Wolf RPG
Times are gone for honest men - Printable Version

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Times are gone for honest men - Pallas Stormthorn - April 16, 2016

AW, set outside of the marsh by Dark Brotherhood

Pallas had trailed a fox to the marshland, where she witnessed the asymmetrical tracks in the dark, damp soil. They were placed oddly, and as she studied the sunken pawprint it was obvious the fox was favoring a front limb. She thought this fox would have been easy game, but she thought wrong: the clever little thing had crawled into the soggy briar towards a pack's heartland. She was not about to risk her life for such an unrewarding meal, and fox wasn't her favorite cuisine anyway. She sat just outside of where the ground turned soggy, and stared resentfully after the fox's disappearing trail.

RE: Times are gone for honest men - Zephyr Maverick - April 23, 2016

Zephyr was continuing his trek around the Sunspire, ever scoping out places he could settle a pack. He kept his senses out not only to be aware of prey and enemies, but also anyone he could befriend and convince he could be a good leader. He was still deciding a lot of things, plus was building a closer relationship with a woman back home, but he wouldn't ever be content to stay as a subordinate. The massive inky male walked along with his normal bouncy gait, friendly grassy eyes searching for anything. Wolf, prey, home, it didn't matter. Just getting to know the land was nice, to ever see the shifting landscape of the Wilds. He came across a scent, it seemed, of a female. Underlying was the scent of fox, and he wondered if it was a hunt. Excited, he wagged his tail and trotted quietly in their direction.

RE: Times are gone for honest men - Nemesis - April 23, 2016

just gonna put this here..
Quote:posting within a pack's forum without a) being a member of that pack, b) being invited to cross the borders by a pack member,or c) seeking acceptance into the pack via an IC joining thread is considered trespassing on their territory.

She was taken back to the dark borders, back to the scene of the murder. It did not help that she could not shake the feeling of pure dread from her system. The images of blood haunted her, dripping from the corners of her eyes and she did not want to spend any more time near the dreaded forest. Instead, she found herself replanted at the borders day in and day out.. simply watching. The details of her encounter with the Moonhip wolves were becoming hazy. She knew that one was the cat, and that Burke had come to save her.. but she did not want to be saved. The markings on her neck assured that. She had wanted to stop breathing, the weight of her failure bearing down on her. She had committed herself to keeping everyone safe and the minute she hadn't.. death.

From that point on she was vaguely aware of everything that happened. A walking ghost. But not all got past her.  The scent of a claimed and lone wolf make her angry. Nothing would ever get withing her borders again, she vowed. "GET THE F*** OFF THIS TERRITORY!" She came in screaming and kicking. Who did they think they were, trotting happily in the marsh like it was not claimed land at all. No loner's left unscathed. But one was scented, apart of a pack she did not know. Then consequences was no threat. She would bury them in the same marsh they played in. And she flung herself at the pale looking one, the one that nobody would miss. It was a shot at the neck, a hefty blow that could not be missed from an assassin.

RE: Times are gone for honest men - Pallas Stormthorn - April 23, 2016

As stated both in the OOC and in the subsequent IC post, this is set outside of DB's marsh. I asked admins to move it into the DB forum so that it would attract DB member's attention but it was originally posted in Kintla - specifically Otter Creek IIRC. I can't speak for ZM's player but Pallas, as stated ICly, stopped before the borders. I'm keeping this vague as I PM'd Nemesis and will allow any edits if she wants.

Pallas would have continued to gaze longingly after the long gone fox were it not for the crashing undegrowth that announced the presence of another wolf. Her attention and gaze cut towards the animal, a dark-cloaked male with a shock of white splashed across his chest. He was lean, almost gamine in appearance. His body language suggested friendliness and so she rose, a neutral sway in her tail. She was about to extend a cautious sniff to his flank when the roaring approach of another caused her to yank her head upright towards the thundering wolf. Every fiber of the strange wolf's posture was aggressive, and wrongly so -- Pallas' posture shifted defensively and she stood her ground. She had stopped trailing the fox out of respect of the packland's borders, and here was a wolf coming down upon them as if they had danced across the heartlands. Sneering, she lifted her muzzle above the wolf's own and spoke: "Does your nose work, buddy?" Where she stood was still a ways yet into the pack's territory, yet she supposed she could not fault the wolf for her devout devotion to keeping the borders secure.

