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Phoenix Maplewood Peace for a While Longer - Printable Version

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Peace for a While Longer - Esaro - April 11, 2016

Two events where running around in Esaro's mind. One where Saena would start a war if a Sleeping Dragon crossed and the other where he forced a member of the Sleeping Dragon back to their side. Combining these two together meant that Esaro just prevented a war. Relations between the two packs were getting worse. What makes it harder is that Esaro has been involved with them. Warbone gave a fighting lesson. He also met 'Heda' which was the wolf that attacked him before. Having the chase them out wouldn't be right at all. All of the Sleeping Dragon members didn't deserve such thing. Esaro doubted that a pack of fighters would let themselves get chased out.

Esaro was walking carefully around the forest. He was afraid of being founded out. That wolf he forced back across river could still have left some trace. If anyone just happend to wonder by that area then what would happen? He was nervous, unsure how long he managed to delay a war. Keeping all this a secret was going to be hard. Maybe it would be okay to tell someone about it but that was just a bad idea.

RE: Peace for a While Longer - Grace - April 11, 2016

Grace's leg was still a little inflamed from her recent hunt with Laika and Spring, and she limped a bit more heavily than usual, not even bother to hide it with her usual stalk. She decided to wallow in the shallows of the river, and was on her way towards Esaro right now. She had no idea he was there, of course, until catching his fresh and strong scent. She was clueless to his internal struggle, and smiled meekly over as she broke the treeline.
          "Hello Esaro, how are you today?"
She stopped after a few paces, squinting over at him in worry and caution. She could tell something was bothering him, and it made her anxiety spike. 
              "Y-You don't look so good. What happened?"
Her recent encounters with Esaro led her to believe she was safe, and she continued to the cool river while awaiting her friends answer, sighing in relief as the water soaked into the fur around the hot skin of her hip.

RE: Peace for a While Longer - Esaro - April 11, 2016

Esaro saw a river up ahead of him and decided he would take a little drink from it. Before he could he was stopped by Grace who happend to be there. She looked a bit wet, he could assume she was in the water not long ago. She seemed to have immediately noticed that something was going on. He wanted to try and hide what he did but he wasn't sure if he could even lie to her. Maybe he could avoid the subject and talk about something else.

It didn't take long for him to decide that he wanted to know what she thought of the announcement Saena made. "Um, well." He spoke nervously. "If a Sleeping Dragon member accidentally crossed the river, would you follow Saena to chase them out of their own home?" He asked. The answer to the question was quite important. He wasn't too sure what Grace thought of the whole thing but at the very least he knew the she might be the only one that might support him and his decision that might have prevented a war. Esaro was looking around to see if Grace was really on her own. The subject here already felt dangerous for the both of them.

RE: Peace for a While Longer - Grace - April 11, 2016

Esaro still needs wounds cleaned, correct?

Grace watched Esaro from where she sat in the shallows, frowning as he asked a question she knew the weight of. To not follow Saena would be to betray her and refuse orders, but could she go and fight against wolves she believed were innocent? She played through the scenario in her mind, gold eyes deep in thought and dull with lack of attention. She didn't know details, of course, but from what she did know, these wolves had done nothing to her. 
          "If Saena directly ordered me, I can't exactly say no without being marked a traitor."
At least, thats how she'd come to learn. Right? She was still a little rocky with behavior, but she was slowly getting better. It had been different though, to sleep on her own. Even if her brothers and father had abused her and made her the way she is, she missed piling into the den and sleeping squished among them. It was the only thing she didn't like about her new home, and over her time here she'd slowly begun to get the idea of loyalty. She felt very loyal to the white and red alpha, and would hate to ever feel like she had to go against her. Plus it scared her to be attacked, and she would far rather start the fight and drive the problem away than to wait in fear. But she still wasn't sure she could attack a wolf and send it out of its home for accidentally straying across the border, even the possibility of it. She had no problem fighting, even with a bad leg, but would much rather be healing and helping.
                      "You're sure it was an accident? What if they were trying to spy? What if they hurt US?"

RE: Peace for a While Longer - Esaro - April 13, 2016

Well the marks are still there, Grace can check them if she wants to but I don't think they need any cleaning

Just looking at Grace a while long he noticed she was still in the water. That was some clear water. Standing against Saena would be the same as standing against the pack itself. He never thought that the choice would evolve making to where he must decide which side he is on. Sadly that side was pretty much chosen already, He allowed the Sleeping Dragon member to go back mostly unharmed when he should have punished her much more severely. Even the part where he hurt that wolf was an accident. He looked around a little more, hoping no one else was around, then he answered. "The wolf who crossed just wanted to play with me, she didn't even speak the same language. Maybe she didn't know she wasn't allowed to cross too. I just couldn't punish her the way we are suppose to. Instead I dragged her back to the other side and then she went back home." He explained.

