Wolf RPG
Firefly Ravine Purple Skies and Fireflies. - Printable Version

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Purple Skies and Fireflies. - Lyric Willow - March 23, 2016

Thought our two gals could get to know each  other a bit better by having a nice girly chat.

Lyric sat in her den in the late afternoon, watching the early fireflies start to gather in the long tailing grass, the pink sky starting to dim purple. Seeing Teci in the near distance, she let out a soft bark, calling her over. She had been wanting to have a good heart to heart with her, especially without Rain around since she could get a bit too overexcited. 
'Teci, dear, come sit down, I've been wanting to talk you.' She smiled at girl comfortingly, to show that nothing was wrong and she just wanted a chat. She shuffled sideways, making a spot next to her in the feathery moss.

RE: Purple Skies and Fireflies. - Teci - March 23, 2016

It hadn't taken long for the lonely girl to view Lyric highly. She had always been on her own, turned lose on the farm once weaned she had basically raised herself alongside the younger litters. Her own mother had detested her simply because she was half wolf. Lyric had become the mother figure she had needed as a pup and the teen idolized her.

Joining the she wolf on the mossy patch as her tail thumped in happiness. She chuffed lowly in greeting from where she sat next to the larger female, wondering why she wanted to talk to Teci.

RE: Purple Skies and Fireflies. - Lyric Willow - March 24, 2016

She smiled at the girl as she sat down, she liked Teci a lot so far, and was starting to see her as a second daughter to her. She wanted to have a heart to heart with her, get to know each other better.
'How are you feeling, what do you think of Seadog, It's a beautiful area, is it not?'
Lyric paused, then spoke bitterly.
'Definitely better than my last pack, I mean I was excluded for such a dumb minimal reason, I hated it there, how about your last pack?'

RE: Purple Skies and Fireflies. - Teci - March 24, 2016

She nodded happily, "Oh, yes I love it here. It's so pretty. I've made a friend too, his name is Zephyr." She shared the going ons of her life easily, keeping Lyric updated on her introduction into pack life. She tipped excitedly, "I've even become Gamma. I definetly didn't see that one happening!" Who would have thought, a half breed as a Gamma?

She smiled sorrowfully at Lyric as she shared her sad story with Teci. "I've never been a part of a pack until I joined the Sanctuary," she admitted.

RE: Purple Skies and Fireflies. - Lyric Willow - March 24, 2016

'Oh, congratulations dear, I glad you're making friends too, I mean you were my first real friend here, I'm so glad I met you' Lyric smiled at Teci lovingly and looked out through the forest,

'Teci, Do you mind If I tell you something? Something I've never really told anyone? I know we've only known one another for a short while, but I already seem to trust you. l also heard that well, sometimes talking about one's problems ease the pain.' 
Looking into Teci's eyes, her own gleamed in the dusk light. She didn't want to frighten her in anyway, but she needed to talk to somebody about it.

RE: Purple Skies and Fireflies. - Teci - March 24, 2016

She nudged the she wolf with a small whine, not liking that she was in pain. Not physical pain but emotional pain, but pain is pain. "Of course you can," she said as her ears flattened in sympathy.

She had no idea what the female could want to talk about but she was listening. She wouldn't judge Lyric, she was very open minded.

sorry short post

RE: Purple Skies and Fireflies. - Lyric Willow - March 25, 2016

Taking a deep breath, Lyric closed her eye's gently, looking into the sky, as if talking to air itself. 
'It happened about a year ago, before Rain was born.'

Lyric paced through the icy rain, each droplet seemed to be soaking her the bone. Even trying to keep her head up was a large struggle, along with the heavy weight in her stomach, her soon to be born pups. It had been a week since she had been banished from her pack, when her Alpha, Kaine, found out of her pregnancy, as well as the fact that the father was a domestic, he was not impressed.

'You are with pups? With a domestic of all sorts! Without my permission!' Kaine spat out at Lyric, his lips turning upwards into a snarl. Lyric looked towards her mother is desperation, hoping somehow she would root for her in defence, but if was to no avail, her mother simply shook her head with a disgusted expression. She was crushed. 
'Leave now, or be torn apart limb from limb'  Kaine pounced forward, his amber eyes staring through her. With her head up high, Lyric turned around and walked out of the pack territory with no words, she had kept her silence for the next few hours after long leaving their territory, then collapsed into tears.

