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Blackfoot Forest give me the souls and the flocks that you wish - Printable Version

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give me the souls and the flocks that you wish - RIP Hosannah - March 30, 2016

love conquers all!

she had survived, by some miracle, but it was the night that greeted her as she crossed near the threshold of a pack - not the day. so weary was she that hosannah did not pay heed to the markers, and simply strode across them. there was no bravado in her passing, no confidence that seized her spirit, but a forlorn dragging of her paws. as soon as she found a patch of brambles which matched her size - minus her tail of course, which had been severed days ago - she collapsed in to it. and when she woke, the daylight bloomed around her. it beckoned from beyond the treetops, and all she could do was wearily squint heavenward, where she knew her lord was waiting.

RE: give me the souls and the flocks that you wish - Tantalus - March 31, 2016

The man was not pleased to discover that someone had stubbornly crossed his borders. He could not scent any blood, meaning they had not come for prey or another wolf in his pack- simply to cross it seemed. He let out a low growl as he followed the trail, filled with frustration and determination to put an end to whatever had crossed over. That was until he discovered the limp body of a female lying in a grassy patch. He let out another low growl, less angry but still irritated. She seemed wounded, her tail was missing and bloodied and she was thin and weak looking. He let out another growl as he saw her body move, her eyes fluttering wearily open as she stared to the sky. He studied her for a moment, concerned for her health, before he spoke. 

"You have crossed onto Rosing's territory without permission or warning, can you speak?" he asked, a fair warning for her current position. She was not welcomed, but he held a large soft spot for women, and therefore did not strike immediately. 

RE: give me the souls and the flocks that you wish - RIP Hosannah - March 31, 2016

the light was blinding, it seared through her vision and hit the back of her skull from the inside-out, or so it felt. had hosannah been more present, she would have wondered if this was what it felt like to be preyed upon; she may have even pitied the lone deer which received the brunt of a pack's attention. the light was blocked by a figure swiftly enough, donning the entity with a halo while staunchly darkening his facade so as to obscure him. she blinked up at the face for a time - it felt like hours but was mere moments - and then his words unfurled. she opened her dry mouth to speak, formed words, but all that came from her at first was an awkward off-kilter noise, like a tiny bird's first screech for food. hosannah licked her lips and swallowed what she could, her throat like sandpaper, and tried again: yes, i speak.

RE: give me the souls and the flocks that you wish - Tantalus - March 31, 2016

She sounded unwell, but perhaps just thirsty. Aaron wished to run her off now, he did not need weak wolves in his pack. But she was a woman, and handsome enough for him to be moved by. He let out a soft sigh, and stepped back from her once before he looked her over. "Where do you come from?" he asked, still not thrilled with her intruding but no longer wishing to slaughter her for entering his homelands uninvited. "What is your name?" he asked next, tail raised high and stiffly behind him. She did not smell like other wolves, only like blood. He wondered what troubles she would bring him, if any. Was she running from someone? Or did she just piss off the wrong people. 

RE: give me the souls and the flocks that you wish - RIP Hosannah - March 31, 2016

hosannah. her name - not where she was from, but, few were privy to that. and working her tongue around her own name was difficult enough. perhaps it would be enough to satiate him for a little longer, so that she could properly wake. she did have time to pull herself up, at least partly, in to the light; the brambles stuck to her extremities but she did not take the time to care, for now. he needed explanation, and she needed - well, a hot meal for starters, but she couldn't ask such a thing of this stranger. 

i was... traveling, the woman winces slightly as the longer word rolls up her throat and out, but she focuses on the man before her. the light hits her face and the colors there ignite, and briefly she is fire. not everyone is... so kind, as you. if by kind she meant did not try to rip her apart, then sure, this stranger was kind; he was scrutinizing her and speaking, which was a comfort versus the opposite.

RE: give me the souls and the flocks that you wish - Tantalus - March 31, 2016

"Hosannah," he repeated, trying to decide where he had heard the name before. He was not a religious wolf, but he felt as though he recognized the name from a song, and the only songs he'd heard were those of a religion. He and Emily had once taken shelter with a pack who spent their days and nights worshipping; they left shortly after. 

No longer dwelling on her name, he moved onto her next string of words and shook his head. "I am kind enough," he commented briefly, "Everyone does what they need to, I apologize that you've been caught in the middle," he added, but he felt that whatever she'd done to deserve her entire tail to be torn from her was probably partially her own fault. He kept his thoughts to himself. 

"Come," Aaron then beckoned her to stand, waiting patiently for her to do so. She seemed weak and heavy, and doubted she could fully gather herself in one swift movement. "There is a stream and a cache nearby, I will feed you," he told her, thinking briefly of his co-alpha. Would she care? He was not sure, but he felt that there was no reason not to help a stranger in need, especially one with the correct genitalia. 

