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Hushed Willows Juramentum - Printable Version

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Juramentum - Warbone - April 16, 2016

@Teagan + other Marauders welcome!

Leaving the cave that housed him and all four of his followers, Warbone took to the willows quite early, falling into the habit of checking the integrity of his borders before anything else. As his numbers were yet too small to be any great entity in these lands, the virile male was intent on keeping the nature and context of his pack as secretive as possible. No outsider should know the inner details of his pack; not the lay of the land, not its members or how many followed him, and certainly not their weaknesses. His choice of location was a definitive strength, but this was about all Warbone had going for himself and his subordinates. They were an unattached group too, but he would seek to bring them together as a family— get them to believe in one another as as he would firmly come to believe in them.

He padded through the lingering dawn mist, listening as a spring thunderstorm rumbled and rolled in the distance. He thought it might arrive within the hour.

RE: Juramentum - Teagan - April 16, 2016

There had been moments in which the coywolf questioned his own decision in joining the war dog's ranks. It wasn't that he didn't like the man, quite the opposite actually, but rather to do with his hidden insecurities and his fear of committing. Because life had taught him that commitment never worked, that it was better to roam around, without connections for only then was he free from hurt. But however much he tried to fool himself, even he knew he was wrong in some ways, and it was that feeling that regardless of what, pain would still come for him that strengthened his decision to pledge his loyalty to Warbone. Because if Teagan was going to fall anyhow, he was going to fall knowing that at least he'd done something right in his life for once, he was going to fall without any regrets.

Opening an eye, the foxlike wolf noted his leader's broad form exiting the cave which was now his home, as well as his pack mates. He quicker a curious eyebrow, wondering where he was going, and after a moment of hesitation, Teagan drew himself up quietly and padded out, as silent as a shadow. He tracked Warbone easily, and followed his scent trail like a shadow, his shadow. If there was one thing Teag was good at other than speaking nonstop, it was his ability to hide and stalk. Sounds creepy but comes to good use.

"It's unfair how you look hot in the mornings and I look like I went through a fucking tornado and shit," Teagan said, approaching his superior submissively, aiming to lick his chin in greeting. "Mind if I join you, sunshine?" Teagan was well aware that despite their friendly flirting earlier, that things might have changed now for they were no longer equal strangers, but a leader and a follower. He hoped that that was not the case, because he might die if it was.

Okay, he was exaggerating. Was

RE: Juramentum - Warbone - April 16, 2016

Warbone had spent half his life looking over his shoulder, avoiding company and the implications as well as the altercations that it subject him to, but he was severely comfortable within the Keep. So comfortable in fact that he was a little surprised at his own nonplussed reaction to the sudden appearance of Teagan at his side. He looked at the claret wolf, expressionless aside from the mild flicker of pleasure that crossed his features as the appropriate submission was given. It was all Warbone required; the validation making his chest swell, and the copper wolf licked his jaws thoughtfully as he turned his face out towards the expansion of the Marsh beyond his grounds. "Save your flattery," he said quietly, though without any harshness. "I have a better use for your tongue in the days to come." His face changed marginally, obtaining a mischievous glint as he faced the young male again— and this time he returned the sentiment between them by grazing the burnished thick of his nape with preening teeth. "Come," he bid him, leading the patrol and feeling significantly more relaxed with an extra set of senses beside him.

He knew Teagan would not let the silence linger between them long, and he enjoyed the anticipation he felt for what the devilish fox might say.

RE: Juramentum - Teagan - April 17, 2016

Teagan laughed softly at Arkham's words, "Ah, but you are worth flattering," the coywolf joked with a birdlike cant of his head and a crooked smirk. "As you command, Warbone. S'long as you don't chop of my tongue or anything." Keen green eyes observed the mild difference in his leader's expression and he smiled, noticing the mischievous gleam in those cool olive eyes. While he knew that obviously, there was going to be a slight change to their relationship, as they were now subordinate and Alpha, he hoped that he wouldn't be restricted to complete formality when communicating with the bear. Thankfully, that wasn't the case; he could still joke around without getting his arse kicked. 

