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Larksong Grotto what are we made of but hunger and rage? - Printable Version

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what are we made of but hunger and rage? - Antumbra - March 24, 2016

Thuringwethil woke before the sun even thought about rising, the sky still dark and cloaking her form as she moves toward the northern border. Near the base she remains until the sky slowly begins to change in color, turning from a deep, dark purple to a lightening lilac spread above her. It is then she calls for @Warbone to make the trip to the grotto in order to find Reek and whatever it means to have “settled” when originally he’d talked about the rise further west. 

She allows her companion to direct them, knowing the easiest way to come across their borders. They do not get too close, finding the safety of the valley once she notes a strong scent of a claim that unsettles her. It happened under Thuringwethil’s radar but it doesn’t surprise her the wolf might have had a following in the maplewood. Others brainwashed like the female she met, or Esaro, and she expects to see them from the west eventually.

With her nose to the sky, she calls for @Reek, but her distance is great from the grotto. The elusive territory escapes her and she prefers the safety of space. Thuringwethil remains stiff in her dominant posture, but her tail lingers half mast while Warbone lingers back in her wake.

WB is likely a cameo unless he's needed and tagging @Tavi for visibility but I know you're on vacation so no pressure to join! Also this is set more in Sunset Valley, away from the borders.

RE: what are we made of but hunger and rage? - Reek - March 24, 2016

After a morning of patrolling and marking the borders, Reek retreated into the depths of the grotto that tunneled deep into the bedrock of the glacier. There, within the chamber they had claimed for themselves, Reek enjoyed a nice long nap alongside Tavi well into the afternoon. It was a deep, fulfilling sleep, but Reek was ultimately roused by a sound from outside. Bouncing around the stoney walls was the sound of a familiar howl, belonging to Thuringwethil herself. His request for council -- carried by the stranger, Warbone -- seemed had been heard loud and clear. Not wishing to keep the other leader waiting for long, Reek pulled himself away from the pile of bodies he and Tavi made and slunk out of their cave— leaving her behind to continue sleeping.

Once he left the grotto for which the territory was aptly named, Reek lifted his snout to the air and called back with a howl of his own, signaling that he was on his way. He pushed north -- ascending the ridge that made up the end of his claim -- eventually crossing his freshly marked borderline. There, where his territory met the Sunset Valley in a rocky kiss, he saw Thuringwethil and her messenger.

Though this was Reek's territory (well, close enough to be considered so), she carried herself as if she owned the place. Of course, it didn't sit well with Reek, but Thuringwethil was a necessary piece in the chess game he intended to play. He made no fuss and approached her with the respect that she demanded. "Thuring," he said, dipping his head low in greeting.

RE: what are we made of but hunger and rage? - Warbone - March 26, 2016

I will be posting here intermittently, so skip me freely guys! WB'll mostly be a background fixture.

Warbone led Thuringwethil in the most direct route to the Grotto he knew. Their journey was nearly a straight line and silent for the most part, though at the start of their trip he relayed to her what little he knew of Reek and his unnamed female companion, and about halfway there, he mentioned the wolf he had met that was supposedly loyal to the Commander. The mainstay of their energy was used in their rhythmic trotting towards the newest pack in Teekon, and when they had come to a position his alpha liked, Warbone retreated several yards so that he might observe everything from a broader view.

At her call came the pack's founder, and he had come alone it seemed. Warbone kept his distance, knowing that his presence could indicate violence even when it was not his intention.

RE: what are we made of but hunger and rage? - Antumbra - March 26, 2016

With a lot on her mind the last few days, and new information from Warbone—how had he already encountered so much did surprise her, but she likes the enthusiasm as he morphs into his new life. Those belonging to Seageda sit somewhere on a back burner while she takes on one project at a time. Reek’s budding new pack, for instance, would pose a bigger threat to her than those coming to join her hierarchy, something she doesn’t quite have room for. 

Hopeful things would fall into place, she only allows herself the brief time she is waiting for Reek to sort it. The moment she sees the dark figure materialize, she tries to ease her posture but with little success. The newly crowned alpha doesn’t seem to mind and her ears twitch back against her head for a second, before returning to angle forward as her name is slaughtered.

“Thuringwethil,” she corrects with a quirk of an eyebrow; if she had her way, he’d be calling her by her title, but for now she waits it out to see what he wants. The last time she’d seen him, he’d been dejected and her sympathy had only reached so far. Back on his throne, nearly surrounding her own kingdom, she tucks the friendliness away.