RE: Peace for a While Longer - Grace - April 13, 2016

Grace sighed, ears falling and golden faze clouding. She was stuck, now hearing her friends side of the story. Would she have attacked some playful little female that didn't seem to speak the same tongue? Before she could think about it, a clear no bounced around her head. No, she would not have. She probably would have gotten caught up in the play, sending her away afterwards with the same guilt weighting on her shoulders as was on Esaros now.
           "I can't say I'd have done anything different Esaro. Saena wouldn't be happy, but she doesn't have to know. You didn't tell the dragon anything about the pack, right? What's the harm in a little playing?"
Even though she believed in her words, she knew their white alphess would not. If Saena DID find out, Esaro would be marked a traitor. What would Grace do then? So far, Esaro was the only wolf in her life outside Nova that had become her friend. Her thoughts made her a traitor, and she wondered that if the time came would she stand up to Esaro and be cast out?

RE: Peace for a While Longer - Esaro - April 13, 2016

Esaro answered "I didn't say anything except that she had to go back to the other side but she didn't understand." He felt slightly relieved that Grace supported his decision but he suddenly became more worried because he ended involving Grace into this. If she supported him then if Saena found out they would both be marked as traitors. He started to feel guilty at what he just did. Now Grace was in the same boat as him. When he realized that he apologized. "I'm sorry Grace, now you risk being a traitor too because of me." He said while looking away. Keeping it all a secret was the only safe thing to do and he should have kept it all to himself.

RE: Peace for a While Longer - Grace - April 13, 2016

The russet and black yearling tipped her head, considering Esaro's words claiming her to be disloyal. She would be a traitor, yes. But she already was, in her hate of Luke and her strong will to not follow him. Even considering leaving was more than likely enough to get her banished. After tearing up her adopted mother and running off, he'd let out a howl claiming the territory and everything in it. Grace still and would always respect Saena and her lead, but Luke was nothing to her, much as hed written off her and Spring at the border. She hauled herself from the river, not bothering to shake the liquid from her pelt, and the sag of her shoulders was clear. Her entire body, in fact, showed the underlying depression and anxiety that the yearling carried on her shoulders. 
                 "I already am, Esaro.... Saena accepted me here, and I will always thank her for that. I will always respect her. But I wont obey a rough brute like Luke...."
She teared up, golden eyes glossing over, and shook her head. She didn't want to leave the beautiful Maplewood, and the bonds she'd begun to form. She couldn't, however, get over the way she'd been treated. She'd noticed both Saena and Luke giving her weird looks during the egg hunt, and Lukes treatment of them at the border had been too much. The bluenose male had lashed out at her, teeth ripping into her lower jaw. Not deep or worrisome, but wide enough that the red wound was still clearly visible wrapping around from the bottom of her muzzle to nearly her nose. It didn't hurt unless touched, but the itchy scab was a constant reminder of her fear in the new alpha. Her distress was evident in not just her tone but all of her body language.

RE: Peace for a While Longer - Esaro - April 13, 2016

Esaro noticed that Grace wasn't really happy now. He thought it was his fault for a moment but after hearing her words she seemed to have her own problems. He figured Luke was the mystery wolf that seemed to be close to Saena. If the Alpha had approved of him then there was not much he could argue about. Although from what Grace said, it seems like Luke was a violent wolf. Before reaching any conclusion he would need to see everything for himself.

For now the only thing he could do was try to be there for Grace if Luke did anything. Then there was also the acts of being 'traitors'. "We are going to need to work together. I haven't met Luke yet but if he is violent then it might be best to stick together. With all that's going on it's hard to feel safe." He said, realizing that maybe some wolves were on edge because of Saena's announcement. He figured the best thing to do was to stay united, so he made an offer. "There's room for two wolves in my new den so if you feel like you aren't safe you can come. I'm going to do whatever it takes to protect everyone." Esaro was serious about that. Everything he does was for protecting and keeping peace while trying to keep everyone happy and that goes beyond just the pack.

