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Neverwinter Forest The island of misfit toys - Printable Version

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The island of misfit toys - Nadie - April 06, 2016

Nadie's oversized paws thundered against the ground as she loped in the general direction of the nearby pack. It hadn't been too far from Redhawk Caldera but the farthest out of those they had encountered. She and her companion, Mazi, had passed over the others as they seemed too crowded to willingly take in the duo. 

They were not related, as was obvious by their varying pedigrees. Their coats were similar grantedly but Mazi's was more of a brown whereas Nadie's was a silver shade of agouti. The vast difference between the two was their size. Nadie was considered extremely large for a female, bordering on masculine. One might mistake her for a male if not for her distinctively female scent and features. Mazi was smaller than she while still retaining a well muscled frame. No, they were not relatives but it felt to Nadie like they were. 

They had been willing to abandon the Caldera for each other, their only friends amongst the well established pack. In the face of Peregrine's unfair trial they had shown their true colors. Nadie counted the female at her side as a close friend, more so- a sister.

She slowed her large frame to a halt outside the not so crowded territory of the pack, stopping shy of the border. Glancing at Mazi nervously, she sat, wondering if they would be willing to accept not only one booted outcast but two. Raising her head she howled for the members to know she was there, that she wished to speak with them, and she was not alone.

RE: The island of misfit toys - Mazi - April 06, 2016

Mazi found she had surprising not been lonely, since leaving the Caldera, as she had thought she would feel.  The agouti female had no doubt though that it was because she had had her friend alongside her.  Nadie.  The two had left the Caldera side by side.  It was hard to describe... but since Nadie had left with her, she felt as if she were closer to the other silvery gray agouti now.  Like they were sisters in a way.  Although of course the two were obviously not related, due to their size differences and color coating.  

Many of the Packs that the two had passed by had been filled or close to being filled.  It was a disappointment in it’s own way, but the two moved on, Mazi with grasps of hope that the two would find a good Pack soon.  One that could use them.  One that also covered some distance from the Caldera too.  Although the Caldera would always be were her heart was, she didn’t want to go back there.  Maybe it was out of fear of what lay there, maybe not.  She just didn’t want to go back. 

Finally the two came upon a forest.  It was very different from the Caldera... still it spiked Mazi’s interests.  She could smell the scents of wolves... quite a few.  So there had to be a Pack here.  This place must have caught Nadie’s interests too, as Mazi heard her friend lift her howl into the air.  Showing their location and interests here.  Mazi stood still, ears perked.  Waiting...

RE: The island of misfit toys - Scimitar - April 11, 2016

Sorry for the wait! Scim has been traveling. @Nadie @Mazi
He was weary from travel – his journey home had been contemplative and silent, given Goldhawk had potentially found a link to Goober and was going to continue the search without him. The story Eshe and Charon wanted spun had determined Scimitar’s presence could not be there, and so with a parting from the Gamma, the dark agouti wolf left the rest of the so-called ‘mission’ in Goldhawk’s very capable paws.
No sooner did the forest come to view did the scent of others drift to his nostrils. He was not far when the howl went to the air, and quickening his pace, the Alpha lumbered upon the opposite side of the girl’s directions, given he was only just returning home himself. His bright eyes drifted over them both, noting them to be female, though one seemed particularly masculine. Clearing his throat to gain their attention fully, though it was possible they heard him walking, the regal lifted himself, wondering what this was about now – he knew of Redhawk Caldera and could very faintly scent the pack upon them. “Yes?”

RE: The island of misfit toys - Nadie - April 12, 2016

Nadie turned, wondering why he had come from the opposite direction of his territory but payed it no mind. It was his business not her own, and she was sure he had his own reasons for such. Her stance became submissive and she glanced at Mazi, expecting the others to resemble it.

"Hello. I am Nadie and this is Mazi," she introduced as she gestured towards her friend. "We were hoping to join your pack," she cut to the chase. She knew that wasn't enough for most wolves, they couldn't take in any old wolf. "We're both training to be mercenaries," she added, knowing it was like to be his next question.