As the rain pounded on more, she heard a sharp cracking noise in the near distance. Lightning. 
Desperately, she tried to run but a sharp ache in her stomach took her by surprise. 
No, not now. 
But to her terror, each step she took increased the pain in her womb, she couldn't ignore it. She was going into labour. As a second strike of lightning hit, Lyric dragged her self into an upright hollow tree, it was best thing she find at that moment in time anyway. Once she clambered inside, she immediately lay down on the damp wood and began to push. The pain was sharp and intense now, each more jarring than the last, causing her to yelp in pain. After an hour, the first was born.
Grabbing it by the scruff, she began to lick and clean the child, inspecting it's vitals.
It was a grey dappled girl, but before she could do no further, the next pup was already pushing it's way out. 

Four excruciating hours later, in the pouring rain, Lyric had delivered four pups, two girls and three boys, but as she began to rest, one last pup decided to make an appearance. She was a small red dappled girl, a lot smaller than the rest. Obviously a runt, but even so, she had fallen in love with all of them, each one different, all unique. Her heart throbbed in motherly love. Exhausted by the long experience, Lyric positioned her pups to her teats and decided to rest, Happy for the first time in months. 

Her happiness was short lived. 

As soon as she woke, Lyric knew something was wrong. Quickly she nudged at her pups, only to find that, they were no longer moving, except for a small squirming pup, reaching towards her mother crying....


'The cold was too much for them, died of hypothermia I suspect, somehow Rain managed to survive through the storm, hence her name. I miss them, I wonder what they may of been like, their interests, would my boys of been interested in hunting, would they ever become an alpha, would any of my girls mothers themselves. To this day, I wonder what life would be with them.'
Being the first time she had ever told the tale, Lyric voice had cracked as she said the last sentence. 
Letting out a choking breath, tears rolled down her fur.
'I'm, I'm sorry Teci, I didn't mean to-' 
But she couldn't finish as more sobs rose to her throat. 
'If only I had been a better mother.'

Oh, god, won't lie, I teared up a little writing this.

RE: Purple Skies and Fireflies. - Teci - March 25, 2016

omg this made me cry!

Tears of sympathy streamed from the girl's bicolored eyes as she listened on silently. The tale was heart breaking and she felt for the young woman. She could empathize with the woman, having been one of the only to care for her siblings, the younger litters that came after her.

On that shit smeared farm, infested with inbred dogs and fleas, Teci had been one of the few to hold onto her sanity. It was a difficult feat when living in such a harsh environment. Her master had been a hoarder and the collection she kept was not kind. It was dog eat dog, leaving young Teci the adoptive mother to many.

She shook her head vehemently, tears dripping from her canine face. "You listen to me Lyric Willow, you're one of the best mother's I've ever met, if not the best. If my mother was even a portion of your perosnality, your incentive, maybe I wouldn't be the way I am. You're a great mother, one I've come to see as my own," she told her determinedly, nudging the wolf gently as she spoke.

RE: Purple Skies and Fireflies. - Lyric Willow - March 26, 2016

Not even responding, Lyric curled her head around Teci, embracing her, grooming the neck of her fur lovingly. For a few minutes, she did not move or speak, tears welling in her eyes.

'Thank you, Teci. I'll always be a mother to you, If that's what you'd want. Even I've started to see you as a second daughter to me. '
Detaching herself from her, Lyric looked through the foliage, watching the sun finally descend into the horizon, the sky dimming purple. 
Tears were now streaming down her face, but she was smiling. For the first time, she felt truly happy.
She pushed Teci towards her, snuggling her into her breast.
'My grandmother once taught me a song, I'm reminded of it now' 
Lyric then lifted her head and began to sing, her one hidden talent that only few even knew.

'Come my child, Stay with me,
I'll protect you and your dreams,
Rest, my child, 'Neath the tree,  
Like its branches, Reach for me,

So, let me keep you safe and warm, Here in my arms,
Think of the life that we could live,
The joy that It would give,
Even if we're worlds apart, Stay in my heart,
Someday when you've a choice to make,
I hope you'll think of me. 
Think of me, Think of me. '

OCC: Link to the song Lyric sings, I thought It would suit the situation perfectly. 
Also, Imma go cry now. D;

RE: Purple Skies and Fireflies. - Teci - March 26, 2016

Teci let herself be embraced by the wolf, listening to her sing softly. She had no words as she listened to Lyric's beautiful voice. The moment needed none as the two sat together in comfort.

it's so sweet I'm gonna die. Fade?

RE: Purple Skies and Fireflies. - Lyric Willow - March 27, 2016

As the last decibel of sound escaped her lips, Lyric's face was glowing. Schools of fireflies began to gather around them, giving them a cosy night-time glow. Through the distance, she could see Rain begin to ponder towards them happily.
'How about you stay with us tonight?'
Lyric lay down fully, Teci still at her side, and licked Teci on the cheek lightly.
'Welcome to our  family.'

Annnndddd FADE....
That was so freaking adorable. :3