 If the wolf continued her attack, Pallas would have plenty of time to react. If Nemesis continued her onslaught and aimed for Pallas' neck, she would be forgetting one crucial thing -- doing so exposed your own neck, and Pallas would be delighted to return the favor should Nemesis actually dare attack a wolf that had stopped at their borders respectfully. Her teeth would find whatever they could and sink in; that was only if Nemesis attacked first.

RE: Times are gone for honest men - Zephyr Maverick - April 23, 2016

If Pallas didnt cross then neither did Zephyr, he tracked her.... Gonna leave this short and vague in case theirs a problem.... 

Zephyr smiled at the grey female, who looked roughly his age if not a little older. They were reaching for each other when the dark female crashed aggressively through the foliage. What the hell? The ebony male caught her aim and moved to put himself between the two, hackles raised and lips drawn back to bare his fangs. As far as he was concerned, neither of them were in the fault and had no reason for being attacked. He held himself high and aggressive, but would not attack unless came at first. He did intend to defend the grey female behind him, as was his gentlemanly and justice-led demeanor. The massive wolf hoped she wouldn't react badly to this, for even this warrior couldnt take an attack from TWO aggressive females....

RE: Times are gone for honest men - Burke - April 24, 2016

Not a good moment to do this, guys xD Be warned because after this post Burke will probably attack. It would be out of character for him not to attack after recent events with his son dying.

Burke rushed forward when he heard the yelling, thinking that Nemesis had another episode. He had been watchful of het lately and he was protective too. The alpha male rushed forward only then he realized there were others. They were too close. The immensely sized male charter forward. Anger surging through his body. He growled deeply and almost charged at them from the shadows. They might not be in their territory yet, but having them so close after his son died so recently Burke was in no looks to deal with them. They would have to go. Right now.

Burke had never been an emotional guy. He choked it all up and having these emotions be held inside when those hurt feelings came out it was mostly in anger towards strangers. He did not look away from killing a wolf and currently the alpha looked lethal. He charged forward with his heavy bulk to scare them off. He had to protect the pack and their borders. These lands might be right next to them but in Burke's eyes they had no right to be here. "Leave," he threatened. Pale and murderous eyes on them, ready to howl for his pack and lead an attack at these wolves that got too close to their home. Burke had a tendency to chase away wolves from otter creek even though it was not theirs either.

RE: Times are gone for honest men - Nemesis - April 28, 2016

She was please to see Burke showing off the same aggression as she, with less profanity. She did not make it a habit to swear, but she had no patience for loners or outsiders alike. Even if the lake was not technically their territory, it was by far too close for strangers to come waltzing about. Too close. She would not let anything get within the territory again. She barred her teeth, hackles raised to back the strangers away from their territory. Burke looked lethal, and so she felt. These two would need to run if they wanted to live. 

She stood back to watch Burke barrel himself at them. She suddenly did not feel to sure.. she did not want to loose control. She had with the cat. No, these two could be threats. She would play defense, for now. Burke was big enough to drive both away while she would watch that they did indeed run.

RE: Times are gone for honest men - Pallas Stormthorn - April 28, 2016

It seemed the dark wolf had stopped her assault when another wolf approached, one that was far larger. Immediately, Pallas was able to draw from that brief interaction that Nemesis was some sort of subordinate. Pallas was not intimidated -- either by the black wisp of a wolf nor the hulking behemoth aside her. And apparently, neither was Zephyr. Pallas knew one thing of massive wolves: they were slow and tired quickly. There was a reason natural selection had favored moderate-sized terrestrial predators, and while Pallas knew nothing of Bergmann's rule nor the clades it affected, one look at Burke told her all she needed to know about her chances should a fight ensue. 

