Wolf RPG
Sunset Valley We set fire to our homes - Printable Version

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We set fire to our homes - Squirrel - April 16, 2016

The valley was a sloping mess from the forest she had just descended from. The walls sloped down into a deep pit filled with decidous flora and fauna. With a last glance back, Squirrel picked her way down using the rocks as steps. 

She knew there was no going back now, she might have crossed back through the forest easily enough but this pit was a one time juncture. 

She had already decided on her course of action, there was a pack nearby if her nose was correct, in this part of the wilds. She would cross over the glacier that had made this pit if possible and avoid them. If she overcame any pack wolves she wouldn't hesitate to question about Bird, the reason she was on this journey.

The slender, cream colored female picked her way through the pit carefully and sighed as it began to rain. She hoped dearly that  it wasn't an omen of what was to come.