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Phantom Hollow Warning, May Cause Itching - Printable Version

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Warning, May Cause Itching - Judas - March 22, 2016

The tan wolf was on a patrol of his own, scouting out trails and memorising certain landmarks. He used less common things, such as a fallen log or an odd tree. Even a patch of herbs, which he did not dare to approach. He did not recognize those ones, since he barely had any knowledge on poisonous herbs except for a select few. Most of his knowledge was on those that made one see things that weren't there or see lights.

At one point, he stumbled, landing near a patch of unknown herbs with a grunt. If he was standing, he would have backed off. Instead, he was laying there, staring in interest. Part of him was begging to get out of there, but his curious side wanted to know what the plant was capable of.

Forwarded to 25th March. Also, plant is Plantain Lily. Not that it really matters, since no one is going to ingest it. Just there for show now. @Sage

RE: Warning, May Cause Itching - Sage - March 25, 2016

Sage was also on patrol, for different reason though. She had been on the lookout for other wolves, and when spotting Judas she made her way towards him. Not only would her boredom be relieved, but she could help fulfil this "mission" she set a course for herself, that being to gain some sort of friendship with the odd coywolf. He seemed especially charming and comical but made an abrupt exit from their last interaction, not only that but he seemed to have taken her joke in another direction. 

"Hello, Judas." The young Beta greeted once close enough to speak, but leaving enough space to be comfortable. He seemed intently focused on a patch of herbs or something like that, though the girl wished to be a naturalist and dabbled in herbs herself, she enjoyed starry nights far more interesting in the spectrum.

RE: Warning, May Cause Itching - Judas - March 25, 2016

Judas peered up at the greeting wolf. He gave off a friendly smile. The beta, once more, had found him. He looked back to the herb after replying to her greeting, "Hello...Sage." He had to recall her name, since the tan wolf had originally forgotten it. The dark she-wolf was quite close. Not close enough to make him uncomfortable, but did make him shifty a bit. Yet he remained lying down, watching the plant. He wanted so badly to know that this plant was capable of. And for a second, he thought about testing it on her. Bad idea, so he decided on finding something else to test it on. If anything happened to pass by, that is.

RE: Warning, May Cause Itching - Sage - March 25, 2016

Sage was a rather blunt wolf and skipped to the gist, she wanted to learn more about Judas and his strange ways. "About that question you avoided not too long ago," she spoke, tail beginning to sway side to side with interest. "What would it take for you to answer it truthfully?" The tan coywolf didn't seem unfriendly, but the Beta had a habit of judging books by their covers and has started to resolve that issue. She wouldn't assume the charming wolf to be kind unless proven.

He hadn't lifted from his spot when she approached, which she didn't mind, it was just more common for a wolf to jump to their feet when she stepped into their presence and look as presentable as possible. Perhaps he didn't care what she thought of him, and if so, she would pride him on that.

RE: Warning, May Cause Itching - Judas - March 25, 2016

Just to keep this thread going a little. And also because Judas is just being...well, Judas

Inside his mind, he rolled his eyes. This wolf was now getting on his nerves. His ear flicked, his lips twitching at the coming of some remark. He stood up, contemplating leaving. Then, he glanced at the plant, and an idea popped into his mind. "Eat a plant?" he suggested with a mildly annoyed sneer. Deep inside, he hoped it was of a deadly poison, so he would be rid of such questions. Only his kind deserved to know of his past. ANd even if he was part wolf, he never considered himself being one. Just a disguise, a skin.

RE: Warning, May Cause Itching - Sage - March 25, 2016

She lowered her ears, confused with his answer. Maybe he was more strange than she originally thought, all in all it wouldn't stop her. "Why?" Sage was a risk taker, not dumb. If she were to eat the plant and the outcome unknown she'd go for it, but if it were lethal, and this were a known fact she would have to object the offer. The annoyed hint in his voice worried her, what if her plan would never succeed?

RE: Warning, May Cause Itching - Judas - March 25, 2016

Judas was surprised. Normally, they would outright say no. To him, it seemed like she actually considered it. His eyes widened a little in disbelief. Was she that desperate to know? Though he went along with it, giving an explanation. "Cause it might be poisonous. If you can ask through a swollen mouth, then I will tell you." He didn't at all mean to let his rude side out, but she was on his nerves. He assumed her answer, unless she was completely stubborn. "If you say no, then you have your answer to your question." He leaned forward slightly, and moved his mouth slowly. "No." With that, he turned away, intent on getting away.