It seemed peculiar to Pallas that these wolves would be willing to risk injury to defend an unclaimed territory, and stranger still that they seemed willing to die for it. Even a small injury like a puncture would could kill a wolf in the wild: if they did not die on the battlefield, infection usually claimed their lives days later. Pallas' black gums curled back in a snarl and she hiked her tail, eyeing both with defensive defiance. She had stopped out of respect, and had been shown none -- she could not speak for Zephyr, but she was no longer interested in pursuing a rank within their pack. A precursory glance into the packlands revealed no wolves wading in the swamp, and unless Burke had a flying monkey army, Pallas was undaunted. Even if he howled for backup as the less brave wolves always seemed to do, they would have to cross a swamp to get there -- unless, of course, they were of the winged variety.

Pallas met Burke's gaze, the wolf she assumed was the big brass. "I have a better suggestion. You run back home, and we'll stay here. This is neutral territory and you've no right to accost us. If you want to challenge me for my right to be here, you are welcome to do so. Big Man such as yourself, you can take me one on one, can't you?" The she-wolf spoke, lifting her head above the others. This was neutral territory, and if Burke wanted to challenge her for it, he was welcome to do so. She was not going to leave just because this wolf thought being a school-yard bully was a good or rewarding occupation.  Should a fight break out, the possibility of death was very real that day. Pallas was willing to leave the fate of her life to the jaws of Providence -- but was Burke?

RE: Times are gone for honest men - Zephyr Maverick - April 28, 2016

Heh, guess this'll be interesting then xD Zephyr's too much of a gentleman to leave anyone (especially a female) behind and too proud to back down, so I guess he'll have some wounds to nurse later!

Much movement followed Zephyr's initial separation of the females. Now another male came charging their way and the big black wolfs attention went to the obvious alpha. The two females stayed in his periphery, but his grassy orbs were focused on the main threat. He commanded them to leave but Zephyr looked to Pallas. It was fairly two on two if they stayed, and if one took off without the other it was a death sentence. She payed him no mind, however, and challenged the dark male before her. Looked like a fight then, very well. He was surprised at her mighty words, but actually quite impressed. Zephyr wasn't sure how the smaller female would do against the much larger alpha but the bigger female was just as much of a threat. If they made it ot of here then Zephyr would be sure to talk to her. Maybe she would be looking for a home, and Zephyr was more than happy to bring her to Seadog. If she didn't find a place there, then maybe she would consider joining him when the time came?  Zephyr kept his head low, teeth drawn back in a snarl and ears flattened. These strangers weren't the only wolves to look feral and dangerous! Though big, yes, this ebony male wasn't at all slow.  He could move when he needed to! He waas still amazed though, at their willingness to cause WAR on something as small as two wolves OUTSIDE their lands. Nothing had been done wrong, and Zephyr would not back down just to make them feel better.

RE: Times are gone for honest men - Burke - April 29, 2016

maybe a bit of mild PP but Burke is not going to let her finish talking. I will put it down as he didn't listen to her or something like that.

Burke was done and the moment the wolves didn't leave when he said so they were doomed in his eyes. Burke instantly howled for his whole pack before he charged not caring what the female was saying. She was his main interest. The other couldn't make him care less and left him for Nemesis. They just lost one of their kids and they were extra protective of their lands the whole pack was. Their strength was in numbers and Burke knew that.

They had a whole pack full of dark wolves ready to attack, trained to assassinate. They picked the wrong pack. Burke instantly charged after his howl. But instead of attacking at the front he sidestepped right before the female very unexpectedly and tried to bite her in by her scruff and the side of her neck. He wanted her dead, and maybe he was taking out his frustration out on an innocent female, he really couldn't care less. He was in murder mode and that hadn't been there for a long time.

