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Blackfoot Forest Crazy Boy - Printable Version

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Crazy Boy - Samuel - March 25, 2016

Thread for Counselor Trade! Wanna traumatize your character for me?

Samuel was quite pleased with himself in the Rosings. He was close to earning his counselor trade, though he also had others in mind. He thought about becoming a healer or a warrior, though the Rosings weren't very aggressive. He guessed he didn't need to be a fighter, though Aaron was one. 

He gave himself a good shake of the head before collapsing onto the soft ground beneath his large mass. His fur squished the dirt, a once clean silver and grey becoming dark with chocolate brown. He rolled around a bit before settling onto his belly, head resting on his paws. He sighed happily, thinking about dozing off a little. While he closed his eyes, small butterflies seemed to fly around his muzzle and body. A small red one took place on the bridge of his nose, he could only smile at it and giggle softly.

The giant was so strange. A boy his size playing with a little butterfly, then sniffing roses, then working as a therapist. Strange child...

RE: Crazy Boy - Faramir - March 26, 2016

But of course :)

Faramir was on one of his almost routine walking explorations of the territory when he came across the dirt-strewn giant surrounded by butterflies. The sight was almost funny, aside from the fact that it was peaceful and calming at the same time. Faramir walked into the scene, sanctity of peace being interrupted quietly by one who wanted to join and resume it. 

"Hey," he started, smiling at the man. "Samuel, right?" He knew little of the boy, though he had heard that he and Liri were friends. Just seeing this, he felt it right that those two should be mated together.

RE: Crazy Boy - Samuel - March 26, 2016

Thanks for joining and your sacrifice! <3

It appeared that the dirt-covered boy was not alone, for a voice of another brought his attention away from the butterfly. He turned to face the owner of the voice, sitting up and watching a few butterflies fly off while a few lingered. Some landed atop his cranium and shoulders, while the red one still stayed on his muzzle.

"Hi there" he replied kindly, looking over the man. "Yes, I'm Samuel. I don't seem to know your name though, Mr..?" He asked, unknowing that this wolf was the beta of the Rosings.

RE: Crazy Boy - Faramir - March 27, 2016

Making his way over to the boy, Faramir grinned at the butterflies that still seemed to take a liking to Samuel. "Faramir," he replied, taking a seat in front of the man who was noticeably larger than him.  "You enjoying it here? The butterflies seem to like you," he said with an amused smile.

RE: Crazy Boy - Samuel - March 27, 2016

While the winged insects settled down, the man -Faramir- walked a bit closer to Samuel. His grin was wide, a question about Samuel's liking of the place. The mass of fur nodded his head, though did it slow to not scare off the red one. "I've been enjoying my time in the Rosings, I'm close to becoming a counselor" he explained, his smile evident.

He looked towards the agouti-looking male. Faramir looked to be young like Samuel, a kindness lacing his words and sentences. His smile was amused, he looked towards the butterflies.

"It seems they do" Samuel replied, a cheeky smile on his face. "Are you going after any trades?"

RE: Crazy Boy - Faramir - March 27, 2016

Ah, a counselor! That suited the boy very well from what he could tell from him so far. Perhaps he could help Samuel earn it...Maybe...but was he ready to talk about it?

Snapping back into reality, Faramir blinked and focused on the question at hand. Trades, trades. Oh, yes! "I'm planning on becoming a storyteller for sure, and possibly something like a sitter." he said, resuming his smile. 

Since Faramir wore his heart on his sleeve, he had to start somewhere with at least one of his problems. "So, counselor, eh? What do you lean more towards there?" he said with a smile trained to conceal so many of his inner demons.

RE: Crazy Boy - Samuel - April 01, 2016


It appeared that Faramir wanted to be a storyteller and a sitter perhaps. It suited him, he looked to do well in those fields. Samuel was mainly questioned on where he wanted to go from there after gaining his trade. He hadn't thought much of it lately, but he had somewhat an idea.