"So," Teagan began, unwilling to let the silence between them continue for any longer. While Warbone might not enjoy talking as much as the coywolf did, he would have to endure it because there was no way to stop him from talking once he started. "I'm guessing that you really love me given the fact that I'm the only guy subordinate you have, as of currently." He said, tilting his head as he regarded his leader with bright viridian eyes. "You know you haven't yet answered my question from before," the hybrid reminded him. "Why, Arkham? I'm curious." A crooked smile tugged at his lips as he waited.

RE: Juramentum - Warbone - April 17, 2016

"Oh, no no, my sweet," the wolf rumbled, a lion's purr; "I need you to remain in perfect condition." Teagan could be of great use to Warbone. He was easy to strike a conversation with, and even easier on the eyes. One could almost forgot how dangerous the Wilde wolf could be; and in knowing that he would be able to handle himself, the alpha would feel more comfortable with sending him on solo missions. Teagan was a wanderer, after all, and Warbone did not intend to keep his hawk in a cage.

As expected, his companion did not disappoint in the conversational department, and as he rubbed his shoulder against a border-tree, and briefly lifted his leg to it as well, he glanced at his only male follower. "Love has nothing to do with it," he snorted, his stony face appearing amused— a common expression in the company of this male— "I simply have a greater appeal to women." He blinked suggestively, a laugh in his eyes, and he trotted forward again.

"What question?" he asked immediately, not even attempting to remember what question Wilde had asked, either from the beginning of this conversation or a previous one they had had.

RE: Juramentum - Teagan - April 17, 2016

"Glad to now you need me, darling," Teagan said, a playful grin tugging at the edge of his lips as he trotted alongside his Alpha. To be honest, the coywolf did not think of himself as a valuable asset to the pack at all. He was a wanderer, first and foremost, a jokester and a prankster secondly, and lastly, a useless piece of bad shit. But anyhow, he was glad to know that maybe Warbone saw something in him that even he did not see; that maybe, just maybe, he had some sort of use in this world that did not just involve banging girls and ruining lives.

Teagan followed Warbone's movements, diligently marking the area as well. "I'm hurt, babe," the hybrid said, smirking. "I thought you loved me," then he laughed when his companion seemingly made a quip. "Sure, sure," he said, winking. "But I'm pretty sure I have a greater appeal than you do, sweetheart." Teag followed his Alpha, cocking an eyebrow when he realised that Arkham did not seem to remember his question. But why would he? 

"You know, the one where I asked you if you'll date me and you just answered with-" and here he imitated Warbone's voice, quite expertly if he said so himself "-Hmm, that word again."

RE: Juramentum - Warbone - April 17, 2016

"You do," he agreed. "And your appeal is the very reason I need you." Teagan only needed a slight diplomatic polishing and he would could be a superb recruiter and ambassador. He was the complete embodiment of a Marauder, the very type of wolf Warbone wished to bring up beneath his reign. A pack of ranging masters of speech, travel, and hunt— the exhilarating pursuit of war and survival. He was drawn from an imperial future, by an imitation of himself. Warbone snorted, not yet far enough out of his solitary life to remember the joy of laughing, so for now this was as close as Teagan was going to get to a real one.

"What do you want from me?" 

He had stopped walking, and was looking squarely into the tall fox's face. His voice, filled with molten avarice and other thinly veiled sins, demanded a straight answer. He asked so curtly because he intended to respond as such. Teagan had given him what he wanted, and he did not intend to deny him of what he wanted in return— within reason.

"Is it my affection you seek?" he growled, prowling against the male in demonstration as his muzzle sought skin at the base of Teagan's throat. Warbone breathed deeply, dragging his face across the solid, svelte frame of him hidden beneath unruly orange-red fur, until he had come to his hip. "Or my dominance?" He nipped there, neither gentle or tearing, as he begun to round the male, nosing curiously at the base of his tail. He was standing beside Teagan again, his lips curled and his eyes watchful. "Because I only have the capacity to give one. And I assure you it is not the former."