RE: Times are gone for honest men - Whisper - April 29, 2016

Whisper materialized at Burke's side, her amber eyes flashing at the strangers. She curled her lip and let out a snarl/bark as Burke lashed out and charged forward. Whisper stalked a few feet forwards and ran straight for the male. Yes, he was larger, but whisper fought to kill, not injure. Her white body was nothing more than a  flash of palllid fur as she charged, making her way on a clear-cut path. She then leapt at the male, amber eyes raging.

RE: Times are gone for honest men - Pallas Stormthorn - April 29, 2016

I am fine with more wolves joining but I feel it is only fair they address the location: we are outside of the bordering swamp. Wolves inside DB would need to cross the swamp to get to us. I am posting out of turn since this is turning into a fight between Burke and Pallas: in the interest to keep this 2 week old post moving, I am posting. My post only addresses Burke.

Typical - all brawn and no brass. For a pack that boasted of killing, couldn't he do the job himself? Pallas watched with a sneer as Burke called instantly for backup: unfortunately, unless his wolves had wings, they would not be magically appearing besides him. It would take minutes for them to appear, and this fight -- well, it would take seconds. Pallas would keep her eyes open as they indubitably would swarm into the swamp eventually, but this meant she would have time to get away. Unless they had already been in the swamp to begin with, she knew she had at least a few minutes. Fights, on the contrary, rarely took more than a few seconds. Her plan was, at the very least, to give them the middle finger before she was forced to run.  

As the male did what all inexperienced wolves did and lunged for her neck as the first and opening move, she was ready and parried. Lunging for another wolf's scruff exposed your own throat, as it always did. Pallas, unlike Burke, had fought long enough to know this: she could recognize a novice move when she saw one. He was taller, and he was bigger and this proved to her advantage as his throat was inches above her like a ripened apple waiting to be picked. He came at a lumbering canter and Pallas kept her balance low between her four limbs in a defensive crouch always facing him -- as he swung down upon her, he exposed every soft tissue in his throat and Pallas knew it was hers for the taking. Without pause she would attempt to clamp down upon his entirely exposed throat - given his momentum and attack, he would be powerless to avoid it.  His teeth had found her scruff -- and now, her teeth would find his life. If and when her teeth found flesh, they would reave and sunder it. Unless he called off his attack entirely, she would not miss -- for in order to grab another wolf's scruff, one must be positioned above them -- and that exposes all one wolf needs to permanently sever a life. His teeth would find her scruff, and sure, it would be painful, and it was -- but it would be nothing like the involuntary larynx removal Pallas' teeth were prepared to execute.  If he wanted her scruff, he would be sacrificing his life to take it.

RE: Times are gone for honest men - Zephyr Maverick - April 29, 2016

Following suit, as I'd rather get away from the threat and keep things moving.

Shit was going to hell, and fast. Nobody was listening to words and now this massive alpha was going after the smaller female. She didn't seem daunted, instead going for a killshot. Rather than wait for the darker female to move, he made for the alpha.... But was intercepted by the female who seemed to spawn next to the male. He swung his body to the side, but she scored a blow to his face. Nothing major, thanks to his quick moving, but he'd earned a slash right down his muzzle that was seeping blood. HIS turn. Already his jaws were snapping at whatever she dared to bring close, and the male threw his frame at the pale female. He hoped she would fall for the bluff and move out of the way, instead of letting herself be crushed, so he could get Burke away from Pallas. It was obviously their time to leave, if he was going to call for an entire pack of backup against two wandering wolves. He tried flashing the stormy female a look to tell her so, but knew she'd be busy. The next chance he got, he would knock the two apart and get her out of the way. He was obviously no stranger to fighting, but preferred to avoid it. Though he wished to rip into the pelts of those who were, in his grassy eyes, unjustly attacking, the safety of the other innocent was more important.

