Wolf RPG
Phoenix Maplewood The Traveler Meets Her End - Printable Version

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The Traveler Meets Her End - Nova Rose - April 07, 2016

@Saena (Or whoever comes to get Nova): Gonna throw Grace in here for a nice little reunion after a bit, if thats okay :3

Nova Rose had scented the maplewood from a distance, heading towards the unmistakable smell of a border. She seemed to be looking for something specific, determination shining from her ghostly blue eyes. Though the scent was long since faded, she knew she was going in the right direction. She tried to think of a place that was calming, quiet: surely Grace would go somewhere she felt safe. So far, this place seemed to fit the bill. As the ginger and cream female traveled through what she would later know to be The Emberwood and came upon the Phoenix Maplewood pack, Nova didn't hesitate in howling for someone in charge. The big wolfs voice wavered slightly, cracked with age. Her face, silver in age, turned and looked through the trees after she'd lain down with her paw-tips just touching the scent line. This was the first place she'd stopped in search for her adopted daughter, and she had every intention of looking until she found her; even if that meant traveling to each pack of the Teekon Wilds. She'd made a promise, something Nova took quite seriously, and only death itself could keep her from fulfilling it. Luckily for the old she-wolf, she'd chosen wisely. Now all she had to do was ask the questions in her head to whoever came, have her thoughts confirmed that Grace would settle in such a place. Although Nova was a traveler, she felt it in her old bones that it was time to stop. She'd traveled almost twn long years, her wanderlust sated enough to be able to sit and stay here in this pretty maple forest. It was as good a place as she was going to find, for if she had it her way she'd keep traveling till she died. It was Grace who'd changed her mind, pushed her to come and settle.

RE: The Traveler Meets Her End - Luke - April 09, 2016

There were no other leaders besides the one strapped down with newborns to answer the call at the borders, and so the white wolf took it upon himself, though his protectiveness over Saena would not have allowed him to refuse such a task regardless. The mere thought of a stranger so soon after the birth of his companion's pups put him on edge, and his lope was tense and brisk, his eyes hard with focus as he made his way through the maplewood.

It did not take him long to near the borders, nor to spot the female who was literally on top of them. His ears flung forward as his tail snapped into a bristled ramrod behind him. His lips were hiked above his fangs as he advanced stiffly toward the female, snarling and glaring.

RE: The Traveler Meets Her End - Nova Rose - April 09, 2016

The old she-wolf looked up from where she lay, flicking an ear and not in the least bit worried about herself in the presence of this aggressive male. If anything, it worried her that he felt he had to be aggressive at all. Her paw-tips were only just touching the border and she was laying on the ground, not to mention she was grey with age. However, seeing as it was Spring, there might be pups in need of protection, or perhaps something had recently become a threat. When she spoke, her voice was sweet and low, and she did keep her posture nonthreatening. She was too old to be crouching and worrying about submission; she knew she was a respectful wolf and it made her slightly sad to be approached like a threat. Then again, different alphas run their packs differently. 
        "I'm not crossing your border and I'm too old to be a threat. I'm not sure there's much a reason for such aggression."
She blinked her calm ghostly eyes up at him, tipping her head slightly.  
                "My name is Nova Rose, and I'm looking for someone. A little red and black female, goes by the name of Grace. She's got an injury to her hind left leg that makes her limp and she's jumpier than a leaf in a windstorm. I am, for all intents and purposes, her mother. Is she here? I told her I'd meet her in this area see, and I think this is the sort of place she would settle."
She described Grace perfectly, though she had no idea that she'd started to come out of her shell for kind wolves like Esaro and Laika. She just knew she needed to find her adopted daughter.

RE: The Traveler Meets Her End - Luke - April 10, 2016

Thanks for editing!

Her complete lack of concern for his threat stoked the fire that was already burning within, and his teeth ground together as she essentially scolded him for how he was acting. He was a pack wolf upon his own territory; it was within his right to be territorial and aggressive toward a complete stranger who thought they could lounge on the borders when their were pups nearby, and as far as he was concerned, a lack of defense for them. Luke did not know his pack, and did not trust him.

