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Sleeping Dragon Be the Wolf - Printable Version

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Be the Wolf - Esaro - April 15, 2016

Esaro came from the west so he never crossed a river but I can understand a little confusion given that he is AT the border

Next up was talking with the Alpha of Sleeping Dragon. Instead of heading home he decided to go straight for the river that kept the two packs apart. So he walked and walked in an area he wasn't familiar with but kept going expecting to see a river soon. Little did he know there was no river between Larksong Grotto and Sleeping Dragon. He only came to a halt the moment he realized the strong scent of a pack. Just noticing how close he was made him extremely nervous. Where was the river? He didn't remember crossing any but why was he so close to their home. Technically he didn't cross river and started hunting which meant the he wasn't breaking any agreement. That was what he wanted to believe.

He wanted to call out the Alpha but he was worried that Saena or Luke might hear his call so he stayed quiet and hoped that someone would pass by. This time though Esaro was on guard for any surprise attack. He can't let things happen like last time. Back then he was kept alive as a messenger, although he doubt that he would be kept alive this time if they attacked him. He really did have the impression it was fight first and then talk with these wolves. Esaro can't allow himself to get killed though so he stood in waiting, actually expecting someone to try to ambush him. He wanted to simply talk but he was ready to defend himself.

RE: Be the Wolf - Antumbra - April 15, 2016

Any place above the river, technically crossed or not, should be off limits. Just an FYI.

With the last few days, leading up into the week, a whirlwind, Thuringwethil felt a little disoriented and lost. This isn't Seageda, she'd have to tell herself. Drageda. Wolves that were barely her own except the few that found their way to her. If more came, then so be it. She'd let them in and test their loyalty and it perhaps one day, Drageda's legacy could compare to that of her former home. Maybe not even under her control. Maybe it would be Seregrýn to take the helm upon her passing should the day come, but the girl isn't ready. Had she been when she'd been called to lead?

She releases a heavy breath, watching the borders, she takes in a new scent that immediately strikes a reaction. She'd never smelled a Phoenix wolf so close and how they'd gotten to this point undetected sent an angry roil through her stomach. Having not gone to Reek yet, their alliance hasn't been solidified, but a Phoenix so close to her borders is nothing short of an act of war. Even if she recognizes the scent as the foolish wolf she'd encountered twice now, this only showed her how stupid he is. This time, the only message she will have for the Phoenix Queen is a dead body. If her wolves wanted war, she'd give it to her.

Anger rolls out of her mouth in a snarl as soon as she sees him, paws hitting the ground to close their distance in a fit of rage. A call let out for her strongest (@Sangilak, @Dio, @Hush, @Gyda), even if she knew the idiotic male doesn't stand a chance against the warrior, but his escape would not be allowed this time. She doesn't slow down, aiming to pummel him into the dirt and pin him to the ground.

RE: Be the Wolf - Esaro - April 15, 2016

I know that :P maybe I should have rethought of the actual location for him to be

Soon the storm was upon him but this time he had expected it. But this felt much worse than he imagined. He saw her, 'Heda', calling her wolves and then charging at him similar to last time. It was terrifying but he tried to remember everything Warbone taught him. Anticipate the other. While there was still a chance he tried to see if they could talk "W-wait hold on!" But there was no sign of the dark female stopping. He was just going to have to avoid her somehow. He figured she would try to anticipate him as well. He stepped on one side then jumped as far as he could to the other side. Hoping to have completely evaded the charge.

Given the little time he had to say anything he add quickly as possible. "I came here completely on my own, They'll find out if I get hurt." He said realizing if he got an injury he would be founded out.

RE: Be the Wolf - Sangilak - April 15, 2016

In case the thread stays!

