Wolf RPG
Emberwood Surprised? - Printable Version

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Surprised? - Grace - April 16, 2016


Grace's heart pounded as she crossed the Phoenix borders and limped her way into the Emberwood. In few short, quick words before heeding Saenas dismissal, Nova had told her to come meet her here today. Well, now it's here, and she couldn't be more excited, despite just leaving her pack. Nova was her favorite person in the world, and their fleeting reunion hadn't been nice with Luke abusing them both. Shreya's talk had helped in the subject, but she just couldn't accept it. She'd made her decision, but all thoughts of that and all other problems were gone as she went to meet her adopted mother. She had no idea where Esaro had escaped to,  but she hoped to find him after talking with her mother. Her ears perked when she heard rustling, and let out a little flurry of excited yips when she saw the pale ginger shoulders pushing through the undergrowth. Her fur faded to a sandy red, and eventually dying her paws a creamy white. She had black hairs going along her spine and shoulders, speckling her back much as Grace's own speckled appearance. But it was the wildly excited ghostly blue eyes that peered back at her that caused the yearling to bolt forward, limping awkwardly, and shove her muzzle into her adopted mother's fur and breathed in her calming scent. She only stood to right at Nova's ribs, and she felt protected next to the big shewolf.

RE: Surprised? - Nova Rose - April 16, 2016

Today was it! Grace might not have been her daughter by blood, but she looked at her as one. So only a mother could understand the ecstasy she felt upon seeing the limping, low-held frame of the russet she wolf, her faded black and speckled pink features obvious to the wolf who knew every single one.... Wait, no, there were two more. One scratch across the bridge of her nose, and the one curling around her muzzle that she recognized from that brute Bluenose. She shoved her way through the tangle of bushes shed been coming through, not caring that they ripped at the scabs across her chest, neck, and face. Grace pushed her face into Nova's torso, and the elderly she wolf let out a few happy yips of her own. She had such good news for her!
       "I met a wolf, Grace, he's starting a pack not far from here. Hes an interesting fellow, but he helped me when I needed it and gives respect where its due. I've already pledged myself to him, and the beautiful territory he occupies. Are you happy where you are, or would you consider coming with me? I've already talked to Warbone, he said as long as you bowed under him and served the pack, you can join."
She was careful to not mention where, or even a direction, following her alphas strict orders.

RE: Surprised? - Esaro - April 18, 2016

Ever since he was kicked out of Phoenix he had stopped taking care of himself. Sure he had escaped death but he had lost everything. He had literally stayed in one place for almost a whole day. He was hungry and his wounds uncleaned. The furs on his shoulder and rear were stained in blood. The tip of his tail was gone as well, although the change was barely noticeable. However since he took no care of it his tail was heavily stained. He didn't really know why he had decided to get up and try to find something to eat. It was a habit and he just didn't bother stopping himself.

He moved around like a slow zombie up until he caught the scent of Grace nearby. He didn't understand what she was doing here. Wasn't everyone at Phoenix endangered? She needs to be there to protect everyone. Esaro approached the pair of wolves very tiredly and paid no attention to the other who was with Grace. "Grace? What are you doing here? Phoenix is in danger, you need to be there to protect everyone. You have to hurry before it's too late." He said, almost begging her to go now. He had doomed them and if they were ever to stand a chance everyone had to be there to work together. Suddenly he regretted saying that. Grace was safe here wasn't she? Why would he send her back to her possible death? He shook his head and turned to leave. "Forget what I said. Don't listen to me, I'll only make things worse." He was already trying to leave, believing that was for the best.

RE: Surprised? - Grace - April 18, 2016

Grace had started to open her mouth to explain to Nova that shed already left her pack when her beaten up friend came into the clearing. Golden eyes wide, she yelped and cut off his path.
      "Did Saena do this to you?!"
The little female sounded outraged. He'd tried HELPING! right?
            "She told us you were a traitor but Esaro you were trying to help, right? I left Phoenix, and they left the Maplewood." 
She glanced at Nova, and nodded. She spoke to both of them in her soft tone, smiling softly.
                      "I'll be going with Nova to join Warbone. Esaro, come with us."
She wasn't sure how he'd do on his own, especially hurt like this. Plus, she wanted to be with her friend.

RE: Surprised? - Nova Rose - April 18, 2016

Nova watched a beat up little brown male come into the clearing, giving him a firm warning look. But when Grace hared off towards him, her ghostly eyes softened. If he was a male befitting of Graces trust and concern, then she was worth hers. She padded slowly closer, sniffing at Esaro.
      "I'm not a healer by trade but I'd be glad to help you out with the knowledge I do have." 
She let her daughter talk, her pleasure evident at Graces acceptance. If Esaro let her, she would start to lick his wounds clean. Warbone would be happy at her for recruiting two new young recruits, right? Grace. Even with a bum leg, was a good trapper and would one day be a healer. She didn't know this males skills, but if he did follow then she would call for her alpha at the borders and let him decide.

