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Broken Antler Fen I'm in Control. - Printable Version

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I'm in Control. - Sebastian - March 28, 2016

Sebastian stepped into the cool water of the creek, his muzzle lowering for a few sips of fresh water. The large male inhaled softly. He would need to talk to Kinra after what happened. She had not left on a good note and the young alpha needed to talk to her. He would not allow her to talk to him like that. He shouldn't because then other members might take examples from it. The young grey male let out a soft grunt and took a dip in the water.

He was unsure how to handle all of this, but he was not going to walk away from it. He stepped on the soft bank of the creek and shook out his fur before howling for the knight. He had been thinking about some tasks for her that might be good for her to do. Sebastian had not given her anything to do yet, so that might also be one of her irritations, who knows. He was going to the bottom of this.

RE: I'm in Control. - Kinra - March 28, 2016

The Knight was mainly walking around exploring. She wasn't teaching, learning, hunting, or even patrolling. She was just looking around to see what kind of herbs were growing around in the territory. Knowing where to find them would be important if ever there is a day some herbs are needed. She had already found a few before hearing a summon from Sebastian. She wondered what the Alpha wanted during this time. As she marched on to his location she starting thinking of all their recent interactions. Let's just say he still had stuff to learn.

Upon seeing Sebastian she noticed he had recently jumped into the water. She approached him in her usual high holding way. But unlike at the other times she tail remained still and was just hanging neutrally. Everything she was showing towards him was neutral, even her voice when she spoke. "Is there something you wish of me to do?" She asked because that was the only thing she could think of for him to be wanting to call her. She would prefer that reason since she had decided to keep her interactions as professional as possible as a Knight. She had a job to do and was tired of personal feelings getting in the way of it.

RE: I'm in Control. - Sebastian - March 28, 2016

Sebastian was soon met by the female knight. The large male looked over her as she was all business like again. The male let out a soft noise in confusion. These females. Still the alpha put it aside and then looked at her with a nod. "Yes, I do," he spoke to her. "But first I'd like to talk about what happened at the Cove the other night," he stated, looking at her in a more serious matter.

Fallen had spoken about several females liking him and Kinra first snuggling against him and then going after Fallen made something click in Sebastian's mind. He had been sure that she was only here on duty. But it seemed that she might have some personal feelings too. Still he wanted to let her know that he at the time had made a choice, maybe not the wisest, but one she would have to accept. "If I made a decision then I don't really appreciate you talking back like that," he spoke more determined now, his pale eyes falling in hers. "Now I was wondering if your own personal feelings were speaking rather than your professional one."

RE: I'm in Control. - Kinra - March 28, 2016

Kinra waited for some orders but it turned out that before that Sebastian wanted to discuss the matters that happend that other night. If she remembered correctly everyone was settled except for Fallen who left after Sebastian made the mistake of choosing another place beside Pearl. There were personal feelings that did get involved but now that she had a clear mind she could find professional problems. With what she said she could easily cover up and change what she meant.

She stood tall and watched him closely, the subject seemed serious so she would just have to explain her side to it all. "It was all professional. To my eyes your decision was not one of an Alpha. You didn't stand your ground or tried to take control of the situation, You simply moved away. As an Alpha you need to know where you need to make a stand and you must be able to place others where they are suppose to be, otherwise the pack will be crippled with confusion and unhappiness." She remained calm with a profession form. There was more to say but she paused to see how he would react to that, to see if he understood.

RE: I'm in Control. - Sebastian - March 28, 2016

Sebastian flattened his ears when she spoke out her honest yet harsh words. Luckily for Sebastian he could take criticism and would often grow motivated from it. Yet, the young male was not really liking hearing that Kinra was saying because it was very clear to him that he knew what he wanted. "I did take control. Instead of breeding any of those females I chose to lay somewhere else, it was not moving away. It was my decision. I know that I want a mate, not breed a random female in heat and they will have to accept that," he returned to her. It almost looked to him that Kinra couldn't accept that. She had not been professional either. "You are here under my employment here and I will let you go if you keep talking back to me like you did that night. There was no reason for it and you were out of line."

