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Sunbeam Lair How to deal with these waves..? - Printable Version

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How to deal with these waves..? - Ezimette - April 10, 2016

Oh boy...

The white woman had been perfectly fine, thinking of Jolon in her hollowed out hole, before it hit her. It hit her hard, like a wolf knocking into her side. Something was not right, she knew. Was this...heat? Eximurra told her it meant that a she-wolf was sexually mature and able to breed, but she didn't know much about it otherwise. Panicky thoughts whirled around in her mind. Stars stars stars stars stars stars stars stars stars...I'M NOT READY FOR THIS! She darted out of the hole, looking for something gross to roll in. Eximurra said that the scent was something something intoxicating to males something something they can't control themselves. Damn, she should have payed attention to that lesson. The now even sweeter-smelling woman circled round the tree, having a major flip out. Why now?

RE: How to deal with these waves..? - Asterr - April 11, 2016

Snagging this. ^^

There was no particular reason for the chieftess being out and about, but she was anyways. Already she had done her usual patrols, as well as checked up on the blooming plant life within the lair, which had left her with little more to do. It had led to her wandering somewhat aimlessly, a feeling uncoiling in the recesses of her mind: wanderlust. It was nipping and gnawing at her once more, and so she was certain a trip away would need to be taken soon. To where she would go, the girl knew not, but that only seemed to make the idea that much more enticing. But, it did not claim the attention of her mind for very long, for the wind had shifted and offered to her a scent. It was Ezimette, she'd noted, but it wasn't quite the same as her usual aroma. No, there was something different to it, but what it was she could not place immediately. Then when it'd finally hit her, the girl was off, stopping not for a single break. Her movements continued until the woman was meters away from her, and it was there that the dragoness had stilled and started to observe.

Round and round she seemed to go, circling a tree in what Asterr perceived to be panic. "Ezimette," the girl called out softly, wishing to obtain her attention and settle her down. "How long has it been since you came into season?" The question was moderately intrusive but necessary, as it would offer the chieftess a time frame that she would need to then consult. With the woman's scent lingering around, there was no way of telling how the males of the tribe might react, and so the girl knew that she would need to stay near to her tribe mate to ensure nothing transpired. Not to say the other could not protect herself, of course, but a wolf in heat was often bound to act against rational thoughts.

RE: How to deal with these waves..? - Ezimette - April 11, 2016

Ezimette nearly jumped erectly in the air when she heard a voice. Thank the moondragon, it was just Asterr. Her question made Ezimette grow hot with embarrassment."I-Uh just a minute ago Miss." She replied with a dip of her head, stuttering a bit out of nerves."I-is it bad? Can it hurt me? How long does it stay?" The questions poured out of her mouth and she whined, this was bad. 

The woman's emerald green eyes were wide with fear. Ezimette was in shock and confusion, back bristling with fear. Stars stars stars stars stars stars stars stars stars stars stars. Why Ezimette, and why now? She had just found her boyfriend and   rock, and this stupid thing had come around to ruin the lovely girl's fun. What if she had to avoid Jolon? That would be terrible!

RE: How to deal with these waves..? - Asterr - April 11, 2016

It was clear the yearling's sudden appearance had startled her, but not a single comment was made in regards to that. She could not bring herself to do so, for her mind was preoccupied. She'd expected Ezimette to know of the heat, to understand what it meant and how to deal with it, but it seemed as if that wasn't quite the case. The younger was bombarded with questions, as well as taken aback by the realization that the other knew hardly anything of her current situation. She seemed to fear it, as well as worry, leading Asterr to believe she'd never been given any insight pertaining to the biological workings of the female body. Lucky for her, such had been covered by one of the dragoness' many mentors once upon a time, and she'd paid close attention just as always.

"Please, calm down and sit," Asterr began, nodding to the space in front of her. "It will do neither of us any good if you end up sickened by your own panic." Ezimette was still healing, as far as the younger was concerned, and so she wished not for the other to get worked up over the most natural of things. "It is not necessarily bad, but you will have to keep away from all males until it has passed. Though it will do you no harm, it can drive both yourself and the males around you mad with lust." The most fatal of attractions, the craving for the touch of another. The chieftess was not yet of ripened age, she hadn't even experienced her first heat yet, but tales and knowledge pertaining to it had been shared with her some time ago. She knew of both the risks and that which could result from it, and was disinterested in allowing anything of the sort to happen. While not against the notion of children, Asterr wished not for a litter to be born into the tribe just yet, and especially not to a non-unified pair.

"It should last for approximately a week, though there is no way of knowing for sure exactly how long it might last. This is something that is different for each individual." It was strange, if one were to put some thought into it, how the younger female was teaching the older one. "Until it is certain that it has gone, you must stay away from the males. If you seek the company of another, you may converse with the females and rest near to them, but never the males. During this time, you are the greatest temptation that they will ever know." Like the weakest deer within a herd, Ezimette would be a target.

RE: How to deal with these waves..? - Ezimette - April 11, 2016

Ezimette sat down and listened to the woman's words.A large frown appeared on Ezimette's face. "Okay, I won't go near... S-so for a week right? Just around a week. I can handle that," she cleared her voice,"Thank you Asterr." She dipped her head. "I-is there anything else I may take caution to?" she barked softly, praying no male would pick up her sound, and eventually scent. Carp! Sun carp this was happening!