"I was thinking of being a therapist and maybe a medic" he replied, wondering if that seemed "manly" enough to Faramir. He didn't seem like a brute to Samuel, no he looked as gentle as the butterflies that were around him. "I don't have much experience with it, but I like the idea of helping others with their mental state" he said.

RE: Crazy Boy - Faramir - April 01, 2016

lol you're fine

Faramir nodded appreciatively at the man, his trades would be useful in the pack. As far as he knew, there weren't any other aspiring medics in the pack, and a therapist would be very helpful, more than most realized. 

"It's a noble pursuit," he said, stereotypes having no influence on him. He'd met all types of wolves who had contradicted many stereotypes, so he had decided to scrap most previous traditionalism taught to him to learn on his own. "Well, you might be able to help me out, if you're up to it." he said, hoping someone would be able to help and at the same time not particularly wanting to talk about it.

RE: Crazy Boy - Samuel - April 03, 2016

Faramir's words were kind towards the large boy, he couldn't express enough gratitude. This pack of the Rosings, it accepted him for who he was. It wasn't everyday that he was shown some respect for his interests, he was in peace with his home. "Thank you Faramir, your words mean a lot" Samuel said to the other. 

What brought him out of his little trance was the mention of a problem. His ears perked up at the beta, wondering what demons troubled him in his life. "I'm always open" he answered, looking towards him. "What's troubling you?"

RE: Crazy Boy - Faramir - April 04, 2016

*scrambles for something*

Faramir nodded with a kindly smile, silently wondering if the boy had been made fun of in the past. It almost pained him to know that one could be the object of ridicule for their simple interests. It was part of their personality, and it was up to them if they wanted to expand on them or scrap them, not for others to decide. 

He was glad to hear that Samuel was there to listen. There were certain people that he knew couldn't handle it, but seemed to him the fluff boy was nearly a professional at dealing with things like this. He took a breath, staring up to the side of Sam before turning his deep green gaze back on him. 

"Well, I guess it's more trust issues than anything," he said, attempting to start off with the supposed root of his problems.

RE: Crazy Boy - Samuel - April 10, 2016

Ah, trust issues. It was nothing new, many wolves were aloof by nature and took time to trust others completely. Samuel could not blame the beta for the way he felt about trust. He appreciated how he was very open about everything, it made his problem-solving thoughts a bit easier to consider.

"Trust you say?" He asked first, though giving his front paws a thoughtful look. He tried to think of the best way to solve this problem, how could one develop trust skills? He thought for a few seconds before coming up with an idea. Why not go in depth and really lock down on what is the issue?

"It is no rare problem Faramir, trust issues are very normal" he reassured him, hoping to make him a bit more comfortable. The last thing he needed was the man to be a nervous nancy. "Do you feel as if you need to shield yourself from others to avoid being hurt?" That was a main question in all honesty, mostly one that asked about his past. Did something happen to make him secretive? "Do you feel as if others aren't reliable?"

RE: Crazy Boy - Faramir - April 13, 2016

Faramir took comfort in knowing that he wasn't alone in his struggle of trust, and relaxed just a bit before Samuel started to speak. 

Then came two questions that he couldn't very easily answer simply. For a temporary loss of words, he stared at his paws in thought. "I- I guess so," he said, blinking, looking back up to Sam, "There were a lot of wolves I knew that just up and left, especially my previous best friend. It's hard to adapt to that." 

RE: Crazy Boy - Samuel - April 15, 2016

Faramir's distrust was proved strongly, many wolves that were probably important to him just left him. Samuel nodded his head to show he was listening, his gears turning and circulating to decipher the code to solving this problem. Trust was hard to earn, but so easy to lose.

Samuel remembered his own trust issues, though he had managed to train himself to half-trust others, then go full in later. He looked towards Faramir warmly, hoping to disarm him. Your reasons are very valid Faramir, you have every right to not be very trusting of others. Samuel wouldn't lie about something as important as trust, trust was a bond that brought others together tightly.