Unfortunately for this wolf, that also meant that neither the description nor the name rang a bell for the white wolf. He did not know Grace, nor was he able to recall glancing a wolf that fit her appearance at the egg hunt. "Never saw her. Go look elsewhere. Leave." He punctuated his hissing words with a stiff step forward and a click of his teeth, holding himself back for the moment and giving the old wolf a chance to make herself scarce.

RE: The Traveler Meets Her End - Grace - April 10, 2016

Grace had been out on a walk, watching the borders out of mere instinct. Saena had her puppies, and the entire pack was doing what it could to help her out. The russet yearling had gone out in hopes of finding a meal she could bring to Saena maybe, or stock the cache closest to her den, but found herself following a familiar scent. It couldn't be.... But it was! Grace trotted awkwardly, lopsided, towards the smell of her adopted mother. She could scent Luke, not a wolf she was close to but knew of. She came within range of hearing as Nova asked for her, and soon enough to hear Luke snap at her. Though anger rose in her throat, she kept her jaws shut and instead hurried forward to place herself between her adopted mother and the white male looming over her; though making sure to keep her tail and ears down. Her body trembled slightly, and her voice nearly as much, but her golden eyes were bright and sharp. 
         "You've seen her now. N-Nova is no threat, please don't turn her away."

RE: The Traveler Meets Her End - Nova Rose - April 10, 2016

Nova pinned her ears, looking offended and upset. She felt she did nothing to deserve such a reaction, completely unsure of even why he'd reacted as such, and opened her mouth to say so as Grace herself came hobbling out of the woods. She snapped her jaws shut, half knowing that Grace might be able to calm the situation and half just plain excited to see her. Now that she'd seen Grace, she was even more determined to be accepted by this wolf even if that meant sucking up her hurt feelings. She could tell by the way Grace spoke that Luke wasn't the alpha, the jittery yearling wouldn't dare; but Nova was sure Grace was also probably one of the lowest in ranking and her word would not be weighed heavily. The ginger and cream female kept her ears down and lowered her head, taking on a submissive attitude.
            "I'm not useless, despite my age. In my travels, I've picked up a couple things. I probably wouldn't last in a fight anymore, but I can still hunt well enough. I dabble in healing, I love pups, but my passion lies in counseling and storytelling."

RE: The Traveler Meets Her End - Luke - April 11, 2016

Regardless of his newfound contentment in the maplewood alongside his companion, Luke's rage and his need for control was still embedded deeply in his breast, and on a hair-trigger at that. That the old wolf disrespected him, then refused to take his generous offer to leave immediately infuriated him beyond any reason. He redirected his aggression onto the yearling that dared to get between him and the stranger, such that as soon as she appeared in front of him he lashed out at her with his fangs and with enough force to knock her aside if she did not scramble away. Neither her coloration nor her words registered.

"If you are too old to be a threat you are too old to be useful," he bellowed, his furious snarling interrupting any further comment about how he had already had a glimpse of her 'counselling' and the pack had no need of such idiocy. But her time to leave peacefully was over; Luke lunged again, this time for the original target of his rage, his teeth seeking to slash open her nose and muzzle. Perhaps her blood would lend her enough sense to piss off.

RE: The Traveler Meets Her End - Spring - April 12, 2016

Joining this if that's okay with everyone else.

The Gamma had been patrolling the borders, when the sound of a commotion reached her ears.  Confused as to what it was, Spring began to pad in the direction of the scene.  She hoped whatever was happening wasn't in too bad of a situation currently, and she really hoped it didn't have anything to do with an intruder.

The white wolf from the egg hunt came into view after a bit, Grace was also there and an older female around Shreya's age, that Spring could not identify.  Spring made sure to stay well hidden.  She didn't want to get caught up in all this if she didn't have to.  What happened next horrified her though.  The white male then lashed out at both of them.  Spring didn't sit and watch long enough to see if either got hit, but she wouldn't doubt that at least one had.  What was the white wolf doing attacking a fellow pack member anyways?  Spring broke her two or one minute cover, padding over towards the wolves.

