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Larksong Grotto Memories of a distant past - Printable Version

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Memories of a distant past - Aspen - April 09, 2016

@Skeet Tada. It's time to meet Aspen. XD She's not sleeping, just resting her eyes. Or she has them closed cuz shes thinking. Just thought I'd note that. 

It was evident spring was finally here, the snow was melting and the flowers were beginning to bloom. They were popping up everywhere lately. The weather had finally began to warm up the only downside was all the rain they seemed to be getting. They don't call it April showers for nothing. It had been raining on and off over the past couple days but nothing major, not like the evening Aspen joined the ranks of the wolves here at Larksong. 

It was early morning and Aspen had been awake long before dawn. Unfortunately for her, but thats just the way her mind wanted to play it. Before embarking on her morning patrol Aspen decided she would head down to the lake for some quiet times while most of the forest still slept.

Aspen frequently found herself near the lake or in it. It was a very relaxing place, she would come here to think or to sometimes go for a swim. This morning it was more to think, daydream. She had a lot on her mind lately and hadn't really been sleeping all that well. Her mind torturing her with memories from her dark and distant past. Aspen lay down at the shores and put her head down on the ground letting out a big sigh. She listened to the sound of the water, a sort of eerie silence at the moment, but it didn't bother her. It wasn't long before she had closed her eyes and let her mind wander.

RE: Memories of a distant past - Skeet - April 10, 2016

Skeet's meeting of everyone was still slime, he had met a few females along with the alphas. He needed to meet more since he had been in the pack of LSG for a little while now. With a medium paced walk, he made his way around the territory towards a new scent that lingered around the grotto. He hadn't seen the new recruit, and he wanted to make a good impression.

With the task in mind, Skeet continued his pace towards the new scent. He arrived in short time, for a wolf was already there where the scent was strongest. She looked as if she was asleep, her eyes were closed as her breaths were long and relaxed, Skeet almost hesitated to walk over. Almost.

With a bound in his step, the large and scarred wolf made his way over, giving off a little yip noise to show his presence.

RE: Memories of a distant past - Aspen - April 12, 2016

Aspen could have only been laying there a mere few minutes before she heard the sounds of paw steps on the undergrowth. She wondered if by keeping her eyes closed this wolf might think she was asleep and let her be. Unfortunately, it appeared that wasn't going to be the case as a small yip escaped the maw of the stranger. Aspen opened one eye and rolled onto her back slightly to see who the visitor was. 

A male wolf had appeared, he had many scars and a brownish gold sort of coat. It appears the male had had quite the life and many stories to tell. Despite the scars he was handsome. His looks seemed like they would catch the interest of many females including herself. However, she didn't know she could trust this wolf so what she thought of how he looked didn't matter. 

Aspen rolled over and sat up in front of this wolf, tail twitching tucked by her paws. "Hello," she said offering the wolf one of her world famous friendly but don't mess with me looks. That was more of her underlying trust issues than it was a general dislike of wolves. "The name's Aspen, I don't believe we have met," she said with a rather flat tone to her voice. She didn't want to come across as rude, but sometimes it just happened. 

Shes not a bad wolf. Honest. She just has "issues" XD

RE: Memories of a distant past - Skeet - April 15, 2016

She didn't seem too impressed with Skeet's entrance, her glare kind of gave it away. It wasn't an angry one or a sad one, it was just one that said 'say the wrong thing and I rip your face off'. But it seemed open anyways, and Skeet would always take what was open.

He decided to join her, sitting down calmly as his stature turned into a mountain. The woman in front of him was named Aspen, and she was correct when she spoke of not meeting him before. "Quite right, I'm Skeet" he offered to her, his charming smile never fading. He didn't care if she had attitude or not, nor if she wanted his company or not. He was gonna stick to her like a gum on a shoe.

"So, how do you like the grotto so far? Pretty nice?" He asked her, wondering about her opinion. He liked knowing the morale of others in his family, made him feel a bit more apart of them than anything. Connected would be a better word to use.

RE: Memories of a distant past - Aspen - April 20, 2016

Well. Seemed this wolf had no intention of leaving her alone anytime soon. Aspen supposed she didn't necessarily mind the company. Beats her original plans of reflecting on her past and the decisions wolves had made for her. The way she had been treated by them as well. She pushed the negative thoughts away to attempt the task at hand. Find wolves she could trust.