RE: Peace for a While Longer - Grace - April 13, 2016

Grace shook slightly, thinking of the border skirmish. Esaro's words broke her memories, but she continued to tremble. She thought about the word violent used to describe Luke. Was it correct? Yes, he'd brutally attacked her adopted mother.... But she was on the borders of someone obviously close to him, not to mention she had pups that still needed constant attention. His recent claim of the land said HE owned everything, alongside Saena. If he'd felt like that before, then it made sense to protect what he saw as his. It didnt justify his quick jump at Nova though, not when she hadnt done anything wrong. She didn't submit, sure, but he wasnt the alpha then. She hadnt been disrespectful either, not from what she'd heard. It was all just too boggling to Grace, who was convinced she had behavior all wrong. 
       "I never feel safe, but Luke.... I don't know if he thought he was justified, but he didn't just attack a stranger. HES the one who gouged my muzzle."
After a moment of thinking, something dawned on her. Nobody had HELPED her, Saena only scolded them all for not working together. Luke had ATTACKED a packmate, a jumpy little yearling at that. The realization hurt, that she didn't seem important enough to stand up for. It scared her more than anything though, and she pressed herself close to Esaro for comfort, not even thinking of her wet fur.
            "Now that I think of it, nobody even said anything about it. It's a quite obvious wound and it was dripping blood.... But not a single soul yelled at Luke for hurting ME." 
She sobbed softly, shaking even worse than before. She had thought a pack meant protection, care, and a family. Not the same fear and pain she had grown up around. Esaro suddenly seemed like the only thing safe anymore, and she found herself nodding to his offer.
                          "I h-haven't actually found a den yet...."

RE: Peace for a While Longer - Esaro - April 14, 2016

Luke harmed another pack member? That didn't sound good at all. Did Saena really approve that kind of wolf. Esaro was concerned about keeping peace between packs but there seems to be problems within the pack well. Something will need to be done before it all gets worse. The pack might end up turning against each other at this rate. Esaro's efforts however puts him in a risky place. He wasn't too sure if he could do all this preventing alone. He started considering going to Larksong Grotto to find Reek and Tavi. Maybe they would have an idea that could help everyone.

Grace got closer to Esaro, she was wet but he didn't mind at all. He replied to her calmly. "But that is wrong of him, shouldn't have been allowed to harm a pack member." What was worse about the situation is that Luke was now Alpha. Something was completely wrong in this pack. "If things stay like this I'm afraid it will only get worse. It will just be like my old pack except much worse. War and betrayal, the pack won't be able to handle that." He looked at Grace with concerning eyes. "We need to make sure everyone in the pack is alright, we have to 'all' stand together."

There might still be some time before things get worse. Grace would need a safe place so he decided the first action would be to show her his new den. He started heading to his den which wasn't that far. "First, let me show you where my den is. We can worry about everything else later."

RE: Peace for a While Longer - Grace - April 14, 2016

Graces eyes went wide when he mentioned war. She couldn't handle that! She could defend herself well enough if she had to, but war? She couldn't handle that, emotionally or physically. She debated leaving now, honestly, but things didn't seem bad enough for that, even if Nova was out there somewhere. She liked the maple wood, felt at home here, not to mention the bond she had with Esaro.
       "What if its just us Esaro?"
She spoke softly as the idea dawned on her, limping along at her friends flank. What if the rest of the pack AGREED with all this? If she and Esaro were the only two with this opinion, they'd be marked as traitors ad driven away. But if not... Would things change, or would Saena turn against all her wolves?

RE: Peace for a While Longer - Esaro - April 14, 2016

"We are not alone Grace, Spring and Laika would know what is right. Maybe Shreya too. There might even be others that would side with us. But you have to remember that it's for what is best for the pack that counts." He said as he guided her to his den location. Doing what was best for the pack is Esaro's main goal. He wanted to take care of his home just as much as the Alpha did. He was allowed to stay so he needed to return the favor. He owe the pack so he decided to to his best in taking care of it. It didn't take long for the pair to reach his den. They were already there.

His den was basically under this large tree. The entrance was a hole any wolf could get into and as for the space there was just enough for two, even if that meant it was slightly crowded. "This is my new den. Want to see inside?" He said as he crawled inside and then laid down against the walls. Standing took a lot room but when he lays down it felt like there was too much room. He personally preferred having less space, mainly because it was easier to keep more heat. "Be alone in here with all this space leaves me cold. I don't like being cold so I try to stick to the walls."