RE: Times are gone for honest men - Nemesis - April 29, 2016

They could go through Mephala's Web, which connects them underneath Blackfeather to any spot on the territory, or out. The swamp/distance wouldn't be a problem. This does not mean they can all get there in a split second but an easier route to do so.
These two were idiots, it was very clear. The loner girl obviously had no chance against a much bigger, much stronger Alpha who was in charge of the Dark Brotherhood. It was a sickness, their species of lunatics and imbeciles, as today's display of pitiful defense suggested. One did not mess with the Brotherhood, and not on day day like this. Not after on of the children had been murdered from an outsider, just like these two. Burke did not show much emotion, but she knew how much it pained him. These two would be no exception to his fury, neither hers. There was strength in numbers, not a sign of cowardice like the stranger suggested with the deranged smirk it carried. Two against a pack of mercenaries, assassins and spies.. it was a no brainer. In fact, the other male looked like he was about to run away any second with his tail stuck between his legs, like he rightly should have done so. This one was for Wolfskull, she decided. It was Whisper and her, the Assassin, against a lowlife looser. It would not be a difficult fight. She swept behind him, to where his peripherals could not reach and lunged at his nape, if her teeth could land it.

They had been given a warning, and in return, had received a snarky attitude. There was no innocent act there. They had been warned. It was simple, and they had not obliged, and so they would pay the price with a bounty on their heads. Even if they were to get away, the Brotherhood would know where they went and if so much as a kilometer away, they would know. While Burke had the bitch under control, she continued her assault on the male. His pack would be doomed as well, so they could thank his "brave" actions. "Back down, boy. You have no business picking a fight you cannot win with the Brotherhood. This is your last warning," Her malevolent snarl did not falter, ears pinned back against her skull as her muscles rippled under the tension she carried with her. She never lied. If another came by bearing his scent, it would be killed. No questions, no warnings, just a thank you to the one who damned them all.

RE: Times are gone for honest men - Burke - May 04, 2016

Sorry for the wait, time did not favor me the last few days.

While the female may thought that Burke was going for her neck, he was not. He had side stepped before instantly charging at her. While his attempt was him going after her scruff, and tried to bite it, he mostly wanted to scare her off. It didn't work because she instantly tied to clamp her teeth back around his neck. Burke felt a bit of fur come loose but he moved away quick enough that she couldn't hold him down in a death grip. So the female knew about some the little openings, fine with him. Burke turned more to the side seeing that his side and softer side tissue was exposed if he would stand where he was standing. He didn't wait long as he tried to bite down on her hindlegs, his body turning more wanting to stay out of reach of her jaws.

RE: Times are gone for honest men - Zephyr Maverick - May 04, 2016

Zephyr was cut off by the black female, lunging at him from a blind spot. He tried to turn, to cut off in the other direction away from the attack he, but she was fast enough to clamp down on his ear. He yanked away, ripping his ear with a grit of his teeth. He hoped that he'd be able to move in time for the other female to knock into the other, but was sure that they would both be upon him. The crimson heat dripping down the side of his face was ignored, and the ebony male snarled back at Nemesis, irritated that he was only growing FURTHER from Pallas. Damn it all! He kept his grassy, aggressive gaze locked onto the threats, hackles raised and tail stiff. His next words, however, were called to the grey female.
       "I think it wise if we leave this UNCHARTED territory, more of their comrades will be joining soon. I have no wishes to battle an entire pack, but I would prefer not to leave you to death."

RE: Times are gone for honest men - Pallas Stormthorn - May 04, 2016

Pallas' counter had not worked as planned; somehow, despite their proximity, the wolf had avoided the blow entirely. All that sat in between her crooked teeth were the sparse samplings of stray hairs. Silently she worked, studying him as he canted his body away from her. Fine, she thought: worry about your flank over your neck. A wry smile spread from her dark gums, and for a moment Pallas looked dispossessed as she watched the male. Zephyr and Nemesis had been completely forgotten for now, though out of the corner of her eye she caught Zephyr's urging to flee. Not now, the she-wolf thought, her teeth bared in preparation for the blow.