"What is going on here?"  Spring asked them in a commanding tone.  As the current second highest ranked wolf here, due to Saena being the only Alpha and no current Betas, she thought it was her right to know.  The female's eyes slowly moved between all three wolves, waiting to see who would speak up first.  All she knew is that something wrong was going on and she wanted to fix it.

RE: The Traveler Meets Her End - Grace - April 12, 2016

Grace yelped as Luke's teeth connected to her jaw, the sharp pain of a wound blossoming. She snapped back at him in defence but he'd already shoved her back[size=x-large], sending her scrambling away with fear scent flooding from her. Her golden eyes mirriored her fear, and she was clearly at a loss of what to do. Standing up for Nova could mean being marked a traitor, and she would more than likely be afraid of Luke for a long while. She felt relief spread to through her as Spring seemed to materialize. She would make this better, right?[/size]

RE: The Traveler Meets Her End - Nova Rose - April 12, 2016

Nova was on her paws in an instant when Luke snapped at Grace, but she didn't have time for anything before he was turning and lunging for her. Her ghostly eyes went wide but knew trying to move would likely hurt more. She went limp and let the white male react, taking the deep gash on the bridge of her nose with a mere yelp. She snapped her jaws back, but gave out a loud snarl. It was more in hopes of getting him to back up, the ginger and white female backing up a few paces but not retreating. At Springs arrival, now unsure of who the alpha was, she lowered her neck tail and ears. She gazed over warily, ignoring the crimson warmth dripping from her face. 
       "I-I came in search of a home with my daughter. I'm not much a threat thanks to my age but I can serve a pack. If I was disrespectful I didn't mean it."

RE: The Traveler Meets Her End - Luke - April 12, 2016

The appearance of another of his packmates was completely disregarded, her commanding tone falling on ears that did not care, atop a wolf who would not heed her regardless of how important she thought herself. His relaxed nature was no more; the tumultuous white wolf would never allow control over himself or his life to fall into the paws of another again, and he would take control by force if it was required of him. Such was the case now; though his teeth met their mark and drew blood, the stubborn old fool refused to take her leave. She could not have been a bigger moron in his eyes if she had declared it herself.

The time for talking was long since over; she would not get past the raging wolf so long as he stood, and he did not pause to hear her stammer out another desperate plea. It was with unstoppable savagery that he threw himself toward her again. His gnashing fangs would cleave flesh from her face and neck until she died at his feet, or she wised up enough to run with her tail between her legs.  

Whichever came first.

RE: The Traveler Meets Her End - Spring - April 12, 2016

Spring didn't like this.  This beyond stubborn annoyance of a wolf had Completely ignored her.  Technically she had more power at the moment with her rank.  She stood still and simply watched as Luke continued to go on his rage fit.  Her lip curled back threateningly and her fur rose slightly.  She observed this wolf quickly with a brief scan.  Strange... some of his features were blue as well as white, including the male's nose.

"You are not Alpha here Bluenose.  Get away from those wolves now.  Your acting like a pup, only our Alpha has power to truelly decide the fate of this wolf.  Not you.  So back off wolf.  Now.  Spring addressed the white wolf.  If he didn't back down to her now, she would not make this process fun for him.  She waited for the male's reaction.  This was his last chance with her.

RE: The Traveler Meets Her End - Grace - April 12, 2016

Grace pinned her ears and moved away from Luke, shaking in fear and hiding by Springs flank. She muttered to Spring, quietly, as if she was afraid of the bluenose hearing. 
        "H-He had no reason to attack her, that I saw... Spring please don't let him hurt my mother...." 
Her golden eyes were locked on Nova, small whimpers coming from the little yearlings chest. It wasn't long before she was a crumpled heap of fur, sobbing softly. What was going to happen now?