Adapting to the loss of important wolves in your life is very difficult, almost impossible- he paused. Almost, but not exactly. Samuel had to pull a few ideas out of his brain to think of ways to build trust with Faramir. But first and foremost, he wanted to address the problem head on.

One of the biggest things that can cause distrust is labeling. Samuel spoke of something almost everyone did, label. Whether it was from stereotypes or just past experiences, everyone has done it at least once. What we must do is not judge those today like those from our past, but look into them as a fresh slate. It can be very difficult for those to break their habits, but not impossible. The feeling of judging others was not something that anyone felt needed, it was just their brain signaling something from a past memory. Samuel would need to erase those bad memories.

Know that every single person you meet will be different from the last.

RE: Crazy Boy - Faramir - April 17, 2016

Faramir listened intently to Samuel, nodding with him, but mentally flagging where he should probably correct him. It was a lot to take in, and a bit difficult to know where to even start. 

"I mean, I know not to label others and I really try not to, but it's a certain kind of labeling. Imagine thinking that everywolf will leave inevitably, and there's nothing you can do. It's almost like that, except I predict when they will leave for something better, and I have usually been right." he spoke slowly, trying to choose the right words to say to explain what he was feeling to avoid confusion. It was hard living this way, and he preferred to take advantage of what he had in the moment, but not getting too attached.

RE: Crazy Boy - Samuel - April 24, 2016

His explanation went deeper and Samuel could do nothing but listen. He felt sad for Faramir no doubt, Samuel had trust issues earlier in his life. He looked towards the beta with reassuring eyes. "Even if they do leave, we must let them go" he started off, hopefully not hitting a hardwire.

"Holding onto those we love the most, we must realize that we cannot hold onto them forever. While they leave for maybe no reason, we cannot beat ourselves up because of their absence." In simple terms, Samuel was just saying that wolves could not just hold onto others and not expect them to vanish. They are allowed to leave, and wolves must heal and open themselves up.

Faramir, us wolves are nomadic creatures and sometimes just leave. Their absence will sting, but we cannot keep ahold of those we love. We must let others in, not to take their place, but to soothe the sting of what was left.

Totally bullshitting this :P

RE: Crazy Boy - Faramir - April 26, 2016

You're fine, it sounds great idk what you're talking about I'm the one bullshitting XD 

Faramir listened through Samuel's talk, his words comforting him beyond anything else he could have imagined. If he were not the type to hide his emotions, then he would have been blinking back tears, but this was not so. It hit deep, in some parts he was not even aware of. 

Faramir looked kindly at the man, gratitude filling his eyes as the restrains of his considerate nature breaking if for a few seconds to rush forward and wolfishly embrace the man, then drawing back. "I-I'm sorry for that, but thank you. Thank you so much." he said, trying to disguise what a mess he was and show no weakness.

RE: Crazy Boy - Samuel - April 29, 2016

He had done it, he had finally gotten to him. Samuel finally broke down the wall that separated him and Faramir, finally he could see him eye to eye. His grey eyes reflected gentleness and happiness as he ran towards Samuel. At first he feared he was going to attack, but instead he was embraced. At first he was surprised, but gladly accepted it before Faramir jumped off.

He first apologized, then thanked the boy for help. Samuel only smiled wider as he dipped his head in thanks to the man. "It's okay" he said, his eyes closing in his smile. "Any time you need to spill, just find me" he reassured Faramir, hoping that his client would do fine now.

RE: Crazy Boy - Faramir - May 04, 2016

Faramir looked awkwardly over Samuel's shoulder, shyly smiling. "Yeah...alright. Anyway, thanks." he said, shifting his eyes back to the other's. He hated appearing as what he thought was weak, and it was immesurably difficult to even admit he had issues. But for now he was glad he did, as the man dipped his head in thanks once again. "See ya, Sammy," he said, getting up to head back into the forest. There was a lot for him to think about.

RE: Crazy Boy - Samuel - May 06, 2016

With Faramir happy with his little pep talk, he soon stalked off to the woods. Samuel could only follow him with his eyes, smiling and happy with himself. He soon parted to go and find something to entertain himself with.