RE: Juramentum - Nova Rose - April 18, 2016

It was then that Nova Rose wandered upon the two males, tupping her head. Her ghostly eyes were curious and friendly, tail fanning the area behind her in happiness. These were two of her packmates, and though it was a new feeling to her, pride flooded her. She was part of a new pack, one of the few wolves founding it even if only a subordinate. She didn't speak, unwilling to interrupt her king, but let out a low and friendly chuff to announce her presence. She was trying to get to know those in the pack, and the male with her alpha was not one she was closely familiar with. The ginger and white female licked at a paw, smoothing down a few stray pieces of fur, the only slight betrayal of the elders vanity.

RE: Juramentum - Teagan - April 18, 2016

"Appeal, huh?" Teagan smiled. "I like the sound of that," he said with a thoughtful cant of his fiery crown. He knew of his appeals in his looks, though anywhere else, he could not see. After all, Teagan thought of himself as quite the asshole sometimes, and so never really thought that other wolves might find his company charming at times. He looked up as Warbone snorted, a vague imprint of his typical crooked smirk drifting across the foxlike wolf's features, then vanished as his Alpha stopped walking and asked him a direct question.

Teagan licked his lips, eyes darting nervously before flashing back onto those cool olive orbs, his sharp green ones burning with hellfire. Arkham prowled forward like a panther, asking if he seeked affection and the hybrid sucked in a breath as the wardog's muzzle grazed the base of his throat, then traveled down his body until he came to his hip. His next words, however, caused the coywolf's heart to skip a beat and he exhaled softly, twitching ever so slightly as he felt him nose the base of his tail.

"Because I only have the capacity to give one. And I assure you it is not the former."

"Both," Teagan replied honestly, meeting Warbone's gaze with his own fiery ones. "But if you only have the capacity for the latter," here he smiled a sinful smile, and he took a step closer to his leader, "then I guess that'll have to suffice," he breathed out softly. But before he heard an answer, a chuff interrupted their very important conversation. Teagan stiffened, a scowl working its way up his face before all emotion vanished completely as he steadied himself.

RE: Juramentum - Warbone - April 19, 2016

The red devil stood ablaze with lasciviousness, tended by Warbone's heady promises and a hidden desire that the wolf could not pinpoint from the outside. But he studied Teagan with meticulously slow strokes of his eyes, tongue drawing across his lips in hunger, and a slow, covetous Cheshire grin crinkled his violent countenance. The titanic serpent looked to say something, his fangs flickering with the tell-tale sheen of lustful words unsaid, but a sound drew both male's attention, and Warbone turned his head to see that Nova Rose was standing some feet behind him.

His partner's irritation was palpable, but the alpha found this entertaining, if nothing else. He was actually quite thankful for the the distraction, as he could feel the muscles loosening in his back and abdomen already, with his attention diverted. Wagging his tail, the wolf padded towards the she-wolf of faded gold, and he lavished her forehead with a kiss. "Queen," he purred. "Have you eaten today?"

RE: Juramentum - Nova Rose - April 19, 2016

Nova noticed the strangers irritation, but was soon distracted by her alpha padding closer. She sat and he gave her a kiss, and she rumbled happily in her chest, nuzzling him back and licking his shoulder in return. She shrugged at his question, ghostly eyes warm.
      "Not yet, king. Just out for a stroll."
His friendliness was heartwarming, if not confusing. Perhaps he was just more accustomed to his wolves, or he was trying to get on this other males nerves. Either one pleased her, so it mattered not. The vain female glowed under her alphas sudden attention.