RE: The Traveler Meets Her End - Nova Rose - April 12, 2016

Nova scrambled back, snapping her jaws again at the bluenoses face but this time with more conviction. She truly felt she had dome nothing wrong, and was taking a brutal beating from the younger male. She females aging body had held up okay till now, crumbling under Luke's attack. She howled in pain as he ripped up her chest, neck, and face, thrashing all four paws at his belly and face, unable to get out from under his pin. The only thing she could do was cover her already wounded front with her front legs as their claws lashed at his face in hopes to back him away.
          "Get away from me!"
The ginger and cream female, pelt now stained with her own blood, wailed at Luke and tried wiggling to throw him off balance, but her energy was leaking away with the crimson dripping from her flesh.

RE: The Traveler Meets Her End - Saēna - April 12, 2016

Breaking it up! ^^

Saena's intent had been to leave the call for a pack mate to answer, but the more time passes since the howl died off, the more antsy the alpha female becomes. Soon enough she is vibrating with the desire to tend to her own pack borders, so she requsts Shreya's presence and leaves her babes in their great grandmother's care for a short while as she, very unwisely, vacates the den and heads for the borders. It's a good opportunity to shake off her cabin fever. The whimpers of her cubs fade quickly to the rustle of the forest, and she is surprised to feel a pang of panic in her breast at the idea of leaving them behind for any length of time.

Perhaps she has some promise as a mother after all.

She moves slowly through the woods so that by the time she reaches the location of the howler, there's already a commotion. Her ears prick and her strides lengthen as the sounds of conflict reach her and she emerges from the depths of the woods to see Luke, Spring, and Grace. Her companion is standing over another wolf, lashing out, while Spring stands dominantly shouting and Grace sobs nearby. While she has almost no context for this, she hears Spring command, "back off," and assumes the wolf on the borders is the source of the clamouring and the target of Spring's ire, and perhaps Grace's attacker. Immediately she sweeps into the area with a snarl and a posture screaming absolute dominance.

"Stop," she hollers, and her eyes seek Luke first, as her closest friend and secret partner, whom she trusts above all and whose judgment she heeds. Spring's, of course, is also welcome, but it is Luke she intends to hear first, as it is Luke dealing with the (presumptive) threat directly. "What is going on here?"

RE: The Traveler Meets Her End - Luke - April 12, 2016

There was no power in titles alone; rank meant nothing unless someone was willing to bow to it, and power had to be taken if it was not freely offered. Luke continued not to heed Spring, partially because he was too enraged to, but mostly because she meant nothing to him, and her words were nothing more than background noise. He was busy with the wolf he had pinned, the one too stupid to have taken either of the chances he had given for her to leave. Her efforts to force him back failed completely; she could flail at him all she wanted with her blunt nails as if she thought she was a cat with actual claws. They did nothing.

She was lucky. She was lucky that Saena had impeccable timing, and the command of her words actually did mean something to Luke, whose assault was immediately halted by them. Otherwise, he would have killed her. The opportunity was his. He did not stand back, but he answered Saena promptly while continuing to snarl and glower at the stranger. "This disrespectful idiot refuses to leave though I gave her two chances to do so."

RE: The Traveler Meets Her End - Spring - April 12, 2016

Spring regarded the blue and white male’s words, with slight interest.  What he said could easily be true... but it was beyond being immature to just go on a rage fit like some toddler or pup.  She decided to add on the parts that Bluenose had missed, like the fact that he had gone on a total rage fit... or the fact that he was acting like an unhappy puppy.  She cleared her throat before she spoke, intent on getting all the words out clear as day.

“What he says may be true.”  Spring began, regarding the male with a nod, then turned her attention back to Saena and continued speak.  “Although I will say that he went on a rage fit... or something like that.  It was unnecessary in my opinion though due to the fact that this loner could possibly bring possibility to this pack.  I have not heard her speak of what she can provide yet though.”  Spring informed, doing her best to share her side from what she had seen, then finished with what her intentions had been.  "I was only trying to break up the fight.”

