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Firefly Ravine A Wolf Up Ahead - Printable Version

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A Wolf Up Ahead - Pinky - March 28, 2016

"Hello!" Pinky yelled in agony at a far away figure in the trees. Normally she wouldn't dare approach another dog, but she was desperate. "Please help me.." her speech was slurred and her vision was fading to black. Her last visual is the distant silhouette of a dog just behind the tree line. She could only hope that she survives.

RE: A Wolf Up Ahead - Rain Willow - March 28, 2016


@Teci @Sen @Depp
Thought you guys would help in this post.

Lyric was simply just going for a morning stroll when she heard a call for help in the distance. They sounded frail and frantic so she rushed towards the voice, catching on it's scent soon after. She saw a small white rat-looking dog lying on a patch of grass, she looked extremely ill and injured. Nudging the poor thing, she felt her heart beating only softly, near death she thought. Having no idea how such a dog made it's way into Teekon, she sprinted pack into the pack territory with the dogs scruff in jaws. 
'Teci! Where are you? I need your Help.' She shouted desperately for her new co-worker/adoptive daughter. She saw Rain by the stream and yelled towards her. 
'Rain honey, go get Depp or Sen, it's an emergency!' 
Laying the poor thing down in the feathery grass, she began to check her vitals, many scars over the body, and perhaps some broken bones. Was it attacked by some cougars or something?
'Teci! I need you NOW!' She then began push it's chest to keep the poor dear's heart going. 
Please, don't go on me. 

For some dumb-ass reason I accidentally posted as rain instead of Lyric, Each time I go into edit the post to switch to Lyric, IT SIGNS ME OUT AND SAYS I NEED TO SIGN IN AGAIN. So no matter what, I cannot change it because I screwed up at the start. Just pretend this Is @Lyric for now.

RE: A Wolf Up Ahead - Teci - March 28, 2016

@Rain Willow, you posted as Rain rather than Lyric, just a heads up

Hearing the frantic cries of Lyric, she rushed for the area the woman sounded from. She tore through the foliage, small paws flashing so quickly they barely brushed the ground. As she ran she couldn't help the fear that something had happened to the small family that she had only just gained.

Tearing into the open space, she soon spotted Lyric by the stream leaning over a small white creature. It looked similar to a large white rat but she recognized it as a dog from her days in the human world. 

She stopped next to them, confusion on her features as she looked at the injured dog. Lyric appeared to be giving it CPR. She would need healing herbs. "I'll need herbs for the wounds and cobwebs. I'll be back, keep her alive." With that she rushed off to find some.

RE: A Wolf Up Ahead - Sen - April 01, 2016

Just a note, CPR for canines doesn't work the same as it does for humans—pushing on the chest would be useless, as their anatomy differs from that of a human. ^^ Also, please keep in mind that for major actions (such as carrying another character away), permission must be acquired from the player of the other character to avoid unwanted PP.

Sen had been away from the borders, surprisingly enough, lingering closer to the heart of the territory than to the outer edges of it. She was considering how she might deal with the predicament she'd gotten herself into and, more importantly, how she would handle anything that may result from it. While a plan had been formulated, she'd changed bits and pieces of it time and time again, searching for perfection in a situation she could not even be sure truly existed. Whether it be thoughts or distance alone, the woman had not heard the canine call out in pain. She had, however, heard the voice of one of her subordinates, to which she'd responded to with her presence.

Before the Gorgon had even reached the scene, she'd caught wind of the strange scent. Her pace was then increased, hackles raising the second everything became visible to her. A growl had then risen from deep within the woman's throat, a snarl flashing across her face as she approached atop stiffened legs. "Back away from that thing, now," she'd ordered. The creature was unrecognizable when judging by appearances alone, but the scent was one she'd become far too familiar with—it was a dog, and was within her territory. It was in awful shape, bringing her to assume the canine had not simply wandered in on it's own. "How dare you drag some dog onto our land!" Her fury was then directed towards Lyric, tail raising while she stared the other down. "Get rid of it, or you'll pay for it's crimes. Drag it away to somewhere far from here, and leave it." They would not waste any resources on it.