RE: give me the souls and the flocks that you wish - RIP Hosannah - March 31, 2016

he was her savior indeed - offering her more than just words, but food and water as well. she was elated, but too tired to show it; a brief smile spread across her pointed features, and she lifted off the earth to full height. he led her deeper in to the territory, but not too far - she cast a look around and saw the way out, in case this was a trap. 

mm, kindness. it is rare here. she mumbles this as she follows, her tired steps keeping her distanced from him. if he bade her to stop, she would do so. while she sat and waited, patient but wanting, she filled the air with idle chatter -- keeping the topic of her lord in the dark, for now. your home is... lovely. muddied by darkness, but not entirely. what light crept through the boughs was a redeeming quality. it was not like the mesa she had discovered when she first step foot here, but it was fine in its own ways.

RE: give me the souls and the flocks that you wish - Tantalus - March 31, 2016

He did not respond to her comment just yet, sensing the slight uncertainty in her voice. She didn't appear to be lying, it would be a dumb thing to lie about, but he knew better than anyone that this was not the most ideal territory. He thought to the Emberwood, wondering if the Maplewood pack still guarded it, and inwardly sighed.

The cool bubbles of a running stream soon filled his ears, and he smiled at the thought of it's crisp waters against his tongue. The man paused at the stream, offering it to her before he took any himself, moving away towards his hidden cache. It was dug beneath a large boulder, a handful of dead foxes lying within it. He picked one from the pile, yanking it from it's scruff. The creature was limp and depressing, but food all the same. The pack was working hard to rid the nasty creatures from the forest, and these were only a few of the numerous casualties. Their nights were growing quieter.

"This place is Blackfoot Forest," he told her as he dropped the creature nearby. "It is named after the foxes that favor the territory for it's darkness," the man continued, his tail waving behind him. "My pack is Rosings, named for my home and the abundance of red flowers than grow in the lighter areas of the forest. We look for the good," he informed her briefly, moving around her to drink from the stream. He lapped at the cold water before turning back to her, making sure she would eat. He would not offer her anything else, so he assumed that she would not be so picky of her meal.

"My name is Aaron Odolf."

RE: give me the souls and the flocks that you wish - RIP Hosannah - March 31, 2016

she smelled the fox before she saw it. the odorous nature of a living fox was well known to most, but once dead, the stench did not seem to leave. if anything, it became worse as rot took over the flesh. the smell lingered across the water while she, standing at the bank, watched the man as he worked. she dipped her head coyly towards the surface and began to lap up the much needed fluid, hoping he hadn't seen her staring - and then the fox was at her feet, and his voice carried to her.

rosings... she murmured, parroting him, and almost added, how quaint. but it was not her place to judge. she did like the forest, and she was growing to like this man if only for the sweetness he presented to her. it had been a long time since she had such company. hosannah turned to regard the fox corpse and settled upon her haunches by it, but did not move in to eat just yet - though her stomach yearned for it. 

her next request was hesitant. i would like to see the flowers, if they were grand enough to name his people after them, they must indeed be beautiful. but you have given so much already. i am thankful - a smile, well practiced, lights up her face. then she bows to the fox and begins to pick away at it. once enough of it has been torn and swallowed, she licks her lips and regards the man again. having been watered, her throat is not so resistant to use. - i feel as if i.. owe you. you did not need to help me, after all.

RE: give me the souls and the flocks that you wish - Tantalus - March 31, 2016

He did not respond to her request to view the flowers, it seemed redundant to show a stranger his territory. He sat opposite of her now, his broad shoulders stiff and his handsome face focused solely on this woman. "Where do you plan on going?" he asked, appearing to ignore her statement altogether. In actuality, he did not, but his brief skip over what she'd said made it seemed like he did. "What do you plan to do?" he asked afterwards, his pale-blue eyes studying her face with interest. He was intrigued by her past and by her personality, but he was intrigued by most women anyway. Like a clouded sky, his eyes showed no hints of his intentions for her, but he remained silent and waited for her answers regardless. Perhaps, if he answers were as he hoped they would be, she could repay his favor immediately. 

RE: give me the souls and the flocks that you wish - RIP Hosannah - March 31, 2016

she knew not to expect much more than he had given. her comment about the flowers was more off-hand than anything, and so when he appears to ignore it, hosannah hardly minds. his questions are somewhat redundant of one another, and yet they are simple to answer. whatever pleasantness brightened her features suddenly vanished, a hesitation, like a shadow passing over the sun; she ponders for a split second but is quick to reply, i do not know.

her lord has yet to speak to her - to show her the way forward - or, perhaps this was the way. perhaps the struggles she faced through the month had come to an end with her arrival in this dark, dense place. hosannah entertained that thought briefly, but did not dwell upon it; it was wrong to assume she knew the will of the daystar to any degree. i cannot return home, and i feel lost here. as she states this, she looks down upon what remained of the fox. its fur and bones were in a scattered pile, held together by only the thinnest boa, and she found herself feeling a vague kinship with it.