RE: The Traveler Meets Her End - Grace - April 12, 2016

At their alphas rather dominant arrival, Grace plastered herself to the ground and pressed closer to Spring, still shaking like a leaf caught in a windstorm. She started to speak after Luke, but soon snapped her mouth shut until Spring was done talking. Now that it was her turn, she was frozen silent. One look at Luke had her crying again, but she managed to choke out a few angry words aimed at the white and blue male.
            "M-My mother is no i-idiot, and she didnt do a-anything wrong!"
It was all she could manage before inching her way towards Nova, only keeping her weepy distance because of the male atop her. She eventually planted herself, obviously done speaking.

RE: The Traveler Meets Her End - Nova Rose - April 12, 2016

Nova kept her injuries covered though blood flowed freely from them, halting her defence as Luke let up, obviously smart enough to let the pack members hash this out before speaking up. This was, QUITE obviously, the packs true alpha, and judging by her appearance she was currently a mother: disrespecting her or even saying the wrong thing could mean setting off the beast pinning her, and surely her death. She could do nothing beside lie there and bleed, listening to the wolves around her and doing everything in her power to keep her glaring ice blue eyes shut. To open them would mean to look at Luke, and she could not promise herself to behave or not glare at him. She couldnt stop herself from fidgeting, a tiny little whine of pain escaping her throat.

RE: The Traveler Meets Her End - Saēna - April 12, 2016

Saena's glare fixates first on Luke, who succinctly explains that the wolf he has pinned was disrespecting him. Spring quickly interjects with her side of the story, proclaiming that Luke's actions are unnecessary due to the possibility of Nova Rose being useful. Her eyes dart back to Luke, anticipating a response from him, but it's Grace who speaks then, revealing that the wolf at the center of it all is her mother. Saena's eyes flash then and she's reminded of Fire Wolf and the trespasser the traitor had attacked Saena to defend.

This is when she knows she can't let this go on. Fire Wolf had turned with violence on her pack in favour of a lone wolf, and she isn't keen to see it repeated.

"You," she says curtly, addressing the wolf Luke has pinned, "leave, now." Her tone leaves no room for argument. Only when Nova Rose has heeded her command and left does Saena turn on her subordinates with an irate growl. "We do not mince words with outsiders that do not show the absolute highest level of respect on our borders," she chides them, her ears flying back, "or have you forgotten we have vulnerable pups to protect here?" Her glare rests on Luke briefly, as she knows his hostility was probably unwarranted, but she also knows that Luke fancies himself as her keeper. She understands, even agrees with, the reason behind his actions. Nevertheless, such hostility could land them in hot water should it continue and the insubordination wasn't promising, and she reminds him that, "bloodshed was not necessary. You should have stood down." Then she sighs and straightens, and her eyes go to Spring and Grace now, who have both disappointed her with their actions toward their own pack mate.

"We are a team," she stresses, "and I expect every member of this pack to support their pack mates above all others, no matter who they are. You should have supported his judgment. If that is too daunting, if your comrades don't come first, then this isn't the right pack for you. That is what it is to be pack." She wouldn't have anyone in her ranks more loyal to an outsider than to their pack mates. She remembered too vividly the last time that had happened. "The only wolves entering this pack territory while our pups are so young," she decrees, "are those already within it, and those invited to join it." Nova Rose was neither of those things, and while Saena was sure it would hurt Grace deeply to know her mother would be rejected, she nevertheless says, "I would not have taken someone I know nothing about, no matter how great their skills."

Turning, the alpha female shoots them one last chiding look and says, "settle your differences, remember that we are all pack here." With that she departs, keen on returning to her young and relieving Shreya of her temporary duty.

RE: The Traveler Meets Her End - Luke - April 13, 2016

He shot the pack's gamma a hard, burning look. She had not even been present for the entire altercation; had no idea of the disrespect this wolf had shown to him, or the warnings he had given. Yet her first inclination was to defend a complete stranger rather than her own packmate. For that, and her slandering comment that suggested his completely warranted hostility was no more than a rage fit, he would look upon her as little more than scat. But there was no time for him speak his mind to her; Saena spoke, and laid down the law.