Sebastian was pretty keen on her admitting her mistake, if she was going to be stubborn again and not admit to anything Sebastian would have officially decided for himself that she was a hypocrite. They seemed to clash more and more lately and Sebastian wasn't sure why that was. They opinion on things seemed very different to say the least. He let out a snort and then let his pale eyes fall into her. "I'd like you to locate the big came in the area. You can take Brandy, if she wants to, she wants to learn how to hunt. Or maybe Aduin. Whoever you prefer. I also I'd like you to check the borders for any spots that you as a knight would see as a weak one and that needs to be reinforced. When you are doing that I'd also like an analysis which side of the borders would need more protection. I would say the North, but maybe I am wrong," he spoke to her.

RE: I'm in Control. - Kinra - March 28, 2016

The Knight was quickly getting frustrated. Kinra wasn't not at all referring to all the hormones raging during that night. It could have likely been the source of the problem but that was not what she was trying to deal with. There was a flaw in his policy of having everyone sleep in the same area. It had it's advantages but obviously some disadvantages. That was the actually matter Kinra was trying to address. She could care less of all his mate problem. Even if she cared she wouldn't be allowed to get involved in such thing.

It was very difficult to let Sebastian continue with giving her instructions. When he was done she immediately return to the more important matter and starting raising her voice. "I was not referring to the ideas of breeding! It may be linked to the problem but the real problem is your policy to having everyone sleep in the same place. One of the advantages of it would be to sleep next to someone for warmth, which was what I was trying to do and it's likely the same for the others. Of course it seems like not everyone can control their hormones. If 'accidental' breeding is what you worry about then maybe you should consider having males on one side of the Cove and females at the other."

She turned her head to the side. She was heavily annoyed with him right now. She ended up adding what she would have preferred him to do. "It would have been more Alpha like if you would have just said you didn't want us to be so close, then maybe Flora wouldn't have lost it."

RE: I'm in Control. - Sebastian - March 28, 2016

Sebastian looked at her with a steel like gaze. He had chosen for this way of living with the purpose of creating a family like bond. He was not going to give up on it only moments after the pack started. Now it might be difficult with the females being in heat but if they weren't he didn't like to separate the group. They were one unity. Maybe Kinra did not understand that seeing that she always had to operate on her own. "I am not changing a thing about sleeping together in the cove. The males won't be separated from the females, it would create another gap I would not want. However what I did learn is to not allow females in heat at the Cove at night," he spoke, and he was most definitely going to let the others know that new rule. Otherwise, like Kinra had pointed out there would be only confusion and chaos.

"Perhaps it would have been smarter that way, but I am only a wolf and I am learning being an alpha on the go. You don't have to talk back to me like that only because I did something wrong in your eyes. You could have come to me personally and tell me there might have been another way of doing it, but you haven't," he pointed out. His pale eyes directly casted in her eyes. She had not even come back to report about Fallen, if she went after her at all. Sebastian had ran into her the next day though, so that was just his luck, which also resulted in her confessing her crush on him.

RE: I'm in Control. - Kinra - March 28, 2016

Kinra was able to calm down and return to normal. She could accept the idea that he wanted to keep everyone together but that would prevent something like this from happening again. He did realize the source that caused problems but Kinra wasn't too sure if he understood what he was just saying. She returned to a calm tone "A female can be in heat for several days, and during the time they are at their most vulnerable. It would be much more reassuring if another female accompanies the one in heat. Do that and your solution would work perfectly for what you want." His idea would work much better than hers for his goal.

"The reason I talk back IS because you are learning." Then she took a deep breath and let it out steadily. "I'll admit that maybe it was wrong of me. I try to be perfect on duty but I know even the greatest of Knights still have flaws. So if I was out of line then I'm.." She slightly turned her head to the side once more. "Sorry.." Saying that word was always difficult but it's not like it was the first time in her life she had to say it. She was aware that she can make mistakes and that her choices may not be completely right. She then returned to looking at him in the eyes. "I'm really trying to help you and your whole pack. Once your pack becomes strong and stable, my main task will be complete. It was frustrating for me to see Flora leave, and I did blame you for it." Then Kinra sat down and sighed, she didn't like admitting she was wrong. "That's my own mistake."

But what a Knight does best is learning from experience. Obviously all this was going to change how she handles newer problems.

