Wolf RPG
Moonspear One star among many - Printable Version

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One star among many - Arren - April 03, 2016

Everyone is free to join!

Arren perched ontop of a rock. His tail lashing fluidly from side to side. He looked as proud as ever, and couldn't wait to socialize. He dipped his head and sniffed the air below, it smelled of many different wolves, he knew that he would have to memorize these scents. His head returned to its normal position, and he looked toward the horizon. His chest heaving heavily and his mouth slightly ajar, he just basked in the beauty that was Moonspear. The sun was falling and his yellow eyes reflect the warm orange and pink glow the sun let out.

The altitude forced him to try and breathe harder, but he didn't mind, the climb was worth the view. For now, he had no idea on how to approach the pack, and instead came up to the rock to reflect upon it. Maybe they'd come to him he thought, or maybe... Bah! It didn't matter to him right now, all he wanted was to hunt, and jump, and run, but at the same time stare and be mesmerized by the sun. It was a strange feeling where he wanted to do everything and nothing at once. So, how would he start?

RE: One star among many - Floki - April 04, 2016

After his chance meeting with his twin at Stavanger Bay, Floki had returned home with little ceremony. He kept to himself, scaling the peak when he was not fulfilling his duties near the borders. Occasionally, from the very top of Moonspear, he gazed out over the landscape and imagined that he could see Wildfire -- but it was always his imagination playing tricks on him. He had no idea where she was; had she gone home to Redhawk Caldera? Or had she ventured away from the wilds altogether?

It was a question that weighed heavily on his shoulders despite the brave face he tried to put on. He had scouted the territory's edge earlier in the day and now clambered up the slope, his senses dulled. He nearly did not notice the other wolf ahead until his scent filled his nostrils, and then Floki stopped abruptly, startled by the unfamiliar smell. In the fading daylight, he spotted a wolf as dark as the shadows, with piercing yellow eyes. Floki could smell a vague hint of Amekaze, indicating that this was a newcomer that had been recently approved by the Alpha female.

He didn't exactly feel like socializing, but made an attempt anyway. "You're new to Moonspear?" he asked rather rhetorically.

RE: One star among many - Arren - April 04, 2016

Arren did not notice the wolf himself, as his scent was carried away from the wind. He jumped in alarm as he heard him speak, and his moment of reflection was interrupted, but he didn't mind. The bulky wolf turned his head, yellow and blue eyes clashing. Arren chuckled "You startled me... Names Arren, you come here for the view?" He asked.

Arren did a poor job of reading expressions and mood, he hadn't been around wolves too long to learn how to. He turned his head not asking much else and falling into his reflection once more. He laid down, his head between his paws. The sun was moving quickly, showing darker pink and reds as it went by. It was interesting to think how events had led him here. As far as he knew, the only reason he was where he was now was because of his fur.

If not he could be half way across the world with his siblings. He wasn't sure what path would have been better, but he felt complacent with his current life. He was happy now, and thats all that mattered. But he could possibly have been happier with his family he reasoned.

RE: One star among many - Floki - April 05, 2016

Floki smirked slightly as the other wolf jumped, apparently startled by his sudden appearance. He hadn't meant to sneak up on his new packmate, and his smile grew apologetic as he meandered to the ledge and seated himself. His gaze swept the view before he answered.

"Sorry, Arren. I'm Floki," he said, introducing himself first and foremost. Without looking back at his companion, he nodded his head. "Yeah. The views up here are pretty spectacular, aren't they?" he continued absently. In his mind, he named the territories that he could see fanning out from Moonspear -- the crater of what once was Ouroboros Spine to the north, and Neverwinter Forest beyond it. His stomach twisted as he was reminded of Goober -- Eshe and her wolves were supposed to bring him to justice.

RE: One star among many - Arren - April 05, 2016

"Mhm." He mumbled in agreement without opening his mouth. He looked back to Floki, his body remained in the same position but his muzzle stuck to his shoulder as he looked to his four o'clock. He observed him better. This wolf had tan socks, but what stood out most were his sea blue eyes. They showed a feeling Arren could not read. He continued to assume that Floki's mood was neutral. "So, Floki, hows your life been? How'd you get here?"

He used the same direct question that he had used before with Amekaze. He placed his head back between his paws and kept on looking at the sun, which was moving quickly yet slowly towards the horizon. The reds turned purple, and the pinks remained. Some faint stars could be seen rising behind them. TBoth wolves seemed to be stuck in twilight.

RE: One star among many - Floki - April 06, 2016

Arren's question was impossibly loaded, though he couldn't have known. Floki couldn't help but give a quiet snort through his nostrils before turning his gaze to properly address his companion. "Well, I was born in Stavanger Bay -- it's not far from here, on the coast. Charon is my brother, and he met Amekaze and they decided to merge our packs and move to Moonspear," he said. It was likely that Arren had previously heard the story of Moonspear's conception, so he kept his reply short and to the point.

Turning the tables, he asked, "What about you? Where are you from?" He was beginning to relax, enjoying the mindless small talk, and it was reflected in a softening of his posture.

RE: One star among many - Arren - April 06, 2016

Not sure if you understood what I meant by "quickly yet slowly" in my last post. I can assure you it's not a typo xD

"Not really sure who Charon is..." After saying that he trailed off  into his thoughts. Then after a slight moment of silence he continued "Don't want to ruin the mood by talking about death but lets just say I was raised by a human. Once I was strong the human set me free. I've been by myself for two years, despite that I've been roaming the wilds for just one year. The journey brought me here... You're the second wolf I've talked to in quite a while." said Arren in a solemn voice.

For now, Arren was tired of thinking of his past, and he regretted asking Floki the question. He decided to focus on the future. He began to think of where this pack would take him and how his life would be with them. He thoight of his own pups of his own mate. He wasnmt sure how'd his mate would look, but he could imagine his children. Small bundles of black fur like he was, but without suffering, and without a care in the world. Arren began to dose off into a light nap. Short snores coming from him. The sun had gone over the edge of the world, but the purples and reds remained in the sky.

RE: One star among many - Floki - April 07, 2016

No, I wasn't sure, but this is my last post. :)

"Charon is the Alpha male," Floki replied promptly when Arren admitted that he wasn't familiar with the name. He was surprised that Amekaze hadn't mentioned him, but wouldn't dwell on it. He shrugged his shoulders; at least Arren would know who Charon was now -- it could have ended badly if he ran into the young Alpha unwittingly. Charon was very proud of his position, and likely would be offended if one of his subordinates didn't recognize him. Floki smirked at the thought.

He flicked an ear, listening as his companion answered his question. Having never seen a human himself -- and being fully unaware of their capabilities -- he did not give much of a reaction to that statement. He hummed thoughtfully. Arren had been on his own for quite some time, but that wasn't necessarily odd for a wolf; there were loners roving all over the wilds who preferred solitude to the company of a pack.

When he looked back at Arren, Floki was surprised to find that the male had dozed off. Perhaps he was exhausted from his journey. Whatever the case, the Beta male took to his paws and crept away quietly, leaving his slumbering packmate as the sunlight faded.