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Is there a glitch with the Account Switcher? - Printable Version

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Is there a glitch with the Account Switcher? - Asterr - April 09, 2016

When I went to check the board, I immediately noticed that the message telling me about another account having a PM was gone. Curious, I tried to switch accounts, but the list wouldn't come down.
When I went under 'Manage Accounts', it said that this account was still linked to my Kove one. I then unlinked it and tried to connect them back together, but received a message that said: "Not allowed to use the Account Switcher."

It was fine earlier today, but I don't know the exact moment in which it stopped working.

RE: Is there a glitch with the Account Switcher? - RIP Fox - April 09, 2016

I am not seeing this problem, but try this:

1. Go to the profile of the account you're currently logged in as.
2. Click the name of the account you'd like to switch to.

RE: Is there a glitch with the Account Switcher? - Asterr - April 09, 2016

I attempted that, but the account names are not even showing up on the profiles anymore. I tested several of my accounts, and it was the same thing. They say they're still linked to Kove's, but there's no names listed under Attached Accounts on their profiles. And then on Kove's account, it won't even let me access the Manage Accounts page—more specifically, it won't load. It gives me a white page where the content would normally be, and then the tab displays the URL instead of the page title like it does with my other accounts.

RE: Is there a glitch with the Account Switcher? - Dante RIP - April 10, 2016

Sorry about that, it's because I added a new base group for members and forgot to flip the Account Switcher permission :)

This should be working correctly now!  Let me know if you still have the issue

RE: Is there a glitch with the Account Switcher? - Asterr - April 10, 2016

No longer having the issue. Thanks for fixing this! :D Didn't realize just how much I take the Account Switcher for granted until this happened, aha.