RE: what are we made of but hunger and rage? - Reek - March 26, 2016

Reek nodded, wincing as he took note of his mistake in regards to Thuringwethil's name, however, Reek did little to correct his error. Her name being such a mouthful, Reek was sure he would have butchered it even if he had tried to utter the whole thing. After all, polysyllabic names tended to catch in Reek's mouth like cotton balls— being brought to stammer in front of a fellow leader was hardly professional.

Either way, Reek pushed it away and was intent on moving forward. He had requested Thuringwethil's presence for a reason. With three packs in such close proximity, Reek was sure a peaceful agreement between himself and the Dragon pack was tantamount to the Grotto's long term survival. Reek, however, did not immediatly get down to business like he had when regarding Drageda's leader from his position behind the river— Reek instead offered first some social pleasantries.

"Thanks for coming," he said, dipping his head with gratitude. "I hope the trip was alright for you two." Reek paused, eyes moving from Thuringwethil to the messenger and back again. "I can grab something from a nearby cache if you're hungry. We can talk over lunch."

RE: what are we made of but hunger and rage? - Antumbra - March 27, 2016

Sorry for the short post. :o

There’s an awkward moment between her correction and his next words, but she remains stiff in her posture and her gaze hardening. When he does move on, however, he deflects the purpose and Thuringwethil just shakes her head to urge him forward. “We are fine, thank you,” is all she manages to offer him. The sooner he presents his purpose, the sooner she can make her way back home. Traveling again so soon hadn’t been on her agenda but her duty called, dragging her out once more. Thuringwethil remains still, waiting for Reek to begin, with her expression still blank and hiding away the impatience.

RE: what are we made of but hunger and rage? - Reek - March 27, 2016

"Right then," he mumbled in return. In truth, the rejection of Reek's pleasantries was no skin off his back. With the caches around his territory being so new, so sparse, there was little to spare for outsiders. Their resources were ultimately thier own, and while the resident alpha male would have made well on his offer, it's rejection washed over Reek in a wave of relief. He sighed before finally cutting to the chase.

"As you can see, my wolves and I have settled close to my old claim." Any assertion otherwise would have been an insult to Thuringwethil's intelligence. Reek believed her a competent leader herself, and that she would be able to understand the danger lurking in the implications of settling within howling range of the Maplewood. "I have my reasons, of course," he continued; number one being his unborn children. The due date was creeping ever closer with every passing day and Reek was in constant wait for the call signaling their arrival. Despite his mistakes, he would never abandon his children.

"But— I can't help but worry about the longevity and safety of the wolves I lead." Of course, Reek didn't expect recourse from the Maplewood until after his children were born and Saena was back on her feet. After, he figured his vengeful ex-mate would strike at his wolves just as they had done to the Emberwood. He knew Thuringwethil would understand, as all leaders wanted nothing more than to ensure the safety of those they led. Reek stepped forward, extending a vague offer with; "I was hoping we could come to some sort of arrangement in our, uh, mutual benefit."

RE: what are we made of but hunger and rage? - Antumbra - March 31, 2016

While Reek explained what was going on, Thuringwethil remained still in her posture. Questions bubbled up in her mouth, concerned for the direction he was taking. Even though what he asked for does not surprise her, she doesn't quiet feel settled with her unease. He had reasons for settling so close to his old claim—a foolish notion that she couldn't even fathom a reason he might stay so close—and the prospective relationship they could share sound selfish, even if he offered an arrangement. Sleeping Dragon just had their roots in the ground and their security, while becoming stronger each day, was nothing but a mewling infant in the wake of Seageda.

"What reasons would cause disregard for the longevity and safety of your wolves that you need to ask for help?" Her voice did not change, genuine concern for his decision. "I'm not interested in joining a war with the Phoenix wolves to ensure your claim."

He may not be as close as when the Seadogs (which aren't even on the sea, let's be real) tried to settle on her front yard and does not quite warrant chasing away his claim. They could find an arrangement that would work that they could live in peace away from one another but Reek's intentions sound far more detailed than he'd let on. Or perhaps Thuringwethil wanted more out of it than he'd prepared for.

RE: what are we made of but hunger and rage? - Reek - March 31, 2016

Reek figured it was a safe assumption that Thuringwethil would pry further into his own reasons for worry. Responding to her questions with an brief, cursory nod, Reek shifted his rawboned frame uncomfortably before settling down to his haunches in a much more comfortable position. "I don't want war," he replied. "I want security." The last thing Reek wanted to do was entangle the entire north in a bloody, fruitless war.  Such a thing would only prove to be a detriment to both himself and the unborn children that he still strove to protect, but a collective agreement between himself and the dragon -- he felt -- could create a protective wall seperating their space in the north from Saena should she turn her aggression northward.