RE: Juramentum - Teagan - April 19, 2016

Teagan watched with narrowed eyes as Warbone, with his tail wagging, padded towards the stranger she-wolf and kissed her on the forehead. His eyes widened, then he smiled with boyish charm, green eyes glittering with mischievousness as usual. He concealed his annoyance and growing irritation (as Warbone called her Queen and inquired on her welfare) and prowled forward, smiling. "Hey, nice to meet you, sweet lady," he said with a boyishly charming grin. "Nova Rose right? Name's Teagan, though you know that already."

He acted completely normal, although the woman's affection towards Arkham pissed him off. He spent so long pretending to be alright, acting fine, that now he wore it like a second skin and for once in his life, Teag was glad that his upbringing had shaped him this way. Because apparently, this acting thing had just saved his damn life and reputation, and would probably save it later on as well. 

Out of the corner of his eye, the coywolf glanced at Warbone, a glint in his green gaze before reverting his attention back to the female.

RE: Juramentum - Warbone - April 20, 2016

His own affection was not personally attributed to the she-wolf but rather of the closeness he sought from each of his pack members. He would have likely shown the same sentiment to anyone happening upon them, but it was not a pleasantry he offered Teagan. Warbone preferred to tease the Gamma by leaving him without it— leaving him wanting. It was a largely successful venture, as the foxwolf could not appropriately hide all aspects of his irritation by Nova's untimely arrival, and it was not lost on the Solothurn.

The fact that the elder queen had not eaten was a point of contrition for the male that he sought to immediately rectify. He looked squarely at Teagan, thinking he could kill two birds with one stone. "Our lady requires sustenance, Teagan," he said in unsubtle suggestion. The young male would need to get over his frustrations quick. He was a servant to this pack before anything— and in this pack work would be required before any sort of reward could be received. Of course, the fiery coywolf had every right to refuse, but this would be seen as ungrateful to Warbone; and though he might tolerate many things from his pleasing Wilde, this was perhaps not one of them.

200th post for you guys <3

RE: Juramentum - Nova Rose - April 20, 2016

yay! <3

Nova focused her silvery blue eyes on the coywolf, and she spoke with a sickly sweetness that suggested she knew what was going on in his head.
      "Nice to meet you, Teagan."
She did smile, but like her voice it was TOO sweet. Another good example of her 'give what you get' attitude: if he would be fake and conceal his real feelings then she had no problem doing so. She could sense his irritation, and it made her happy just because he wasn't being honest about it. When her alpha spoke, however, her features warmed and she turned her ghostly eyes on him with genuine compassion and happiness. His words seemed as if he enjoyed toying with the coywolf, And the golden elder wondered what shed walked into. She waited for the males answer and what he would do

RE: Juramentum - Teagan - April 20, 2016

Teagan's black tipped ears twitched ever so slightly as he caught the saccharine in her voice and he smiled apologetically, knowing he was caught out. "Sorry, Nova - can I call you Nova? -, it's really not your fault. I don't know why I'm so moody all of a sudden; I'm not usually like this, trust me. Sorry." He apologised with a dip of his head, ears slid back against his cranium for a moment. Normally, Teagan wouldn't even bother apologising to a stranger, but since they were packmates, and could potentially live together for a long time, the coywolf thought that he might as well make an effort to be, well, civil for once. He didn't like it though, it wasn't him.

Warbone looked at him, and repressing a roll of his eyes, Teagan nodded, his body having relaxed and smirked his signature smirk. "Sure, I'll be back before you know it." With that, the hybrid turned around and left them, sniffing around for some sort of prey. Then he remembered a few rabbits he'd buried in a cache nearby yesterday and quickly went there. Digging up the prey, he grasped several in his jaws and went back to the company, where he laid it by her paws. "Consider it an apology," he told her, awkwardly, not knowing how to act around older ladies. 

He'd only ever talked to younger ones, around his age, and even so, he mostly flirted with them. So...yeah, he didn't have much experience in that area.