Sangilak had been nearby; she had seen a distant figure and, not catching the scent of the wolf, moved in at a rapid clip. The call of Thuringwethil allowed the she-wolf to know that the leader knew, and caused a call of her own to alert the pack to die in her throat. Her mounting aggression could be taken out on this wolf, who was at fault for his proximity. That he was a Phoenix wolf mattered nothing to the simple woman who drew closer by the instant. Words were wasted on the wind; if he did not turn and go, then, Sangilak would answer them with only her violence.

RE: Be the Wolf - Antumbra - April 15, 2016

It’s a repeat of last time but this time she sees Sangilak come from the corner of her eyes but she’s unable to acknowledge her more than make sure to avoid collision. She’s on Esaro first and his words do nothing to stop her, she doesn’t even listen to them, as she dips one shoulder in order to barrel and catch skin all in one roll. She’d latch on if she could and cling; he wouldn’t get away from her attack, and there isn’t a doubt in her mind she could shred him apart alone, and even more so with Sangilak on her trial.

RE: Be the Wolf - Dio - April 16, 2016

He's among the summoned, so he will answer as he arises from not far off. He eats up ground with rolling strides and finds himself tailing after the dark-coated Sangilak, judging first by scent and second by sight. Dio isn't far behind her and heralds his arrival with a low snarl.

Thuringwethil seems to be the focal point of the attack and Sangilak filling in with extra. Dio has his height drawn up to full and lips peeled back into aggressive grin poised and ready to snap. But, on only one Phoenix wolf, he's almost loathe to join in immediately just to let the Heda have her way with him undisturbed.

He angles himself at the situation using his size to block a potential escape route, should the stranger slip from the immediate grasp of either female. From there, he watches for an opening if he's needed.

RE: Be the Wolf - Esaro - April 16, 2016

Why were they not listening? Do they really just attack anyone without question at all? To Esaro's eyes he didn't do anything wrong yet his life was on the line the moment he was spotted. From what he learned from Reek he thought these wolves were actually reasonable. But no they were raining on to him like wolves hunting a weaken elk. If his first words had done nothing then the rest would be useless. Following what Warbone told him, he would likely die if he kept trying to talk. Esaro saw the other wolves approaching fast. If he stayed here any longer he would surely die.

He needed to give it his all and avoid getting caught. Quickly he turned and sprinted for his life but the dark female he tried talking to was already at full speed. She rammed into him and he felt teeth sink at his left shoulder. Unlike last time Esaro did not fall over, he managed to stay up on his feet which then allowed him to slip out of the grip that was on him. There was definitely a wound where she got him. Luckily with all his hunting practice running fast wasn't hard to do. He managed to keep distance from the other members who joined. As long as he kept running straight and fast they wouldn't get him. It's obvious that they didn't want peace but the most confusing is that there was a temporary alliance between Larksong Grotto and Sleeping Dragon. The conclusion of all this is that Phoenix was not in a favorable position. Saena can't attack and these wolves here did not want peace. The only things that were in Esaro mind was escaping and then heading straight to Saena. She needed to know all this before it was too late.

RE: Be the Wolf - Seregrýn - April 16, 2016

I hope its OK that I also join in — its unlikely that Seregryn would stay back during an altercation. This could just be a cameo though!

She had been coiled in the darkness of the trees when the alert rose up, and it roused her from a loose slumber. The call was sharp and specific — but it was the voice of the heda, and so the message itself was more-or-less ignored. All Seregryn cared about was the fact their leader was in trouble and it did not matter in the slightest that she was not one of the few warriors summoned to aid her.

The girl was up and jogging soon enough but she would arrive late to the scene, her route weaving down the mountainside as quickly as she could go. Seregryn was fast and nimble, but the entire ordeal upon the western border did not last long at all — she emerged in time to see Sangilak hot on the heels of an intruder alongside Thuringwethil. An intruder! It is a glorious moment for Seregryn, eager as she is for moments like this, and she launches herself in to a throat-burning run in order to reach them.

