident. It was nearly impossible for wolves to get baggy eyes anyways.

RE: Even nice wolves have their limits - Steady - March 28, 2016

Krypton let him know that Zaria thought it would be a good idea that Fitz go, though the Beta agreed that he might be busy with Zaria. Steady knew Fitz would be more diplomatic, but surely between the two of them, plus Mason if he came, they could handle the situation. Steady would need to make sure he kept his temper in check, though.

Yes, the sooner you let him know, the better. Let him know I'm ready to go, too, please, he asked. In the meantime, I'll make sure our shared borders get a lot of attention, he assured her, knowing many of their wolves were uneasy about having another pack living so close. He wanted them to know he would do all he could to prevent any attacks that might happen.

RE: Even nice wolves have their limits - RIP Krypton - April 01, 2016

Sorry for the delay!

Steady agreed with Krypton, knowing that it was best for Fitz to know about the new pack. He wished for Krypton to tell the superior that he was ready to go. Krypton contemplated whether or not if she was to go as well. Zaria didn't really specifiy is she was to travel with them, would it be bad if she did? They would have an alpha and the two betas, a gamma probably wasn't needed.

Agreeing with the dark male, Krypton nodded. "Of coarse Beta Steady. I shall be on my way then to tell Fitz when I can." With that, she decided it was best to leave.

Fade after your post?

RE: Even nice wolves have their limits - Steady - April 07, 2016

Yup, thanks for the thread!

Had Krypton shared her hesitation about traveling with the two Beta's, Steady would have quickly calmed her fears. While two Beta's may be enough, the other wolves of this pack needed to know how to handle situations like these, especially if they wanted to become leaders in a pack themselves. Steady thought it would be an asset for Krypton to come along.

He nodded, Thank you, Krypton, he said softly. With her departure, Steady turned and faced the opposing pack once more, his eyes scanning the borders, almost daring one of them to come over. He told Fitz peace should be the first choice, but he was waiting for a reason to run this pack off. He was not stupid enough to make the first offense, though.