RE: Surprised? - Esaro - April 18, 2016

He didn't think Grace would cut him off and ended up stepping back from her. He started being afraid that she would attack him too but this time he wouldn't be able to escape. His heart conflicted the idea of simply fleeing for his life again. The other wolf approached from behind. Esaro turned ninety degrees and continued to step back. He wanted to keep his distance and the fear of being attacked again made him very nervous to the point he was shaking. Still he tried to answer Grace since she said something that was surprising.
First he needed to explain what happend, maybe that would make Grace not want to attack him. "Y-yes, uh no. She wasn't the only one who did this to me. I was just trying to warn them that the Sleeping Dragons didn't want peace."

Esaro wanted to believe he was helping everyone but the truth would be that he made everything worse. He was a traitor no matter how what excuses he made. His ears perked up when they talked about Warbone. First he wanted to join them. "Um okay, I know Warbone so maybe I'll join.. No." He shook his head. "What Saena said was true. I'm a traitor, I made everything worse for everyone that they had to leave Maplewood. It's all my fault. If I go I'll only make things worse for him and both of you too."

He continued to step back, trying to have more of a distance between them. "It's better if I stay alone." He said knowing fully well he could not really survive long on his own.

RE: Surprised? - Grace - April 18, 2016

Grace pinned her ears, feeling hurt flood her veins. Esaro.... Backed away? She nudged Nova away, glad the elder seemed to understand, and took another step towards her friend. She held herself low, shaking, now afraid that he would lash out.
      "Esaro, you can't go off by yourself.... You're not safe. I'm sure you're not a traitor. You wanted to help!"
The red she wolf whimpered, attempting to cuddle into his chest for both of their comforts. She didn't know exactly what'd happened, but Esaro wasnt the type to start trouble. Surely he wouldn't bring it with him when it was Saena and Lukes trouble.

RE: Surprised? - Nova Rose - April 18, 2016

Nova let her daughter nudge her away, giving the two a bit of space. She wanted to be a counselor, but she felt this wasn't the time to practice. Grace obviously knew this wolf, and could probably convince him otherwise. She listened and kept her distance, starting to groom her pelt as to keep her eyes away.

RE: Surprised? - Esaro - April 18, 2016

Grace attempt to cuddle him but he simply continued to step away, denying her the possibility. "You're right I'm not safe but I also make everyone around me unsafe. I don't want to endanger more than I already have." It pained him to keep stepping away from her. Esaro was willing to throw away everything in order to keep Grace safe, even if that meant throwing away the happiness of being with her. The only happiness for him right now would be knowing that everyone was safe. After all he has done he believe his very existence was something that endangered everyone. He needed to leave Grace now before his troubles spread to her. "I'm sorry Grace. I did my best to protect and keep everyone happy but ended up doing the exact opposite. Bad things will happen to you if I stay so I better leave." He said as he turned around. Before attempting to leave again he added. "Tell Warbone that I'm sorry for failing him. His lessons were wasted on me." This time he tried running away. Tears were building up, He didn't want to leave her but it was for the best. He didn't want to make anyone suffer more. Being alone was the only answer.

RE: Surprised? - Grace - April 18, 2016

"Esaro, no! We are not unsafe with you."
Grace tried reasoning again, tears welling up in her golden orbs. They begged him not to go, but he turned away.
        "Don't leave me! You said we needed to stick together, protect each other!'
She tried following, but Nova stopped her by stepping in her path. The little yearling tried bolting around her, but the ginger elder grabbed her scruff.
She howled after him, whining and sobbing, but didn't pull her mother. Eventually she let Nova coax her towards the pack, even without Esaro. She felt so betrayed, so angry. Why didn't Saena see that he had been looking out for her and her damned pups. And she CAST HIM AWAY!? Esaro didn't help, but she knew it wasn't his fault. She just hoped he came to his senses and followed them to Warbones pack.

RE: Surprised? - Nova Rose - April 18, 2016

The male wasn't having it, and obviously needed time to himself. Grace probably wasn't helping.... So when the yearling tried running after Esaro, she stepped in front of her. 
      "Grace, he needs time."
The yearling obviously didn't hear her, making a break for him yet again. Nova lunged forward, snatching the smaller female by her scruff and holding on. She didn't pull, but howled after her friend. Once shed calmed, she let go and led her towards the willows.