By the time she is near enough to be of use she is nearly beside Dio (though she does not know his name), and she stumbles to a halt with her tongue lopsidedly hanging out of her mouth. Heavy breaths of hot air heave out of her; her heart races, and she eagerly hunts with eyes alone for the intruder. It is quite a show.

RE: Be the Wolf - OG Magpie - April 21, 2016

I'm not sure if this thread is continuing, but this is just a cameo, so please skip me going forward!

It was the enraged call of Thuringwethil that summoned the lithe Corvidae to the scene; though her name was not amongst the strongest, the tone in the howl told Magpie that it was urgent. It was her business as fleimkepa to know the Commander's business, anyway, and so she moved swiftly through the territory to the sound's source. She slowed to a stop as she neared the border, to watch in silence as the fight broke out; although she would not join in, for both lack of interest and the knowledge there was nothing to be done to stop it at this point, her body was tense and hackles risen. Magpie would wait there until the scuffle's end— for it wouldn't be long, not with these odds— and planned to advise the Heda when the adrenaline had gone from their veins.

RE: Be the Wolf - Antumbra - April 24, 2016

idk why but there seems to be post order confusion so I'm breaking it to prevent this from being delayed anymore.

She doesn't notice the blood in her mouth at first, but she instantly scrambles to her feet and hits the ground running. With Sangilak following, and Dio on the rise, she doubts he'll get away with more than she's given him so far. If he gets away at all. If she can help it, he won't. Her feet slam against the ground the chase after him, eyes following only his form. He doesn't know these lands like they do, doesn't know the slopes and decline of the mountain, simply doesn't know where the hell he's going and she uses that to her advantage.

When she's within enough distance she feels she can launch, she moves. She doesn't check to see if the others had follow but one paw swings for his hip to catch and her jaws open to snatch and hold him back. Whether or not she connects with him, however, would be seen, but she knows their terrain is running out and she might not get another chance.

RE: Be the Wolf - Dio - April 25, 2016

yeah i'm gonna go ahead and post now too so i don't end up holding it up or anything
He watches, intent and readied as expectantly, events escalate rapidly. They are not going to waste time with words and its crystal clear. Not here, and not from him and the cream male is more than happy to help enforce his. The intruder makes to flee and Dio doesn't hesitate -- he lunges forward into motion, and gives chase without a second glance. The sight of a fleeing target is too difficult to pass up.

This puts him into contention with the stranger and his teeth are barred, proud and ready. While speed may not be his greatest asset here, he is a fit wolf with a long stride. He does what's needed to get close. Heda tails him most intently so Dio swings his path a little wide, aiming to angle at the ignorant male just enough from the side to pressure him further into the dragon commander's grasp. Or, with one slip or poor judgement on behalf of the fleeing wolf, into his own awaiting jaws.

RE: Be the Wolf - Sangilak - April 25, 2016

Sangilak was more than content to be the herder in this situation. She kept 'round the wolf they were all collectively against, who fled at last. But they gave him very little options. The second he stumbled, they would be upon him like locusts upon their plague-victims; they would leave him as nothing but bloodied bones and torn flesh, where not even his own mother would know him, so little of this wolf would be left. But it seemed he was making his getaway relatively clean, though she gained on him he was surely swifter than her. Her fangs nipped at his heels hellishly, but she was made for the killing blow, not the long chase.

RE: Be the Wolf - Esaro - April 27, 2016

I know whose turn it was, I sure the person just didn't realize. No point in pointing out the person :P and hopefully this is an acceptable escape. Esaro isn't heavily wounded (will get more from Phx) but if he let others get him here there would be nothing left of him xP

Esaro didn't turn to look back to see the number of wolves chasing him down. He kept running as fast as he could in the straightest line possible. However they were slowly catching up to him but if he turned the might get him and then it would be over. He just had to hope they would give up. He kept going and saw a gap ahead of him. It looked pretty wide but he only hope was to jump straight across it. He jumped without hesitating but he was so afraid of his life he didn't notice how unstable the other side was. The gap was really the shape of a U. Landing down there would hurt a lot but it wouldn't be high enough to kill him. Luckily he managed to barely land onto the other side however to ledge collapsed with his added weight. He was nearly dragged down with the rocks but managed to pull back up and immediately started running again.

