Wolf RPG
Phoenix Maplewood and long after you're gone, gone, gone - Printable Version

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and long after you're gone, gone, gone - Chosovi - April 13, 2016

@Saena maybe! Nearby the den, but not too terribly close.

Chosovi was aware that the alpha female had given birth, naturally, and when she could brought by whatever morsel she could hunt. Chosovi had taken care not to take from the caches because those she felt ought to be utilized when needed, and who better to use them then the alpha female herself right now? So fresh food when caught might be appreciated. Chosovi herself was a bit leaner for it; she wondered if she might rally together a mini pack hunt, and sought the consent of the alpha female. While Chosovi had heard a male lay claim to the Maplewood as well, she wasn't aware she had met him already and was not sure how to approach him quite yet other than submissively. Having met the woman's ex-mate, she simply wanted to say her piece on the matter, but wouldn't mind if it went in one ear and out the other. She was purely a subordinate and did not expect much else than to live that life. Maybe she ought to keep her opinions to herself; she did what she was told, so if she was asked to do that she definitely would.

In any case, she moved nearer to the whelping den but stopped a good distance away. She dropped two still-warm rabbits at her large paws and let out a low whuff once, and then a shorter, more clipped one that ended in a higher, wheezing pitch. It was a call for the alpha female, but in the second whine there was an implicit understanding that she might not be able to be seen right now noted in the sound.