RE: Peace for a While Longer - Grace - April 14, 2016

Grace, though troubled, dropped the conversation as they arrived at his den. She watched him slip inside, and followed him warily. Once in, seeing Esaro lay down, the little red yearling layed to her side, stretching out her hind leg in an awkward but obviously comfortable angle. She sniffed around a little bit from where she was, not in the least bit worried about the size. She and Esaro were not large wolves, the two actually seemed to fit decently together, and Grace smiled at his words.
           "I'll gladly keep you warm Esaro, its the least I could do. B-But... Well...."
She sighed, fidgeting with her black paws a little before continuing bashfully. Though she'd just recently cared for the scratches on his REAR, she was finding it hard to ask him to clean the wound on her muzzle. It was nearly impossible to reach all of it with her tongue and rubbing it with river water didn't help either.
                 "You think you could, maybe.... Well.... Clean my wound? I-I cant reach it...."

RE: Peace for a While Longer - Esaro - April 14, 2016

Esaro was already happy with the fact that Grace would fill the emptiness of his den. It was also much better for her to have a safe place while the safety of the pack was endangered. He really did prefer to be somewhere where he felt safe during these times. With Grace around it would just make everything safer and less lonesome. Hearing that she was willing to help him keep warm also made him happy. His personal problems seem to all be taken care of takes to Grace.

When she asked him to clean her wound he immediately got up and closed the distance between. "Oh, I thought that you had cleaned it already. I'll get it for you then." He only hesitated a little when he couldn't actually see where the wound was. He could only guess that it was somewhere on her muzzle at a point she can't reach. That meant close to between her eyes to her. There wasn't enough light to see where it was exactly but to be on the safe side he'll lick all of the little area, even if there was no wound. If there was no objection from Grace he would begin cleaning the top side of her muzzle immediately.

RE: Peace for a While Longer - Grace - April 14, 2016

Grace frowned, realizing he probably couldnt see it in the dimness of the den according to his hesitation. As he began to lick, she turned her muzzle up and showing her right side, hoping he would be able to find the raw wound, curving in a crescent moon like shape, from her nose and around her whiskers to the middle of her lower jaw. She'd only been able to clean it while swimming so far, but she could still feel it hurting and was afraid it was going to get infected; she hoped she imagined the faint but bitter smell of such a thing. It was much, much deeper than she'd originally thought, Luke having shoved her back WITH the blow to her face. 
        "When I tried to lick it, either it was out of reach or the twisting of my face hurt too bad. I-I think I can smell infection starting."
His licking felt wonderful, the little red she wolf could actually FEEL debris being dislodged from it she hadn't known was there. It explained the growing achiness in her face the past while. 
                 "Thank you, Esaro."

RE: Peace for a While Longer - Esaro - April 15, 2016

Esaro did his best at trying to clean Grace's wound. He licked around much more than necessary. He knew he found the wound when he start tasting it. It didn't taste to fresh so maybe it was getting infected. He could only hope that licking an injury did the job like he was told. It can't really get worse now that he cleaned the wound for her can it? He wondered about it but decided to have faith in all the teachings he had. When he was done he sat down right in front of her. "It should be alright now so there is nothing for you to worry about." He said, trusting the idea that he had cleaned it correctly.

He turned around and was going to head back to his side unless stopped. "Taking care of each other really does make things better, doesn't it. I think that's the real key to happiness." He said as put an understanding on the happy feelings he had with Grace. He and her were taking care of each other already and now sharing space as well. Just that made him happy enough to want to protect it all. He starting thinking of trying to involve Grace as little as possible in all these problems. Esaro was already risking a lot, He didn't want Grace to lose her chance of being happy here as well.

RE: Peace for a While Longer - Grace - April 15, 2016

Graces golden eyes slowly shut, enjoying the contact and the emotions she was feeling: contentment, relaxation, and a little flutter of happiness in the pit of her belly. The red yearling knew this, right here, was the only reason she hasn't taken off with Nova at the border. The bond with Esaro she had was great, and even more so amazing to her because she didn't know what this kindness was like. Nova and her real mother were the only two in her life that'd ever shown her affection. It was just bonus that this time it was coming from a male. Despite the fact he was cleaning a wound FROM a male, Esaro had given her a little glimmer of hope that all males weren't the same. When he pulled away, a little whimper escaped her throat, as if enunciating his words about happiness and caring for each other. Her wound felt much, much better, but his contact was like the icing on the cake. She scooted a little closer to him, but restrained herself from cuddling into the curve of his belly like she wanted to.
        "It IS nice to know someone is there for me, someone who will clean my wounds and someone who's wounds I can clean.... I've never had anything like this."