Everything was to close. 'Heda' almost had him again, he barely made it over the gap, and the edge he landed on broke which almost made him fall. Still even if he escapes here his troubles will be far from over now that he got wounds from them.

RE: Be the Wolf - Antumbra - May 03, 2016

I'm assuming everyone read the thread in the MO forum. @Sangilak, if you never did, let me know and I can tell you what's going on. I would like to get this wrapped up pretty soon and likely my next reply will wrap it up. You can have your character get an attack in pre-ledge fall if you'd like. Also revising the action in my post that Thuringwethil caught him before he jumped but ultimately falls and disappears from you to keep the character alive. I hope this is suitable to the situation (@Magpie).

Like a lion on prey, Thuringwethil is able to get her paws against the fleeing male with enough grip to pull him back and latch with her teeth on the flesh above his hips. Her feet do nothing more than bruise, but more blood and fur and grime fills her mouth. While they scramble, she pays little mind to those around her and whether or not they've taken their chance at shredding the Phoenix beneath their grasp. Sounds drown out of her ears, dead to whether or not confusion or pleas are coming from her victim but unlikely it would make a difference in the first place.

Thuringwethil hadn't pulled the male back far enough from the ledge that, adjust their scuffle, the tawny wolf drops over the edge once she attempted to readjust. Whether he flung himself over or slipped trying to get away, she isn't sure, but she cranes her neck over the side to see little movement. Her ears cup forward and she growls, moving along one side of the ledge quickly, like a feline, and trying to find the best way down.

Jumping from their height would do more damage, and she rushes back the other side until she's able to find a way down. Trying to stay in a position that she can keep her eyes on him, at some point she loses it and by the time she (and whoever else has followed) has reached her destination, the crumpled body of Esaro she expects to find is gone. The head start he had been given from the fall had benefit him, but the trail of blood and wreckage he leaves behind is enough to follow. Eventually, Thuringwethil loses the trail, unwilling to take her warriors straight to the Phoenix border now when they are unprepared, and begins her return back to her borders.

RE: Be the Wolf - Dio - May 05, 2016

i'm just going to be hideously vague all over the place
In the pursuit, everything happens quickly and escalates from there. Thuringwethil has him for a moment and Dio does not hesitate, aiming to rend the flesh of his haunches with all the momentum he brought packed behind it. But even that is only a fleeting moment, and the scramble of bodies is difficult to discern as more inevitably join. Dio does what he can, tasting blood and fur all while trying to mind a nearby ledge, even over the commotion stirred by this reckless Phoenix wolf.

Who, evidently, used the ledge to his advantage.

Dio sees this with a bloodied snarl and in the next beat, realizes the absence of a body. His eyes skim to the heda and he stalks along behind her by a handful of lengths. Only when he knows that she is not continuing the chase any longer does he begin to ease off. The trail had gone cold, but they knew where he'd go in the end.

He follows back to the borders and beyond without another word.

RE: Be the Wolf - Antumbra - May 10, 2016

Wrapping this up~

The wolves that followed her, equally empty-pawed, turns her stomach sour and acid licks at her throat. Irritation rolls off her in waves, and she glances between the group that has collected. When she gathers herself, she moves and draws the wolves close to spill out orders. Dio and Sangilak and Seregryn to check the borders diligently, to keep an eye on the side of the mountain that faces the south, occasionally slipping up to the north in case for a surprise.

Upon dismissing them, she turns to Magpie and, in a rush to avoid any further conversation, informs her where she’s going. When she finds Gavriel, she’ll head out to solidify the coalition and return. In the meantime, she suggests she finds Gyda in the meantime to information the queen of her whereabouts. In a day, she’d return, and they would be ready.