RE: Juramentum - Warbone - April 21, 2016

Teagan was a fast learner, and the Solothurn monarch hoped to condition the young wolf to man this helm one day, in the event that he should lose the ability to do so himself. He watched the green-eyed rogue go, chatting thoughtlessly with the aurelian elder beside as they waited for the gamma's return. Warbone unabashedly watched the area his subordinate had disappeared— without losing any attention for his present companion— but there was a noticeable shift in his body when Teagan did return with a reserve from one of their many caches.

He hadn't looked tense, but there was a deeper relief set to his broad body now, and he rose eagerly as a miscellaneous pile of small dead prey was deposited before Nova Rose. Warbone nipped Teagan's neck affectionately, turning his body so that he stood beside him now, motioning with the pressure of his side that he wanted the male to lie down. The bronze titan sunk to his belly at the side of his fire-backed compatriot, and his olive eyes were trained on the epsilon settled to snack before them. "Would you tell us a story over breakfast?" he voice light, and his gaze intent.

RE: Juramentum - Nova Rose - April 21, 2016

Novas entire demeanor flipped when the coywolf gave up his ruse. She smiled and, tail wagging, dipped her head.
         "I appreciate your apologies. I just don't tolerate FAKE, not when I try to be real."
She chatted with Waebone while they waited, but the conversation was soon picked up when Warbone asked for a story. She lied down across from her meal, rolling one of the rabbits towards her and sniffing at it. Satisfied, she turned her ghostly eyes to the pair, warm and motherly.
                        "What story do you wish for? Give me a topic and I'm sure I can find a memory around in this head of mine to fit it." 
She ripped a bite from the hare, only now that she had food at her paws did her belly rumble.

RE: Juramentum - Teagan - April 21, 2016

Teagan returned the affectionate gesture with a nudge to the titan's chest and a lick to his chin, if he allowed it. Then he stretched out, settling on the ground, jaws widening into a broad yawn as he got up again, stretched, tail wagging ever so slightly, before collapsing again, a broad smile tugging at the edge of his angular features. He looked up when Warbone requested a story from the female. Green eyes gleaming with interest the coywolf fixed his fiery gaze at her, expectant.

She asked for a topic, and Teag inclined his head, "Romance that comes from friendship!" he announced with childish delight. "And maybe, you know, a twist, like they're like both females or something, that kind of thing." Then realising that she was probably asking for Warbone's opinion, he dipped his head apologetically, though from the smirk at his lips and the mischievous glint in his eye, he was not at all apologetic for his actions.

RE: Juramentum - Warbone - April 22, 2016

As Warbone considered the she-wolf's question, Teagan piped up eagerly with his own answer, surprising the male with his eagerness. The alpha made a low, considering noise in his throat, and then he nodded at Nova Rose. "Romance, then," he agreed, passing an approving look over the flame-backed coywolf from the perch of an uplifted chin. His lips parted, showing his teeth in a borad and earnest grin before he added (to appease the younger male): "the kinky kind, if you will." It was by no means a required request, but who could deny the wolf of stone countenance when he actually dared to smile?

