Wolf RPG
Can I keep my trade between packs? - Printable Version

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Can I keep my trade between packs? - Chillborne - April 12, 2016

Hello~ ^__^  This question has a few tiers:
  • If my character earns a trade in Pack A and then leaves the pack and joins Pack B instead, does that trade automatically transfer or is it up to the Alphas of Pack B?
  • Do trade threads have to be relevant to the pack in question? E.g. I have a completed thread of my character spying for Pack A, but I'm requesting the Spy trade in Pack B, who my character has never spied for.
  • Can my character keep its trade (or at least the title!) if it leaves the pack and becomes a lone wolf?
tyvm to whoever answers~

RE: Can I keep my trade between packs? - June - April 12, 2016

To address points 1 and 3, once you've earned a trade, it's yours to keep. Your character can become a lone wolf or join another pack and not lose a trade they've already earned, though the new pack may ask them to prove their skill before they acknowledge your character's earned trade.

Point 2 is probably up to a pack's leaders. It wouldn't make much sense for a character to earn the spy trade in pack B if they've never spied for pack B, for example. Some leaders may take your character's word for it and accept retroactive threads, others may not. If you change packs in the middle of earning a trade, there's a possibility you'll end up having to redo a few trade threads in the new pack to demonstrate to those leaders what your character can do.

RE: Can I keep my trade between packs? - Asterr - April 12, 2016

- When characters leave from one pack to another, their trade does go with them! Since the work needed in order to obtain said trade had already been completed, the character is able to keep that specific title unless their player (you) chooses otherwise.

- Since players are able to submit threads made when their character was a lone wolf as trade threads, I'd say no, the thread doesn't have to be relevant to the pack the character is currently in. I've done it with my character Xan: I had completed a thread or two during his time in BCV to work towards his mercenary trade, and then used those threads when requesting the trade in DB. It was accepted, of course.
I'm sure this is a universal thing since players can use threads from their time spent as a LW, but someone correct me if I'm wrong!

- Yup! If your character obtained their trade while in a pack, and then left said pack to become a lone wolf, their trade goes along with them. They don't lose it just because they've decided to part ways with the pack they'd obtained it in. ^^

Edit; whoops, shadowposted! ^^;;

RE: Can I keep my trade between packs? - Chillborne - April 12, 2016

Thank you both, much appreciated~ <3