No I am not ending it here.

RE: Warning, May Cause Itching - Sage - March 26, 2016

She hesitated, looking down at the plant. Him walking away only made her jump so quickly to a decision. Fine, I'll eat it. The girl dipped her head into the herb, before ripping part of it out of the ground, not chewing it for long because of its taste definitely not delicious, and gulping it down. There. She said, risks had been a common thing for her, and if consequences were made she wouldn't regret the act. 

Just tell me the side affects so I can put them in play ^^

RE: Warning, May Cause Itching - Judas - March 26, 2016

Sage is so lucky it isn't lethal. But they aren't good in her case. Vomiting, Diarreha and Depression

Judas stood there, dumbfounded, his slacked-jaw wide open. Did she just... He couldn't even complete the thought. She really had. She really was so, so desperate to find out about him. And seeing as it was most likely toxic, he decided to tell her things. Not the whole truth, in case the effects were non-lethal. Although, perhaps he had said a little too much.

"Fine...I'm half coyote. From my mother's side. And I hated my father for what he did. I was the result of an non-consensual mating" he explained, not wanting to say the word for it. "He died for it. I made him suffer! For what he did to me! For what he tried to make me into!" His stature now threatening, hairs on end, his look almost savage. Panting after blurting things. All it took was one risky act to break the wall between his facade and his true self.

RE: Warning, May Cause Itching - Sage - March 26, 2016

Vomitting and some depression may occur later on, glad it wasn't anything too bad, love Judas's backstory by the way.

Judas seemed to change completely, a practically savage look overtook him and his speech had been accompanied with pants. She wasn't afraid, no, of him nor the plant. For the time being she felt nothing, but sooner or later she was aware some side effects would occur. Likely sooner. She had been desperate, but part of it only happened because her curiosity got the best of her. In both Judas and the herb. His story was...depressing, but one question lay unanswered.

"What did he try to make you into?" She asked, worry covering her face. Her life not knowing her parents was difficult, and even harder surviving without them, she wasn't sure to value that they left her or not. They were obviously unfit parents, abandoning her the second she was born.

RE: Warning, May Cause Itching - Judas - March 26, 2016

Judas looked away at her question. She wasn't going to leave him alone, was she? He decided that he would tell the whole truth, nor lie entirely. So he gave his answer. "Him. He tried to turn me into him." That was not the whole truth, but enough for a curious listener, he hoped. For once in a long time, he felt something he wished he would never feel. Depression. This pack really was getting to him. He could feel it changing him.

RE: Warning, May Cause Itching - Sage - March 27, 2016

Sage wasn't much for pity, she had no control over Judas's harsh past, and he had none over hers. She wouldn't apologize for what had happened to him, just as he shouldn't if she spoke of her difficulties. Though she would comfort him if needed, but that chance was scarce, him being practically rabid earlier told her to back away. "That must have been difficult." She pointed out the obvious, unsure how else to present herself.

"I won't speak of it to anyone, assuming this is to be kept between us." Her being the open book she was found it rather strange that she would have to eat an unknowingly poisonous plant just to get this out of him. But it was obvious he'd rather have it kept secret than her to tell every soul.

RE: Warning, May Cause Itching - Judas - March 27, 2016

Judas made no reply, but instead gave a glare. The words that the glare made up for were easy to make out, "Tell anyone, and I will know about it." He would, especially if that someone came running to comfort him, or to give sympathies. He'd most likely attack on site, and his plan would most likely be over. 

"If I were you, I'd start cleaning out that mouth of yours. No telling what that plant would do." With that, he started off, muttering indecent phrases to himself and his ears pointing forward, a glare still on his face. For one time, he had shown part of his true self. And now he regretted ever meeting Sage, never wanting to tell anyone that secret. Too late for that now.

RE: Warning, May Cause Itching - Sage - March 27, 2016

She wouldn't dare even think about telling his secrets, Sage was trustworthy in that sense. Not much time was given for her to reply until he gave her a warning to wash her mouth, which wasn't a bad idea. "I'll tell you what happens when, well, if I get any symptoms." She assumed his need for her to eat it was to discover what it did, and this was how. But she'd seen enough of Judas today, and would pry for more the next time they saw each other. 

"Adios, Judas." The ebony girl gave him a smirk before heading off into the hollow alone, realizing what she just got herself into.

I'll archive this, we can start a new thread soon where she tells him the symptoms ^^