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Silvertip Mountain A new phase. - Printable Version

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A new phase. - Zaria - April 01, 2016

Date forwarded to the weekend when their eyes will open! It will give you guys something to do. All the new sounds, blurry visions, hearing and bits of walking! @Stoic @Solemn @Adeline @Odette @FitzDutiful

Zaria had not really left the den even though she kind of wanted to she was starting to get adjusted to motherhood a bit more now two weeks were over. The young female had not warmed up that greatly to her own young but enough to make her stay in the den and not abandon them. She thought they were boring. Yet slowly over the last few days she started to notice that they were starting to make different sounds and that their crawl was becoming more of a walk, or to see them standing. Usually it was Zaria who would tease them and nudge them over. Some were quite round so they would make a whole body roll. At least it showed more of some of the pups personalities. Some clearly had more determination than others.

They had survived this far, so once Fitz would come by, hopefully bring her some food, then she would need to tell him that they needed names. She couldn't keep calling them names even though to her that would be pretty funny. She knew Fitz had this whole thing with names so she would let him pick them or something. She didn't have a clue what to name them.

RE: A new phase. - Solemn - April 01, 2016

!!! eep!

The second born was only sometimes pushed over and rolled like a sad, pathetic log. He usually sent out warning cries as he fell, but would refuse to roll- plopping on the dirty floor with an annoyed whine. He did not know why this movement was so challenging, it was like some unknown force was seriously trying to hinder his development. But that was fine, maybe he'd just forever crawl. No one else crawled, as far as he knew.

Recently, things had been given sounds. He didn't know the word for them, but these beautiful things rang through his ears sometimes. They were annoying too, his siblings around him were loud and cried often, begging too much for something already being given to them. The she-beast had a voice too, but her's rarely sounded nice. The young babe felt little comfort in it, and preferred her only for food and warmth. Today, he woke with ambition, and began to exercise the muscles on his face by flexing them hardcore. Suddenly, he released with a strange relaxation, and they- oh my god- opened!

The pup was astonished, the quietest of the bunch letting out a loud cry of confusion. What?! it called out. What does this mean?! He looked around furiously for a moment, the light outside of wherever they were blinding him harshly. He forced them shut again and turned his sweet little head, back towards the she-beast and her beastlings. He opened again, trying to figure out what this was, and suddenly was putting blurred blobs to sounds. He could even put the scents to them, but it was mostly just one giant scent- and it smelled mostly of milk.

RE: A new phase. - Odette - April 02, 2016

Strange things had been happening lately...

Odette had noticed lately that she had started hearing these faint noises.  It was off and on and she found it extremely annoying and weird.  It was very close to feeling vibrations.... but different.  It was a hard thing to describe she supposed.  Another weird thing was when she had woken up from her most recent nap, she eyelids had felt... well very loose, not shut tight like they usually felt.  To describe it in another matte, it felt as if her eyelids were about to pop open.  Odie did not like this feeling at all, so to let all this frustration out the pup let out an unhappy wail.
She just wanted to feel normal again.

The little brown ball of fluff then began to crawl over to her Mother, with the intent of some nice milk currently on her agenda, to sooth her cranker emotions.  She used her little nose to navigate then stumbled in the direction of the very close milk scent.  Odette then grabbed one of her Mother’s teats and began to suckle contentedly, letting out a little muffled whimper of delight as the delicious, warm milk filled her mouth.

RE: A new phase. - FitzDutiful - April 04, 2016

FitzDutiful had tried to be a doting father but he was struggling with the task. This whole situation was still so new for him; despite the fact he had been a father to Mason and June they had raised each other more than he had raised them. It was lucky they had even survived given how young they were when they were left alone. Zaria wasn't in love with motherhood - he could tell that much - but he loved her for staying with them and providing for them. She had kept her end of the bargain that they would do this together. Maybe mother's didn't love their offspring straight away either.