Of course, this was unknown to Thuringwethil.

"But staying close is my only option," he continued, gaze falling to the other leaders feet. During his meetings with Thuringwethil, Reek had always done his best to keep his personal life exactly what it was: personal. However, in this instance, Reek believed to strike a deal, she would need to know all the details that Reek kept closely guarded. "I'm going to be a father." The words tasted bittersweet on Reek's tongue. The sound, tinged with the weighted burden of loss. 

"I may have lost my life in the Maplewood, but I can't bring myself to abandon the family that remains by leaving." He shrugged. By his own admission, Reek was caught between a rock and a hard place. "So, that leaves me here... asking for your help." It was a strange thing for Reek to admit he couldn't do something on his own. So strange that it made his brow scrunch with the surprise of his own admission.

RE: what are we made of but hunger and rage? - Antumbra - March 31, 2016

The relationship between Reek’s former pack and his new were largely unknown to the young leader. He hadn’t been too concerned the last time they met. They weren’t chasing him away and now, he’d remained close enough to cause a problem; tension, at least. Tension she already had with the Phoenix wolves were largely back to being unresolved in Reek’s absence and she’d put off approaching them. A call from the river could be heard in Sleeping Dragon but the other way around—unsure exactly where the maplewood was located, she wasn’t sure her’s would even reach.

When Reek presented his dilemma, Thuringwethil inhaled a slow breath and held it in her chest. Children. 

Her tongue slipped from her muzzle as she exhaled, masking the new information for her to consider. Grinding her teeth down once she’d tighten her jaw, she can’t help the swing of her head to glance back at Warbone to determine whether or not he was even listening though she knew he would be. Thuringwethil turned back toward the other male. A decision couldn’t be made without discussing it with Gyda first, even if she felt the other woman had little decision when it came to Drageda

“A coalition,” she offered. What coalition Seageda had were no longer, even if she had faithful followers. Even if she asked them, they would say yes—that she was sure—but their distance did little to benefit Drageda on a larger scale. With Gavriel and his crew at her doorstep, she knew she could bring them but for now she focused on the new life before her. A way to do it right. “Become one with Drageda; your wolves will become mine and I will treat them as I do my own in Sleeping Dragon.” 

Thuringwethil’s posture became more solemn—if it were even possible—and her eyes narrowed at the weight of her words presented: “But if Phoenix—or anyone—moves on us, your weakness for your children cannot be a hindrance.”

RE: what are we made of but hunger and rage? - Reek - March 31, 2016

Reek's posture straightened. A coalition? Of course, Reek already knew the pragmatic answer, but becoming an extension of Thuringwethil's pack had not been Reek's original intention. However, there was a part of him that thought this sort of official agreement would keep the grotto's presence within the north legitimate. While he didn't want to stir problems with his old pack, the Maplewood, Reek felt he needed to be ready for when they eventually came knocking on his door to hand him his pink slip.

He thought for a moment, falling silent. There was still the question of how legitimate his own rule would be if he accepted such a deal. "And of my own autonomy?" he asked. "The grotto is mine and Tavi's to control." Theirs only, he thought. It felt odd to allow another that level of control in their established heirarchy, but mostly, it felt wrong.

Another roadblock occurred in the form of Reek's unborn children. Thuringwethil may have wanted them to be of no consequence, but the entire reason he had taken residence so close was to ensure their safety. If conflict broke out, Reek could not consciously bring harm to his own flesh and blood. It was a promise he simply couldn't make. On this front however, Reek remained silent.

RE: what are we made of but hunger and rage? - Antumbra - April 01, 2016

There’s a palpable change in the atmosphere and Thuringwethil feels herself stiffen a little more. Her ears twitch upon her head but she holds them forward, though she doesn’t expect Reek to advance with Warbone behind her. He may have a pack behind him, but where are they? A quick glance behind him, surveying the area once more, leaves him empty-handed and while the threat may not be there, she can’t help but clear her exits anyway. 

Instead, he questions her and she rolls the question over in her head. She doesn’t know who Tavi is and the fact he left this piece of information out doesn’t settle well. She isn’t here, discussing this prospective alliance, and she can’t help but wonder just how much say the other has. Then again, is it not the same with Gyda? With a step back, whatever Reek’s decision, nothing would be final until she spoke with the queen of Sleeping Dragon but by the looks of it, the dark male doesn’t follow along with her ideas.

“You want my wolves to protect you but you do not want to return it,” she tells him, irritation hanging in her voice. “Your hierarchy and your land is your own but the coalition is mine and if my wolves stand next to yours, yours will do the same.” Had he expected to come out of this meeting with her blindly leading her wolves into something she doesn’t fully comprehend with nothing to benefit her? It had not been his presentation from the beginning but she waits it out, giving him the chance to explain once she’s finished. "The grotto's submission to me does not change your rule."

