Wolf RPG
Silvertip Mountain Unleash The Warrior Inside - Printable Version

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Unleash The Warrior Inside - Chaska - March 29, 2016


No matter how hard he tried, Chaska could not bring out his fierce side. The closest he had been was letting out a growl and hackles raised, but he couldn't bring himself to attack any inanimate objects as a target. He couldn't imagine them as something else. Because he knew that they are just that; inanimate objects.

He had decided to try again, staring hard at a stump. Pacing back and forth. Trying to think of it as a foe. Chaska tried filling his mind with images of foes he had faced, but he couldn't come to doing that. What he needed was something living to target. Something that could fight back.

RE: Unleash The Warrior Inside - Steady - March 29, 2016

Steady's grumpy mood hadn't really improved much. With the wolves moving in next door, and his sister departing to go back to their old pack, his peppy attitude had seemed to have left with her. He hadn't socialized much with the pack, and with Zaria not able to spar with her pregnancy, and now the pups, he had a lot of pent up energy.

He finally took a break from his border patrols. If anyone got anywhere near their borders, the smell of his marking would surely be strong enough to make them second guess it. He was moping through the territory when his eyes settled on Chaska. His ears perked as he watched his pack mate. It almost look as if... as if he was attacking a stump. Steady couldn't form a reason as to why the male would be doing that, though.

He walked over to Chaska, stopping by his side. What are you doing? he asked. His voice wasn't rough, or harsh, but it wasn't his usual "Hey, how do you do?" greeting, either.

RE: Unleash The Warrior Inside - Chaska - March 29, 2016

The grey wolf grumbled to himself, seeing as his original idea was not working. Maybe he should just stick to talking things out. But he knew that was not the way to go about in a conflict. Chaska was deep in thought when a voice startled him. He jumped a bit, turning on the owner of the voice. Then relaxing to see it was Steady.

"Oh, Steady. Um...I was just...practicing" he admitted. He knew that practicing fighting against a stump was not exactly the smart way of doing things. Chaska held his head at normal level, but how his face fell showed how mildly embarrassed he was to caught like this. And to be seen as someone who could not fight.

RE: Unleash The Warrior Inside - Steady - March 29, 2016

Chaska was surprised by Steady's presence. Steady frowned, not intending to frighten his pack mate. He seemed to recover quickly however, and admitted to Steady that he was practicing. Steady eyed the stationary block of wood. How, uh... How's that going for ya? he asked, pretty sure of the answer.

After all, it wasn't like this stump could very well teach Chaska anything, except maybe that something could be hiding behind it, or that it would hurt to run into it.

RE: Unleash The Warrior Inside - Chaska - March 29, 2016

Chaska sighed. "Not too well, actually. I've been trying to bring myself back to how I used to be, but for some reason, I've forgotten. Like, I know that I can, but I just can't bring myself to do it. Get what I am saying?" he asked. It was just so frustrating, trying to bring himself back to fighting. And he just couldn't. What was holding him back? The reality of his targets never being able to fight back, or was it something else?

Then he looked at the black wolf. All he needed was something that could fight back. And in the meeting, Fitz had spoken of Steady being able to fight. "Can you help?"

RE: Unleash The Warrior Inside - Steady - March 29, 2016

Chaska confided that he wasn't as brushed up in his fighting skills as he'd like to be. Steady's ears perked- clearly his attention was had. Steady had been missing his spars with Zaria, and was more than willing to assist Chaska in sharpening his skills.

His tail wagged when Chaska asked if he would help, and he almost laughed, knowing he would enjoy this. He took a few steps back, and got into the usual play stance- his front legs on the ground and his rump in the air. Steady was not wasting any time getting started, but he did wait to see if Chaska wanted to start now. While this would be a little more serious than play, Steady could help but start it off that way. He had been feeling so grumpy lately, and this was exactly what he needed.

RE: Unleash The Warrior Inside - Chaska - March 30, 2016

Chaska smirked. Without any words, he too got into his play stance, his tail swishing around behind him. He had to try and enjoy it as much as possible, right? So why not do it with a smile? The grey wolf stared hard at the black wolf, Since Steady was the trainer in this situation, he expected him to make th first move. He ducked his head against his chest, and thought himself to be ready, but only when his opponent strikes would he know.

RE: Unleash The Warrior Inside - Steady - March 30, 2016

Steady was delighted to see Chaska quickly get into the play stance, as well. This wasn't normally the way he would start off a training session, but that was alright. He seen Chaska lower his head, indeed to protect his neck. Good move, he said.

In a flash, Steady bounded towards his pack mate, a playful growl released from his throat. Instead of going high or low, he decided to try and body-check Chaska, attempting to push his shoulder into the other males, just enough to try and throw him a little off balance. He wanted to see how well Chaska could recover and balance himself out again. Some wolves were clumsier than others, and if that was an issue, it was better to know sooner rather than later.

RE: Unleash The Warrior Inside - Chaska - March 30, 2016

Chaska deemed himself ready when Steady charged. Though he had expected the black wolf to leap at him, since he did not know how he fought, the grey wolf certainly was surrpised when he was rammed into by a shoulder. The side that felt the contact fell, near collapsing. But with the strength in his other side, he pulled himself up and circled aroudn to face Steady face to face. Once he was facing him, he went for a charge, releasing a playful growl of his own accompanied by a grin. Only to sidestep quickly and maneuver himself to aim for the other wolf's side, continuing his charge.

RE: Unleash The Warrior Inside - Steady - March 30, 2016

It seemed he had caught Chaska off guard, but the other male seemed to recover quickly, facing Steady again. Steady readied himself, lowered his head much as Chaska had before, though this time he didn't go into the play stance.