RE: Juramentum - Nova Rose - April 22, 2016

A romance story, eh? Not one of her preferred genres, but whatever. Nova was nothing if she wasnt a crowd pleaser! Thankfully they both seemed to agree on the subject, even if they did request their own preferred details. It made her life so, so much easier when groups agreed, and the blue eyed beauty was glad her audience only consisted of two. The faded gold female took another bite of rabbit, chewing slowly and carefully. Her ghostly eyes were far off in her own memories, searching through her inner files to select one that fit her set credentials. The males' excitement, especially her alphas show of emotion, was lifting for the elder: this was what she lived for. Sharing her knowledge to those who not only wanted to hear but were DYING to hear the next tale Nova would spin. It took a minute, but she had no intentions of rushing herself. She wanted to tell a GOOD story, seeing as her king was present, not to mention it was her first story since coming to the Teekon Wilds. The mention of two females had made her visibly flinch, if only the slightest twitch in her facial features. It went unexplained and pushed as far, far, far back as she could push such a memory. It fit the quota perfectly, but it wasn't a story she thought she could tell without revealing her own troubles. She kept on looking, searching, remembering, before her grief-shadowed eyes shifted again, obviously finding a story she could tell. Once more her spectral eyes were alive with motherly warmth and a genuine love for those she cared for, even though a flicker of sadness danced in their depths. Her voice was a bit shaky at first, but the story soon enveloped her and once again was her tone proud and vain, sweet and careful as she dove into her story with no hesitation.
        "Kinky romance I can do, though they are opposite genders. Back when wolves ran on pure instinct, when wolfspeak was just beginning, there was one pack. The very heart of the territory was a lake so large you couldn't see the opposite shore, and their borders were miles out in each direction. It covered many different terrains, and was home to one of the largest packs ever to exist. Two litters, born in the same warm spring season, lived their first three months of life in the same den. Raised together and bonded, a female from one litter and a male from the other were the closest friends IN the pack. 
Now at this point, you're probably thinking you'll know what's going to happen: they live together and grow up together and live a happy life with lots of steamy sex, huh? Well you're fuckin wrong."
She stopped to take a breath, and to judge her onlookers expressions. Chuckling, the golden elder gathered the next part of the story in her head, and took another bite out of the rabbit.

I laugh EVERY time I read the "Well you're fuckin wrong". I can only imagine some old lady being all sweet an quiet telling her story and then-boom- cursing and viciousness.  And then back to angel! xD 
Edit: Pokes @Warbone :D 

RE: Juramentum - Teagan - April 24, 2016

Teagan flashed Arkham a curious glance out of the corner of his eye, a smirk tugging gently at the edge of his lips as he tilted his head, reaching a black paw out to push one of the rabbits towards himself. His eyebrows lifted in mild surprise when Warbone agreed with him, then a full-blown smirk plastered itself on his angular features. He grew even more surprised when the Alpha smiled. He actually smiled. Teagan stared, green eyes gleaming, jaws falling onto the ground in an exaggerated manner. "Babe, you actually smiled. Well, that's a fucking first. You never smile." Teag drawled, though he shut up when Nova Rose began telling her story.

He listened with cocked black-tipped ears and twinkling viridian eyes, taking a bite out of his rabbit every once in a while and chewing slowly. Halfway through, he rested his crown in between his paws, as he was lying down and thumped his tail approvingly. He decided he quite liked this story, and the way it was going right now. Romance without some sort of conflict was very boring indeed; he'd listened to one before and nearly died of boredom. Thank god this wasn't it.

Taking another bite of rabbit, Teagan awaited expectantly.

RE: Juramentum - Warbone - May 04, 2016

Warbone more or less ignored Teagan's observation, and it was difficult to tell if he was amused by the statement or vexed. Either way, the only notion he gave that he had even heard the proclamation was a light incline of his wolfish unibrow and perhaps a marginal deepening of his smirk. His eyes, slate like frozen olives, remained upon Nova Rose, his expression plaintive as the she-wolf of fading gold began to weave her tale of love born from friendship. It did not contain the detail of same-gendered lovers, but genders were inconsequential. He supposed the kinkiness would come in a different manner. She paused for dramatic effect, and to either mask or feign projected expectancy, he angled his muzzle to nip Teagan's sharp ear, head bobbing again towards the elder as he sought continuance of her story.