Today he had brought his lover some left over food - he hadn't had time to start a hunt going this week but the last hunt's success was still feeding them; thank the heavens for moose. He didn't ask permission before walking into the den this time, instead he just meandered in and dropped the food, curling around the space to provide warmth for his girl and for his young.

"How are you doing today?" he asked her gently, understanding it wasn't easy and never judging her for it. He didn't notice any of the differences in the children; after all he had only seen them two or three times before.

RE: A new phase. - Addie - April 05, 2016

When her eyes opened, Adeline didn't much know anything changed. It was another day in the life. Things were blurry and out of focus and for the first minute, Adeline understood there was something different about this day. As ever she was located atop her siblings, but their shifting caused her to sink between them—Odette and Solemn—and she let out a low huff and simply thought, imbeciles. But she was hungry! And so she moved to sate that need, and forgot everything else.

RE: A new phase. - Zaria - April 09, 2016

Zaria let out a soft woof in greeting when Fitz came into the den. Mostly because he was carrying food she desperately wanted. It was probably the light of her days when she had something to much on. Zaria was not going to admit that watching the pups was starting to amuse her more. She didn't notice too much that some were opening their eyes for bits of time. "Meh, okay. Bored," she spoke and then started to eat from the food. "Hm. They need names Fitz. That's young job, you do the name thing," she spoke to him before going back to her food. She didn't have much of an opinion and he also helped thinking of a name for her she really liked. Now she thought about it, she never really thought back of her time when being Zhavvi. Zhavvi would probably not even have any children. She wondered what her own father would think of them, he would probably hate them because she had been a traitor.

Zaria snapped from her thoughts and then looked at the small bundles. When she looked at one she noticed that she was seeing a set of eyes instead of a pair of shut wrinkles. Her ears intently popped forward and looked at them with interest. Maybe a bit more than she actually let on, on having for them. The female nosed over what would be Solemn, hearing his squeak while another was feeding from her. Zaria licked over his cheek, a bit of a rough lick but at least it was some form of affection from the harsh female.

RE: A new phase. - Odette - April 09, 2016

Odette was still suckling when the unexpected happened.  Her eyes opened!  As her new hurry vision suddenly unfolded before her, the little fluffy pup let out a yelp of startled surprise.  What was going on?  Her puppy blue eyes slowly shifted up. The first thing she saw was her Mother.  Life was suddenly beautiful to Odie.  How could the world get any better than this?  With sounds know matched to images!  Sight was wonderful to her.  She didn’t think anything could be better than this, it gave her a new perspective of things.  A new, wonderful beautiful perspective.

Still looking up at the blurry brown figure of her Mother, the happy pup let out a single, but quieter yip.  As if to say:  Look at me, I can see!  Odette felt a little spark of life light up in her chest.  This was wonderful, beautiful, and spectacular!
It was a wonderful life.

RE: A new phase. - Jackrabbit - April 09, 2016

When the first few shapes began to form in front of his view, he did not understand. Yet, it did not take long for him to take joy in actually knowing where he was going. This were hazy, blurry even but soon he began to adjust to the blinding light. He was, however still coming to terms with the other blobs that shared the space with him. Mother was big, he noted. And so was the figure he came to call Father. Would he be that big one day? He sure hoped so. Then he could sit on sister without the threat of her chewing on his face. Insufferable, they were. Except for Brother whom he quite liked. He generally stayed quiet and non active, much to Stoics approval. 

He instantly took to rummaging around the den, much like he had when he could not see. Everything was so WEIRD. There were walls, and rocks and bits of stuff and.. well, Mother's nose was much bigger than he had anticipated. Nevertheless, he was happy and made everyone know the fact. Excited yips of approval of his newfound superpower was given, and instantly wondered if his siblings could see to. He found them, using the vision, and roughly began clambering over them, exploring his siblings forms as he searched for his own teat to feed from. Mother seemed the like him more, as his constant attempts at getting her attention did infact, work. He had claimed his place upon her feet, which was much more comfortable than being squashed by Sister. But for now, he was quite content to just laying around.. for now.

