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Blackfoot Forest Flowers for m' lady - Printable Version

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Flowers for m' lady - Samuel - April 15, 2016

For meh wife! @Liri

After his little chat with the strange speaking wolf, along with Gotham and Maja, Samuel had returned to his home with the bushel of flowers in his jaws. Tulips, daises, snapdragons, and even some flowers he didn't know the name of. But all shared the same sweet scent and the same purpose. To give as a gift for his beautiful mate, Liri.

He wished to treat her the best, for she was dear to his heart as he hopped he was dear to hers. With a happy pace in his trot, he made his way over through a trail towards her den. Hopefully she would be there so Samuel could present his gift to her.

RE: Flowers for m' lady - Síff - April 15, 2016

In truth, Liri was happy that she had been chosen to mate with Sam. He was the closest friend she had ever had outside her home and the only amongst the pack she had felt something more than friendly for. Even so she was nervous about seeing him after their mating. 

It was hard to wrap her head around it, that she was a mated woman once more. Sometimes she got so panicked she would pace her den, hyperventilating as she convinced herself not to flee her home as she had done with Remo. She knew not what to expect from Samuel, things felt different now that they were mates. She didn't know what he expected of her, how to respond to him. Romance eluded her, her only former experience being painful. 

Shaking the anxious thoughts away, she emerged from underneath the roof like tree trunk that covered her den. She had already begun to shed her thick winter coat, leaving some of her old scars visible. She ignored it, hoping those in Rosings would as well. 

It was a surprise to smell Samuel coming this way, she hadn't even known he knew where she lived. Her legs began to shake as they sometimes did in nervousness as she smoothed down her coat in an attempt to hide her scars and make herself presentable. Taking a deep breath, she reminded herself it was only Sam. Things wouldn't change...hopefully.

RE: Flowers for m' lady - Samuel - April 15, 2016

There she was, her white fur poking out and making her presence easy to see. Samuel's posture was low in comfortability, he made his way over with a gleeful smile upon his face. As he made his way closer, Liri looked a bit uncomfortable, or at least nervous.

Did Samuel do something wrong? Did he make her nervous about the whole mateship thing? Oh dear, he prayed that he didn't. The last thing he wanted to do was make his mate nervous over silly drama and such. Coming closer and erasing the other thoughts, he dropped the bushel of flowers near her paws and sat down, his smile never fading.

"I'd bring you the stars too if I could reach them" he said to her, not trying to woo her but instead just show his love for her. In truth, Samuel did love Liri, it was not just a simple liking. Though, perhaps he was falling in love too quick. But how could he help it? Cupid shot Samuel in the butt with too many arrows for the boy to control himself. "How has your day been?"

RE: Flowers for m' lady - Síff - April 16, 2016

She smiled as he approached, trying to quell the almost invisible shaking of her muscles. He was still her friend, she clung to that thought for it was the only thing keeping her from turning tail and diving back into her den. 

"Hi,"she greeted softly, ears twitching as she listened to his words. Had she been able she would have blushed, as it was she ducked her head slightly. A small smile graced her features at his sweet words and her tail gave a small wag. They would be put with the rose he had given her at their ceremony. They would no doubt wither and die but she could keep them until they did so. 

"Fine. And yours?" She returned his question politely, unsure what else to say to him. It pestered her, the thoughts and doubts within her mind. "Sam, can I ask you something?" She got up and began to pace, not caring if he saw the scars on her anymore for she was too anxious to sit. She had many questions, some that needed clearing.

RE: Flowers for m' lady - Samuel - April 17, 2016

Her greeting was short and sweet, her smile evident on her pale face. Her answer was a a good one to hear, she was doing good so far. She returned to question, Samuel happily replied with "it's been going good". He was about to ask her something less important, but she had asked something. Well, asking permission to ask something.

His head tilted as his reassuring smile returned. "Go for it, I'm all ears" He said to her, hopefully casting off any doubt in her head.

RE: Flowers for m' lady - Síff - April 17, 2016

"Things between us..they're the same, right? I know we're mated and all but you're still my friend I hope. I don't know what to expect from you, what you expect of me. I just don't know where things go from here I guess," she rambled, coming to halt as she stared at him questioningly. She wasn't sure she was ready for romantic feelings, she had a crush on him before they were mates but she wasn't sure she could bring herself to the actions of being mated yet.

She wasn't worried about the erm, physical parts of their marriage as she didn't plan on doing it. But what about actually touching him, kissing him? Could she do that, she honestly didn't know. Therapy had been going well but would he be pushing for more than the light touches they had shared now that they were married? Would he expect to move in with her? She was just so confused about this whole mates thing!

Her ears flattened despondently as she sighed. "I'm sorry, I know that's a lot. I'm just very confused. You know I was mated before but it didn't turn out so well. I just don't know how this works," she spoke honestly.

RE: Flowers for m' lady - Samuel - April 18, 2016

Liri's explanation made Samuel's smile falter a bit, turning into a curious look. She worried about their relationship not being the same anymore, she worried about their expectations for each other. She even went deeper, explaining about her previous failed mateship.

Samuel walked a bit closer to her. Sitting down in front of her, he gave her a warm and reassuring smile. He leaned his neck down to be at eye level with her (hopefully it wasn't far) and look right into her eyes with a kind glint.