He released the old wolf from beneath him, stepping back but refusing to look away from her. He would not do so, nor would he move his paws, until she left, like she should have so long ago.

RE: The Traveler Meets Her End - Spring - April 13, 2016

Spring felt a guilt quickly settle into her.  She felt bad for disappointing Saena... no not that, worse.  She felt extremely bad.  Yet, another part of her felt bad for Grace.  She herself would love to have a chance to see her family again, but of course they were dead now in a brutal way.  Yet Grace had been given a chance that the white and blue male had set out as quickly as water poured onto a flickering campfire.  Although, Saena was right in ways too.  With pups to protect now, they had to be extremely picky about who was let in and who was not.  Personally though she was curious as to why this blue and white male was here in the first place... he seemed overaggressive and well... immature.  She didn’t want him here, but would probably not say anything.  Anyways if Saena kept him and defended him, he had to have a good reason to be here.  Right?

As she watched her Alpha leave, Spring felt the urge to apologize.  It might not do much, but still the thought counts.  “I’m sorry Saena!”  She called out to her Alpha in a truly guilty tone, before turning back to the three other wolves present.  She turned her back to to everyone but Grace, so they couldn’t see what she was doing.  Then she mouthed Grace an: I’m sorry.  Her expression expressed a genuine sad/guilty look.  That only lasted for a matter of about five seconds, though before she turned around once more, to face all the wolves.  Then she sat and waited for the older female to go.  There was nothing more that she could do that would apply to Saena’s law.

RE: The Traveler Meets Her End - Grace - April 13, 2016

Grace watched Nova struggle to her feet, struggling to get a decent breath and crimson still dripping from her entire front. As she started to stumble away, Grace bolted forwards and nuzzed into her side. After a much too short embrace and a few, Grace backed up, back over the border, and watched her mother go with defeat dulling her golden eyes. She showed attention to Saena, nodded her understanding, but otherwise said nothing. She could say nothing, after all. She would not speak out against Saena even if she didn't see sense in her words. She respected the white and red female too much. Tail tucked and head dragging, she padded off the opposite way she'd come. Every so often, a drop of her own blood fell from the gash Luke inflicted to her, the not-so-deep redness curling from her nose, around her whiskers, and disappearing under her jaw. So long as she kept it clean, she knew it would mostly disappear under her fur once healed. It was nothing compared to the wounds her mother would have to care for. Spring caught her eye as the Gamma tried to apologize, but a sob caught in the yearlings throat and she took off running. She didn't in the least blame the female, but it was too much.

RE: The Traveler Meets Her End - Nova Rose - April 13, 2016

Ill archive this then.

Nova rolled over, coughing out a mouthful of blood before struggling to her paws. She might not have been useless, but the beating she'd just accepted took a toll on her aging body. It was hard for her to breathe, and the gashes covering her face, neck, and chest burned like fury. Her first thought however, was Grace. What would the two do now? She couldn't ask for Grace to leave with her, not when she was obviously happy here in this pack. Shed DEFENDED Nova, if only for a brief moment. She'd stood up to a male, knowing very well she could get hurt, and that had to mean the little yearling was opening up and making bonds. The ginger and cream she wolf couldnt possibly take her away from that. But she'd PROMISED Grace she would come and spend the rest of her years with the little yearling. That was not an option now, with the alpha against her. She wondered why the white female hadn't so much as given her a chance, never even let her explain she could be useful. Stumbling away, back into the emberwood, Grace was suddenly there, beside her, and pressing her bloody muzzle into the fur of her side. The aging she wolf lowered her head, hugging her close and whispering a few short words to her adopted daughter before limping away without a second look at the bluenose. She did glance back at Spring, tipping her head and gazing at her for a moment with rather friendly blue eyes. She understood that she'd tried to help, and nodded ever so slightly to her when she was certain the others werent paying attention. It was as much of a "thank you" as they could get, but then she was gone into the woods.