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Phoenix Maplewood Food is key - Printable Version

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Food is key - RIP Valette - April 09, 2016

Desna trotted closer to the alpha den, she was just curious about them. She was probably going to be chased off by at least someone, but her intentions weren't to do harm. Her hazel eyes looked around, carefully moving from a trot into a walk. She was carrying a pheasant, wanting to let Saena know that she was here to help. Desna knew that she was not going to be allowed to enter the den or to see them. If only Reek was still here, then she would be allowed to. The girl stalked closer, placing the source of meat by the den entrance, listening to their whines. She could not tell how many their were but at least they were healthy enough to even cry out a bit.

The girl quickly dropped the pheasant and dashed off, not wanting to be bitten. She just wanted to bring some food and maybe listen to the small babies. So hear if they were alright. The young female had noticed others being welcome and she wondered how well their relationship had developed with Saena that she would even allow them in the den but not her? She had been here super long. The girl let her ears fall back. At least she could maybe get into more of Saena's favor by bringing her food.

RE: Food is key - Laika - April 11, 2016

Hope you don't mind me popping in! Laika has never really meet Desna yet, and this should be a fun thread!

Laika ventured closer and closer to Saena's den. Although she was not within earshot of the pups - let alone close enough to be punished for it - she was glad she could be somewhat near them. She couldn't wait for the day when their alpha finally allowed them to meet the tiny bundles of joy. 

The white two year old paused in her stroll as she heard some rustling. It was probably either a prey animal, or another Phoenix Maplewood wolf. Either way, Laika decided to check it out. She was curious that way. Maybe she would make another ally. Better yet, a friend. She only had a few friends within the pack. Her closest were Spring and Esaro, but she also was beginning to see Grace as one as well. Her paws tingled with excitement at the possibility and she picked up her pace.

Head lowered as she proceeded to follow the scent trail. She was now following the wolf's tracks, directly behind whoever it was. She was bringing herself closer and closer to the wolf until her thick winter coat snagged on a branch. She let out a chuff of annoyance. Laika always seemed to shed her fur slowly, and this year, it was especially slow. She tugged on it until she was finally able to free herself at the cost of a clump of white fur. Now she was frustrated because she was further behind than she wanted to be.  She picked up her pace, hoping to gain back what she just lost.

RE: Food is key - Saēna - April 11, 2016

Ordinarily, Saena welcomes the efforts her wolves make to bring food near to the den for her. She told Desna prior to the birth that such efforts were welcome, and she's accepted all such efforts thus far gratefully. But Saena doesn't tolerate loitering near her den, and while Desna backpedals readily and would normally have done everything right and incited no ire from the new mother, it's the sound of another wolf's paws thumping the earth in addition to the sound of Desna's scuttling that prompts Saena to peek her head out of the den, and it's the sight of both Desna and Laika in uncomfortable proximity with no sign of Shreya or Luke that makes her peel back her lips and snarl a warning.

She doesn't give them the opportunity to explain that they aren't together, nor is she watching closely enough to recognize the fact herself. It isn't personal, but her whelping den isn't a meeting place, and she's very clear in expressing that the two need to take their presences elsewhere. Her snarling and bristling in the mouth of her den isn't likely to let up until the two move along.

Brief cameo! Sorry for aggressive Saena, she's just being a protective mum and more than one uninvited wolf around her den = scary to her, heh. ^^;

RE: Food is key - RIP Valette - April 16, 2016

Not at all! <3

Desna jumped when Saena came out of her den with a snarl on her face. The least she could use right now was not having the alpha female's favor. Desna let out a yelp and dashed away, not caring about the white wolf she didn't know because frankly Desna could be a bit selfish and only care for herself and her loved ones. The female also didn't want to be a bother to the alpha female.

If the white female would really want to talk to her then Desna was pretty sure she would follow her to a more suitable place for a meeting. It was clear Saena didn't want anyone around. The teenager didn't really feel like being corrected again, though it did ruin a bit with her plan, she wanted to see how many children Reek had fathered.

RE: Food is key - Laika - April 16, 2016

Laika's head shot up as she turned to see Saena's head popping out of her den, lips drawn back in a snarl. She let out an apologetic yelp before scurrying  away. She followed the grey teenager through the woods. She snarled to herself for disturbing Saena. The female was minding her own business and she had wandered too close. She would apologize when she was able to see the pups.

She trotted along until she was within sight of the grey she-wolf. She smiled in a friendly manner and spoke. "Hey. I don't think I've met you yet?" The female was still a bit daunted with the run-in with Saena, but she didn't let it show. 

Oh hey Chelsie! That was exciting! >:D Sorry for the short post, at a loss for words at the moment.

RE: Food is key - RIP Valette - April 17, 2016

Desna turned around when she heard the female's voice. Her head was low and her hazel eyes looked at her for a moment. Desna was unsure if this female was higher than her in rank or not. The female was friendly enough so Desna lifted her head a bit and nodded to confirm they didn't meet yet. "We have not," she commented quickly but looked at her with a guarded expression.

Desna did not feel the need to invest in more friendships, after all they would leave her anyways. She had been close to Reek and Tavi, well they left. Even her own father and brother left. Her sisters who she loved had left too and her mother had died, leaving her alone in the Phoenix pack to fend for herself. She realized that it might be quite selfish of Reek to ask her to watch over her pups even though she did promise before they broke up she would be a sister to them. "Are you new?," she asked the other wolf.

RE: Food is key - Laika - April 17, 2016

Laika observed the other's movements closely. She was well aware that this female was of higher rank than her - however frustrating that was - and she wanted to be careful and cautious as well as friendly. The female spoke to confirm the two hadn't met. She didn't seem to want to be too friendly, but Laika figured she would try anyways. She was a bit surprised when the other female asked whether she was knew. She he been here for a while. Maybe not as long as the grey female, but she was definitely not new.