RE: How to deal with these waves..? - Asterr - April 13, 2016

The woman had sat herself down and listened, earning Asterr's temporary approval. It was a serious situation, as well as a day the young leader had been dreading the arrival of. It'd been suspected from day one that another would enter their heat before her, for she'd not yet come of age. Still, she'd not considered how couples might acquire her blessing for a litter, and so she was made glad by the fact that none of her tribe mates had yet to take on a lover. Ezimette, especially, for her season had come and there existed no methods for forcing it away. They would all have to wait it out, and that was that. She was happy to hear that the other respected her words, agreeing to keep away from the males until she was in the clear. "Approximately," the younger had repeated. "It could last longer than a full week, or perhaps even less. I would recommend having a female companion with you at all times for a few days after a week's passing, just to be on the safe side of things." If children were to be born into the tribe, she knew not what sorts of measurements would be taken.

Asterr nodded, acknowledging the thanks she'd been giving. Truthfully, she felt as if it was not something that demanded those words, being nothing more that common courtesy. If she'd been in the same boat, having entered her heat without a morsel of information regarding it in her arsenal, then she'd hope that another might have done the same for her. "Do not trust the males, no matter how sweet their words may seem to be," she'd stated, adding onto the list of precautions. "They may offer to you gifts and words of great kindness, but you must not fall for it. Be wary of their desires, as well as your own." Lust was a powerful thing, as were instincts, but that didn't mean the two could not be countered against. If one's will was great enough, they could not be pressured by such feral mentalities.

RE: How to deal with these waves..? - Ezimette - April 13, 2016

It's so weird typing this over our other thread with sinuku.

The pale girl nodded to Asterr. "I, I think I understand. I won't go around Jolon or Noctura or anything. As for a female companion...Maybe Eve? Her and Jolon don't get along so well though, aha." She felt like most of her questions had been answered, but one more popped up into her mind. "Hey Asterr, what happens if a bunch of females go into heat at the same time?" Although it was awkward asking another woman, she felt like it was okay. Asterr was, after all, her alpha.

RE: How to deal with these waves..? - Asterr - April 13, 2016

Aha, how so? :o

An understanding had been met, leaving little more to address; if anything more even remained, that is. On Ezimette's end, things seemed to have been covered, which only left for the males to be looped in. A large portion of her mind doubted Noctura would ever act upon such urges, though she was unknowingly blinded by feelings she'd not yet come to recognize. Even if she had, of course, favouritism would not be shown. Each male that was either at or had since passed the point of sexual maturity would need to be spoken with, and possibly even scrutinized if their behavior seemed strange. "I believe Eve will be a wonderful companion for you," the yearling had said, offering a small smile. "If she and Jolon are not on the best of terms, then perhaps her presence alone will keep him away." It was a stretch, yes, but not an entirely unreasonable hypothesis to make. If it worked, then a solution would be known in advance when her heat came around again. If it didn't, well, then they'd have to make due with the current arrangement.

Again, a question was asked, but Asterr held not an immediate answer this time around. "I do not know for sure, though my prediction would be chaos in its purest of forms," came her answer, the time needed to consider the outcome of such an event having reached its end. "I am certain everyone is capable of fending off their most natural of instincts, however, so the exact outcome of that scenario is unknown to me. Perhaps children would result from it, or maybe it would be just the same as any other week. We may never truly know unless, of course, if that were to happen sometime come the future." It happening would not be as rare of a thing as some might think, either. When the seasons shifted from the cold to the warmth, most female bodies that were of age reacted by releasing the scent that betrayed their physical capability to produce offspring. Asterr hoped that the day in which every female of the tribe started their heat at around the same time would never come, but knew she could not disregard the idea.

RE: How to deal with these waves..? - Ezimette - April 14, 2016

Ezimette gave a final nod and touched her nose to the younger girl's shoulder. "Thank you, Asterr. I-I think I'll find a rabbit hole nearby if there were any crazy case where you ended up needing me." She gave one last smile before bowing her head and trotting the opposite direction, finding her way underneath a tree's roots and sticking there...For now.

RE: How to deal with these waves..? - Asterr - April 14, 2016

This was an interesting thread~

The touch of the other was odd, for the gesture was one she usually did unto others. For it to be directed her way, then, was somewhat new, having not happened often since her departure from the tribe of Draconid. Nevertheless, she said nothing in regards to it, keeping silent instead and offering the faintest of smiles. "You are welcome," she'd returned, glad to have been of some help. Time and time again, it seemed as if she was given the opportunity to prove that her constant lessons in her childhood had not been done in vain. The knowledge that'd been bestowed upon her was never lost, and seemed to come in handy more so than it hadn't. For that, she gave her own thanks in silence, the words meant for the elders of her birthplace.

"That sounds like a reasonable idea," Asterr had said. To hide away was for the best, she knew, and never would she be against it. Until the day came in which she felt all of the tribe to be capable of restraining themselves, precautions would need to be taken; thankfully, Ezimette seemed open to carrying out her wishes, and acted in the manner the chieftess believed to be of best fit. Before the older female had taken her leave, the dragoness had given to her some brief words of parting, and then stood and watched the other head off. Her silver gaze traced the unmarked path on which she'd walked until the pale wolf could no longer be seen. A general idea of her location was known and taken note of, which was all the yearling could currently bring herself to do. Satisfied by her mind's ability to remember such important details, Asterr had turned away shortly after and taken her own leave. Later on, she would check up on Ezimette, but for the time being there were necessary chores in need of completion.