RE: Juramentum - Nova Rose - May 04, 2016

After licking the blood from her muzzle (Has to keep up her glorious golden beauty), she smiled and went on.
                             "The alphas pair got into a huge fight. Spitefully, the alpha female took half of the pack, and the little female pup, and put a border though the middle of the territory. The alpha male took the other, the male included, and ruled the other half of the pack in the other territory. Borders were strained and things were awkward, but they lived in some sort of peace, if only because they didn't know how to react.
The pups, obviously, had to begin their time where they learned their places in the pack.... Both warriors. Border patrol was in their duty set, and that was bound to bring them together eventually. The first time they saw each other, months after the separation, they were not even allowed to speak. The rest of the patrols on either side scolded the pups and tried reminding them that they were now TWO packs, even when they werent so sure themselves."
Nova took another pause to finish the scraps of her meal, still not sure if she was quite full or not. Oh well, she was busy. She licked the blood from her paws and gave Teagan another appreciative nod accompanied by a warm smile before continuing.
                                                            "Unfortunately, they weren't around the night her first heat kicked in. She couldn't sleep, feeling too warm and too cramped. Probably couldn't have explained WHY she went to the borders, but she did. And he, he too was out on his own night walk. Fate, perhaps, or maybe just dumb LUCK brought them together."
The elder giggled a little bit, stopping yet again and watching for reactions. Just a brief pause, then back to the tale. 
                                                                                 "I'm sure both of you know what a females heat is like and I'm sure you both know what it DOES to you. Well, heat makes a female feel the same way for like a week, or until her itch is scratched. For that full week, each would be pulled away at sundown to spend the night with one another. I'm sure its assumed that this is the part with the steamy sex, and you're very right. I'll leave those details to your own minds."
The golden elder laughed again, breaking off for yet again only a moment to judge reactions. She was obviously enjoying the tale herself. 
                                                                                                      "And, again should be implied, with a week of sex, the young female soon found herself sick and, you guessed it, she was pregnant. The alpha female was furious, and nearly kicked her out of the pack, but the rest of the pack simply wouldnt have it. The alpha male wasn't as upset, however. He saw this as the opportunity to bring the two halves back to a whole: the pack, and the pair. It took a while, but the night she went into labor, the alpha female herself escorted the female to be with the father of the children, and the rest of the pack came in tow. Never again were they separated, wanna know why? Because they rose to be the next betas and,in turn, the next alphas. Their pups came after them, and the history rang through generations. I hear the pack still exists today, much dwindled down, and still the blood of those two rule it."
At the close of her story, the elder stood and bowed her head, smiling at the two and awaiting a response of some sort.

RE: Juramentum - Teagan - May 08, 2016

Teagan listened to the story calmly, though beneath his cool exterior, his thoughts were racing as he absorbed the tale. He wouldn't appear to be the type of wolf to listen to mundane stories all day long, or even enjoy them in first place. But secretly, the coywolf loved stories, especially kinky romance, not that he'll admit that anyday, but it was something he really enjoyed. As a puppy, the only way that he would agree to go to sleep was if his mother, or one of his various stepfathers, agreed to tell him a bedtime story. Only then would he calm down and listen.

It would appear that even now, at the age of two, stories still had the exact same effect on him.

The corner of the hybrid's lips quirked upwards into a smile as he rested his fiery cranium in between his sooty paws and he sighed in content. "Great story, m'lady," he murmured, slightly sleepy after the story and the meal of rabbit. "Loved it." He would have wanted to change a few of the things that happened in the story, but refrained from commenting. He would do that later when he got to know her better, that is, if that would ever happen in first place.

RE: Juramentum - Warbone - May 08, 2016

"Fate, I think," he murmured at the end of it all, having considered the impeccable story as a whole. So many things had to go right for that situation to end as it did, with two pups separated to prevent the very thing that happened anyway. Short of killing one or both of them, Warbone couldn't see how they wouldn't wind up together in any other scenario. But that's what made it a story, and difficult for the practical male to believe at any rate. And not so much in the content as the concept, as he didn't particularly believe in fate, or even luck. He humored them though, not so unkind that he would impose his stone opinions on the light-hearted. "I concur with Teagan," he mused to her after a long pause. "But it was not very kinky, I daresay."

The titan's face turned mischievous, and he offered them his own tale, weaving together the tapestry that was the life of a young wolf named Warbone Rogue. Bred to fight and breed, he is caught in an affair with his male best friend and is exiled from his home after being forced to witness his lover's death. Warbone, after sparing them no expense of detail, called the story Rogue's Atonement.

Gonna fade here! ^^