"No, not really." She informed. "I joined sometime last year." She hoped that the she-wolf remembered her from the hunt they did as a pack when Reek was still here. Laika recalled seeing her there. The white wolf blinked a couple times before breaking the silence once again. "I'm Laika. You are?"

She figured she might as well get a decent conversation going. She had nothing else to do and it was always good to create allies. Hopefully the two could at least be friendly. Laika threw another smile to the grey wolf before awaiting her response.

RE: Food is key - RIP Valette - April 18, 2016

Desna looked a bit guilty when the female said she had been at the pack longer. Desna looked a bit apologetically at her. "I'm sorry, I haven't really been around." She had been traveling and dealing with her own personal stuff. So her pack life had gotten to a second place, and then she also went to see Mason.

"I'm Desna," she retuned with a friendly smile. Desna was unsure about their rankings but she decided that she would just be friendly after all she was a pack mate and why would she want to be mean in the first place? It was not her nature in the first place. That made her think. Maybe she didn't want to be named Desna anymore, it was something related to her father's culture. She didn't want that connection. "Nice to meet you."

RE: Food is key - Laika - April 18, 2016

Laika nodded as she mentioned her name. Desna, she thought to herself. What a pretty name! She opened her mouth to reply. "Likewise. That's a very pretty name by the way." She added. Might as well put her opinion out there.

She pondered on another thing to say to keep the conversation going. She should at least say something!! Desna was looking a bit more open so Laika gained the confidence from knowing she was getting somewhere. "How long have you been part of Phoenix Maplewood?" She blurted. She did want to know this little bit of information. The more she could get, the more she could understand her.

RE: Food is key - RIP Valette - April 20, 2016

Desna was surprised by the compliment. "Oh-- thanks! Though I might change it soon," she admitted. "I don't like it, or well, it is pretty but what is has become makes me dislike it. Long story. I was thinking of going by the name Valette. It is a bit inspired from my mother's name. She was always there for me after all," she spoke, though Desna had the feeling that this female did not know her albino mother.

Desna slowly started nodding. "I've been born somewhere else but then my parents separated and my mother brought us here," she explained. "So I basically grew up in the maplewoods," she spoke.

RE: Food is key - Laika - April 21, 2016

Laika smiled and nodded. Valette. That was beautiful too. "Pretty." The female complimented.  She listened as she told her that it resembled her mother. She had just joined when everyone began talking about this wolf named.. What was it? S-..., sc-.. She just couldn't remember. Maybe that was Desna's mom. She felt a little guilty for not remembering her name. "What was your mother's name?" She ventured, hoping this wasn't a bad topic for the grey female.  

She nodded as Desna spoke of her past. How she was born somewhere else and was brought to the Maplewood. "That's so cool! You must know Saena well then." She thought she would as something about herself. "I was born a long ways away from here, but my pack wasn't very good. I learn of the Teekon Wilds and I had to come." 

RE: Food is key - RIP Valette - April 21, 2016

Desna smiled when she gotten another compliment and nodded with her head. Okay, so that might be a good thing to start calling herself then. Maybe she would keep the name secret, only using it for new wolves she met. She was not certain she wanted everyone to know her new name. Though it would be a good test, maybe she didn't feel like a Valette... hm. Desna's attention as caught. "Scarlett. She was attacked by a cougar," she spoke solemnly.

"Sort of. I was a bit closer to Reek but Saena has always been more than kind to me," she spoke, not even thinking about speaking ill of her alpha female. Desna had nothing to ill speak about. She was strict but Desna didn't think that was a bad thing, it kept her on her toes. "My mother had the same thing, I'm sorry to hear that though. But Saena is a good alpha. She leads the pack well."

RE: Food is key - Laika - April 21, 2016

Scarlett! That was it. She smiled as she finally reminded of the name. She would've never forgiven herself if she hadn't known. However, her smile faded once Desna mentioned that her mother had been attacked by a cougar. "Oh, I'm sorry." She said empathetically. Fourtunately, the female didn't seemed to worked up about it, and they were able to continue on to a happier note. 

Laika nodded as Desna told her about her closeness to Reek. She could understand that. Reek was easy to like. But Saena was too. There really was nothing to say to put down their leader - she was just amazing! Laika admired the alpha a lot. When Desna mentioned her mother had the same sort of past,  Laika was happy to know that there was another wolf out there who had the same sort of background - alive or not.  Laika shook her head in agreement to Desna's last statement. "Saena is a phenomenal alpha."

RE: Food is key - RIP Valette - April 23, 2016

Shall we wrap this up seeing that they are moving now? We can have a new thread if you like! :D

Desna nodded when she said she was sorry. It happened, and there was nothing she could do about. The young female disliked that her mother left, but in a way she also freed her. Desna would have stayed by her side and now she was free to do as she liked as bad as that sounded.

The darker female could once again nod in agreement. She also realized that she should go to Reek and tell him his kids were born. He would want to know about that. "I'm sorry Laika, I need to go. But we will speak later,' she spoke with a friendly smile. She was not going to tell her what she was going to do, that still had to stay a secret.

RE: Food is key - Laika - April 23, 2016

Sounds like a plan! :D

Laika smiled and nodded. She probably should be getting back to her jobs too. Deep in her mind, she did wonder where Desna was off too, but she figured it was none of her business. She stood up, giving her tail a friendly wag. "Well, I'll see you around then!" She barked in a cheerful manner. Then, she turned and the two females parted, making their way to wherever they were going.