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Silvertip Mountain Who thought the world was bigger than a den? - Printable Version

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Who thought the world was bigger than a den? - Zaria - April 09, 2016

Kind of wanted a quick thread with Zaria and the bebbies before the pack activity! :3 @Stoic @Solemn @Adeline @Odette and of course @FitzDutiful would be welcome too.

Zaria was pleased to note that the screaming and squealing were turning into more wolf life sounds she could understand. This potato phase they had been in was not her favorite but now they were starting to waddle around and be more playful Zaria realized she was more into it. The female also noticed, just like she had with Fitz, she was growing attached to them. Only a bit. She would never admit this to anyone else but in those little private moments Zaria was becoming a bit more affectionate towards her little blobs which now had names. Fitz had done a good job at naming them.

Now it happened that Zaria was so sick of the den that she decided she and her young could use some fresh air. It was a nice spring morning and the mother wanted to enjoy some of the sun. She did not realize that there was not much lounging for her with four youngsters. "Who wants to go outside with me?," she asked. Zaria dug a bit away of the ledge of dirt she made to keep them inside, so it turned more into a ramp towards the outside. Zaria didn't wait for her young to decide what they would do. She went outside and would wait for them. Curious to see how they would react to the outside world now they were three weeks old. If they did well Zaria might introduce them to the pack a few days later.

RE: Who thought the world was bigger than a den? - Jackrabbit - April 09, 2016

YES, the day was finally here. He did not understand so much of what mother was saying but he knew what she meant. They got to go OUTSIDE. To him, this was the motherload of exploration, and the day he had been waiting for supposedly his whole life. He screamed in approval, his little legs pacing at the exit of the den. Mother had even started to call him a name, but he could not pronounce that yet. He did quite like having to own something, a title for himself. Surely he was superior in this way. But nevertheless, his tiny comprehension did not extend to thinking about such intricate topics, no, he was just glad to finally being able to venture out beyond the den.

He barreled past everyone else as Zaria finished taking down the boundaries. The Outside was cold, and he shivered but continued to move his legs fast as he could to explore everything he could. The Oustide was big, large looming things overhead, a warm glow in the distance. Compared to everything else, mother was moderately sized, to his utter amazement. He was probably really small then, which somewhat lessened the mood. It did not take him long to clamber over every rock, to lick every leaf and bury his nose in the ground. Some things did not taste good at all, while others did, which was an utter mind blow to him. His siblings were at the back of his mind, and so was the den, and he never wanted to go back. This would give Zaria a challenge to keeping him in the den, or getting him back there at all.

RE: Who thought the world was bigger than a den? - Odette - April 10, 2016

Odette followed her siblings out, very intrigued as to what was going on.  As Odette slowly and quietly made her way outside, her mouth suddenly gapped in amazement and she froze in place.  It was so huge!  How could anything be this big?  Her vision swiveled around, eyeing every feature of this new terrain that her blurry eyesight would let her.  Then the little pup bounded forward/stumbled forward, going as fast as her little puppy legs would let her go.  The little girls pale eyes fell in amazement on a small moth on top of a pile of leaves.  The moth soon flew up into the sky.  It was almost like a dream... was it a dream?  No, this was real.

As the blurry shape of the moth disappeared from her sight, her puppy blue eyes then shifted back to the leaf pile.  It looked rather comfortable to Odie and so she did the obvious thing.  She walked right up to it and made a very hard trudge through the leaf pile, making her way to the top.  Then the pup then flopped down on top of the pile of leaves... no her kingdom.  Odette's blurry vision then turned to the sights of her siblings.  Making sure that they didn’t dare try to invade her kingdom or usurp her position of Alpha of the leaf pile.

RE: Who thought the world was bigger than a den? - Addie - April 10, 2016

Adeline watched as the others went outside before she herself did. She who liked to do all things first felt this to be the best course of action. That way, if they were reprimanded by mother or any other she would seem to be the best in the eyes of any for her wiseness. She was a young tactician at when to disobey and when to obey, and while she enjoyed keeping others on their toes she also enjoyed being the best. Also, what if something bad happened out there? Adeline would be fine, staying inside.

But when nothing bad did occur? Adeline yipped to her fellow wise brother who was still with her, and then broke for the outside world. She bumbled into it with a proud yet clumsy waddle, snorting at her sisters chosen claim before looking around for a superior one. When nothing was found, however, Adeline sought to rally her siblings to overthrow the self-proclaimed leader of the leaf pile with a battle cry. And then she ran-waddled toward her little sister to (attempt to) bowl her over.

RE: Who thought the world was bigger than a den? - Zaria - April 13, 2016

Zaria watched as Stoic seemed overly excited to go, his tail was going crazy it seemed and there were happy yips of course. It was great to see that most of them were out here playing. It seemed the girls had found a great pile to play in. Zaria was not too bothered, the female had plopped down in the sun, head resting on the ground as he kind of watched them. She was not too bothered about them running off. She would be certain to whoop their ass. She noticed that there were three outside instead of four. She let out a soft bark for @Solemn. She was not going to drag him out but it would be good for him to at last experience it.

RE: Who thought the world was bigger than a den? - Solemn - April 13, 2016

WHOOP. Sorry. I'm the worst. Totally missed this thread in my notifications.

The she-beast beckoned for her beastlings to follow, and three of them did. Solemn sat in the darkness of the den, squinting at the bright light that his home did such a great job of keeping out. It was so strong— he did not understand why anyone would want to go out there... and yet each of his siblings did, and he took hesitant steps forward each time one followed. The boy was not clumsy or stupid, but was cautious as his confidence lacked. He heard the she-beast give a soft bark for him- softer than usual- and he gave a quiet yip in return before swallowing his uncertainty.

Solemn waddled to the den entrance, plopping himself just outside the entry with widened eyes. It wasn't due to shock or anything- it was just so damn bright. The boy looked to the she-beast, his cute, puppy head falling sideways. Was this all she wanted? He did not understand the hype. 

RE: Who thought the world was bigger than a den? - Jackrabbit - May 07, 2016

Stoic's prance was halted when Zaria plunked her body right infront of his path. He let out a shrivilrous whine, voicing his upest emotions. Very well, he would just have to climb over her like he had with Steady. He lifted on paw about the water, latching himself unto his Mother's hip. Pulling himself up while drenched in water was quite hard. He slipped back, loosing balance and falling back into the water. This was an undesired feeling, and his bad feelings did not lighten. He was feeling cranky today, and it was not getting better.

He sat, pouting in the water as he fumed in a little fit of frustration. This was not working for him, and he had an appearance to keep up. If Adeline could see him now, she would certianly sit on him, again.

RE: Who thought the world was bigger than a den? - Odette - May 07, 2016

Odette's eyes widened in surprise as her sister began to make a charge torwards her to take over the leaf pile.  Odette let out a squeal of alarm as she was bowled over by Adeline.  She let out a grumpy whine, a frown overtaking her features.  How dare Adeline usurp her leaf pile kingdom.  This was madness.

Odie pushed herself to her paws and attempted to swat Adeline on the nose for payback.  Her sister would pay for taking over her place as Alpha of the leaf pile, soon Odette would take it back - or at least that's what Odie hoped would happen.