He lunged again, this time downward towards what Pallas could only assume was a limb. His eyes betrayed his target and she kept herself rallied for the blow. To get to her hind limbs he would have pose himself directly within range of her teeth, as presently, her legs were directly under her and not at all splayed in an inviting stance for nibbling. As Burke lunged downward Pallas kept him within the line of her vision and faced him, watching as he placed his weight forward to go after her leg. This presented a slight advantage for her, for Burke would have to alter his balance and trajectory to strike so low and would be easy to knock off balance and flip. Burke's lunging downward gave her the perfect opportunity to seize his entirely exposed neck in her jaws, and this was exactly what she attempted to do. And this time, given he had to dive down to grasp limb, he would find himself out of luck and likely pinned. She would throw the entire of her weight and momentum into the blow, executing a bend of her body as she followed him. To truly drive the blow home she bent her frame and executed a capriole towards him, her jaws seeking his exposed neck while she attempted to slam her frame into his body and flip him over. Lunging for her backside left the entire of his front and flank side exposed, and he was in no position to counter either her lunge for the neck or her shove given he had positioned himself (and his means of defense) away from her. His teeth, which had been searching for her hind limbs, would not find their mark -- instead, she felt his teeth seize the meat of her hindquarter just south of her gaskin. His teeth raked her and left scores in their wake, but he would not find purchase and if Pallas was lucky, he would be entirely flipped over by the blow. Pallas would hold onto whatever she could, and if Burke did not relent or submit he just might find the outcome humiliating.

TL;DR; version: Pallas moves w/ Burke, keeping him in her line of vision and keeping her body in front of him. As Burke dives for her hind legs, Pallas counters by bending her body away, attempts to seize his exposed neck while simultaneously slamming him with her chest to flip him. Burke's attack lands on the meat of her haunch and draws blood.

RE: Times are gone for honest men - Nemesis - May 06, 2016

Her stance did not budge, even when he spoke of leaving. Victory, it was the one thing that played on her mind. She did not care of the opponents themselves, but that those who tried to defy the Brotherhood would always get put in their place. It was the game of life, and there was a minority for a reason. "Good choice," She returned, the malevolent gleam of prideful amusement did not leave her features. She had not thought the male would be such a threat as the pale one, but simply a follower in the wrong place and the wrong moralities. Loyalty was such a fickle thing. 

"You have five seconds, with or without her," Ah, the test. Call it sadistic, but she was turly curious to se how blindly loyal this wolf was to a stranger, or to save his own life instead. A lone would never risk their life for a pack wolf, he had to realise. Her upper lip quivered in a snarl, advancing forward to push the male farther away from the territory.


RE: Times are gone for honest men - Burke - May 07, 2016

Burke wanted this female gone, away from his lands, whether they we close to it or not, Burke didn't care. His pack was on his way, that much he knew and soon they would come through the underground tunnels to help. Burke had made at least a sucessful hit when he felt his teeth in her haunces. But now, the female also went for his neck, which was quite a bold move and a tight turn for her to make. 

Burke instantly went into defense, making sure his paws were in the muddy and loose ground that came with the swamps. The large male was quite a block so unbalancing him she did not, however she did bruise his ribs with the weight she slammed into him and because Burke had stepped forward her teeth were by his shoulder where he clearly felt her impact make. Though once there was contant Burke instantly dove down to try and grab her upper front leg. Now only the top of his neck, his scruff, was exposed to her and his ears. But he did not bother as much with those things as the side of his neck. 

He could not see much of Nemesis her fight, and if she was even fighting in the first place. He at least tried to injure her leg so Burke hoped she would have a reminding limp for while. He expected a counter attack from the female but the male was done with this. He was going to defend his land, whatever she would do to him. He hoped to push her off to create some new space between them. "Leave now," he growled.

