Wolf RPG
Whitewater Gorge gerald's game - Printable Version

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gerald's game - Relmyna - April 11, 2016

her sides rounded more each day with the nameless wolf's cubs, and the fear that followed each step away from the ridge intensified. but vuk would not return -- she did not dare. and so she pressed on, her slim figure made distended with the shape of her growing pregnancy. little food she had found; she had even fallen to scavenging, doing what she must to ensure the lives she carried as well as her own.

high noon found her at the edge of rushing waters; the pale girl whined fearfully, backing into the shadow of the canyon walls. she would not attempt to cross; she would turn back and find another way.

but for now, exhaustion stole over her; the silent girl lapsed into a fitful slumber.

RE: gerald's game - Quiet - April 11, 2016

She had been wandering of her own accord for the past few weeks, away from Blackfeather Woods. She was tired of the darkness, the shadows, the daily and nightly caws and screeches of the crows and ravens. The change of the seasons beckoned her away from the dark forest, to enjoy the blossom of spring. She was still loyal, however, and after a few weeks decided to return to Blackfeather Woods to resume her training as a spy for the Dark Brotherhood.

The hybrid followed the river that split Hoshor Plains from the flatlands of the north, nearing a gorge as the sun reached its zenith. The little coywolfdog panted at the sun's rays, but was of yet unable to reach a drink as the river dropped into rapids deep below. She continued on, knowing that the river would lead to a lake near Blackfeather Woods, where she could have a drink before she returned.

The hybrid looked over the edge, however, entranced by the rushing waters. However, her little glance showed her more than just the rapids of the canyon — down below she could see a wolf, belly rounded, curled up in the shadow of the cavern. Quiet squeaked with surprise at the sight of a wolf sleeping there. Her voice long stolen, Quiet had no way of alerting the wolf to her presence above the roar of the water. She looked around; could she climb down there?

RE: gerald's game - Relmyna - April 11, 2016

perhaps it was her inner sense, but vuk was pressed to rouse herself and glance up from where she had been slumbering. she knew not how long she slept, but her turquoise eyes met the two-toned stare of a stranger. small though the other was, vuk was unnerved -- maternal protection and her own common introversion rose within her, and she gathered herself slowly to her paws.

a low bark across the surface of the waters. i am wary. stay away.

she did not think the other would approach -- there was no path to do so -- but vuk wanted nothing to do with another at this time. yet she stood rooted, fearfully curious that her suspicion would come to fruition.

RE: gerald's game - Warbone - April 12, 2016

Skirting Porcupine Ridge, Warbone explored to gain some bearings of the area in which he wished the settle. It was a crowd of packs in the proximity, but the territories he eyed were rather closed off and unobtrusive to the other packs. His fresh impulse had been born both of his time spent in Sleeping Dragon, and the reminder of his capacity to care, the latter of which he had achieved in the company of the injured Grotto alpha. It was his desire to care and protect others, but he could not follow a mind he did not trust as explicitly as his own. Respect, perhaps, but not obey. He found that he had not missed the solitary life. He wanted a reprieve—  asylum— from this harsh theme of survival. And he wanted to do it in the company of those he cared about; those who needed him. Though absent of a bleeding heart, the social wiles of wolves had been breathed into him, bringing to life a brooding want to nest.

Ahead he spotted two females, one a deep orange like a dying sun, and the other pale and marred, by black swathes and scars. The latter's belly was taut, and her scent carried with it the tendrils of pregnancy— and he wondered what she was doing from the lands she still smelled faintly of. He approached very slowly, ears up and interested, tail low and neutral, as he loosed a small bark for their attention.

RE: gerald's game - Quiet - April 14, 2016

Quiet took a closer look at the woman below, ignoring her warning bark. The two toned eyes widened as they saw the slight curve of her stomach, followed by the smell of pregnancy drifting on the breeze. The female was pregnant and so far away from a pack? She couldn't imagine it: being alone without protection and having to care for more lives. Especially since she looked so hungry...

Quiet wondered if Burke would let her take the woman in: the pups could grow up in the dark forest and be raised as Dark Brothers and Sisters... But her musing was quickly interrupted by a male presence. The low bark made her eyes turn to the impressively large wolf nearby. She was frightened by him, to say the least. Most wolves were larger than her but this wolf took the cake. She looked at him warily, then at the female. Did she know him?

RE: gerald's game - Relmyna - April 14, 2016

vuk out! srry; she's a flighty little thing

the female stayed away, but her eyes lingered upon vuk, and the pale girl's hackles raised. her turquoise eyes darkened in fear when a second wolf came to stare at her, his bulk imposing -- she was immediately threatened. a silent snarl rippled through her -- across the waters, surely they saw the warning glint of her fangs, her gaze racing between the two of them. vuk felt ambushed, though the other wolfess did not seem to know the great male.

it was altogether too much for the former ridge wolf -- she turned to race back the way she had come, stumbling somewhat at the unfamiliar weight 'round her belly and hips, but she did not look back, and soon disappeared from view.

RE: gerald's game - Warbone - April 15, 2016

The white wolf was severely startled by his arrival. She had already been uneasy with the other female there, but he had sent her fearfully over the edge, and he watched her dart away with a darkening expression on his face. His disappointment was palpable, the hard set to his shoulders loosening to accommodate the unfortunate feeling growing in the pit of his deep chest— and though the emotion swelled, it left him with a vast emptiness he couldn't identify as something he had experienced before. This sort of thing was the bulk of the reason he had kept to himself for so long.

Olive eyes rolled to the small, chestnut she-wolf now, expecting much of the same from her. The scent of a pack clung loosely to her as well, old as if she had not been home in a while, but there nonetheless. He wondered at her, but did not speak, prepared not to waste his breath on a wolf that might flee.

RE: gerald's game - Quiet - April 17, 2016

Quiet watched helplessly as the pregnant woman fled. She didn't blame her of course — she would be scared too if she was far from her pack and practically cornered by two unfamiliar wolves. Quiet huffed, then looked up towards the large, bearish wolf. She had nothing to do with him, and with a chuff, the hybrid set off home, hoping that she didn't run into anymore distractions.

[Quiet exits]

RE: gerald's game - Warbone - April 18, 2016

The dainty red creature left him as well, and Warbone traded would-be disappointment with a blanketing sense of self-assurance that told him the unassuming females had not been worthy to stand in his might— too afraid of it to know its worth regardless. He stayed only long enough to watch the second she-wolf disappear, before he turned in his own direction with a steady lope.