RE: Peace for a While Longer - Esaro - April 15, 2016

Esaro went back to his side and laid down, failing to notice Grace scooting closer. He let out a yawn as he relaxed a little then he spoke to Grace. "Happiness doesn't come by itself, it's up to us and everyone else to make it." He paused for a while thinking on all he has been through. It really was thanks to everyone that he has improved to who he is today. He was allowed to live happily thanks to them so he needed to return the favor and then do the same when they need help. He turned onto his side while looking at Grace. "You deserve to be happy, I known it seen I saw you so I'm going to do everything I can to keep you happy." He said with a determined smile. Obviously Grace had a hard life before so it was only fair that he shows her that things aren't that bad.

RE: Peace for a While Longer - Grace - April 15, 2016

Grace put her head on her paws, which were only just touching the tips of Esaro's. She again fought the urge to press herself against him, but thought it much too awkward. His words were a welcome distraction to the fighting within her mind. She noticed his pause, watching his face; he, too, had obviously been through something himself though she wasnt sure on what. Was it too early to ask? Nah. She'd cleaned his BUTT for crying out loud, and the two had come into contact quite a few times by now. Surely Grace could trust him? 
              "I never thought of it that way, but I cant say I've ever had a chance to take control of my life until coming here. You deserve to be happy too you know.... Id like to help make you happier too, if you'll help me. What happened in your old pack?"

RE: Peace for a While Longer - Esaro - April 15, 2016

"Well, one thing that does make me happy are cuddles. I might like them a little too much." He said since that was the idea that came in mind when she said she wanted to make him happier. For some reason he couldn't just directly ask. He felt it would be a little awkward to do so. He did know that not all wolves liked it and maybe he would asking for too much. She was already sharing space with him and she owed nothing to him so she would have to be willing but the risk of getting denied just kept him from asking.

He settle comfortably while on his side, there was room for her to join him. He waited a little bit before moving on to story telling. He began calmly. "My old pack turned against each other. I still find it hard to believe it today. Everything seemed so peaceful and happy and then there was fighting and I ended up being chased out. I'm sure they thought I wouldn't survive winter so they didn't really try going after me. But I knew nothing of how to survive back then. I really would have died in the cold if I wasn't saved by this pack." 

RE: Peace for a While Longer - Grace - April 15, 2016

Grace couldn't help it anymore, not after his comment. She smiled shyly, giving him a questioning look with her golden eyes for a moment and inching towards his side. If he allowed her to do so, she would press her damp self into the curve of his belly and cuddle. If not, well, then she'd go back to where she'd been like a scolded little pup. She was a little nervous of being so close, but she'd enjoyed his touches so far and saw no harm in cuddles. She had no idea he'd wanted it as much as her! The yearling settled herself comfortably, making sure he still had an adequate amount of room to wiggle, and stretched her hind legs out in her usual awkward way. Her black faded russet fur was mostly dry, but it was starting to give her a bit of a chill. Hopefully Esaro wouldnt turn her away! She listened quietly to his tale, golden eyes growing wide in fear. What if that happened here?!
      "I'm so sorry Esaro, but I'm very glad you WERE saved. Else I never would have made my first and best friend."
She didn't think about her words, they just slipped from her jaws. Afterwards, though, the happiness in the pit of her belly seemed to grow; those were the words she had meant, even without thinking. She hoped to never lose the friendly male, that he'd always be there to protect her.

RE: Peace for a While Longer - Esaro - April 15, 2016

Grace had actually settled with him. In a way he did invite her do so but she could have easily turned and went back to her side. Not asking directly was a safe gamble. He didn't expect it but it turns out Grace was also in favor of cuddles too. Since Luna has left he didn't really have anyone to cuddle with. It wasn't very important but it was still a bit of happiness he was missing. To have Grace fill in that spot would put her up into a special place in his heart. Once Grace had fully settled he lifted a his front leg and placed it on on top of her. He hoped she didn't mind, it was more comfortable this way.

He was a little sad to hear that he was her first best friend but then again Esaro didn't have real friends until he escaped here. "I'm glad to have another real friend." He said in response. Since she asked about his pack he decided to ask about hers. "What about you? I'm sure you had much worse than me. I mean I was completely scarless when I escaped." He said calmly after laying his head on the soft ground.

