Wolf RPG
Blackfeather Woods Mashed Potatos - Printable Version

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Mashed Potatos - Mikasi - March 28, 2016

For Hunter. Maybe @Quiet could join this one?

 For hours, the man had been tracking down one particular task. There had been the smell of a small herd, but one in particular had decided to wander off from the rest. It didn't smell to far away from them, but far enough. Now, he was happy to say that he was closing in on the beast, but still couldn't take down a full grown deer alone.

 Before going on any further, Mikasi howled for the presence of anyone willing to help him.

RE: Mashed Potatos - Quiet - March 28, 2016


Quiet, now focusing more on her hunting trade, answered the call almost immediately. Tracking was essential to wolf life and spying and it was natural for her to hone her stalking skills through hunting rather than stalking wolves (who were more than likely to try and fight her for intruding on their personal spaces). She trotted up to Mikasi, her step light yet quick as she came nearer to the indigo-eyed wolf. With a gentle chuff, she announced her presence, her dual-toned eyes flickered over to the deer that he was targeting.

RE: Mashed Potatos - Mikasi - April 02, 2016

His call did not go unanswered, for Quiet made herself present. He nodded a greeting to the half breed. The two didn't know each other much, but he figured this would be one way for the two to start a bond.

 "Ok," he whispered, softly enough so the target wouldn't hear him. "We gotta keep it runnin' not fightin'. We'll chase it from behind, and I'll go for the neck. Sound good?" Mikasi was not as experienced in leading hunts as someone like Burke was, but he still knew his ways around hunting.

RE: Mashed Potatos - Quiet - April 04, 2016

Quiet listened in on Mikasi's plan, stealing glances towards the target as he spoke. Chasing was not Quiet's favorite tactic for hunting — she would much prefer to stalk the creature. But not everyone had her patience, nor was that always the best tactic. Without the ability to coherently protest, Quiet nodded in affirmation. She would make sure that she would have her moments, but those bursts of speed would be limited. The hybrid wondered how fast or how long Mikasi could run for; he would have to do most of the work in the chase.

RE: Mashed Potatos - Mikasi - April 11, 2016

With her nod of approval, Mikasi took it as a green flag for go. He made sure to stalk around the creature, get rom behind and do his best to keep downwind from the animal. Right when the doe showed signs that she knew of their presence, he made a run for it, assuming Quiet would be helping.

 The male was built for chasing things more than brute strength. With longer legs and less weight than most, he was pretty good at these things.

RE: Mashed Potatos - Quiet - April 14, 2016

With her nod of approval sending Mikasi off into the fray, Quiet followed, breaking away from him and circling on the doe's other side. The doe's eyes began to widen as she sensed the two wolves' presence and soon enough Mikasi ran off, Quiet quickly following in order to set the deer into a run. She, unlike Mikasi, was not built for running for long distances, though she would try her best to keep up and bring down the doe as quickly as possible.

RE: Mashed Potatos - Mikasi - April 25, 2016

sorry for the hold up

 As soon as he was in range of the deer's hearing, it went running. Step one finished. Mikasi went into chase, being sure to keep close to the prey. Now that he had seen it, he wasn't willing to let it go.

 Mikasi was able to get bites into the leg here and there, but it would take more to take it down.