Liri, we shall always be friends, even if we are mates. I have no expectations for you as my wife, I only expect you to be yourself. I wish not to rush anything with you that you don't feel comfortable with, I will move only at your pace.

I have little experience with love as well, so I am as new to this as it is to you.

RE: Flowers for m' lady - Síff - April 18, 2016

Her shoulders sagged in visible relief, glad that he would not be pushing for more than she could give at the moment. She beamed up at him, the tip of a canine tooth poking between her lips in what she had come to call her 'happy smile' 

She nudged him a bit with her shoulder,"Thank you for the flowers, they're lovely." She had realized she never properly thanked him causing Liri to hope he didn't think her rude. She sniffed them, recognizing tulips and daisies but none of the other types she had come across in her lifetime. 

"I'm sorry for rambling on like that, I'm glad it's resolved. What have you been up to?" She tried to change the subject, wanting to move past her misgivings.

RE: Flowers for m' lady - Samuel - April 25, 2016

She was relieved, and Samuel felt pleased that she was. He didn't want anything to change between him and Liri. Whether their relationship was intimate or not, he wasn't going to give up his friend for a lover. He heard her offer thanks for the flowers he brought, he couldn't help but smile and dip his head, happy to bring her beautiful things that were alike her.

Soon, she changed the topics, asking about his latest actions. He only smiled more and had to look up at the sky with a thoughtful look. He gave a hmm sound off before piping up his answer. Therapy work with Faramir, I met a new wolf named Goldhawk. He was a strange boy, speaking in a weird accent, then asking for Goober.

Have you done anything exciting Liri?

RE: Flowers for m' lady - Síff - April 26, 2016

Liri listened as he talked, tiny white ears flicking and twitching in time to his words. Their actions hadn't been so different, not really. "I've been meeting some of the new members. Hosannah seems a bit odd but she's nice nonetheless. I treated her tail, it seemed to have been torn off." The arctic female shuddered at the ghost sense of pain in her tail thinking about it.

"Speaking of Goober, have you seen him around? He's seems to have just dissapeared,"she murmured worriedly.

RE: Flowers for m' lady - Samuel - April 29, 2016

Hosannah, a strange name indeed. Liri said she was a bit strange, but nice nonetheless. He listened as Liri explained her adventures with this strange one, helping her torn tail. Samuel almost flinched at the words, having the tail ripped off seemed very painful.

Liri soon asked about the packmate, Goober. Samuel hadn't seen him since he let him in. He too wondered where he went, not knowing that the poor soul was resting in the clouds above. He rolled his broad shoulders in a shrug. "I haven't seen him since I let him with Aaron. I wonder where he went..." he said, trailing off. "I wouldn't be too worried though, I'm sure he's off scouting since he said that was his skill" he spoke, hoping to reassure Liri.

RE: Flowers for m' lady - Síff - April 30, 2016

Liri nodded, concern etched into her features. She cared passionately about all those around her, Liri did little without deep feelings. 

Almost unconciously she nuzzled into her mate for comfort, resting her head against his chest as she anxiously pondered the disappearances of her various packmates. "What if everyone keeps leaving? Ammalyn, Madeleine, Claudia, Saries, Goober;what if everyone leaves Sam?" 

Samuel was the only who had ever and would ever see her this way. To the rest of the world she fought to keep her motions concealed and show nothing but strength. But Sam was the one she trusted to see her vulnerable sides, the ones that worried over the vacancy of her pack.

just wanna say I love them so much. #Sari

RE: Flowers for m' lady - Samuel - May 06, 2016

So sorry for the delay! Been busy :( and #Sari is amazingly adorable

It was surprise that Liri had nuzzled Samuel for comfort. He was a bit shocked at first, being stiff, but soon nuzzled her back. He cautiosly placed a lick upon her shoulder, hoping to comfort her in any way he could. She vented out her worries for the rest of the family, worried that they would leave. He chuffed to her, looking into her eyes softly.

"They won't my love" he whispered to her. "No matter what happens to them or us" he said, looking off to the distance "we will stay toghether".

RE: Flowers for m' lady - Síff - May 07, 2016

He seemed surprised by her sudden touch, though the arctic wolf was unsure who was more surprised: herself or her mate. Her fear of touch had slackened over the course of her therapy sessions with him to the point of where she was comfortable with at least this, though the same would not likely be said about others. That particular point didn't bother her though for she wasn't mated to anyone else.

Liri could feel the weight of his words, tangible as their affections for the other. No matter what, Liri and Sam would be together. "Always,"she promised him, snuggling further into his side contentedly.
that's okay! Want to wrap this up?

RE: Flowers for m' lady - Samuel - May 16, 2016

With the warmth of Liri at his side, Samuel let out a breath of relief. His time with Liri was well-spent, every single moment, every second with her was worth a million pounds of meat and power. He would never exchange though, for his white ghost was far too valueble over tangible items that would fade. Her very being was like a mix of all the seasons.

Warmth like summer.

Beauty like winter.

Love like spring.

Aura like autumn.

She was completely perfect in his grey eyes (with H20 secretly shippinh #Sari). He let her weight stay against him.