Wolf RPG
Greatwater Lake Down by the lake - Printable Version

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Down by the lake - Crius - April 05, 2016

@Burke started short c; but I have a good feeling about this thread.

Crius settled down beside Great water Lake, it was the most voluminous body of water in the Teekon Wilds glistening a vibrant sapphire blue. The dark wolf's golden eyes were fixated on the center of the lake; the blue of the water was twinkling with an orange hue under the setting sun. The lake was seemingly peaceful at this time of day, other than a few geese honking in the distance.

With a satisfied sigh, Crius rested his eyes on the lake's edge before him his reflection distorted and lightly swished. "Hello handsome," He snickered at himself, "I wonder what Cicero is up to right now." his eyes shifted from the lake to the dimming sky. 

So much had happened to him since encountering the black and white wolf; he had found a pack, made an alliance with some random wolf who was surely going to betray him and had washed away the emptiness he had been clenching onto for so long. Surely his day could only get better.

RE: Down by the lake - Burke - April 06, 2016

His will be very interesting!

Burke was not planning on going outside of his own territory but he wanted to know more about Sebastian and his pack. He had grown curious about it. But he wandered in the wrong direction, more towards the lake than south. The male had interesting memories while being at this lake. He noticed a black wolf but instantly saw that it was not Malice. His built was different.

Burke creeped closer, decided to make his day a bit useful and test if his spying and creeping skills were still at the right level. When he gotten closer he heard the wolf talk to himself, very unwise of him. Who would even talk out loud to themselves? The large male stepped closer now not feeling the need to be stealthy once more. The male wondered why this male was talking about his subordinate. "What is your business with Cicero?," he asked, not feeling the need to have chit chat first.

RE: Down by the lake - Crius - April 06, 2016

Crius' attention altered from his reflection to the voice that must have belonged to whatever heavy footed creature that was slinking its way towards him. By the tone, it was a male, that or a pretty thick female. The sable wolf faced the stranger; he was bigger than he expected; way bigger. For such a large creature, he sure was nimble on his feet. 

This fellow must have known Cicero, maybe it was his father or err his mother, perhaps he was from the dark feather forest thing Cicero kept moaning about. "Well sir, I would love to tell you but," Crius's muzzle twisted into a shifty smile "what business is that of yours?"

It was probably a bad idea to be uppity with such a titanic wolf but what was the worst that could happen? Yes, apparently this bigger wolf was light on his feet but, Crius had one thing over him; speed... Hopefully. Worst comes to worst he could suck up to the guy and bombard him with compliments.

"I mean, uh no disrespect but, it's not every day a random stranger would sneak up on me and ask me, my name is Crius by the way, a question. But to answer your question, Cicero is a little fella I made friends with, he sure was cowardly, though, ran away from me and tried to attack me. Am I talking too much? Maybe I'm talking too much. Sometimes I just talk talk talk haha, uh I'll shut up, you talk." Crius danced around the question, perhaps he could lure the guy into some conversation though the bigger male was apparently blunt.

RE: Down by the lake - Burke - April 07, 2016

Burke looked at the other male not really amused that he would talk back to him. Burke had his docked tail raised highly, the red paw print mark on his shoulder was fresh. His appearance alone could make wolves recognize who he was, but apparently not this one. But he did seem to know Cicero, who not yet had a paw print. Burke squinted his eyes when the male even dared to ask why he wanted to know. He quickly corrected himself though, and started talking to him. Even telling his name. This was rather important. Burke disliked how the male talked about Cicero. His spy had indeed been right about how disrespectful this male was.

"Are you sure you would call him your friend, Crius?," he asked. His pale eyes looking into the other's eyes. Burke was used to it being the alpha. He had that certain air around him too. Something the other was laking with his endless mumbling. After this male called Cicero a friend, he also called him coward which was far from what Cicero was. Burke's eyes turned colder and less interested in this male now he knew the name of this wolf.

RE: Down by the lake - Crius - April 07, 2016

Crius was obviously making a joke of himself and this larger wolf was NOT amused. It'd be a travesty for Crius to be mauled before he even got to claim a den for himself in the territory of his pack. The canine before Crius was probably older and had seen his share of witless wolves. No, no Crius needed to earn this guy's respect, as it may pay off in the long run. This older wolf must have known Cicero, which was obvious due to the past two questions. 