RE: I'm in Control. - Sebastian - March 30, 2016

Sebastian actually liked her idea of sending a female in heat with another female for comfort. It would be better than to have them be alone. Maybe they could have another sleeping place for it. Maybe a den as the only exception? He would need tot think about this more throughly. The male was at least pleased to hear that the female was sorry about her talking back to him in such way. Finally they would work this out. Because now she would tell him why she had been reacting the way she did. His tail raised when she put the emphasis on the word 'is'. He liked to keep a calm and even tone. He let out a soft sigh when he was blamed for Fallen leaving, who she called Flora, which was news to him. When did that happen?

"Well, I rather prefer you won't do that but come to me about it. Now it almost showed that you were in charge instead of me and that is not the case, you are here to help after all." Sebastian looked at her and then nodded, calming down a bit too. "Well, if we got this sorted out then I think we can start over again. I also did not really give you anything to do. And you do give good advise," he spoke. Hopefully now things would run a bit smoother. The young male was still figuring things out on the go, but he was learning.

RE: I'm in Control. - Kinra - March 30, 2016

"I understand. Next time a problem occurs, I'll ask to speak with you privately if possible." Although it was actually possible for her to take over but as a Knight it was not her job or responsibility. Sebastian was the leader, she had to show the example as a follower while also guiding him. Kinra couldn't help but smile a little bit when he complimented her, that was the first real compliment from him. Although it should be normal for her to give good advice, the words just made her happy to hear.

Kinra's mood was more friendly now. It's true that Sebastian had never given her detailed instructions but the main task was clear. If he wanted to add in some details that was fine as long as it didn't go against her main task. "My task is to make sure your pack becomes strong and last. I'm suppose to make sure everyone in the pack can handle themselves in their job, including you." She reminded him. "I've already met all members and recently started making sure Brandy and Aduin knows the basics in fighting, I can't take them out hunting until I'm sure they are ready. Currently there are predators lurking around the territory, I spotted some south of here and I'm sure there are more surrounding the territory. They wonder close but so far none have entered the territory. You may not have given me any direct task but I have been working on the objective you gave me." She then bowed down to him respectfully "[b]I am also your Knight at your command so if you have any extra task for me I'll be happy to complete them for you."[/b]

RE: I'm in Control. - Sebastian - March 31, 2016

Sebastian was pleased to hear about her process. The male nodded at her words which comforted him too. The large grey male was happy to hear that she had been making some progress. Not only with his members but also detecting dangerous animals that could be harmful. "I'm pleased to hear that. Keep me up to date with those predators. If they come in our territory then we have to make sure to chase them out. These are wetlands and they are prone to cougars I believe,' he spoke to her with a short nod.

The male nodded once more when she said he could always give her other tasks. He had done that now but he would think of maybe other assignments for the knight that he couldn't do. "I am glad that you are helping me. I clearly need an extra set of eyes and a mind," he spoke to her. "Then I will leave you now to do your duties," he spoke. Not wanting to take more of her time arguing or talking about something of the past as it had been resolved now.

RE: I'm in Control. - Kinra - March 31, 2016

Kinra nodded when Sebastian asked for her to keep him up to date. Although she would prefer just taking some of his task so he could worry about other more important objectives. But it's not like it was favorable to keep the Alpha in the dark, so in the end she was just going to have to work on giving him reports for now on. At least once every couple weeks sounded good enough. It would give her time to do what she needs while keeping the Alpha up to date.

Seems like everything was sorted out here as Sebastian decided to dismiss her so she could resume her duties. "Don't hesitate to call for me if you have a task that needs to be taken care of. I'll also keep you up to date with what goes on around the territory every once in a while." Then she bowed down her head one more in goodbye. "I will return to my duties then, take care Sir Sebastian." She said as she turned to head back to where she was. She moved calmly but noble like but while she was at it she was trying to remember what she was doing just before she was called. For some reason nothing came to mind. Well it didn't really matter, she could just start patrolling the borders to make sure predators haven't wondered in yet. She hasn't spotted a cougar but if one did show up it would bothersome to get rid of it.

RE: I'm in Control. - Sebastian - March 31, 2016

Sebastian was relieved that this had been resolved, the young male nodded when the Knight spoke. He would give her more tasks from now on. He knew she would do them with all the passion in the world. The large male watched her set off to do her duties and went back to do his own. That was one matter that had been resolves. The young male was glad, being an alpha was surprisingly exhausting but it was worth it. He was starting to love it more each day.