RE: The island of misfit toys - Mazi - April 12, 2016

Mazi too slunk quickly into a submissive position.  Tilting her head to the side to show her neck, not making eye contact, ears laid back and tail tucked underneath her.  The agouti female listened to her friend as Nadie spoke about how they were interested in this pack.  Although this was not the Caldera, she already found that she loved this forest with it’s green forestry beauty.  She also liked the fact that her friend cut to the chase and hopefully it would move things along a little faster.

She began to speak then, just adding on to what Nadie had said.  “We’re extremely close to achieving our Mercenary trades in fact.  We both would be good assets to your pack as a strong defensive and offensive line.”  Mazi remarked to the darker agouti male.  Hoping that that piece of information would help their cause in joining this pack.

RE: The island of misfit toys - Scimitar - April 14, 2016

They hadn’t expected his entrance from behind, but despite thus, they were quick to submit – perhaps the first thing Scimitar looked for in a potential recruit. He did not need wolves falling to their stomach before him – he simply needed to know if a potential member could respect the hierarchy.
With a nod to either in quiet greeting now, his torn ear flickered, his only good one perking forward to catch their names. Pleased they went right in to introductions and their skill set, the man gave a rumble of approval, his own tail idly drifting behind him as he considered their words.
“That’s good – we require every member here to train in battle and take up the mercenary trade.” He paused, his eyes drifting over them quietly. “Are both of you from around here?” What knowledge did they have their neighboring packs? He paused then, as if to reiterate his reason for asking. "You both seem respectful and hold a skill set we desire. We're looking for wolves who are loyal to their pack, and take on the notion that Neverwinter Forest is family. We've had a rocky start with some of our neighbors, and will not tolerate any trouble caused toward them – or from them."

RE: The island of misfit toys - Nadie - April 14, 2016

Her ears perked as she listened to the other two speak, adding her own words in when it came time for it. "We were apart of Redhawk Cladera but we were thrown out, unfortunately. Not because we caused trouble but because we refused to fight each other to stay as the other would have been forced from the pack," Nadie explained, wondering if this would throw him off the idea.

"We don't plan to cause any trouble with anyone, we would be loyal to you and your pack," she added honestly. She had been loyal to the Caldera until she was forced into a trial by combat, that was where she drew the line. She would not, could not, fight the only friend she had if it meant one of them being forced from their home.

RE: The island of misfit toys - Mazi - April 17, 2016

Mazi was one-hundred percent with what Nadie said.  It was the... well partial truth, or more like a fragment of the truth.  “We both are indeed very loyal and also would never dream of stirring up any trouble on purpose.”  The agouti female informed/added to the darker agouti male.  She then was silent, making sure to keep in her submissive posture and not break anyway from it at all.  She waited for the male to respond.

RE: The island of misfit toys - Scimitar - April 18, 2016

More or less last from me unless they throw something his way. :)
He listened to the one called Nadie speak – her story one that drew the faintest hint of amusement to his features, despite perhaps such a reaction not quite what she was expecting. “That sounds like Fox,” he rumbled quietly, giving his muzzle an idle shake. It would seem the feisty woman had not changed much – and he released a gentle sigh. “You will not be expected to battle your pack mates unless one is a traitor or for friendly spar only,” he noted quietly, allowing his amusement and nostalgia to subside. “Or if you seek to challenge for rank.”
With this spoken, the regal stepped forward, slipping past them and brushing his shoulder to either one – allowing his scent to trace upon them his acceptance. “Welcome to Neverwinter Forest,” he offered. With a nod in the direction of home, he tips his muzzle then, indicating they could follow him. “I’ll give you a brief tour, but I’m only returning home myself – I need to find my mate.” With that, he lopes forward, expecting them both to follow so he can give them a brief breakdown of their new home.

RE: The island of misfit toys - Nadie - April 18, 2016

Nadie thought of correcting him that she had never met Fox, her Alpha who had been pregnant and/or indisposed her entire stay in the Caldera. Peregrine was the only Alpha she had known as she had been warned to stay away from Fox. She had done so which led to her eventual trial, that combined with the fact that she had mostly stayed on the sidelines. 

She kept it all to herself, unsure how this particular Alpha would respond to her correction. Instead she nodded and trailed after him with Mazi. 

[ooc] sorry it's short, last from me.