RE: Times are gone for honest men - Zephyr Maverick - May 07, 2016

Zephyr could care less what the black female was saying, though he did keep most of his attention on her. He wouldn't be intimidated out of neutral grounds. It was Pallas' lack of response that drove him to snarl her way, irritated. She was forcing him to go against his own morals, but at this point he had no chance. 
        "Find me if you need me then. I wont face a pack I have no quarrels with for someone who can't answer me."
He gave Nemesis an amused look through grassy eyes, flicking his not-torn ear. He was very tempted to stay just because she was urging him to go, but as hed said: he had no quarrels with The Brotherhood. Hell, he didn't know who they were.
                         "Don't get your tail in a knot, I'm off."
Before his words caught him teeth, the massive male turned and trotted off. Quite obviously not in a hurry, but he did make sure he was gone before they thought to come after him again. Guilt pressed heavily on his shoulders, and he couldn't help a worried glance back at the grey female. She dug her own grave, and she'll be laying in one if she dosen't leave soon. His ear burned, and another wound on his cheek that he hadn't known the black female had inflicted was leaking blood now too. The long one running down his face hurt the worst, crimson warmth rolling thick down the right of his muzzle. These wounds were sure to cause notice, and Lyric and Rain were bound to worry. He loped back towards home, wondering if Pallas would catch up.

Last post from Zephyr unless someone comes looking for him. This was interesting! xD

RE: Times are gone for honest men - Pallas Stormthorn - May 08, 2016

I'm assuming, since we are not doing dice-rolls or determining OOCly how this pans out, that we are fighting off of the traditional 3hit/1dodge fight rule in most RPGs. Generally, consecutive minor damages and dodges are considered powerplaying which is why in the 3-1 rule, a player is allowed 3 max dodges or minimal damages before an attack in its full must be taken. Since Burke has consecutively dodged and/or taken minimal damage in all attacks even though realistically he would have not been able to dodge them (1st was dodged, 2nd & 3rd were minimal damages taken) while Pallas has taken full damage on all accounts, I think it is only fair that Burke do the same. 

Fur and limb began to fly as the two vied for domination, though Pallas was fully aware of Zephyr's exit. Presently Burke was between her and Nemesis and this would bode in her favor, though kismet would not smile upon Pallas for long. Pallas was stupefied to see her blow, which should have hit home given the response time, was simply glanced off: there was not a massive size disparity between them and even a large wolf would have been at least staggered by a full chest ram. And yet, Burke hadn't even been knocked off balance. Pallas, breathless and beginning to grow frustrated, kept her body low after collision, though she deliberately kept the proximity between them very close to protect both her flank and neck. Every step she took she was reminded of the sharp pain in her haunch and the blood that matted her scruff. If she was lucky, Burke would commit another novice mistake and victory would be seized in her jaws soon.

Stupidly, the wolf lunged for her front leg which placed the back of his skull and spine directly under her teeth. Lunging so low had drawbacks; he was now beneath her, unable to see her jaws, and now, likely unbalanced. He had condemned himself to failure then: he would not be able to see her retaliation. Their proximity made Pallas confident in her next attack. With a lunge forward and downward Pallas countered the wolf's aim for her leg, her teeth seeking the base of his skull where skull attached to spine. Specifically, the atlas, though Pallas knew not the name. All she knew was Burke had exposed his entire spine in that move, and as soon as she seized flesh she would wring his neck back and forth in the attempt to kill; to snap his neck and end his cowardly life. He had been lunging downward and if and when her attack hit home it would deviate his attack and force him downward into the dirt. His teeth would rake her pasterns and break skin, but would not have any purchase. Pallas believed there was no possible way she could miss or that he could evade the blow, as it was not as if she was after a limb, which could be easily retracted. Burke's weight would be to his detriment here, for a large and lumbering tank of a wolf could not, and would not, be capable of suddenly retracting. Nor would he be able to lift his head so quickly in the hopes to jawspar. He had placed his head directly under her teeth, and had dove downward: that spelled victory to Pallas. Pallas put the entire of her weight into the attack, aiming to force him down by shouldering and keeping his head pinned to the ground between her teeth. Her jaws were not inactive during this time - any flesh she seized would be pinned, scissored and gnawed upon mercilessly down to the bone if she was able -- she would give him no quarter. He would be in excruciating and crippling pain, and that alone made her confident in her victory. She was now above him, and thusly, dominant. Quite simply put, his loss was inevitable and unless he called his slack-jawed ally off from attacking, they would reach a stalemate.  