"I apologize for my foolish behavior," Crius began, peering into the older male's eyes "And yes I consider Cicero a friend or... more of an acquaintance, I only wish he wouldn't have ran away from me when we were speaking.". Crius studied the wolf in front of him, there was something different about him, he was far more broad than most of the wolves Crius had met, and it appeared his tail had been removed. 

"May I have your name?" Crius' golden eyes stayed locked onto Burke's.

RE: Down by the lake - Burke - April 09, 2016

Burke's face stayed stoic only to confuse the male. Burke found that if he didn't gave much expressions away then other wolves couldn't really see what he could be thinking. It was clear that this male was very impressionable because him keeping the look he had made him instantly apologize. In Burke's eyes he had no backbone, alas, not everyone was meant to be like that. Some just were like that, easily adaptable to any situation. Burke disliked that the male was peeking into his eyes. He made himself a bit bigger, stoic face moving into something that looked like clear disapproval. The male had no sense of respect, clearly, like his trusted spy told him.

"No," Burke spoke, solely for the reason that he did not feel that the info that was his name would be useful for this wolf. Because currently Burke didn't see anything in this male that would be even remotely interesting to him. "Cicero didn't speak so fondly about you. He told me all about you and how disrespectful you were," he pointed out, not sounding too interested. His apology from before didn't do much for Burke, those were just words, and in his eyes saying sorry was the easiest and most meaningless thing someone could do.

RE: Down by the lake - Crius - April 09, 2016

"You see through my facade huh?" Crius asked grin on his face, looks like this fellow whoever he was must have been a lot sharper than he looked. Tilting his head he stepped towards the other wolf making himself appear a bit bigger. "How could Cicero tell you anything about me when he spent most of our conversation runing away? He knows nothing about me, and we barely really had any dialogue." 

There was no point in playing suck up anymore, "Hm, well that was a wasted fit of acting. I assume you're the leader of whatever feathered woods Cicero kept moaning about? And disrespect? Don't make me laugh, if anyone was disrespectful it was him for turning tail and running away."

Crius' eyes mellowed, his eyelids drooping slightly, there was not a trace of fear in his eyes.

RE: Down by the lake - Burke - April 10, 2016

Burke frowned a bit as the male continued to talk nonsense. He trusted Cicero and how the male was talking about him was not something he had ever seen from him. Plus he knew Cicero would never leave until he had enough information, knowing this, and how Cicero was the least person that would begin about disrespect Burke had the feeling this male was lying. He had been keeping up a facade after all, another lie. Burke disliked it. Instead of arguing with this male about what he thought Cicero did he kept his mouth shut. Burke knew his own truth and it was not the one the male portrayed. The arrogant thing before him was not getting anywhere.

"Maybe I am not even the alpha," he spoke with a light shrug. This male needed to stop assume things and maybe start to find out what the truth, then again, he already seemed to live in a delusion that he was clearly so amazing. Burke was quietly fed up with these types. As the male stepped closer and made him bigger it felt as disrespect. This male clearly had no clue, in Burke's eyes. "Right, then I will just go now because you are a waste of my time," he pointed out to the male. If this male was going to act and lie around him then Burke didn't feel the need to give him even more attention.

RE: Down by the lake - Crius - April 10, 2016

"The feeling is mutual your highness." Crius bowed and turned his back to the other male. He wasn't going to plead his case if the large man wasn't going to listen, it would be his word against Ciceros after all. He lowered his head and took a few laps of water unaware of what the stone muzzled wolf would do. 

"Saelavie." He muttered inbetween laps.

RE: Down by the lake - Burke - April 11, 2016

The male irritated Burke and he had the feeling that it had been the same for Cicero. Luckily the male wasn't that arrogant that he didn't approve of him leaving. With the male saying that his feeling was 'mutual' Burke didn't take a second longer to leave. The large male trotted off, keeping his ears back in case the male would come back and do something crazy.

- end -