RE: Peace for a While Longer - Grace - April 15, 2016

Grace watched as he put his leg over her, but didn't flinch. After all he'd done for her so far, surely he was safe to be around. When he asked about her past, however, THAT got her trembling slightly in her pelt. She would tell him, of course, when she got her voice back. Right now it was a stuttery mess as she attempted to say something, ANYTHING.... But she eventually stops and closes her eyes to settle for a moment before opening them again. She spoke softly, the tremble of her body shaking her voice just as much.
       "W-Well my mother, my birth mother, was alright. She cared for me like most others would, kept me safe. She was numb, though, repressed. But my father.... He turned my litter of all brothers into men like him. Cruel, abusive, and disrespectful to women; we were good for breeding SONS.... And I was the ONLY female of the litter."
When shee got to this point, her body language shifted from fear to anger. She spat her words, though she still shook and pressed closer to Esaro.
            "They beat on me. I was their training target, their play toy. Every day, new scars would be added to my collection. I was fed enough to survive. Coddling and affection was unacceptable, and if it were towards a female then my father would not hesitate to attack with the intent to slaughter. My mother was lucky. Her looks had captured his interest, the only reason he took her as a mate other than the fact she was submissive. She wasnt abused in the same way, unless she spoke out of turn. She didnt, maybe from the instinct to survive, but I know it killed her to watch litter after litter end up the same. The males abusive and the females, if they survived, mindless slaves or breeding bitch. I wasn't lucky enough to simply be ignored, though almost always pregnant... The only reason I was able to learn to even hunt was because, on hunts, I was to jump in if there were a problem and take the damage for my brothers or father. Until meeting Spring and Laika, I'd never even hunted anything bigger than a fawn. I often caught little things for my mother and I when nobody was around to give us extra energy." 
At this point, she was doing all she could not to cry, even through her bitter words and the bile that rose to her throat in speaking of her past.
                      "O-One day, I guess Hope, my mother, just snapped. I wasn't close to her, so I couldnt begin to think what was going through her mind.... But when my brothers were PLAYING with me one day, all of them surrounding me and pushing me between them.... Perhaps my cries finally broke through the numbness. She lunged at the closest one, coming into the circle and standing above me.... They were on her in moments, from the order at my father. He didnt watch and I think I really saw him cry, but he'd ordered them after me the next moment. I'd never run so fucking fast in my LIFE, and it will forever be the fastest..... They caught up to me, ripped into me without mercy. Only ONE brother didn't harm me, and never really had, Kirin.... He usually gummed at me, never really doing damage but unable to speak out against it without forfeiting his own life. The others literally tried ripping me apart, if you couldnt tell..... Kirin led them away, saying I was 'as good as dead', hoping I would make it. And I wouldn't have, if not for Nova wandering literally over me. She tripped over my body, near death, and dragged me to the closest safe spot she could. She healed me, taught me the basics about healing, taught me how to cope with my leg, told me about the life of a pack... And sent me here, with promises to join me. I took her last name and went on my way, and came right to Phoenix Maplewood."
She finished and immediately broke down, sobbing hysterically into the soft fur of his chest. Lucky they had started cuddling before the story, for his warmth and support was enough to let her finish the story.
                                   "Now I'm ugly and scarred, both mentally and physically, but I suppose I should just be glad for the soul in my body."

RE: Peace for a While Longer - Esaro - April 16, 2016

Esaro listened and noticed that Grace had a bit of trouble telling her story. He kept quiet, believing that it was better to listen to all she to say before adding his comments. It's clear that she was raised by cruel wolves but in her story some wolves seemed to have a good side. The real world was definitely a scary place however it didn't have to be. For some reason there are wolves who make the lives of others worse but then there are some who make it better. He wondered how wolves could be cruel. Esaro couldn't imagine himself harming another, he didn't have the heart for it. What made it possible for wolves to harm others? That was one big mystery he wanted to solve.

He half panicked when she started to cry. He didn't want her to feel said, maybe he shouldn't have asked about her past. It was a bit too late now but at least he was able to understand how she got those scars. Maybe he should say what he thought about it but first it felt like she just needed to be comforted. He lightly pulled her towards him with his front leg that was on her. She was already pressed against him but there was no harm in assisting. Once Grace calmed down a little he spoke. "You know, not once did I ever think you were ugly. I think those scars make you look tough." He paused then continued. "I don't understand why wolves would do such thing. I know I wouldn't be able to hurt anyone so what makes them able to do so? If I could understand where it comes from maybe I could prevent bad things from happening to all of us." Maybe there was something he could do about Luke once he discovers the source and how to deal with it.