If Pallas' aim was true and she had seized Burke's back of the head in her jaws, he would be forced to submit unless he willed his life to end then and there. Burke was lucky, for Pallas had never been a bloodthirsty wolf: if he submitted he would find his life spared -- but if he did not, he would find her jaws merciless in their execution.

TL;DR version: Pallas counters (minimal damage) Burke's attack for her foreleg by attempting to seize the back of his neck/base of his skull/spine in her jaws to snap/incapacitate him(attack 1), shove his head down with the entire of her weight both by shouldering him(attack 2) and is scissoring/gnawing/smashing with her jaws to cleave flesh and cause him excruciating pain (attack 3). Obviously, Pallas cannot kill your character without OOC consent, but she doesn't know that.

RE: Times are gone for honest men - Burke - May 12, 2016

It seemed he misjudged his own position and instantly felt a blinding pain when the darn female grabbed him by his neck. The male could not do anything against it. He knew that. The male could go blalistic in rage that he was defeated but he would not. First he didn't want her to get any satisfaction from that and second it wouldn't get him anywhere anyways. Burke stumbled down in pain as the female held him down. The male let out a growl in pain. He felt his head throb in pain and clearly wanted to get out of this situation. So the only thing he could do was to submit.

Burke saw specs in his vision, realizing he really needed to get out of here if he wanted to survive this. "Okay! You win. We were in the wrong. You are free to go. We won't harm you if you do. Let me go," he let out on a steady tone, or well, he tried it but it was clear he was in pain. "Please," he added, because now was not the time to have this female question things. Burke tried to glance at Nemesis, wanting her to know that he was serious about her not attacking this female. Burke let out a grunt, even though his neck was close to numb in extreme pain, his trapped nerves made it even worse sending stabs and jolts of pain down his back and head. He was sure he was going to black out soon.

RE: Times are gone for honest men - Nemesis - May 18, 2016

She watched as the male loped off, undoubtablt to safer territory. Her attention was then re-directed to Burke and the female, where she strangly held him in an unbreakable hold. This was curious because a lone wolf could have never won against an Alpha, let alone one of Burke's side. However, the situtation was very real. She growled, but stood down, wishing this stranger off the territory at once. The time for pride was over, and she did not want to be included in this.

"You made your point, now let him go," She spoke up, her features relaxing as she did so. She was no threat at this point, but if the wolf wast o tighten it's hold on her Alpha, she would be. While she did not like it, she was no fool to not admit when she was lost and this was one of those times. Whatever, there would be time for redemtion and the pale wolf wouldnot get away with it's assault.

RE: Times are gone for honest men - Pallas Stormthorn - May 28, 2016

Exit post! Feel free to continue without her or archive.

This was it: the end. Like the gavel of some dark and forboding judge swung down Pallas' teeth found their purchase; and immediately after, the large male crumpled beneath her. Having never been a particularly bloodthirsty or evil wolf (though anger did sometimes get the better of her) it did not occur to Pallas to kill him, though the situation certainly warranted it.

She was loathe to let go if it meant Nemesis was going to charge her; her gaze trailed to the brooding wolf, who had stowed away any motion to attack. Loosely the ironborn wolf's jaws slackened and she rudely dropped the wolf to the ground. Pallas wasted no time in resuming a dominant expression; her hackles rifled and her tail flared over her hips in victory.

Blooded, tried and triumphant, the Stormborn casually strode off.