Steady braced himself when Chaska charged, his body tensing up. Chaska seemed to be going for one side, and so Steady stepped to the side, but Chaska mirrored him, and got his other side. Steady's balance faltered some, but he was quick to think and turned his head, open jaws, and attempted to nip at Chaska's flank. If he succeeded, it wouldn't be enough to break the skin.

As it seemed Chaska was a quick thinker, as well, Steady laid on the attack instead of giving the other male the time to turn and give his own attack. He raised his front legs in an attempt to bring them down on Chaska's back to try and get him down on the ground.

RE: Unleash The Warrior Inside - Chaska - March 30, 2016

As the grey wolf had planned, his attack caught Steady. But he was quick to counter. Chaska felt the nip at his flank, giving off a small yelp and tried to get away. Steady was not finished yet, though. The grey wolf watched with ears pinned back as the larger black wolf planted two legs against Chaska's back, bringing him down swiftly with their weight, the wind getting knocked out of him.

Once on the ground and after he registered what had happened, he huffed. "That was a nice trick you pulled there" he remarked, waiting for the black wolf to get off. If he was going to, that is.

RE: Unleash The Warrior Inside - Steady - April 07, 2016

Chaska went down, and Steady was on top of him, though held his weight with his legs. He grinned down at his friend, obviously having a good time. He could tell the other wolf was waiting- for him to move? What kind of lesson would that teach?

Thank you, he said, not moving. Now, generally, if a wolf has you down in a fight, they'd be all over you, continuing to attack, he said. Right now, I just want you to try and get me off of you, he added. It wouldn't be easy with Steady's weight on his side, but he knew the other male was smart. Chaska would need to learn to keep a clear head, even if he was losing, and think of ways to get the upper paw in the fight again.

RE: Unleash The Warrior Inside - Chaska - April 07, 2016

Chaska huffed at Steady. He was right, after all. But that meant that Chaska would have to do more, and already he was tiring. He thought about his situation, thinking from his opponent's words that the black wolf might try something. So he had to think fast. With the black wolf standing above him, that limited his offensive capabilities. All he could think of doing was rolling. So that's what he did. He tried to roll his weight to the side with one sudden motion, but as a feign before rolling with full force to the other side to try and throw the black wolf off balance.

RE: Unleash The Warrior Inside - Steady - April 11, 2016

Steady hadn't really given a thought to the fact Chaska might get tired out before he did. The dark Beta had a lot of pent up frustration due to their new neighbors, and he was using this sparing session to let some of it go. Had he been clear headed, he might have been more thoughtful of his pack mate.

Chaska rolled to one side, so Steady shifted his weight away from that side, so that if Chaska hit one of those legs, he would still be balanced. As good as a fighter as Steady was, he didn't anticipate the other wolf's sudden change in direction. The force of his roll hit Steady's legs and he went down with a thump on his side. He righted himself, but stayed down, his tail thumping the ground as he looked to Chaska. Nicely done! he said with a smile. He didn't go after Chaska again, instead waiting to see if his pack mate would continue the spar, or if he was finished.

RE: Unleash The Warrior Inside - Chaska - April 11, 2016

Chaska's plan worked with quick succession. The blaco wolf went down onto the spring-green earth. The grey wolf rolled around until he got himself standing and quickly took some quick steps to face the black wolf, shoulders low in a pounce stance. "Well..I have a good trainer." The grey wolf darted forth with a loud bark, head low to the ground to try and knock Steady into a roll onto his back. If Steady hadn't given Chaska a chance, so he would do the same. Learn the ways of a true fighter, which meant no giving up so easily.

RE: Unleash The Warrior Inside - Steady - April 12, 2016

Realizing Chaska wasn't finished, Steady let out a playful growl, his body stiffening in anticipation of the other male's move. He didn't stand, a vision in his head of what he wanted to do, and hoped Chaska's move would allow him to do it.

Chaska charged, his head low. He allowed his body to roll as Chaska barreled over him. Jaws open wide, Steady attempted to grab whatever he could- be it the skin on his pack mate's neck, a leg, or his underside. He wasn't sure which was Chaska would move when he realized what Steady was doing, so he settled for grabbing anything, though he made sure not to sink his teeth in.

RE: Unleash The Warrior Inside - Chaska - April 12, 2016

It seemed Chaska's plan was not the best, as Steady did something unexpected to the grey wolf. The attacking wolf of the two felt something snag his leg as he ran over the black wolf. And with his momentum, it was enough to make him do a flip. Both wolves were down, and with his last move having tired him out, Chaska huffed in exhaustion, his tail thumping from the adrenaline and excitement. "Time out..Time out." Even if Steady's lesson was that an attacker would never give up because of some words, he was hopeful that this time would be an exception.

RE: Unleash The Warrior Inside - Steady - April 18, 2016

Chaska rolled, as Steady hoped he would. The dark wolf jumped up, anticipating Chaska's next move. It seemed, though, that the other male was done. Nodding to his time out, Steady sat back on his haunches, his own tail thumping the ground.

While their spar was over, Steady wanted to make sure Chaska knew he was always up for one. I'm always willing to spar, if ever you want to do this again. It's great training, he said with a smile.

RE: Unleash The Warrior Inside - Chaska - April 18, 2016

I'll archive

Chaska felt welcomed by Steady's offer. It would certainly help take his mind off things, and who knew? Maybe the black wolf would make a fighter out of him yet. "Thanks..I'll find you if I ever do" he said with a smile, panting a little before finally standing up to get going. "I will see you then, Steady." And with that, he bowed his head in farewell to his trainer before leaving.