RE: A new phase. - FitzDutiful - April 15, 2016

They needed names? How had he forgotten that? He watched Zaria eat as he thought about it. He stared at the little moving blobs of fur, seeing their eyes were blue but not realising how important it was that their eyes were open. That such a life changing move could be so unimportant to the parents around them; it was an odd narrative to go down. He looked at the two boys and thought about his family traditions. "How about Stoic and Solemn, for the two that look the same?" he said, gleefully.

Then something happened, a numbing sensation appeared around the right side of his face, causing the next few words to become mumbled and difficult to say. "And-e-line and Olli-ette for." He just stopped, he couldn't even pronounce the next few personality traits that he had tried to say, instead random words had manifested as he had struggled to move his mouth. He shook his head in complete confusion, a little scared, but now it was wearing off.

With a smile at Zaria - one that moved both sides of his face - he tried to pretend nothing had happened at all. Maybe she hadn't noticed, and besides he was fine now. He moved his mouth again to be sure the numbing sensation had gone. "You like?" he said, waiting for a response before announcing his departure. He decided he needed to stop by the medical supply and just sample a few delights. "I'll be back in a bit, just off to grab you some more food."

With a lick to his wife's face he carefully stepped out of the den, avoiding the moving creatures, and headed off to find the herbs and food.

RE: A new phase. - Zaria - April 16, 2016

Zaria laid down with them and watched them as Fitz spoke their name. She looked over the twin boys and nodded slowly. "Stoic and Solemn," she repeated with a short nod. She nudged them. "The quiet one will be Solemn of course," she pointed out. Then Fitz continued but the moment he spoke something weird her head snapped up to him. Her green eyes squinted suspiciously, because she was not sure what she was hearing. "Those are terrible names," she huffed and flattened her ears a bit, looking at Fitz and why he was saying these weird things. "And-E-line and Ollette?," she repeated with a scrunched up face.

Zaria looked at the two young and then tipped her head a bit. "Andeline. Andeline. Adeline. She will be named Adeline... Her green eyes then fell on the fluffy one. "Odette or Odie," she stated and then looked at her mate. "You suck at----" She stopped her playful banter when Fitz spoke he was leaving to grab some more food. "Leaving?!! But you just been here!," she let out a with a huff. "I am not even hungry you just brought me food!!," she protested but Fitz was already out of the den. Zaria was on her feet in seconds wanting to chase after him but she was stuck here because of these wiggling messes. She sat down. "Well at least you have names now. Your father was acting weird. Oh he will know that I don't like being left alone like that!! What is he thinking," she spoke to the pups that could not even understand her words.

Will be archived on the 18th :D

RE: A new phase. - Solemn - April 16, 2016

The newly named Solemn did not understand the situation at hand, but when the She-beast growled loudly he understood there was an issue at hand. Returning his mothers frustration, he let out a loud howl -- it sounded more like a squeal -- and stared blurrily towards the brown she-beast. 

short post sry lol

RE: A new phase. - Odette - April 16, 2016

Odette looked up just in time to see her Father smile at her Mother.  It was a very blurry image image, and even though the pup could just barely make it the image out, she saw it.  She didn’t know what the motion meant, but one day she would.  One day she would understand how much that her Father had loved her, Stoic, Solemn, Adeline and her Mother.  She then watched the white wolf turn to leave.  She could feel the vibrations of her Father's pawsteps as he left the den.  It was very  soothing in a way.  Almost like a soft, sweet and calm lullaby.  With wide eyes she watched her Father leave.  A low whine escaped her throat: Don’t leave yet Daddy.  Was what the whine would most closely translate to.  Then he was gone, almost as quickly as he had come.

She didn’t know at the time, but this would be the last time she ever saw her Father.  Alive.