Aspen managed a smile and gave the make a polite and friendly nod. "Nice to meet you Skeet," she said a bit more kind than perhaps her first approach. The male questioned her about the grotto and she had to pause and think for a moment. "Well, it reminds me a lot of the place I was born, and I love this lake. Its a great place to come and relax or to think about life. However the choice of prey is an adjustment," she stated commenting on the lack of her typical menu. Deer or even rabbits were hard to fin here, the main food source was birds. 

"What about you, you like the grotto? How long you been here?" she asked continuing the conversation.

Eh Sorry about how long this took. Kinda been ill :l

RE: Memories of a distant past - Skeet - April 24, 2016

No worries :D

Aspen seemed to like this place, she imprinted it to be like the place she was born in. Skeet smiled, though he didn't want to remember where his birthplace was. She did speak up about prey being a change for her, making the large boy roll his shoulders in a shrug. "Ya get used to it sooner or later" He replied to her, hopefully giving her some reassurance.

She kicked up the conversation more, asking about his time here and his liking towards the grotto. "It's a nice place, change of scenery for me. As for time, I've been here for a couple of weeks."

RE: Memories of a distant past - Aspen - April 27, 2016

Aspen smiled as Skeet seemed to reassure the fact she would adjust to the new prey choice. Though, she had no doubt in the first place it was a kind gesture. "Yes I'm sure I will," she said calmly. Then she waited patiently as to the answer of her question. Once the male spoke he explained that it was a change of scenery and that he liked it here but that he had only been in the land for a few weeks now. 

"Oh, so you're fairly new too," she stated. "Any idea how this pack came to be?" she asked with a curious tilt to her head. "It doesn't seem like many wolves have been in the area long," she stated. She didn't know exactly how many wolves the pack had but it certainly didn't seem like the largest pack on the planet. 

Wow my writing is a tad sketchy today. I cant seem to write long posts o.o

RE: Memories of a distant past - Skeet - April 27, 2016

No worries, I can't do long posts that well either (/_\) *covers face in shame*

He didn't take himself to be new, Skeet thought he had a good amount of time in the pack here. But whatever, he rolled his shoulders in a shrug to Aspen. She soon brought his attention upon the origination of the pack, how it came to be. He gave her a thoughtful look before looking at the sky in thought. A long hmm sound dragged from his lips before he gave off a little ah ha moment. He didn't know much, but Skeet wasn't too blind with scents and attitudes.

The pack came from these two alphas, Tavi and Reek. I guess they ran into some kind of trouble and feld together. Then they just gathered a few recruits and bam! Pack of LSG was formed. He looked at her with a cheeky grin before hearing her other statement. Not many wolves lived in the area, for long at least.

Again, he rolled his shoulders before looking around the area. Yea, not many come around here. Maybe the grotto throws them off or somethin' like that.

RE: Memories of a distant past - Aspen - May 01, 2016

Aspen listened as Skeet appeared to have to think before saying anything about the packs formation. He explained that the two alpha's he believed had run into some trouble somewhere and had formed this pack after gathering some recruits. The idea didn't seem all that good to Aspen. Didn't seem like the wolves had any intention of starting a pack but at the same time the idea was there. She knew little of the Alpha's history but she didn't question Reek's loyalty at least. Tav she had yet to meet.  Aspen gave a nod. "Sounds interesting. You one of those recruits?" she asked.

"You're probably right though, the grotto isn't exactly attractive place to live, let alone raise a pack if you aren't hard working or resourceful," she stated in reply to his comment that the grotto probably threw off a lot of potential packs forming here just because of its location. Aspen could understand that it was probably true but the wolves that lived here now didn't seem to have a problem with it at all. Including herself.

RE: Memories of a distant past - Skeet - May 06, 2016

"You could say that" he said, looking towards Aspen. He smiled a bit at the memory of his recruitment. "The place wasn't marked yet, and I ran into Tavi as I rummaged around" he started off. "This shnozz of mine is somewhat broken" he joked, pawing at his nose before returning his limb to the ground where it belonged.

Aspen agrred with Skeet that the grotto was unsettling. If a wolf was not cunning or resourceful, it wouldn't live for a minute. Everything was hard to catch, so it would really test the inhabitants here. "Yup, if you ain't got game, might as well leave this place".