RE: give me the souls and the flocks that you wish - Tantalus - March 31, 2016

She seemed lost in her answer;  fair enough considering she was lost in general. He shrugged to her, understanding what to meant. "Do you wish to hear of Rosings' ideals and lifestyle?" he then asked her. The man jumped from topic to topic, but to him they all made sense. Each one was a string along a necklace that he was weaving for he. He waited patiently for an answer, curious to see if she would soon understand what he desired from the red woman.

RE: give me the souls and the flocks that you wish - RIP Hosannah - March 31, 2016

curious. was he trying to gauge her interest in this place, or simply boasting, out of love for it? hosannah is not sure she wishes to linger here, but she stays put. it is only right for her to stay and listen, as part of her debt. a part of her is interested, yearning for the connection of a family again, but this place is too different from where she hails from -- and she imagines the lifestyle is similarly alien to her. yet she remains, painting a fresh smile across her face, and nods softly; please, continue.

RE: give me the souls and the flocks that you wish - Tantalus - March 31, 2016

Aaron smiles at the other, pleased that she wishes to listen. "Rosings is built upon the foundation that love conquers all," he began, studying her reactions. "It's cliche, I'm aware, but we all firmly believe that strength lies within the love we hold for our packmates. Going with this belief, wolves of Rosings are assigned to a wolf of the opposite gender after a month in the pack. These pairs function as mates, and they hold joint ranks. The idea is to keep the pack active and engaged," he finished swiftly, still studying her reactions. His tail waved calmly behind him, waiting to see what she would say - if she would care.

RE: give me the souls and the flocks that you wish - RIP Hosannah - March 31, 2016

she was hasty in thinking they were different here, or at least different enough to dissuade her. his explanation was swift but poignant, and hosannah did not stop to reflect on how cliche he seemed to think the premise was. love did conquer all - as in her case, it was the love of her lord for His creation, or her own love of Him. together they would spread His influence --- ah, but her mind was running in a tangent now. she refocused, adjusting her weight subtly while aaron spoke.

the woman fixated briefly upon the pairing system, but this too did not bother her. in her own home, it was expected that she take many lovers herself. she had departed before any could be chosen for her, and so this... it hearkened back to her origins. 

that is smart, she complimented with a small nod, and found that the earlier meal was already invigorating her. she did not feel so weak now, basking in the bright sunlight as it swayed through the boughs above. having a partner in life is always a good thing. in her case, her partner was a deity - but she could make room for another, if that is what he was offering. it would be merely for show, in her mind. none could best the redeemer.

you must be very... stringent, then, with whom you give access. which meant that his dismissal of her comment, about the flowers specifically, was sensible. hosannah licks her lips and takes on a thoughtful expression, as if contemplating something great -- but she is only thinking of how best to approach the subject of her lingering. he is kind; the food is plentiful, the water cool; there were many souls here, and she could bring them to the faith, slowly, diligently. and i suppose you hardly have room for someone such as myself, small and weak as i currently am.

RE: give me the souls and the flocks that you wish - Tantalus - March 31, 2016

The man smiled, she had caught on. He did not care for her religion or for her to share it with his pack, but he had no knowledge of this. It therefore did not hinder his request. "You will grow stronger," he assured her, an eyebrow cocking as he viewed her. "If you wish to join our ranks, I would not deny you access- you have shown me no weaknesses besides a lack of food," he informed her, but was making a bit of an assumption. She was a woman, and therefore he had no reason to deny her from his pack. He stood, nodding to the trees.

"If you wish to join, please follow me. I can show you around. If not, I will escort you to the borders," He waited for her response, staring curiously at the other.

RE: give me the souls and the flocks that you wish - RIP Hosannah - March 31, 2016

fade soon? they could wander off to end the thread.

this was a prime example of her lord in action. something had pulled her to these borders, and this man to her. someone kind and benevolent, unlike the harshness of the last pack she had visited - that which had cost her much. her smile broadened, becoming more genuine as aaron invited her on a tour; she was surprised that he was so keen to keep her, but not complaining. a tour. yes, of course. i would appreciate... she shifted forward a step, looming briefly over the remains of the fox, and glanced down at it, her smile slipping. oh. should i... clean this up first? if an obedient wife was what aaron sought for his recruits, then she could play that role - for now.

RE: give me the souls and the flocks that you wish - Tantalus - March 31, 2016

last post for me! welcome to Rosings, curious to see what Hosannah will bring to the pack ;)

The man grinned, tail wagging. "Of course," he agreed, but was shocked to find her pausing. He stared to the caracas for a moment before he looked back to the woman standing above it, and shrugged. "If you wish," he told her, but truthfully did not mind the body. Scavengers would get to it later, and even foxes he felt would eat their fallen brethren. The man waited for her to finish, then nudged her softly to follow, beginning a brief tour of his humble home.