1 - clearly idk what tense i want to write in and 2 - you get my 300th post.

RE: what are we made of but hunger and rage? - Reek - April 01, 2016

Her answer was satisfactory. Immediately, he was reminded of the deal he and Saena had made with the wolves of Nova Peak to stave off southern aggression. Their deal had been largely unnecessary, as conflict never broke out, but the added security of uniting two packs was aways comforting. It allowed Reek to sleep easy then, knowing that his family and pack would be safe— he would also sleep easy now, knowing that Thuringwethil would do her part to keep Reek's wolves safe; and he, hers.

There was only one answer, he concluded. Reek nodded his head with a silent, solemn acceptance.

If it took pledging fealty to another to ensure the safety of his wolves, then so be it. Knowing that he and Tavi would remain in control of the day to day and that the pack would still be under their own control made the deal far easier to make. "I accept your conditions," he said, thus sealing the grotto's fate as an extention of Drageda. "So what now?"

RE: what are we made of but hunger and rage? - Antumbra - April 01, 2016

His acceptance pulled her posture inward and she eases the stiffness of her legs to shuffle her weight. The new dynamic changes the air and she arches her tail a little tighter and she jerks her head to draw @Warbone’s attention. “We return to Sleeping Dragon and I discuss this with my queen,” she explains, wondering if Tavi—whomever she may be—knew of this arrangement. Her absence leaves her questioning but she lets it be. Reek belongs to her now, regardless of the decision the other mates. 

“Should there be a change of heart, I will send a messenger. Otherwise I will come back in a few days with my guard to spend some time with your wolves and get to know them. And then I would like you to do the same and be a guest of Drageda for a few days,” she explains with what might appear to be the hint of a smile and a slight twitch—wag—of her tail.

RE: what are we made of but hunger and rage? - Reek - April 02, 2016

It was strange to see a change in emotion within Thuringwethil. Her thin smile seemed almost alien in the way it spread across her face -- not that there was anything wrong with it, of course -- it was just that Reek didn't entirely think the leader of the mountain pack could even show such an emotion. There was a coldness to her— a nature Reek perceived to be born from a tactical mind. But, unlike the machine she had been when Reek had spoken to her from across the river, she seemed almost normal after their coalition had been formed. 

Caught a little off guard by this change, Reek attempted to mirror her smile, but what he returned was less grin more grimace. "Alright then," he said, nodding. "I'll wait for you here."  Of course, Reek still felt a level of discomfort with allowing Thuringwethil to stay with his pack, but if the coalition was to be cohesive, Reek understood the necessity. However, he would not leave his wolves while she was within his borders. While among his own, Reek decided she would remain supervised. Nevertheless, he felt it justifieable, because he knew she would be keeping just as close an eye on him when he accompained her back to her own pack.

RE: what are we made of but hunger and rage? - Warbone - April 07, 2016

Warbone listened, but did not look. He stood parallel to their conversation, several yards away, watching the breezy shadows for a hint of others— Grotto wolves. Though he did not suspect ambush, with such an amenable alpha male and a non-attendant alpha female, he felt the need to search for it regardless. Her absence, after all, could signify that she was waiting in the wings with a surge of Lark wolves at her back coming for the throat of his current stead. Paranoid, perhaps, but paranoia kept him busy just as much as it kept him alive.

Reek agreed to something that Warbone himself had a tough time swallowing. As a pack wolf, obeying her was easy, but given his own territory, he could predictably say that he'd agree to this. His loyalty, however, remained as long as he was Dragon and as long as she kept him. He caught the motion of her head just then, and turned, padding to her side slowly, prepared to lead her off. "Reek," he murmured in farewell, his tone somewhat to be assumed as polite. For all his brutishness and severe outward appearances, he seemed to have more manners and formal persuasion than expected. Demonstrated as the secret serviceman wolf waited in relaxed readiness to escort the queen away.

RE: what are we made of but hunger and rage? - Antumbra - April 07, 2016

Reek agreed to the final condition and she nods her head, glancing to see Warbone come around to her side. Once she has spoken to Gyda, she would return; she didn’t expect too many problems from the queen to the alliance, even if it might take some convincing. “Mebi oso na hit choda op nodotaim,” she says in her own tongue in departure knowing he wouldn’t understand but hopefully her tone would get the message across. With another shake of her tail, she stiffens up her shoulders and adjusts the arc, turning away from the grotto leader to return to her mountain.